December 11, 2008

Soot and Ashes Quote of the Year Nominee

"No! No! No! Bear Stearns is fine!"

- Jim Cramer, CNBC, March 2008


Paul E. Math said...

I am firmly in the 'haterz' camp when it comes to this fraudulent scam-artist.

Thank you for reminding everyone that Cramer has no idea what is coming and should not be trusted to park your car, never mind being trusted for financial advice.

Anonymous said...

Jim has proven himself time and time again to be totally useless.

Anonymous said...

did that guy fall off the cliff or what? I haven't heard much from him lately.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

he may be a tool but he has a lot more money than any of you.He must have done something right along the way.He is strictly entertainment folks.

OC beach dude said...

There used to be a website, taken down sometime last year I believe, that tracked each of Cramers recommendations. His record?

Within a 1/10 or two of 50/50.
He might as well have been flipping a coin.

Anonymous said...

Death Penalty. A concept whose time has come.

Do It Now.

Ross said...

The first 5 minutes of his show is good. Just don't listen to his individual stock picks and you might get some enjoyment out of it.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a major scam artist. He loves to talk from both sides of his mouth when he makes market predictions. Then when he is right, he goes on all of the major shows highlighting that "oh see, I was right all along". He recently did just that, after giving a sell recommendation and being right, he went on the Today Show, Keith Olberman, several local talk radio stations in my town, etc...

Anonymous said...


One day it's doom & gloom....

The next day it's all puppy dogs & ice cream.

Anonymous said...

It was reported that Cramer was found dead in a "Lust Cabin" in a German Beate Uhse sex shop a few hours ago.

Seems he was on vacation and stopped into an airport sex shop while passing through Germany.

The description fits the bill. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy if it was Cramer.

OnlineBrokerReview said...

Cramer is a trader, not an investor, and is certainly not an economic expert. When he starts talking about economic and government policy he really embarrasses himself. He completely downplayed any notion of a housing bust and didn't see any of the ripple effects that hit the banks. Sometimes he has insightful trading blurbs but I would ignore him besides that.

Anonymous said...

Cramer claims his context was that his answer dealt with clients or customers of Bear. Not investors. And clients were safe and protected by the gov't. Clearly investors were not.

I've seen replays of that segment. Honestly, it's hard to say which of the 2 specific questions he was answering.

I think fair minded people have to call this one draw. Only Cramer REALLY knows what his thinking really was.

Anonymous said...

cramer was a hedgie before his foray into TV. Carmer & Berkowitz was quite the firm back in the day. He also founded and took it through an IPO during the dot com days and made boatloads.

Mitesh Damania said...

I bet Jim Cramer's investments went up this year....

Anonymous said...

Cramer is an idiot. As Vanilla Ice said, he has proven himself useless.

Come to think of it, maybe he is not that dum. Maybe he was just selling us a stock like most of those retarded analysts on MSNBC. Isn't that what they do?? Sell stocks??? Aren't they all salesmen/women.


Anonymous said...

Anybody that listens to a filthy scumbag like Cramer is a moron.

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