"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
- You know, 1787
(sometimes I think we need a reminder. Because the current occupant sure trounced on and ignored many of these ideals)
Let me just say I hate Bush and I hate McCain and I hate all of the other fake conservatives that are willingly stomping all over the Constitution.
However, I think you are sadly mistaken if you think Obama will respect the Constitution. Here he is arrogantly explaining how the Constitution is fundamentally flawed and how he intends to correct it:
Obama Radio Interview Describes the Fundamentally Flawed Constitution
Obama is a far left socialist. He doesn't believe in individual liberty, free markets and small government.
Maybe he will be better than Bush but that is not saying much at all.
Just try to maintain a little bit of self restraint people before you go proclaiming Obama as some kind of savior. Haven't you learned that politicians are never the solution?
Spreading fear by saying jackbooted thugs of the Bush Administration were going to make their enemies disappear into the night via the Patriot Act, or turn Iraq into the New Texas, or refuse to relinquish control of the White House after the election doesn't do alot for the domestic tranquility either. Both sides used fear.
Plenty of blame to go around.
And "fundamentally changing America" sounds like disrespect for the Constitution to me.
You have indeed elected a Socialist. Always the poor man's choice. Which is why Obama will see to it that more and more of the middle class become reliant on the government.
School will begin earlier and earlier for kids, now. Parents will have much less time to instill their values into their children before the left-wing indoctrination begins and their four-year olds are bringing home crayon drawings of crying polar bears being chased by big, scary corporations.
I don't like the political parties, but the Democrats are the worst. But at least they could have the courage to stand up to George Bushes as the Democrats control Congress.
I was listening to NPR yesterday as they made the very good point that Congress and even the House republicans have greatly surrendered power to the White House. Just look how the executive branch shoehorned the $700 bailout.
So before the Messiah Obama has even taken up residence at the Whitehouse he has assigned the son of a Zionist terrorist as his Chief of Staff AND he's already gone before AIPAC and proclaimed his servitude and commitment to Israel and said great things like "Jerusalem will never be divided" sounding just like a hot-headed Zionist neocon.
Is that change we can believe in? Even Jorge W Boosh was not this ardently zionist!
This stuff is unbelievable!! And yet the majority of starry-eyed, low grade, Obama-zombies are praising Obama just like the stupid fake conservatives were mindlessly praising Jorge W Boosh during the last eight years.
Here's Rahm Emanuel's zionist terrorist father on his sons selection as Whitehouse Chief of Staff:
Emanuel’s father: His son will not “clean the floors of the White House” like an Arab
Nice guys huh?
And you think Obama won't be fighting wars for Israel?
Here's a nice breakdown of the Obama Administration:
Obama’s Council On Foreign Relations Crew
Change huh???!!
You've got to be freaking kidding me people!!
I didn't realize that school house rock was simply doing a "cover"!
Emanuel is a bought and paid for banking industry insider. just like cheney was a representative of the oil and defense industry.
he even was on the board of one of the GSEs from 2000-2003 during the start of their downfall (the earnings restatements, etc). he has made millions off the financial mess we are currently in.
how is picking emanual for chief of staff any different than paulson for treasury?
We need to get these banking insiders out of the government before we can fix the financial problem!
obama is just adding more of these cockroaches. what next, Lehman's former ceo to head the treasury department? wouldn't it be funny if mozillo got a position?
Rahm Emanuel on CSPAN Spouting the Same Old Neocon Agenda from the Left
This is Change?
It will be interesting to see how many of you can admit that you were wrong about Barack H Obama.
The most galling is that this scumbag is saying that "citizenship is not an entitlement program" and that we are all required to serve the government!!
This is outrageous for anyone that claims to believe in the American ideals of indvidual liberty and small government!
Do we not serve enough by working to pay our *income* taxes for 1/3rd or more of each year?
Do we not serve enough through voluntary service??!
All of you should be very concerned when you hear bureaucrats talking about "national service". Obama is not American. He is far more European and Marxist in his views.
AND ... AND !!! This punk son of a bitch is spouting the same BS about the "Global War on Terror" which is simply the veil for US-Israeli foreign policies pre-emptive wars (invasions) of the Middle East and third world nations!!
This is CHANGE???!!
When will you have the humility to admit you were wrong about Obama, Keith?
What we've done is approach the end of 8 years of a president with an "interesting" view of the Constitution by electing a new president who sees it as outdated and completely irrelevant and who intends to gut it.
Good job, Americans. Replace a neo-con with a Stalinist. Yeah, that was smart.
At the end of the day, the blame doesn't lie with Obama voters nearly as much as with the dopes who voted for McCain in the primaries. We can thank them for the destruction of America as we knew it and as the Founding Fathers had intended it.
PS: The phrase "promote the general welfare" in the Constitution is NOT a mandate for state-imposed socialism. The word "welfare" had a much different meaning back then. It even included the best interests of business owners and the so-called wealthy. Oh, the horror!
If you go back to the origination of this Countries politics ,we were not a welfare state ,we did not have big government ,and we did not feel that
the government was there to be Big Brother . The rights of the individual was a basis premise of the strength of this Country . This Nation was also formed on the principals of Capitalism . The biggest drawback in the formation of this Country was that we did not get rid of slavery right off the bat . A dear price was paid later by the Civil War .
As the population increased in America ,more and more laws had to be developed to protect rights .
Eventually police departments had to be created to enforce the laws that for most part were for the protection of the law abiding .
