The GOP will never win another national election, or compete for majorities in the House or Senate, if they can't move beyond their current base of the ignorant, racist and 'born again'.
And they know this now.
The scheme worked for 30 years, post-Watergate. Suckering people to vote against their economic interests on the base of race and religion worked for awhile. But the country is moving on. The GOP lost the youth vote 68% to 30% this past election. Younger people, exposed to information and other cultures, is more tolerant, less ignorant, and definitely less racist than their parents or especially their grandparents.
It's a new country. It's not 1856. And the GOP needs to realize this, and move on.
Or not.
I want the GOP to be successful. I want checks and balances. I fear an unchecked Democratic party. And I want a party of low spending, low taxes, limited government and pro-business. But I just want that party unencumbered by religious whackos and ignorant racist fools. That coalition needs to die. It's time for the GOP to reinvent itself. Or die too.
out with the neo-con interventionists
in with the real limited government conservatives
real conservative means:
the government does not tell women what to do with their bodies (notice that abortion limits went down in flames)
the party doesn't exclude Ron Paul from the debates, the only Rep candidate who actually energized young voters who developed innovative fund raising techniques
government does not start expensive undeclared wars, and tax through inflation and reduced quality of life
real conservative has nothing to do with religion or lack thereof
These red states in the south have the largest black populations.
I have a shop in Birmingham, I ask my black friends 'aren't you proud of Obama?' They say no, and talk about Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers.
They are all brainwashed here.
You've got to be kidding right, Keith?
The Republicans will begin clawing back in 2 years and we'll definitely have a new Republican president within 8 years after the shitstorm that Obama has to weather.
This is the natural cycle of the phony left-right paradigm. No real progress just failing forward and every cycle the people vote the scoundrels out. Next time the scoundrels will be the Dems.
Get a clue, buddy.
Actually, you should overlay areas of high real estate prices drops and foreclosures with the current electoral college. You'll get a similar picture.
Agreed, the racists that keep on keepin on with affirmative action, minority quotas, etc need to be gotten rid of.
As well as those evil, islamophobic tyrants at AIPAC, PNAC, the AJC etc. These folks will have us fighting wars for israel for all of eternity if we don't deal with them soon.
the republican party started in 1854 in Wisconsin. All the slave states were 100% democrat through 1865. what you are showing is the extent of democrat slavery in the south in 1856.
Didn't you read my other posts on this topic?
if you are going to post a thread, you need to be factual. if you just want to be a cheerleader for the leftist wackos here you will loose the true independents your site is looking to attract.
you need to read a correct history of the South starting from Andrew Jackson, as well as the origins of the Republican party.
I've Had It:
After Johnson gave blacks the right to vote in the 60s with the voting rights act, the southern racist democrats switched quickly to the Republican party and they've stayed there sense.
Democrat states became Republican and many Republican states became Democrat. One of the most fascinating chapters in American political history.
Now, the question is, how can (or can) the Republican party ever win a national election again? How can the GOP win states like Oregon and California and Michigan and New York? What would it take?
That's the question the GOP has to be asking themselves today. The answer is:
1) Toss the social conservative racist ignorant religious whackos overboard and tell them to start their own fringe party
2) Embrace green and the environment in a big way
3) Go with low taxes, limited government and pro-business
4) Apologize big-time
5) Rename themselves as The New GOP
Obama's Economic Plan:
Take from the Rich.
Give to the Government.
Make slaves of the poor.
Welcome to the blue states.
Elections run in cycles just like the economy. It is very rare for a party to hang onto the White House for 3 consecutive terms (it happened in 1988 only because Reagan was so wildly popular).
Even if Bush had done a good job and was well-liked, odds were still working against the Republican candidate. The electorate switches back & forth almost like clockwork.
If Barack manages to get reelected to a second term and doesn't completely f*ck things up, it's still unlikely that the Dems would keep the White House.
That's just the way it is. The sheeple are stupid and ignorant. They blame all of the country's problems on the sitting president, regardless of the real cause. Always has been that way and always will be. And since there will always be problems no matter what, there will always be a president to blame for them and no one party will ever keep the White House long term.
If you think I'm wrong, just go back to the 2000 election when every news program was saying the Democrats were done forever.
On this racist thing, that is an insult and totally inaccurate except maybe for the deep south. If anything, Democrats are racist by insulting minorities by suggesting they need affirmative action to get jobs. Sorry but racism is dead in America. Barack's victory proves it.
PS: If you want a preview of America's fate under complete Democrat rule, come visit CA and look at the horrific budget crisis. That's the "change" we just elected for America.
The GOP is not the "party of low spending, low taxes, limited government and pro-business." It never has been. It is the party of the uber rich and crony capitalism.
so we need checks and balances, yes. It is the genius of our constitution.
But we need a party that fights for the middle class, that would include the worker and the small business person. This is the heart of the economy.
Look at what happened under the rule of the ubers! Look at the markets crash we they see residential, auto and retail sales fall off the cliff. This the predictable result of redistributing the wealth from the middle class to the ubers.
Who cut taxes on the ubers and ran up the deficit and the national debt. The GOP. They have been predators on the rest of us.
The great American consumer can not spend when his earnings / income is in the toilet. Do we need fiscal discipline of course but you will not get it from the GOP.
The GOP needs to go the way of the Tories.
There needs to be several new parties in this country. The 2-party system is not effective.
How about naming themselves the GNP...Grand New Party.
'Free' States...what an oxymoron.
Obama is against Gay Marriage.
(OK, maybe a lot of his supporters know he's lying.)
Can you name a pro-life, anti-gay marriage religious leader who is NOT, in your terms, a religious whacko?
If not, then you merely insult all religious folk, constantly, by adding 'whacko'.
I sincerely hope, for the good of the nation, that Obama succeeds in avoiding a depression, and gets re-elected in 2012. But if he raises taxes and the economy continues to be bad, I'll be betting the Reps will win next cycle (a la Jimmy C).
And the pro-life religious folk, also known as believers, will continue to mostly vote for pro-life candidates. Since the Dems have kicked them, even tho they're often supporters of Big Gov't programs for the poor (especially Catholics), they are the biggest faction of the Rep voters.
If Obama loses in Afghanistan, or continues to fight and is stuck in a quagmire, the anti-war Catholics who supported him might well flip back to pro-life.
Pro-life, pro-American, pro-worker (not welfare), pro-guns ... anti-taxes.
Avoid war if possible, but win if fighting.
That's the main core future GOP. It will almost certainly gain seats in the House in 2010.
The two party US may seem bad -- but proportional representation with coalitions of the willing is, for most issues, even worse.
Israel is terrible about this. At least in Slovakia, there's a 5% threshold to get into Parliament.
If the US still had the demographics of 1980, McCain probably would have been elected. So, I would suggest Keith is right about Repubs as currently formulated never winning the presidency again, but for the wrong reason. Quite simply, this is a matter of demographics. And once Texas goes majority Hispanic (scheduled to happen well before 2020) they'll be shut out of ALL the large states: CA, TX, NY, FL, etc.
The Repubs have cut their throats with their support of open borders. They might stagger about a bit as the blood dribbles out, hell they might even wake up to what they've done to themselves (I doubt it...) but it is really too late at this point.
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