November 16, 2008
Some good behind-the-scenes on the Obama campaign. You haters will hate it. But the rest of you will find it interesting.
Here's the bottom line: Not only was Obama the better candidate of the two, he also had by far the best advisers, leaders and organization.
And that's what winning a Presidential election comes down to.
By comparison, Clinton and McCain had a bunch of monkeys running the show.
And in this case, thankfully, the incompetent monkeys lost.
Regardless of your politics, if you're sane, you'll understand that the better campaign, and the better man, won.
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... and Mussolini made the trains run on time.
the better campaign. Yes.
The better man? we don't know that yet. heck, the better campaign won in 2000 and 2004 and look what that got us.
I am giving BO time but so far his choice of who he surrounds himself with is not looking great. shaping up to be Clinton II (or would that be III). but I will give him time to see what they can do. Hopefully they won't try the same failed policies of the clinton years.
the best campaign? sure, but do recognize that the media gave BO an "easy button".
Having the choice between a Marxist like Obama and a very old torture victim does not validate Obama's presidency.
Winning against McCain only indicates the lack of caliber the GOP could muster which is not a win by any measure.
McCain had a lot of things going against him. He is connected to Bush's party. The economy dive. Age, health problems and having legislated to give millions of invaders citizenship.
Obama on the other hand could mesmerize the masses into believing he is the Savior.
The Messiah complex will open many doors:
Higher taxes by letting the current tax cuts expire, it will affect people who actually pay income taxes.
Increased Capitol Gains taxes to 28% has already inspired millions of investors to flee the markets.
Increased payroll taxes and continuing Corporate burdens will force business to flee US soil to seek out less punitive ground. Honeywell for instance is shipping out 8000 jobs next year for the Love of Obama.
Obama will unleash the gates of hell when he gives the 20 million or so invaders from the south the right to benefits like citizenship free health care, education and social security benefits.
Thinking Obama is going to be good for America with Pelosi and Reed in charge of Congress, and the looming Supreme Court picks Obama will get, is dangerous indeed.
You think Bush was bad, Obama will make him look like a genius.
So go ahead and believe, hope for Change, you will wish you hadn't in just a very short time.
A great politican? Yes.
Protecting my freedom? Doubt it.
Wow this anonymous guy that posts more than anyone is sure an expert.
His name alone instills so much confidence, his connection to the inner wokings of politics is undisputable.
non-anonymously yours,
Obama will improve our image around the world. He will not have a warlike foreign policy. I have little faith that he will act decisively to deflate the American economic bubble.
Hitler was a snappy dresser.
For the haters, answer this.
Why type of man leaves Harvard, after being the editor of the law review, in other words the top law student in the nation, and goes and takes a low-paying job as a community organizer.
Answer me that.
When the GOP at their convention mocked community organizers, I knew they were as out of touch and mean spirited as a party has ever been. If you know any community organizers or charity workers, you know what I'm talking about.
America is lucky at this point in time to get someone of Obama's character and intelligence as its president. Many of you don't realize that yet, but you will.
I know many of you disagree with his politics - I do too on many issues. But this guilt-by-association personal hatred of him is crazy. And it reflects on how far America has fallen, that it hates itself, and its best, so much. That it hates intelligence. And it hates good, moral, hontest people.
I understand hating Barney Frank. I understand hating Chris Dodd. I definitely understand hating George Bush or Dick Cheney. But once you're hating a guy like Obama, you're hating all that is good in America.
Give the guy a chance. America is f*cked if he doesn't succeed.
First step is to reverse as much of the Bush damage as quick as he can. And then I hope he has the guts to take on the real problems - the entitlements, infrastructure, energy and healthcare. Fast.
Here's a good expose on Obama's early days. Enjoy. You haters might want to take a look too. And maybe admit to yourselves that you've been wrong.
It doesn't matter who won. Our elected government is not the power running this country. Until this country forcibly ejects the Wallstreet/Banking/FED parasites that are draining this country via their government shills (e.g. heads of key committees like Barney Frank of the Financial Services Committee), the financial rape of the country will continue unabated. There is no accountability for the latest economic meltdown. In fact the architects of destruction are now supposedly going to lead us out of the mess that THEY created.
