January 28, 2009

Here's Ron Paul. Mr. Irrelevant.

Ron Paul could have made a difference, and he didn't.

He should have chained himself to the White House gates.

He should have called his army to an unending protest outside of Congress.

He should have mounted an Independent bid for the Presidency.

He should have led, and instead he stepped aside.

Too bad.

Talk is cheap.

His ideas are good.

But nobody is listening.


Anonymous said...

He is still the man, but I was disappointed with his dropping out. He should have kept the fight going till the end.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I too am still very much upset that he did not go the full route, but he DID manage to stir up the debate and start 'something' that was not there prior to his election campaign.
Keith, you know darn well that the American sheeple DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH. They want to hear that big brother Obama will take care of them - house, car and jobs for all!
They don't want to hear about budgets, thrift, saving, hard work, etc etc...that is soooo 20th century.
The American people need to hurt economically and maybe, just maybe, they will wake up to the fact that their future is in their hands...and not some over-hyped politician.
These past 20-25 years have been pure POISON to the American republic and now, as it languishes in sickbay, its future will be determined.
Dr Ron Paul was the last warning...those who listened can prepare.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul has done a hell of a lot more than any of the other sh*t shovelers in Washington.

And that includes your glory hole boy Obama.

Wake me up when Obama does something meaningful.

Anonymous said...

I don't fault the man. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. He's not irrelevant - irrelevant people don't appear on national television. Deep down, I suspect that many people know that what he is saying makes sense but to use a T. S. Eliot phrase, "humankind cannot stand too much reality". The average voters and members of the electoral college don't always get the representation that they want but they always get the representation that they deserve. During the primaries when I would talk up R.P. to others, their faces would become a blank stare.

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

If talk is cheap, then what's this blog worth?

Seriously, Keith, I love you, but you need to forgive Ron Paul. He ran an exhausting and frustrating campaign, and despite being ridiculed by the press and ignored by the public, he's still working to raise support via the Campaign for Liberty. I don't see YOU in countless YouTube videos or organizing political action groups.

If Ron Paul failed, it was because the American sheeple weren't ready for his message. Don't blame him for failing to take over the world at 73.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't 36 years old (am guessing that's about how old you are)
He was 73? And tired. Big, BIG difference.

blogger said...

Don't forget, I was probably one of the first bloggers to pimp RP. Raised a bunch of $$ for him too, including my own.

But I was very disappointed that he didn't fight.

Yes, he's old. But old people run for President. Old people can do great things.

He just didn't have the fire in his belly I guess.

Meanwhile, his cause doesn't have a leader. There is no movement. There are no protests. There is no fight.

Other countries are seeing the fight now - on the streets. You can see it in Greece, in Latvia, in Lithuania, in Russia, in Iceland, and it's gonna go all over the world.

But Americans will sit at home, moan and groan, and take it lying down.

I admit, I'm not out there either (being stuck over here). But when the protests break out in London, I'll be there.

This movement needs leaders. Ron Paul is a good man, he did good work, and he was perfectly positioned.

And then he let us down.

Anonymous said...

To all the Ron Paul apologists: BULLSH!T. He should have left the republican party the moment TARP was proposed, the guy no hero at all. He had his chance when it mattered and he put his hands in his pockets.

Anonymous said...

I still have not been able to figure out why we cannot allow the big banks to fail. The mid size banks that did not get involved in the big games can buy up the leftovers. Of course the regional banks have the commercial real estate bomb on their books, but its all about the timing. We have/had a system to deal with this. Let Citi and BoA go into receivership and let the assets go to the highest bidder. Thats a start.

Anonymous said...

No one cares that ron paul speaks the truth.Did you guys see idol last night?

Anonymous said...

If Ron Paul had stayed in, ran as an independent, and voted no on the bailout (which he did,) I think he would be sitting in the oval office today.

I could never figure out his aversion to cutting the Republican party loose. It's a relic of a bygone era wallowing in fear, stupidity, ignorance and hate.

Oh, and I consider myself a "true conservative" Republican!

Anonymous said...

Boomers will borrow and spend till the end. The real issue becomes what is the credit limit of the USA, when is its debt maxed out. What is the figure, the bottom line. No one want to hear the truth the the government and its citizens are broke. Boomers think that borrowed money is prosperity. You can not borrow your way out of debt. Borrowing money masks the truth that the system is broke.

Anonymous said...

Come on, you know how the game works, he didn't have the funds man. Mcain and Obama got hundreds of millions for thier campaigns, RP didn't have the juice to compete. And if you were "pimping" RP for years, why all of a sudden give up and jump on "Captain Lightbulbs" bandwagon? Is it really because RP dropped out? I suspect you have the same reason as everyone else I spoke to, "if I vote for RP I will be taking a vote away form Obama/Mcain and the other guy will win". I hope I don't need to tell you how wrong that line of reasoning is.

If you truly wanted to do the right thing and not quit, be a leader and believe in all that other jibberish you posted, WRITE THE MANS NAME IN ON YOUR BALLOT!

"Keith, you know darn well that the American sheeple DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH. They want to hear that big brother Obama will take care of them - house, car and jobs for all!
They don't want to hear about budgets, thrift, saving, hard work, etc etc...that is soooo 20th century."

Very good point and that right there is the main problem. Even if RP somehow managed to raise enough capital to compete, he would have run into this wall. But the shits really going to hit the fan soon and people will wake up.

