November 14, 2008
Soot and Ashes Quote of the Day
"Sitting here in these chairs that I’m going to be proposing but in working with these governors who again on the front lines are forced to and it’s our privileged obligation to find solutions to the challenges facing our own states every day being held accountable, not being just one of many just casting votes or voting present every once in a while, we don’t get away with that."
- Sarah Palin, November 2008
(boy, I'll sure miss her)
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Why does ANYONE still listen to anything out of her mouth?
America has really sunk to a new low
give her a break; the word's out of Obama's mouth are highly scripted pleasantries. so, to me, they're not much better.
That incoherent babble sounds a whole lot like Bush. Gag!!!
Invisible skin flute
That bitch will get shown the door as the oil prices keep dropping under her budget amount. Her checks back to the public should have been smaller as Alaska is going to be short on cash. Don't worry Sara have another baby and a bowl of moose soup.
She represents how our country has become the bottom of the food chain. Clueless wonder. 2012 nobody will remember this loser, except those up there in Alaska keeping watch for those Russians.
Oh boy.
Hey, Palin support I do so why people here without yes come down on believing that Keith can do not know who she represents and is a good American to concern yourselves with now. OK!!!!
It's an interesting train wreck to watch. Her ace in the hole of fleeing to Washington as Stevens' successor is evaporating as Begich takes the lead in the ballot counting, so she's going to be stuck as Governor -- and now's not the time to be a state governor as the economy sours and she has to make hard choices that won't make her popular.
i cant wait for her reality show. her and her cracker spawn.
Her brain works like a rat in a maze. Apparently the maze has no exit.
Keith, you won't have to miss her for long. She's headed for the Senate (I think).
I can't believe they are talking about Palin for 2012. She will slip back into the obscurity from whence she came.
Sure, she may throw her hat in the ring but noone can possibly take her seriously as a presidential candidate.
Are the RepubliCONS really still this STUPID?????
I hope they do keep her as the voice of their party! That will just guarantee another massive loss to the Dems in the next election.
What a bunch of fools!! Paris Hilton would have been a better choice!
Simply DUBYA in heels!!
Perfect symbol for the Republican party.
When is Palin going to be spit out the anus of politics, start using heroin and end up in the seedy underworld of some serious Grade B "Nailin' Palin" porn?
Retard. She would have trouble qualifiying for the Special Olympics like her (alleged) damaged kid.
She is PERFECT symbol for the GOP
Sarah Mooseturd Palin = Bad JOKE
Dems in power forever!
She makes W sound like Cicero.
I couldn't quite understand her train of thought. Her command of grammar, syntax and vocabulary is extremely weak. She makes no sense. OMG, why are people still listening to her???!!!!!
Let's hope this moron gets the Republication nomination to run as their 'savior' in four years!
Obama would have to be really, really, really bad to lose to her.
I swear I thought I saw Tina Fey with the flute!
She isn't going away. Soon Sarah will be in Washington as the senator from Mooseburg.
Bull-Wink-le Sarah.
Miss her? She's not going anywhere. I predict that within a year she has a daytime talk show.
This chick just can't stand the idea of getting off the stage. Doesn't care what she says, doesn't matter if she makes W sound like an accomplished orator. Just wants the camera on her at all times. Guess she learned that at pageant school 101.
Unbelievably full of herself. It's time for the hook to come out from behind the curtain and drag her off as the band plays really loud.
Over a third of Amurca nods their heads vigorously at the thought of her being President...
Bush could rape and butcher a goat on the South Lawn for an illegal alien BBQ, and half the cuntry would applaud if told to.
People in a position to speak have to just let things tumble out sometimes.
I can't think of a manager, director, VP, senior VP, or C-level person in Corporate America that I have not heard flub it big-time. When all ears on you, sometimes you screw up.
God forbid any of you should have to speak in front of a bunch of different people on a daily basis, and have to eat some humble pie.
Those are words of wisdom that make a lot of sense to a lot of people in the US of A, including McCain and the cheerleaders whom Palin used to arouse in her campaign rallies.
We do have plenty of fools out there who are ready to cheer even before Palin moves her lips. Palin’s gibberish is a microcosmic interpretation of all of Bush’s discourse during the past eight years—it’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s the best expression of the nonsensical policies of the current administration.
Too bad she must wait another four years before she gets a new shot at the White House!
