November 10, 2008

Is it sinking in yet that America has elected a Black president?

I didn't support Barack Obama because he is black. I barely even thought about it.

But since he won, it's been on the top of my mind. The reality and significance of it didn't hit me until after it happened. A scene like today of him walking into that White House really brought it home.

Sure, the economy is crashing, and our country is a mess, but enough Americans have now moved on from the biggest stain on our nation's history, and have chosen a new path.

Many of you have not. You still have hatred in your hearts. You're still bigots and racists and scared of people who are not white, or don't want non-white people to succeed.

And that's too bad.

History is leaving you behind. Quickly now.

And it's never too late to admit you are wrong.


Peahippo said...

Obama is half-Black, half-White. Why does that make him "Black"?

The old term for him is "mulatto". Our PC term is "biracial". So, America did NOT just elect a Black President. We just didn't elect a White President this time.

Anonymous said...

It's great that we have a black president.

It's not so great that we have a black president that represents the same old whiteys that were running things before.

Anonymous said...


While I too did not vote for him because he was black, and I truly believed he would win I still had my doubts, I see such rampant racism. As a white person I get too see the very ugly side of racists as they often feel comfortable showing it to someone who looks like them, while at the same time denying racisms exists. The world looked surprisingly brighter to me on November 5th.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks for insulting one of the greatest black leaders of all time by comparing him to Obama.

You keep bringing up the comparison but apart from the skin complexion thing I simply do not see the parallels between Obama and Martin Luther King Jr.

Care to enlighten your ignorant and dumb guests?

Ross said...

It's too bad we didn't elect a qualified President. But hey, at least he talks a good game and you can buy a t-shirt with his face on it at Urban Outfitters.

I will support the guy as soon as he does something to earn it. I am not bitter, but extremely skeptical.

blogger said...

MLK spoke of a dream of an Obama

And if you don't understand that, you don't understand life.

Anonymous said...

obviously he's black on the outside... time will tell if he's corrupt Fed/Treasury/Wall Street/DOJ whitey on the inside.

Anonymous said...

MLK spoke of a dream of an Obama

And if you don't understand that, you don't understand life.

If MLK had been so superficial to simply want a president with a higher melanin content in his skin rather than a president with true character that stands up to the establishment and rails against US imperialism and uncompromisingly fights for social justice then he would not still be celebrated today.

When Obama actually does something meaningful *then* we can start making comparisons to MLK.

Right now the only things they have in common are the melanin level in their skin and their oratory skills.

Anonymous said...

Obama's mother was 100% white which means Obama is 50% white. But according to the racism obssessed liberals, Obama is somehow "more" black than white.

Honica Jewinski said...

Actually Anon 10:02, It appears that they have the same communist handlers as well.

I don't dislike the guy. I just realize that he's working for the same zionists (not the same old "whiteys", lol) as Bush. I don't think any real change is going to take place, not for the better anyway.

Anonymous said...

Obama's mother was 100% white which means Obama is 50% white. But according to the racism obssessed liberals, Obama is somehow "more" black than white.

well, that I think speaks volumes for how the liberal media applies stereo types. obama looks different than the typical liberal media staff, so therefore he is black.

Anonymous said...

If MLK had been so superficial to simply want a president with a higher melanin content in his skin rather than a president with true character that stands up to the establishment and rails against US imperialism and uncompromisingly fights for social justice then he would not still be celebrated today.

Bingo! we have a winner!

the media (and Keith) are so fixated on his skin color that they ignore their own basic preachings that it is a man's actions that define him, not what he looks like.

unfortunately, because the media did not do its job, we know very very little to define obama on. if only the media had dug into obama's past like the did Palin's we would know more about (good or bad) our future president.

Anonymous said...

I don't think any real change is going to take place, not for the better anyway.

just look who he is surrounding himself with as he prepares to assume the office. Political insiders, wall street insiders, etc.

it is early but his first decisions right now do not look like good ones.

Markus Arelius said...

Frequently in US history great Presidents usually do follow "poor President. Sometimes there are good back-2-backs, but seldom does the US go decades without some great Presidential leadership in some respect.

On the racial issue, I draw a lot of similarities to Obama and Benito Juarez, Mexico's President for 5 terms in the 1850-1872. Juarez was full-blood Zapotec Indian. Like Obama, Juarez did not have military background, and he was an attorney (but also a judge). Juarez was instrumental in creating a separation of church and state in Mexico that was impossible to believe during that time period. Benito Juarez is remembered as being a progressive reformer dedicated to democracy, equal rights for his nation's indigenous peoples, lessening the great power that the Roman Catholic Church then held over Mexican politics, and the defence of national sovereignty.

Anonymous said...