As time went on a difference of opinion started to form on what the role of Government was in enforcement of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights . Self-interest groups began to lobby the lawmakers for laws or policies that would benefit that group .
With time it became apparent that Business needed to be regulated to prevent the monopoly or any other unfair business practice and the Governments and the laws role expanded .
As population increases ,more and more laws have to be enforced to protect the rights of the individual ,therefore Governments role would have a natural expansion because of that . Eventually a party would be required to prove that they could drive a car so as not to infringe on another drivers rights. So in the natural expansion of population ,Governments role expanded .
After the Great Depression of the 1920's the Governments role expanded because of FDR and now the government became responsible for retirement and a number of other welfare benefits ,(which were only suppose to be short term relief originally .)
Socialism would not be in keeping with the Constitution or the original purpose of that Constitution . In spite of this ,this Country has continued to tax individuals and give benefits to people who are not as fortunate .The government has expanded and provided funds for R&D and all kinds of Social programs in the name of public good .While this is a departure from pure Capitalism ,some would argue that it has benefited the majority of citizens . For example ,public parks benefit many people .
America expanded on employees rights and a variety of product protection laws ,while still being a Capitalist country .
American started off being a Country that created a Military to provide for the common defense of the newly formed Nation ,to being a Country that would even provide a Defense for other Countries that were attacked .
American started out with the concept of the right to religious freedoms to expanding to questions about what those rights should
entail . America started out with
the right to bear arms, to having questions about those rights .
In many cases ,if rights are abused ,its usually a byproduct of a parties violation of the laws ,rather than that a given right is wrong . Capitalism is good but if it isn't regulated as to rights being violated ,it can become bad .
Governments role should never be expanded if it violates the original Constitution intent . We are walking on dangerous grounds these days with the bail-outs and
the out right discrimination that
Government rescue projects are creating .
During emergencies ,Government could have short term relief powers ,but this is a very dangerous area .
I don't think America would have the same future potential if we
discarded the Constitution or
Capitalism .
Here is a great read about you BABY BOMMER snobs that blame everything on everyone else.
We X'ers are going to suffer hard to fund your old asses after you lived far beyond your means.
Don't give me that WW II " I supported my parents Social Security" crap. That generation was supposed to be a role model for you ! They were the GREATEST !! You did just the opposite and killed this country !!
My generation will send plenty of cash into that SOCIALIST fund called "Security" to keep you Golfing after 65 , too!!
GOOD READ about you selfish asshole$
Well said, anon 8:50&10:16. I've been trying to tell Keith and his readers that Obama is just the flip side of the same coin for some time now. Sure, he's a WAY more polished liar than Bush, but he'll be working to fulfill the very same agenda, for the very same people as soon as he takes office.
In the end, he's just the next usefull tool of the zionists that own and con-trol this once great nation. They pick the candidates we get to choose from afterall.
I'd venture to say that if the founding fathers were here today, they'd march on Washington with grenade launchers and other small arms and lay waste to 99% of the senate and house of reps, and they'd be 100% justified in doing so. These bought and fuckin paid for, treasonous political whores are supposed to be here to serve the will of WE THE PEOPLE, yet they routinely vote against the will of their constituants on nearly every bill of importance. They're supposed to put the American peoples interests FIRST, yet they continue to put us in harms way fighting these God damned wars for the satanic state of israel.
Yeah, I think change is here alright. I just don't think it's the kind of change that everyone was looking for. I can see a broadening of our wars for israel in the middle east just around the corner. And yes, it'll be the very same zionist puppet masters pulling Obamas strings, to the very same tune even. It's just too damned bad the ignorant American goyim are so fuckin brain dead that they can't see what's happening right in front of their faces. We'll never see REAL change untill we get rid of the puppet masters, no matter how many presidents come to pass.
A non-white president would never have been elected without the blessing of the rich white mostly Jewish men known as neo-cons. Let's not forget about Obama's ties to the Council on Foreign Relations and the fact that Biden is president emeritus of that organization.
just like I feared, obama is building up a neoliberal administration.
we are going from on polarizing extreme to the other.
no problem for obama and his neolib crew. they will just redefine what those words mean, that way they won't be tromping on them.
Is anybody not clear that the lobbyist (Corporations and Fat Cats)
have been the driving force in
Politics for a long time now .
The Politicians tell us what we want to hear and than the money people get their way .
The problem this time is that the self-serving ways of the money people fleeced the people so bad that they created a situation that is a emergency . Its like getting so greedy and power hungry that you kill your host .
If the new President does not produce the relief that gets Main Street America back to being producing and having jobs ,America is lost forever . America lost its way when the greedy power brokers fleeced the Majority just a little to much this time with their fake debt economy that was designed to only enrich themselves .
Wall Street did it in the 1920's and they did it again recently .
This should be a lesson in what happens when special interest groups get power and the Welfare of the Majority is trashed .
The welfare of the Majority is not Socialism ,but it is a concept that no one special interest group should get so much power that the intent of the Constitution and rights of the Majority to pursuit of happiness is compromised because of that special interest group getting unbridled power .
Can anybody say that taking money from the Majority by a tax obligation to give to the special interest group to pay for their crimes of a investment scheme not working out, in which the majority was the most harmed, is anything but a pure example of Obstruction of Justice .
OK, get over it ,can't stop it ,even voting in new Politicians won't stop it . Let us hope that the Jerks in Power realize that if they kill the Middle class ,or the Majority ,than this time it will kill them .
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