December 10, 2008

Citigroup: "The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. There is a risk of domestic unrest."

Flash forward a few days from that spot-on prediction, and you have this:

How much longer can they keep the lid on the pot in America? And England? And France? And Spain? And Dubai? And Ireland? And Iran? And everywhere where this epic and colossal bubble has spectacularly burst, leaving youth unemployed, desperate and pissed.


Anonymous said...

Can Americans get enough fight in them to take back their country? I give it a 50/50 chance.

Anonymous said...

Just as Obama’s electoral campaign and subsequent victory will go into the annals as the political con-job of the new millennium, his economic and political appointments will mark another ‘historic’ moment: The nomination of corrupt and failed speculators and warmongers. Let us join the inaugural celebration of our ‘First Afro-American’ Imperial President, who wins by con and rules by guns!

Anonymous said...

Open this article:
Scoll down to the "TAXES" picture and read the text below it. What do you see?

Anonymous said...

The "youth" in Iran have been unemployed, desperate & pissed now since the '79 Revolution.

Just ask any Iranian you work with or your Doctor or Dentist (chances are they are Iranians!).

Any Iranian that could crawl out (and get IN to the US/Europe) in the last 30 years has!

Iran has a whole generation of "youth" that have been drugged (street drugs) to stay quiet.

The Mullahs know what it takes to maintain control,,,,

Anonymous said...

"Scoll down to the "TAXES" picture and read the text below it. What do you see?"



Roccman said...


Fuck like bunnies - check

Use finite source to support population numbers - check

Exceed carrying capacity - check

Go into overshoot - check

die off - check

Pretty simple math here class.

Expect much much more of this.

Oh and btw - Benny and the Ink Jets looks to be headed to issue its own debt.

Got Boots?

Honica Jewinski said...

This is encouraging... Let's hope it sinks in as a valid option for the brain-washed and brain-dead ignorant American goyim.

As things start to get much worse here in the very near future, the number of discontented will grow large. Yes, even stupid people get pissed off when they're hungry (which is good because most of them are fatasses). I hope these images are burned permenantly into their minds.

We've got A LOT more trash to take out than Greece does though. This would need to be merely a warm up swing in America. We need something more along the lines of a second Krystallnacht to kick it off, leading into something along the lines of a second French revolution. Let's all hope it comes soon, before we decend into Weimar Germany style hyperinflation.

Paul E. Math said...

Youth are typically excluded from the bubble good times on the way up but they bear the consequences of unemployment, lower incomes, higher deficits on the way down.

The youth are a huge innocent victim in these asset bubbles that the electorate and the electorate completely ignore.

The youth should be pissed.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but suspect Obama will be to the left as to what Bush was to the right. Already seeing articles about upset liberals ... liberals ... whatever that means. But the vibe is already there.

Anonymous said...

If things get really bad here in the American West, how likely is it that at some moment in time we reach the tipping point, say enough is enough, and start taking it back from the Mexicans.

Not the focus of genocide that Honica may have in mind, but perhaps this is more within the realm of possibility.

Just sayin'

satan said...

Here is a snapshot of the future...

Among aspects of martial law are censorship of radio and newspapers, prohibition of the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, prohibition of gatherings of more than five persons in the street, and requirement of a permit from the local military authorities before any public meeting can be held. Religious meetings inside buildings are tolerated by the authorities and, of course, these are held at hours not conflicting with the curfew.

This happened in the 1991 California crash

On April 29, 1992, the jury, which included ten whites, one Filipino American, and one Hispanic, but no African Americans, found the four police officers not guilty on ten of the eleven counts and could not come to an agreement on the other count. The acquittals stunned many persons who had seen the videotape. Within two hours riots erupted in the predominantly black South Central section of Los Angeles. The riots lasted seventy hours, leaving 60 people dead, more than 2,100 people injured, and between $800 million and $1 billion in damage in Los Angeles. Order was restored through the combined efforts of the police, more than ten thousand National Guard troops, and thirty-five hundred Army and Marine Corps troops.

Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain people without legal or constitutional recourse.

Under the enemy combatant designation anyone at the behest of the US government, even if they are a US citizen, can be kidnapped and placed in an internment facility forever without trial.

The government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees.

“Just like my favorite amusement park, Auschwitz”.

Know your place slave...

All who post here may be guilt of thought crimes.


Anonymous said...

Youth have always been unemployed, desperate and pissed.

Then they grow up.

Lost Cause said...

Ha ha ha...Americans would have to make firebombs out of the lard from their fat asses, since they can't spare the gasoline that they need for their SUVs.

(Casey Serin -- photo credit. I can't believe that he is still getting credit!)

Anonymous said...

Not all cultures are violent.

Eurotards are an evil rotten bunch,

Nature always has its way in the end

For this world to be healthy Europe must pay for its horrific crimes against humanity for the past 2000 or so years.

Germany for example will never ever be a viable country or people again.

There have been many posts even on this blog foreseeing the obvious, a countrys economy is its peoples economy, look at Europes choices for just the past 100 years and its clear there is no way it can have a viable society let alone a viable economy.

Europe is toast.

Anonymous said...

Hey Honica, don't worry. A "strong" leader always emerges in times like these. No, it isn't Mr. Unicorn, he's just a fill-in and history will likely mention him in a footnote. The Big Event forecast 20 years ago by Strauss and Howe is just getting underway. When America emerges from this cyclical change, few alive today will recognize it.

Anonymous said...

GOT 9mm ?

Anonymous said...

The one worlders who have been running the puppets in Washington will be heading for the hills very soon with the mob hot on their on their asses. This will occur about the time it dawns on mob the elites will not be able to feed, clothe and house them even if they wanted to. (Currency failure.) Globalism= largest con job/missallocation of wealth in human history.

Anonymous said...

The civil unrest in Greece does not come as a surprise. The anger at government has been brewing for years. The police shooting of the teenager was the final straw. The average Greek paid a heavy price when Greece joined the EU (and vice versa). If it weren't for the fact that extended family and the LOVE of family is alive and well in Greece, most of the Greeks would be homeless, unable to make a wage to pay their basic living expenses.

Having said that, the Greeks are an emotional group - quick to express their feelings and toss a molotov cocktail while they're at it. Us Americans, not so much. Too many walk through life in a semi-comotose state medicated on God knows what. So, I would be surprised if this level of violent protest hit America.

Anonymous said...

Nature said: "Germany for example will never ever be a viable country or people again."

So what? Why is that so important to you?

Look, Germany is a business just like Apple is a business. Germans are so diverse at this point, that any pride in Germany is not rooted in race, it's rooted in German business and that includes the business of sports, guns, machines, ship building, automobiles, robotics, mining, automation, alternative energies, semi-conductors, software, sausages, beer, and large breasts.

Germany will always be a viable country and that includes all it's people.

Get out of the 20th century already.

Anonymous said...

We can tell you are Christians by your love, by your love,

la la la la

We can tell you are Christians by your love, by your love,

la la la la

Anonymous said...

Hanica, how dare you invalidate all the goyim and assume they are all as dumb as you.

Anonymous said...

"Youth are typically excluded from the bubble good times on the way up but they bear the consequences of unemployment, lower incomes, higher deficits on the way down."

Amen. I've come to think of living on credit bubbles as borrowing from the future (youth) so as to live high on the hog in the present. If the youth of this country start understanding how royally they've been screwed, this country could be in the same boat. (and, who could really blame them for feeling that way - there is a big difference between feeling useful and of feeling used.)

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"Germany will always be a viable country and that includes all it's people."

Agreed. You can't look at how damaged Germany was after the war, see it today, and not go away with an appreciation for how industrious and determined the Germans are.

My money is on the Germans to emerge from crisis just fine.

Anonymous said...

Our version is stampeding to death the guy standing between the mob and the sale on blu-ray dvd players. Wait to see how the shopping crowd reacts to a food shortage.