Case in point....Paulson was CEO of Goldman Sachs during the Wallstreet pay/bonus orgy of the last few years which was all based on smoke and mirrors. Now he sits on top of the U.S. treasury!!!!!
It does not get any worse than that. This guy should be in jail.
He and his cronies are in control of the $700B. Anyone know where that money is actually going? I don't mean where the MSM "says" it is going, I mean where it is REALLY going!!!
Why do you think his initial proposal included language giving him complete control with no accountability?
Anyone who thinks our financial system is "capitalism" is insane. Capitalism boils done to survival of the fittest with the most efficient and successful companies reaping the rewards while the companies that lack vision, who are fat and bloated, It is ironic that Bush goes around the world telling OTHER countries to deregulate and to allow "free market" capitalism to do its thing.
And yet in this country.....failed corporations and their failed to us the taxpayers to bail them out. WTF???? If YOUR business failed do you think YOU would get a bailout?
This country (and the world) can only "recover" once the world is rid of the parasites (financial elite and EU "royalty") who drain 90% of the wealth while producing absolutely nothing of value. They make themselves obscenely rich by manipulating the system for which they and their shills make the rules. On the up they reap all the profit and on the down WE pay the bills that THEY run up. They face no risk at all....which means they can do whatever they want to do.
Where is the accountability?
Hi Everybody!
Has anybody seen Casey Serin lately?
I really miss those days.
Can't we get him to make a new blog, just for old times sake?
He was such good reality TV.
When the GOP at their convention mocked community organizers, I knew they were as out of touch and mean spirited as a party has ever been.
No, the GOP was not mocking community organizers. they were mocking BO listing it as a experience qualification to be president while simultaneously mocking Palin's experience as Mayor of a small town and governor of a small population state as not significant enough experience for a VP candidate.
don't you see the irony in it?
apparently that went right over the heads of the sophisticated, highly educated left.
Why type of man leaves Harvard, after being the editor of the law review, in other words the top law student in the nation, and goes and takes a low-paying job as a community organizer.
many reasons. perhaps he didn't go into law because he hated it.
if a lawyer doesn't practice law what options does he have?
No, they mocked him
Republicans hate community organizers, and charity workers. Just watch this video. It's priceless. And just one more reason why the GOP was thrown out of power, and will not return for a generation.
America is tired of these as*holes. And so am I.
Here was Obama's response
But this guilt-by-association personal hatred of him is crazy.
oh, but the guilt-by-association is what BO applied to mccain, and the swing voters bought it, hook, line, and sinker.
America is lucky at this point in time to get someone of Obama's character and intelligence as its president.
that is the way i felt about carter too.
No, they mocked him
i think we might be talking about two different incidents. I am referring to Palin. you might be referring to Giuliani, didn't he make some sort of pathetic childish remark? but that is expected from him. I would compare his jerk response to BO's cruel remarks about middle america clinging to religion, which is a pretty bad comment from someone who is supposedly religious.
Palin's comments were spot on. she basically said that her experience as mayor was better than BO's experience as a community organizer. which is true.
oh, i think you were talking about Giuliani, i am operating another machine remotely and so I avoid watching video when doing so.
Giuliani is an Ass, like most new yorkers. I didn't even bother to watch his speech.
Palin's comments (written by her speech writer) were spot on.
Giuliani comments were mean and disrespectful. but you know what? the GOP didn't have the media to do that for them like the Dems did. The media was able to play that role to tear palin and clinton up for BO so that BO didn't have to get his hands dirty.
if you view the media as being part of the BO campaign (which they were) then BO's campaign was very dirty.
This is for you Keith ..
How can someone who had such good insight into the housing situation Be so naive and have such a surface, shallow understanding of world events and the new world order agenda , that you could become such a cheerleader for any politician especially Obama
You of all people should know that one should pay more attention to what these people do rather than what they say.
Too soon to tell.
"Why type of man leaves Harvard, after being the editor of the law review, in other words the top law student in the nation, and goes and takes a low-paying job as a community organizer."
A man who wants to get into politics. Only someone who is very stupid would get into politics without slumming it for a while.
Or, a man who is naive. People are tempted sometimes to throw away the high-pressure office job and go drive a school bus or something. They find out there are still jerks and politics. By then it's too late to do something else and they have to make the best of it.
