Something along the line of:
"And to the people of the world, let me say this, on the behalf of the American people: We are sorry. Some of our citizens have not lived up to our highest standards and ideals and they have let us, and you, down. Be they jailers at Abu Ghraib, bankers and CEOs on Wall Street, or political leaders here in Washington. We are a better country, and a better people, and today is a new day. We apologize. Yes, a new day has dawned in America. We shall strive once again to be that shining city on a hill, worthy of your trust, admiration, and respect. And no, we can't give you your money back. Sorry. That's gone."
Or something like that...
no, but the ratings agencies and auditors should.
Did you really post that he should apologize to the world are you joking can you please post serious issues instead of pandering nonsense this country has nothing to apologize for and if he did it would be the end of his honeymoon which started 2 years ago. I know why don't we get the G20 to stand all together and say we are sorry and lets not end there we can also ask Hamas and Bin Laden and maybe Kim and also that guy with the long name in Iran you know the one who as a student many years ago held Americans hostage for 444 days and never apologized so now would be a great time. I think I have to consider continuing my readership with you it is getting boring now.
Please stay gwk - I truly enjoy your ignorance. You're one of my favorite posters by far!
Let me show you a few things.
The period .
The comma ,
So only you are truly enlightened and I who disagree am ignorant why is it you choose to name call I said are you joking using sarcasm but can't find where I called you ignorant I tipped your jar last month because of the housing work you did but now I disagree with your he should apologize speech and I am ignorant. Instead of name calling post a serious answer as to why we should apologize not just it feels good and will make everyone like us better its the right thing crap.
No, its an address to the nation.
He should tell the truth about consumption: we do too much of it.
There is no path to prosperity without a medium term constriction of consumption.
I like how gwk writes like James Joyce all stream of consciousness no punctuation there's something about it that's infectious I want more.
Jersey Girl
Why should we apologize if they were Suzzanned? Did'nt they have expert too to check and advise them if the toxic products were worth the dime?
An apology would be a start, but just that, a start.
Dosent Sashers have a scissory ring?
we'll apologize 1 day after the Church apologizes to all mankind.
No apologies. That's weak an Un-American. If Obama says we've turned the page from the last eight years and have learned from our mistakes, that's acceptable and probably needed.
The second one apologizes for something he did not do, someone with an agenda is going to use that against him.
Apologies are for Europeans. America needs action. Let's not forget who we are here and what's at stake.
Maybe Obama can promise that we'll give the rest of the world a hug and take them out for pizza and ice cream later.
When an entry is boring, it does not usually merit a retort.
gwk - seriously, you're one of my favorite posters.
And I find your political opinions to be based on fear and ignorance. Just like you find mine to be the ravings of a lunatic perhaps.
But that's what makes blogging fun.
Don't leave!
And keep up the good work!
Bush, Cheney, and all those who voted for Bush-twice-should apologize, first, to the American people, and then to the world (see Iraq).
Go on folks. You've got the worldwide web available to offer a full throated apology.
Doubt if it will happen though. See Sarah Palin.
An apology is not going to be enough. If he really is Hope and Change he needs to take action and arrest these criminals.
Sadly that will never happen in America because the entire system has become so decadent and corrupt. Even so many posters here can not see the crimes that have been committed in their name. They think that BushCo represent their interests. They think that Bush is a patriotic, freedom loving American.
Take the time to learn about the Bush family. Who they really are and where they obtained their fortune. They are basically nazis. Prescott Bush financed Hitler and even tried to pull off a coup with his banker buddies here in the US. This is all part of the Congressional record.
So wake up from your false delusions. Bush and his family are nothing but opportunistic, parasitic fascists. They care as much about you or I as they do about the millions of lives they have destroyed collectively. We're talking millions when you count Prescott Bush financing Hitler, Bush Sr's Gulf War and now the Little Shrub's 1.5 million in Iraq.
He should indirectly apologize by laying out a new course for action by his administration. A few barbs along the lines of "reengage the global community" will say it all.
"...this country has nothing to apologize for..."
"But who would buy this crap, Boss?"
"By necessity, the American people will never know the full story of your ignorance."
That sounds like a plan. Don't forget to apologize for enabling a stupid, inarticultae doofus ex? - drunk and his no-bid contract sidekick for 8 years of theft, lying and terror against the entire world.
Promise that the entire outgoing US administration will be tried for their crimes and punished accordingly starting at the top with chimpy and working downward.
Assure the world that convicted murderers are still given the Death Penalty in America.
Carpe Diem
Jimmy Carter tried appeasement. So did Neville Chaimberlain. Life never forgives weakness.
Here's an example of the war crimes that continue to this day in Iraq. All in the name of "freedom and democracy":
War Crimes in Iraq
Yes another "brilliant" idea.
But you forgot to add reparations. Saying sorry isn't enough. The US govt. needs to hand over 25%of GDP to some international entity (I dunno, World Bank, UN, your call dude)
then we can right all the injustices the "man" has wrought on the world.
Good idea, punk out and bend over to the UN. Apologize, grovel, give them our lunch money.
Good thinking, real progressive. That will solve everything, everyone will love us again. (After we send a few billion their way of course, I mean, we send them a few $Billion that we *borrowed*)
Why should America apologize? And for what? We don't go around killing innocent people around the world or crashing airplanes into buildings! Other nations should actually apologize to us! We didn't do anything wrong!