In another fortunate turn of events it looks like Ted Stevens may lose the senate election. If he had won and then got booted out because he's a felon then Sarah was ready to appoint herself as his replacement as senator from Alaska because, in her words, "when God closes one door he opens another". She also said she would serve if it was God's will. If God really controls things then I think he made a clear statement on November 4th. If you want to get a clear picture of what happens when leaders say they are doing God's work just look at the Taliban
"give her a break; the word's out of Obama's mouth are highly scripted pleasantries. so, to me, they're not much better."
You have got to be kidding.
She is GW in drag.
I dont care what you bozos say.
Sarah Palin is STILL one HOT MILF.
Still no apology to her for the "Africa is a country" hoax?
"I can't think of a manager, director, VP, senior VP, or C-level person in Corporate America that I have not heard flub it big-time. When all ears on you, sometimes you screw up."
Obama has visited 57 of the states. Take the teleprompter away and he's a dolt.
President of Uhhmerica 2013-2021.
What a bimbo!!!
I hope she stays on for years as a government spokesmodel. Somehow it seems appropriate.
I swear you can get better answers from the IKEA avatar than you could get a coherent answer from this lady.
Wind Farmer said...
"Her brain works like a rat in a maze. Apparently the maze has no exit."
That really sums it up. F*ing Brilliant!!!
I'll give her this much. For over 40, she sure is one hot piece of ass.
Love that picture---she's showing everyone how she holds her flute--the one from the Miss Redneck-backwater-bimbo-or-whatever talent competition that she lost.
Having typed this, now I see two other people already saw the same thing in that picture that I saw! (Sort of.)
MAN is it ever a mistake for journalists to be following her around like puppy dogs.
MAN is it ever a mistake for Republidiot governors to be appearing in public with here like lapdogs, giving her continued legitimacy.
Why is the Republidiot base so in a hurry to get back to the Bush-era of incoherence and incompetence that hasn't even ended yet?
"...God forbid any of you should have to speak in front of a bunch of different people..."
Yes; EXCELLENT point: it happens to us all...
How could we expect someone like a sportscaster to have a cogent delivery; someone like a politician trained to get it right?
"...she's showing everyone how she holds her flute..."
Somebody needs to 'shop a MrBill mouth on her to complete that subliminal for her base.
Didn't Dan Quayle run for Pres too?
Ok, today we're going to show you how to play the flute.
First, place your fingers on the holes like this, then blow in the hole near your mouth and move your fingers on the holes.
Tomorrow we're going to learn how to fix the economy.
First place your fingers on the holes in the economy and then blow in the big hole on wall street and move your fingers so they cover all the holes and everything reinflates.
If you'll excuse me, I have a tray of hotdogs to serve.
where is that palin quote where she thought there were 57 states?
and I love the palin statement about how FDR went on TV after the stock market crash to reassure americans!
those were real gut busters!
I can't believe they are talking about Palin for 2012. She will slip back into the obscurity from whence she came.
Sure, she may throw her hat in the ring but noone can possibly take her seriously as a presidential candidate.
the economy might damage BO so much that any repulican could get swept into office in 2012.
Is this serious!?
What the F*ck!? Seriously, What the F*ck!?
And people were ready to vote her in? Americans are retarded and she is their voice.
i like them about this big.
"...the economy might damage BO so much that any repulican could get swept into office in 2012..."
McCain did appear rather accepting, didn't he?
Obama is the answer to all our (blame)trubbles. He did it, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
Would anyone have cared if she had weighed 300lbs? Thought so.
What on earth are our underpaid teachers, laboring in the vineyards of education, supposed to tell students about the following sentence, committed by the serial syntax-killer from Wasilla High and gleaned by my colleague Maureen Dowd for preservation for those who ask, “How was it she talked?”
My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance was Alaska’s investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund dollars.
And, she concluded, “never, ever did I talk about, well, gee, is it a country or a continent, I just don’t know about this issue.”
It’s admittedly a rare gift to produce a paragraph in which whole clumps of words could be removed without noticeably affecting the sense, if any.
Dick Cavett (NYT 11/15/08)
Keith, the Governor of Alaska probably has a very bright future in the Republican Party if it stays in its current frame of mind. No one is better at rallying the base; which is primarily the Christian Right. But as the election clearly showed, the base is not enough to win a national election. The Republicans now have a choice: find some more moderate positions and ditch the Palins, or stick with what they have and insure themselves a very long term minority status in national political life.
my god, why does she keep talking?
and by the way, I'm over 40 and she could pass as my mother.
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