Anonymous said...

So a little financial discomfort is so terribly outrages that it’s enough of a reason to call for violence?

I now have an even greater respect for the people of Israel who have not resorted to violence even when they are bombarded with explosives in there neighborhoods and homes.

FBers: you have lost on the way up and you are losing on the way down; I know I know its someone else’s fault.

Anonymous said...

Mein Krampf,

Nature remembers.

Underneith all the stuff you mentioned, German soil is still soaked in human blood.

Nature remembers.

Anonymous said...

We Americans are definitely a more subdued group than the emotional Greeks but we do tend to get a little prickly when you mess with our paychecks. The sit-in at Republic Windows and Doors set a good precedent I think. The fact that it got a fairly quick and successful result may encourage other acts of civil disobedience. I hope so.
Viva La Revolucion!!!

Anonymous said...

"Underneith all the stuff you mentioned, German soil is still soaked in human blood".

Hey Deluded Tree Hugger, show me one country that isn't soaked in blood. Heck, Wal Mart is soaked in blood!

Ich sage Euch diesen idiot soll sich mal auspinnen und mich mal gut am arsch lecken.

Honica Jewinski said...

Anon 9:25....

That isn't "our version" lol. Take a look at the video of that stampede. Do the folks look like decendants of the men that founded this once great Nation, or more like African tribesmen?????

Precious life....

LMMFAO!!!!!!!! You're precious israelis are torturing, slaughtering and starving the native Palestinians to death by the tens of thousands still to this day!!!! All this on the very land they stole from them by sheer terror and mass murder!!!! Here's how they kicked it off in the satanic state of israel.....

Deir Yassin massacre, April 9, 1948
Begin’s Irgun soldiers killed 250 sleeping Arab villagers at Deir Yassin, a suburb of Jerusalem . “25 pregnant women were bayoneted in their abdomens while still alive. 52 children were maimed under the eyes of their mothers and then were slain and their heads cut off.” 6 “…Menachem Begin, the leader of the Irgun gang, himself admitted on December 28, 1950 in a press interview in New York, that the Deir Yassin incident had been carried out in accordance with an agreement between the Irgun and the Jewish Agency and Haganah.” 7 Begin was always proud of what he had done, considering Deir Yassin a legitimate military target. Irgun trucks drove throughout Judea , announcing by loudspeaker to hundreds of thousands of Arabs that unless they fled Israel they would meet the same fate. Deir Yassin and subsequent terrorist acts precipitated flight of more than 800,000 Arabs from Palestine . In town after town Zionist soldiers drove Palestinians out, usually killing any person who delayed or attempted to take any possessions with them. Arab towns were bulldozed, replaced with Jewish communities. 8 Begin comments on the level of Palestinian terror generated by Irgun’s massacre at Deir Yassin. “Out of evil, however, good came. This Arab propaganda spread a legend of terror amongst Arabs and Arab troops, who were seized with panic at the mention of Irgun soldiers. The legend was worth a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel .” 9 Israel exiled these unfortunates to concentration camps in Lebanon , the West Bank , and Gaza , refusing to allow them repossession of their land and property or adequate compensation. 10 This is the seminal cause of international Arab terrorism and the Mid-East conflict that rages today.

Honica Jewinski said...


You need to educate yourself. The Germans didn't want war, it was declared upon them by domestic and foreign terrorists. In large part because they had withdrawn from the internation jewbanking system in order to put a stop to the hyperinflation that had been plaguing them. Read this....

Anonymous said...

Americans are being ROBBED BLIND by our elected leaders and the Bankers that they sold themselves to.

WHAT will it take for us to organize and revolt on a mass scale??!!

The more we sit on our asses, the more money they take!!

CALL your representative today to demand accountability!!

Anonymous said...

"...the people of Israel...have not resorted to violence..."

The BEST laughs are always unintentional.

Thanx a million. ;^D

Anonymous said...

Who wants normal - normal sucks...

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