Once again...listen carefully...I will type it slowwwly...Martin Luther King dreamed of a time when character determined our judgment of a person, not their color. Character, not color. Character... not color. Do you get it now?
Are you making any kind of connection now? Helllo???

Anonymous said...

Keefer try living in south east London, (Londonistan) you will realize very quickly racism is a two way street....Keefer brainwashed cultural Marxist
what do you think will happen when minorities take over??????
you'll be ethnically cleansed! But by then of course you'll have hi tailed it to Switzerland right?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure it has truly sunk in with me. I go along my merry way like everything is the same, and then I'll see Obama and his family on television, or on a magazine cover, or just stop to think about what's happened and it's a breath-taking realization all over again. It seems like he came out of nowhere, like Comet Obama and lit up the sky. That ad is correct - "Life comes at you fast."
And so does history.

Anonymous said...

I heard the black guys at the gym talking about how there is a black man in power now.

Bob Johnston said...

Who gives a crap what color his skin is? All I care about is that he does the right thing, which is expose the hypocrisy, send the evil-doers to jail and stop the effin' bailouts that are doomed to failure

Anonymous said...

What happened to your hero's site looks like he removed much of his agenda put up some one paragraph nonsense but hey he looked good in the Oval Office with Bush oh I'm sorry the worst president in US history.

Anonymous said...

It really is amazing. I'm still getting used to it.

Devestment said...

The MLK dream will be realized when no one cares or notices.

I love Obama, as a politician he is superb. He reminds me of JFK, little kids in The White House and everything!

I did not vote for him because of Democratic gun control issues and the prospect of higher taxes for the wealthy.

What would impress me would be a Native American in office.

If all that don't piss some of you off, nothing will.

Anonymous said...

I did not vote for Obama and it has nothing to do with his race. However, I believe that the blacks voted for him simply because of his skin color--And the fact that that is what every black person is talking about verifies my opinion. Noone discusses his qualifications (or lack thereof). I would have voted for Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell in a heartbeat--because they are QUALIFIED.

If you truly want a non-prejudice country, then stop talking about race. Period. Base your opinions on FACTS. Judge people by their deeds, good or bad, not their skin color. NOONE should have more or less rights than anyone else. A group of people should not have advantages or disadvantages over the rest based on their skin color. Skin color is irrelevant.

Obama is a scary man and he has some very scary things in his background which seem to be pushed under the carpet by the mainstream media.

Keith-are you going to allow my comments on your blog?

Paul E. Math said...

I had honestly thought little about Obama's race throughout the election. And I hadn't heard much talk about his race during the election. When Obama's race was mentioned it was usually to point out that it didn't matter.

So I was pretty surprised when listening to NPR the morning after the election and it was all about his race. I think a lot more people voted for him because of his race (consciously or subconsciously) than are able to admit. And I'm talking about white people and black people (and biracial).

I really wish we didn't have to think about this stuff but it appears we still do.

NPR had a sound-byte of a woman (I am assuming, black) who jubilantly cried out "There's a black man in the white house! There's a black man in the white house!" It made me kinda want to be the a-hole and tell her "That's right, a black man is in the white house, black man". Because gender will be the next irrelvant criteria that some people will deny using to choose their president.

Anonymous said...

This will be my last post and visit here. You really come across as a condescending asshole.

If Obama were Republican you'd be singing a different tune.

We elected a black president . . . who is recycling every Clinton, Reagan and Carter administration aparatchik in the book. Emmanuel? Yeah, great choice. We're basically at war with the Islamic world and he brings on the grand wizard of AIPAC neocons. Again-great idea. And let's keep poking Iran and Russia with a stick and see if we can finally spur them to action.

Maybe it's time you TRULY started ignoring that Obama is black and started focusing on his positions and staff. You really seem to have digressed in a matter of days.

Time to grow up, Keith.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing about all those blacks who dreamt of fulfilling MLK's dream . . . Seems that that dream entailed electing a black president but not allowing gays the right to marry in CA. Those same gays and lesbians who stood beside them in the civil rights movement . . . were stabbed in the back by all those "dreamers".

Hey KL, I'm sick to fucking death of hearing this whiny "whites are so racist and I saw the monster up close" shit. Blacks proved themselves to be every bit the fascist assholes that whites are.

75% of black women and 73% of black men shot gay marriage down. I guess when you have a dream, it only counts for heterosexuals.

Paige Turner said...

RE: Is it sinking in yet that America has elected a Black president?

They really didn't have much choice.

As white as they are, I don't see how McCain and Palin could appeal to anyone.

Still, they got 45% of the vote.


Anonymous said...

I don't get why you have to get up on your high horse about people who don't like Obama being horrible "racists" being scared of a black president.

We're not scared of a black president. If McCain were black I'd consider him just as crappy as he is.

