December 9, 2008

What would Saudi Arabia and the Mideast be like if they had no oil?

What will they be like if oil hits $10 a barrel soon?

What will they be like when the US bans gasoline-powered cars?

What will they be like when the oil runs out?


blogger said...

One more point

When do the grandstanding know-nothing fools in Congress have the American oil company CEO's back to give them an apology?

If they were evil when gas prices were high, aren't they saints now?

Anonymous said...

God has a funny sense of humor for hiding all that oil under the Mideast.

Jersey Girl

Anonymous said...

No apology is necessary. The oil company CEOs are behind the drop in oil through manipulation and deceit. Once the CEOs saw that the high price of oil was causing a serious consideration of green energy sources, the CEOs knew that once and for all they had to drive all possible alternative energy sources out of business. To do so, they enlisted their realtor friends and Wall Street manipulators to create a world-wide financial melt down, and world-wide recession / depression for the purpose of causing oil prices to drop. At this point, they have made oil one of the most cheapest, and most available energy sources around. No more talk of nuclear energy, no more talk of wind driven power, no more talk of oil from algae, no mo’ nothin’ but oil, oil, oil. And once all the alternative energy projects / companies are all economically plowed under, well then boys and girls, suddenly the world wide crisis will be over. However, sadly, by then, oil’s gonna cost y’all some bit of real cash.

Roccman said...

Interesting how the USSA fights for "democracy" across the globe yet when it comes to KSA they get a free pass.

Oh that fateful day in 1945...

February 14, 1945 a meeting between Saudi Arabia's King Abdulaziz and then U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt aboard the cruiser USS Quincy at Great Bitter Lake in Egypt sealed our fate as the protector of the great Saud family and their oil...

Anonymous said...

God hid the oil under the sand so we would have to go and deal with the Middle East. Otherwise we would just ignore that part of the world.
It's like in the movie "Rainman". Tom Cruise's father left all of his money to his autistic son knowing that the brother would have to go to him. "Follow the money" is always the mantra.

Anonymous said...

Without oil?

Sand. Lots of sand. And camels.

Anonymous said...

Alternative energy is being developed because it can be produced at a low enough price to be competitive while having the advantages of being sustainable with less carbon emissions.
Why the skepticism? MSM again?
Let's support it.

satan said...


Anonymous said...

Alternative energy is being developed because it can be produced at a low enough price to be competitive while having the advantages of being sustainable with less carbon emissions.
Why the skepticism? MSM again
Ethanol: Highly subsidized.
Overfarming contribute to erosion and lower future crop yields. If it weren't for fertilizer, also generated with oil, crop yields would already be low. We are putting our future food supply in jeopardy.

Wind: Subsidized. A lot of energy and commodities needed to produce windmills. And most windfarms are performing under expectations.

Solar: A lot of enery and commodities needed to produce solar panels. Manufacturing is already maxed out. We need to produce more plants to increase supply but this also takes a lot of energy and commodities.

Nuclear: This is probably the best alternative but it currently suffers from NIMBY.

Remember, oil is millions of years of stored energy that you can burn in an instant. It's hard to find a substitute that is as efficient without using more energy to get it.

Our future is nuclear and our infrastructure will need to be much less energy intensive.

Anonymous said...

if you listen to Lindsey Williams on the Alex Jones Show, He'll tell you that bankrupting the Mid-East oil nations is the goal.

in July he said the price of a barrel of oil would hit 50$ in less than 12 months. It only took 5.

Anonymous said...

One of the best ways to rid this country's oil dependence: pray on its innate racism. Keep showing the Arab princes and oil guys calling us out for being oil dependent and how that will never change. If I was Al Gore I would even fake the whole thing. Dress a bunch of people in Arab outfits and have them go off on how America will never get rid of their oil addiction and they are too stupid to do so etc. All the rednecks and dumb republicans will be up in arms to prove them wrong and maybe force change. Worst thing we keep doing is allowing cheaper oil prices. When will we learn!!

Anonymous said...

Without oil, they would look like they were stuck in the 13th century. Which is pretty much where they were before the oil dollars came pouring in.