Barry O should NOT apologize...
American people suffered under Bush most of world just felt disgusted but no direct misery (except Iraq)
he has no get that President of World stuff out of his head, just stick to what the REAL President (Rahm Emmanuel) tell him to say...
gwk said...
Did you really post that he should apologize to the world are you joking can you please post serious issues instead of pandering nonsense this country has nothing to apologize for and if he did it would be the end of his honeymoon which started 2 years
Actually, the million or so dead Iraqi's laying under the dirt probably don't care about an apology anymore. Not even Bubbling Bob.
Every foreclosure and bankruptcy in America is the revenge of Bubbling Bob coming at your granite countertops from the grave.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Could he make an apology for slavery?
No. An apology is words. I can fill a semi with words every day. Plenty of people say they are looking out for you; their actions show those words to be lies.
Yes he should, while he's at it he might as well admit he's an incompetant boob too...
McCain supporters not going down quietly!
What a wonderful example the GOP has set for their children.
If you have granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances in your kitchen, should you apologize to the world?
Words can only go so far. Arresting the war criminals and bringing them to trial would do so much more toward bringing peace in the world.
Let's assume he does apologize to the world in his inaugural address. Then what does he do?
First, he continues bail outs and stimulus packages not paid for with sufficient budget cuts or taxes, which are intended to fix prices on real estate and support consumer consumption numbers. Exactly as Bush would have. He spends trillions more at home than Bush would have, but his taxes on rich result in the rich fleeing to foreign investments along with the crashing US dollar. The result is the same unemployment you'd see if we continue wasting money in Iraq. The only solution is to further increase the size of government in order to create jobs for the disaffected masses. That approach has the benefit of apparent charitable political-correctness (as Marxism always does).
Ron Paul was right. Obama should apologize to him - and so should you for abandoning him. Join the Campaign for Liberty
I'm retired NYPD keith and you remind me of my partner for 10 years he had four legs a tail was a pain all day on patrol and oh he was a horse but I did love him.
Obama should apologize for himself.
But, since Obama clearly hates America and our Constitution, he probably will apologize, knowing it will weaken America along with the rest of his policies.
Seriously, why would America care what any other country *thinks* of us? Worrying about what other people think is the Scottsdale mentality. And look at what a bunch of fake a**sholes that town is.
Why would we care what other countries think, when we are only 5% of the world's population, yet provide 95% of the world's military defense.
F**K what they all think until they can stand up for themselves and quit relying on us for their own protection.
And with that, I'm done with this blog. HP was a great source of information until a year ago. Then it swung to the far left and became a radical, pro-Obama, pro-Socialist blog. It is now a hangout for leftists who hate the American way and voted for Obama knowing they cannot fend for themselves and need gubmint handouts to get them along.
Adios, amigos. I have businesses to run and a good life to enjoy. I'll leave you leftists to stew in your own sh*t and whine and moan about people like me who have actually worked hard to make something of ourselves, instead of voting for Marxists and hoping for a free gubmint check in the mail.
anon November 15, 2008 5:35 PM:
"Good thinking, real progressive. That will solve everything, everyone will love us again."
Totally agree. A lot of people seem concerned with image, which is textbook style over substance. Strong leaders always have people who hate them. Weak leaders try to please everyone.
duarte said...
If you have granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances in your kitchen, should you apologize to the world?
No. That is who you are. Stand up for your principles and your rights. Granite is the bedrock of the U.S.A. We would be nothing without it. Really.
I am thinking that somehow we could get China (since we make nothing) to send lots of stainless appliances to the Iraqis as a token of our good intentions. These things don't come cheap ya know.
A million dead is a small price to pay for just the right upgrades. All will be forgiven. And if they don't appreciate it, well screw em. Those Arabs have no taste anyway. Surely they have HGTV? Surely they know that we are sending them only the best China makes after bombing the shit out of them.
I am sure your granite and stainless gives you many hours of self esteem, and that is so important in today's world.
"Frank R said...
And with that, I'm done with this blog. HP was a great source of information until a year ago. Then it swung to the far left and became a radical, pro-Obama, pro-Socialist blog."
Waah Waah waah. Good Bye. Adios.
Happy Trails Karl Rove!
" gwk said...
I'm retired NYPD keith and you remind me of my partner for 10 years he had four legs a tail was a pain all day on patrol and oh he was a horse but I did love him."
Now I understand. You sound like that area right under the tail...
I'm fairly sure we already did on November 4th. No need to grovel.
Keyser Soze
I like how gwk writes like James Joyce all stream of consciousness no punctuation there's something about it that's infectious I want more.
Jersey Girl
maybe we can also convince him to use all lower case letters like ee cummins.
keyser soze
i will try it but i know i am going to be called all kinds of names like horses ass ignorant loser bush lover but wait the church bells by my house are playing the marines hymn so i need to listen and the giants are killing the ravens
" gwk said...
i will try it but i know i am going to be called all kinds of names like horses ass blah blah blah."
Perfect candidate for a split-screen big flat TV. This way it can watch NASCAR at the same time the ball game is on.
round and round and round and round and round...
Cheese doodles anyone?
NYPD very Blue... They let you carry a weapon? Did they give you any bullets?
Kieth, please. enough already.
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