November 21, 2008



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Greenscab; Griftscam; Easy Al; Mr. Magoo; All-I-money (alimony); despot; Justahorribleperson.

Anonymous said...

He's thinking....

"How the hell do I get out of this?

"I know, I'll go on Larry King! It worked for Paris Hilton."

Paul E. Math said...

I understand that it is the fed's job to instill confidence. But I don't think that justifies outright lying nor any of the half-truths, semi-truths and double entendres that so characterized greenspan's reign.

There is a pervasive mindset among all our leaders (political, corporate, bureacratic) that sometimes, which turns out to be most of the time, you need to lie to the public for their own good.

Think of the problems we would avoid if we would just abandon this sick, weak and pathetic excuse for what is, at its core, a sin.

Yes, I'm talking about you, Alan Greenspan.

Anonymous said...

loser boy? Are him and casey now buds?Anyone want to buy any citi stock?

Anonymous said...

The mind reels... to think that only two years ago, this man was called a genius, the Maestro! The wondrous US economy that thrived on people buying larger and larger houses and using their credit cards! The miracles of growth!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope we get to the "torches and pitchforks" stage before he kicks the buckets. Hauling his corpse out of the grave so we can behead it just isn't the same a live wriggling body.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Nothing will happen to these crooks. This isn't France and there will be no Revolution with beheadings, etc. In America the patina of fame and power never truly tarnishes. These people, once installed in power, become untouchables. We, the people, never feel that we have the power to punish them. Nixon anyone?

Anonymous said...

Greenspan Shrugged?

Anonymous said...

Not treason, just an idiot. Even us HPer saw this coming.

Anonymous said...

"I sure hope we get to the "torches and pitchforks" stage before he kicks the buckets. Hauling his corpse out of the grave so we can behead it just isn't the same a live wriggling body."

I see a new gameshow idea here! Would replace American Idol and do well I suspect since we have the highest number of millionaires anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Ratso Rizzo with a stick up his ass...

The old ugly schleppen is probably looking for another $ 8 million advance on his next book to be foisted upon a stupid and clueless Americano public.

At least he has to wake up next (presumably) to Mitchell which is punishment in itself...

Indict and Prosecute. Begin hourly waterboarding at once.

Anonymous said...

Ok, then what caused Europe to crash?


Yellow Belly Chickens!


You all are blaming an old man for your stupid financial choices.


Anonymous said...

Like Judas, who acted out of his devotion to Jesus, could Greenspan also be falsely maligned by history?

The man was and remains a proponent of the gold standard - maybe he acted purposefully in order to destroy the system - all in the hope of ushering in a sound currency and a sound government.

Anonymous said...

The author of kudlow's "greatest story never told!"
Ha, what a bunch of liars. They transferred the wealth to thier friends, and now they walk away.

Anonymous said...

When there are starved dead corpses on the side of the road, then the revolution will be on. Till then, go park your SUV in your 3 car garage, turn on your wide screen TV, and watch Mad Max. Hardly any grounds for beheadings.
What? Time for a revolution because Americano can't afford vacation this year? No matter how bad it gets, America will always be one of the most prosperous nations in the history of mankind. Sorry, but you could be building pyramids you know.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Nothing will happen to these crooks. This isn't France and there will be no Revolution with beheadings, etc. In America the patina of fame and power never truly tarnishes. These people, once installed in power, become untouchables. We, the people, never feel that we have the power to punish them. Nixon anyone?

And two years ago, house prices would NEVER fall.

Anonymous said...

The man was and remains a proponent of the gold standard - maybe he acted purposefully in order to destroy the system - all in the hope of ushering in a sound currency and a sound government.

Hitler WAS an artist, but his actions made him one of the great monsters of the 20th century. Al may believe in a gold standard, but his easy credit actions make him a traitor to the country.

Anonymous said...

Listen up Sashers; don't blame Greenspan for our nation's problems. He supplied the alcohol, but we the people (or most of us) consumed it and got drunk. The party is now over. Even I acknowledge that. Now is the time to pay the piper. Well I had one hell of a good time while the times were good.

Anonymous said...

I hope some broke/pissed off Baby Boomer hog ties Greespan, shoves and apple in his mouth, and beats the shit out of him !

Anonymous said...

God...I just can't get over how ugly he is.

Anonymous said...

Say "HELLO" to the Libertarian New World Order.

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