Good god when will they finally start arresting these turds?
Do we have to wait until January for America to have a functioning Justice Department again? And an SEC? And an FBI?
A politically incorrect pamphlet hitting on all the unspeakable stuff: Politics. Economics. Fiscal Policy. Foreign Policy. Moral Issues. Culture. Investments. Religion. Humor. Life.
wait till January ? Barry will not save you. He will just enslave you.
Obama will arrest them.
If you look at both Obama's and Hitler's speeches, they are the same. The only difference is that with Obama, he merely says "business" instead of Hitler's "Jewish businesses."
Obama will run a Hitler-style Gestapo with business owners as his scapegoats, arresting them and putting them on trial for public amusement and humiliation in order to advance his Marxist agenda.
Thanks a lot, Obama voters. You have elected the new Hitler as president.
Obama will do nothing to arrest them. He'll be given and follow 'get along' advice. They'll just fade away. This is America. Armed robbers get 20 years for a 2k heist. White collar, multi billion dollar scammers get a pass. Always been. Always will be in America.
Sorry to thread-jack, Keith. And I know this isn't HP anymore but this vid is too good.
C'mon, post it for old time's sake.
Oh yeah, Obama is going to make it all better.
Give me a break, Keith. You really need to lay off the Kooool-Aid, buddy.
"Obama will run a Hitler-style Gestapo with business owners as his scapegoats, arresting them and putting them on trial for public amusement and humiliation in order to advance his Marxist agenda."
GREAT! Start with Mozilo. Do It NOW
Arrest them? Hell, my guess is these guys are going to get top slots in the new administration!
Look at all the Clinton retreads Obama has already tapped for cabinet and White House positions. Change is coming yes indeed -- hard, and with no Vaseline.
Frank R.
You are a certifiable nut job.
Obama equals Hitler?
Give me a break! Hitler had a mustache!
No mustache on Mr. Obama.
Do you not have eyes fool?
Don't forget to put BOJ on that list.
By early year 2007, it was estimated that some US$1 trillion may be staked on the yen carry trade.
Since the late-1980's, the Bank of Japan has set Japanese interest rates at very low levels making it profitable to borrow Japanese yen to fund activities in other currencies.
Many of these activities included matters like subprime lending in the USA, yet also include funding of emerging markets, especially BRIC countries and resource rich countries.
According to Gary Dorsch of Global Money Trends, the yen carry is a "weapon of mass destruction" of $5.9 trillion, with yen loans another 1.2 trillion dollars on top of it, making Arabian oil wealth or Chinese reserves look small at $1.5 trillion and $1.9 trillion respectively.
I worked for Countrywide for 1 year back in '05-'06. It was the most miserable experience I've ever had in a job. We were taught to coach people in to committing fraud in the A Paper and ALT-A retail division. Exceptions were made on our deals to allow a back end debt ratio of 60%.
I quit before I transformed into a fat alcoholic and a felon.
Tell me who to rat out first and I'll get the ball rolling.
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