Problem with Obama is that he's practically a commie. Just like McCain, except that at least he is (a little more) honest and puts a D next to his name.

Anonymous said...

Watching stories about how happy Black people were about the election of a Black President was really a sight to see . It really is a great moment in history ,and its to bad it took so long to get to this point .

Remember those days when people of color were sent to the back of the bus . What that must of done to a human being .

Whatever color a person is ,they still need to be judged by their actions . Obama is President to
millions of White people ,and Asians, Spanish, and all the others now.

Now it will be easier for young black people to believe that they can become President one day . It's a great thing that happened .

Now I'm waiting to see what kind of President he will be .

Anonymous said...

Whiter than you and me, just not as white as any other president. HOPE for a CHANGE. Please f*cking change something!

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote against Obama because he's black, and I commend him for not running a race-baiting campaign ala Jesse Jackson, Farakkan et al. I truly believe that the old racism is dying off.

If it wasn't for the white liberal elitist establishment, we'd probably have more minority and women leaders in all levels of government. Unfortunately when any of them exude any form of independent thought, the elitist-run media-backed smear machine quickly goes to work to discredit and destroy their careers.

Mitesh Damania said...

MLK had a backbone and cared about everybody. How can voting for FISA, more war funding, and the bailout put you in the same category as MLK?

Anonymous said...

Obama is a smart, honest, and energetic guy. Too bad he is hosed. He is taking over just as the US sinks into Great Depression II, and it looks like he will follow the Bush administration's philosophy of dropping money from helicopters, which will only make things worse.

The key question for me is how much blame will stick to him. If he's blamed for the mess, will America ever vote for a black person again? He will either break the glass ceiling or cast it in stone. We live in interesting times.

Anonymous said...

I didn't support Barack Obama because he is black. I barely even thought about it.

But since he won, it's been on the top of my mind. The reality and significance of it didn't hit me until after it happened. ...

Bullcrap. I dont believe you. This is baloney. Long before he was elected, I think you thought about it long and hard. Credibility on this post is zero.

Anonymous said...

"Obama's mother was 100% white which means Obama is 50% white. But according to the racism obssessed liberals, Obama is somehow "more" black than white."


"Obama is half-Black, half-White. Why does that make him "Black"?"


It's called the "one drop rule". Stupidity yes, but it's the same stupidity that called the shots for four hundred years. That's why he's "black" and that's why it matters.

Anonymous said...

This will be my last post and visit here. You really come across as a condescending asshole.


Anonymous said...

The one drop rule is part of the problem with America. And it perpetuates in part because the black community has adopted this granddaddy of racist theory. It is strongest when considering multi-racial people with a black heritage because of that.

I am bi-racial. I consider myself bi-racial and correct anyone who wants to use my appearance to define me as one or the other. My bi-racial friends who are half black have encountered hostility in the black community for trying to take the same stand as I do and are brow-beaten into identifying as black only. But this shouldn't matter.

Because MLK dreamt of a race-neutral society. It shouldn't matter whether Obama is black or bi-racial or anything. People shouldn't vote for or against someone based on race.

And I must say, if you really were race neutral, you wouldn't see racism in the eyes of the people who aren't rabidly pro-Obama. There are lots of reasons not to be wildly crazy about him that have nothing to do with his race.

Anonymous said...

MLK had a backbone and cared about everybody. How can voting for FISA, more war funding, and the bailout put you in the same category as MLK?

i think mlk's reaction would have been along the lines of jesse jackson's initial position on obama.

Anonymous said...

Anti-gay is a stronger prejudice than anti-black. Why is that? Why do heterosexuals feel threatened by gays? What exactly will they lose if gays get to marry each other? I don't get it at all.

Anonymous said...

could Franklin Raines and Mozillo financed an election with their black earned/looted billions?

Anonymous said...

I am a gun owning, McCain voting homosexual who does not want to get married. I am married enough without getting the law involved in my bedroom or finances. Partner of 10 years, and we also go to Church, believe in God. We did not vote for Obama as we see him as a threat to the national security of the USA. For those who believe gay is a sin, ok, we ask for forgiveness, but abortion is Murder, much worse. Obama is pro abortion. We also do not believe in taxing us for things we do not use. For example, Public school tax on our paid for house. No kids, and never went to public schools. Most Obama supporters are very excited they have elected Santa Clause to save them from their borrowing problem. Their shoes are firmly planted in the clouds. On the other hand, I was at the sports shop and noticed people buying guns like in a pannic. They think if something happens to Obama and/or the economy gets much worse, then there will be civil unrest. It seems that some think he is the economic savior and others think he is the Anti Christ. At best, after all his promises, Obama will be a disappointment, at worst, the country as we know it will never be the same. Change for the worst.

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