I miss Mr. Wheat Grass Enemas said...
Has anybody seen Casey Serin lately?
I really miss those days.
Did anyone send Andrew Hac a change of address?
though shall have no false Gods keith! the better politician might have won but I won't even consider who Obama is as a person since what we see is political theater and currently he's the star.
We as a country are so lucky to have these brilliant, strong, energetic, amazing people, the Obamas, as our President and First Lady. And a lot of us don't even know how lucky we really are. The rest of the world knows, and envies us. We should all be thanking our stars, or God, or good fortune, or whatever, for this blessing we've been given.
I hope they make a line of nice suits. I'm not kidding. I sure do.
keefer plenty of activist types leave elite schools and become comunity organizers.....just shows how calculating (or controlled by his REAL masters) Obama was...using teh community gig to 'authenticate' his black base and his touchy feely image..he represented south side Chicago, still a nightmare of violence,...yes we can!:(
I'm sick of these morons who think it was bcause of them running the campaign that they won. If they were so great at what they did, they should've ran McCain's campaign and seen how far they would've went. A$$hats.
Anybody Democrat would have looked good to the voters after 8 years of BushCo. Of course Carter looked good in 1976, Clinton in 1992. But now Obama has to make it on his own merits. Verdict won't be in for awhile.
No, they mocked him
Republicans hate community organizers, and charity workers. Just watch this video. It's priceless. And just one more reason why the GOP was thrown out of power, and will not return for a generation.
...leading to an obvious, yet awesome answer to Dingbat Palin's question (that was repeated by the Know-Nothing, Ignorant Republican Mouth-Breathers): "What does a community organizer do, anyway?"
What a community organizer does that a small-town mayor doesn't?
Win elections.
Suck on that, losers.
The media was able to play that role to tear palin and clinton up for BO so that BO didn't have to get his hands dirty.
if you view the media as being part of the BO campaign (which they were) then BO's campaign was very dirty.
Oh boo hoo hoo. You wanna Kleenex for your tears, crybaby?
Honestly, I am so sick of the "it was the liberal media conspiracy that defeated the good, honest Republican party."
No, it was the sellout corporate media that did everything they could to rah-rah the real estate bubble, ignore the crumbling infrastructure, and scare the public through omnipresent B.S. "Orange Terror Alerts" that did it. They and the Bush administration combined to keep the people distracted while the rich fatcats looted the country's treasury.
Places like Housing Panic, and this one, were responses to the lack of actual, honest reporting. The American people woke up this year, and figured out that the shallow, stupid, meaningless name-calling - "He's a Marxist!" "He's a Muslim"- really didn't seem to mean anything.
You're pathetically clinging to the hope that slinging around some ever-more-meaningless labels will somehow mean something. It does not.
So crawl into the corner and suck your thumb, and snuggle into your blankie and watch re-runs of "Fox and Friends," junior. Make loser excuses for the big conspiracy that was behind you & the people like you losing.
The rest of us have a country to run. You don't get to run jack anymore. So get used to sitting down and shutting up, because you're going to be doing that for a long, long, looooonggg time...
"I understand hating Barney Frank. I understand hating Chris Dodd. I definitely understand hating George Bush or Dick Cheney. But once you're hating a guy like Obama, you're hating all that is good in America."
Dude, Obama, along with Frank, Dodd and Schumer were the catalyst for the current catastrophe.
You can't love Obama and Hate the other three, because they are peas in a pod.
The wool has been pulled over your eyes and you have the Messiah Syndrome.
Stalin and Lenin were good Marxists, and I believe Obama will fill their shoes.
The Bush Haters blame him for everything, but Obama and his friends created the ponzi scheme as much as anyone else.
Bush backed strengthening Regulation on Fanny and Freddie, but Obama and friends blocked him.
But hey, you voted in the Savior, now we all have to live with it.
Speaking as a Canadian I find it bizarre that you have to register to vote in the US (supposedly the greatest democracy). On our tax form for example there is a check box for "share your address with elections Canada", and many other interactions that result in us getting registered quickly and easily. We also have a national show ID requirement now to vote which went very smoothly in the last election (a month ago). I wonder what the US would look like if voting was more accessible.
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