Anonymous said...


What if

What if

What if....


Anonymous said...

They would be screwing camels and fighting over toothless women.

they have us by the balls folks.Our politicians are so crooked they can't even figure out how to drill in the usa.
Gas is 1.63 here in sacramento,ca.

Anonymous said...

There would be no war and the people inhabiting the area would continue to shepherd their flocks across the desert.

Israel would not exist because the Rothschild's would have no need to be there - to oversee the production and transport of oil between Asia and the West.

Oh yeah, for those of you that did not know, Israel is owned by the Rothschild family - it is their personal country that was set up for them after WWII, not the Jews.

Anonymous said...

Useless argument - we'll be dependent on oil for a long, long, long time, while the supply shrinks - which means the price skyrockets once again.

We had our chances many years ago to develope more fuel efficient transportation, but we have missed the boat - the train has left the station.

Meanwhile, job losses continue to accelerate, our no-healthcare system is melting down (get popcorn as millions of baby boomers start retiring around 2010-2011), global warming effects increase across the nation (I can still grow tomatoes here in Southern Ca. in December!)

Viva USA!

Anonymous said...

A middle east without oil would be the biggest blessing to mankind.

Eitherway, we must become 100%energy independant by yesterday.

This is thee most important issue of our generation.

So many wars and so many precious lives lost due to fossil fuel being such a critical resource.

It naturaly creates power hungry dictators of people that are able to control the worlds energy supply.

This matter has been URGENT since the 1970's.

What will it take for the masses to begin acting on it?

Honica Jewinski said...

"What would Saudi Arabia and the Mideast be like if they had no oil?"

They'd be a lot like the tyrannical state of israel........

Basically a bunch of rogue Nations depending on welfare.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think they would be any different; they would just not be a threat, which is really all we care about.

No need to force democracy there if they’re busy farming, doing normal business, getting regular jobs or paying the bills.

As far as I’m concerned they can go on believing what they want and live within any type of culture they choose, so long that no one gets hurt.

I don’t believe it is possible to have a non threatening regime when 95% of a states revenue belongs to 1 family.

Oh, and the 'Israel problem' would magicaly dissapear.

Anonymous said...

And we thought American bakers are bad.


Get your money out of Europe while you can!

Anonymous said...

3 month T-Bill yield drops to negative 0.01%.

That means people are paying Uncle Sam to hold their money for them.

Massive flight to short-term cash.

Anonymous said...

No oil money = No Palestinian cause

Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Bombed back to the Stone Age with No Regret.


Anonymous said...

Remember TE Lawrence? I blame him for 911. If it wasn't for him, the Brits and French would have occupied Saudi Arabia since WWI.

Saudi Arabia has only one exportable commodity other than oil...fanatical religious zealotry. But it's the oil that buys flying lessons for terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the question be what would the US do if Saudi Arabia would not have any oil?

Saudi Arabia and the US are both profiting from some seemingly bottomless well - one pumping oil the other pumping dollars.

We all know the laws of phyics and geology constrain the amount of oil being pumped and the Arabs are in a dire spot. Fortunatly the laws of the printing press are more forgiving and allow indefinite wealth creation.

Anonymous said...

If, as Merrill Lynch predicted, oil goes down to $25, I will be buying XOM, CVX and COP with both hands.

I'm old. This is nothing new.

There will be plenty of time to make big profits (when oil prices go up again) before alternative energy becomes a major player.

Anonymous said...

Biofuel can be made from non-food crops.

Nuclear power is an even better way to go.

Anonymous said...

without oil money, there is no Alex Jones and no Honica Jewinski.

Who's gonna fund the kooks of this world?

Anonymous said...

"Oh yeah, for those of you that did not know, Israel is owned by the Rothschild family - it is their personal country that was set up for them after WWII, not the Jews."

I hope you are smiling as you type that if not...well, if not, you are a crackpot and a fool. I will just assume that it is tongue in cheek.

Anonymous said...

Keith, what's your real target price for oil? How low do you see it going?


Anonymous said...

Las Vegas

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