As of Feb 1st, California will not be sending out welfare checks. WOOOHOOO, now the party starts. Whos next, Arizona, Florida, NY? I still say the desperation phase is at least a year away. The majority of people are still holding onto the belief that "Captain Lightbulb" will fix everything right away and turn us right around. Give it a year and a few more bankrupt states, then it'll set in. Then maybe the people will be ready to face the truth.

Anonymous said...


he could've continued the good fight in a losing environment and burned thru his cash but he DID NOT. he knew other, smaller groups would need that seed money so they can grow and capitalize on the changing political winds.

the seedlings will sprout and enlighten the impoverished masses along the way. heck, what other choice will they have when we're all on food stamps.

wait another decade or two. his effort will not be for nothing. Gens X/Y will be there to pick up the pieces and put us back together again... like the Six Million Dollar Man, and married to a modern day superhot Farrah Fawcett.

Anonymous said...

Keith, I disagree with you.

If Ron Paul doesn't become an absolute dictator (in other words, declare permanent martial law upon taking the W.H.), then there's little he can do. He can't stopped the credit cycles, the offshoring of technologies, or anything else. Stop thinking of the 1920s, the USA is not the world's manufacturing muscleman anymore. Today, it's all east Asia and that's where everything will be designed, built, and serviced this century. Think of the Asian manufacturing bloc, as the USA at around the time before WWI, a juggernaut about to take off.

If he decided to cut govt spending, like any ordinary fiscal conservative, it'll just increase the unemployment numbers since the private sector isn't really a job's machine like it used to be. All and all, right now, the most any politician can do is put everyone on welfare and sell our coal & beer abroad to pay for the tab. In other words, one big super Holland (but w/o the RLD). I don't even think R.P. wants to see that as the real state of affairs today because it would indicate that fiscal conservatism doesn't work either.

Anonymous said...

He did fight it is the people who failed. Do you think he would have won as an independent? Not a chance in hell, the masses are too stupid and now we will pay the price. Everyone wants to blame Bush and copany for the problems but this mess came from both sides and that is not changing anytime soon. I think Ron Paul could have been a Lincon but even Lincon could not get elected today.

Anonymous said...

If you believe in him, grab the torch out of his cold, lifeless hand and run with it while you are young.
YOU do something about it.

Paige Turner said...

RE: Ron Paul could have made a difference, and he didn't.

Ron Paul was only one of a very few individuals who warned us about the New World Order and its creation of a global government designed to make us all slaves to a few trillionaire elitists.

This New World Order agenda is not a secret. We can plainly see the FEMA camps, the Patriot Act, the staged terror events, the illegal surveillance, the state-controlled media machine that dispenses government propaganda, the international bankers who are looting the US treasury, the genocidal resource wars, the rigged elections and the criminal politicians.

The New World Order doesn't care if we know their agenda, as long as we don't do anything to stop them.

Ron Paul told the truth about the New World Order and nobody cared. We outnumber the New World Order elitists by a million to one, yet we can't seem to stop them.

Ron Paul has very few supporters. Why should he take additional risks only to end up falling out of a window or being run over by a bus?


Anonymous said...

This movement needs leaders. Ron Paul is a good man, he did good work, and he was perfectly positioned.

And then he let us down.

No he didn't let us down at all. He has started a movement - if the people of America that were energized by Ron Paul's ideas and the ideas of the Founders but won't take up the mantle themselves how the hell can you blame Ron Paul?

The dude has done an amazing job at taking on the establishment and you fault him by saying he hasn't done enough?

The problem is a lack of action on the behalf of the populace. They're always looking for a savior.

I think JFK said it best:

"Ask not what Ron Paul can do for you. Ask what can you do for Ron Paul!"

Anonymous said...

If you value personal responsibility, limited government, honest money, living within your means, free markets, peace, freedom and liberty then Ron Paul and his message will never be irrelevant.

Love him.

A true patriot.

Anonymous said...

He ran as a Republican because he knew third party candidates are considered to be a joke. He did the right thing by running for president. He always knew he wouldn't win - and that nobody in Washington would listen to him. Join the Campaign for Liberty. It's a busy organization and a huge tribute to his message.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the economy is paramount right now and his ideas make the most sense. Almost everyone in the US with half a brain agrees with that. Even Cramer likes Ron Paul's economic ideas.

BUT, the downfall of Ron Paul is his extreme far right views on almost everything else, especially social issues. I could never vote for Ron Paul because of that and I'm definitely not alone.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but Ron Paul outed himself as a dominionist, or at least a supporter of dominionists when he endorsed the hard-religious-right bible-before-constitution "Constitution" party.

He is forever disgraced in my book for doing this.

Anonymous said...

Like usual:

100% correct
100% ignored

Meanwhile monkeys continue to "lead" the country.....

Anonymous said...

There's more to it all than what we could observe of his reasons why. I think Ron Paul explained it along the lines of if he switched to independent to run for president, his re-election to keep his republican congressional seat (which was early 08) wouldn't be allowed/feasible by the party (2 parties at once).

Before I knew that was the reason though, I simply assumed it had to be something beyond his control. I wouldn't be suprised if he was threatened also. It isn't improbable to think this could be the case, considering this is somebody who threatens the future of basically every corrupt aspect of our government; including the most dangerous aspect, The Fed.

Anonymous said...

Folks, I agree with Ron Paul except that free markets didn't create the 20th century; it was technology which did. All and all, at this point in time, R&D will move to Asia and the USA will be stuck washing each others' undergarments.

The man simply stated the truth about the state of our financial economy but at the same time, doesn't have a solution besides the banal *free market* claptrap.

Look, we're screwed up and a more autocratic govt is the path for a banana republic, like it or not. The only hope now are govt sanctioned shantytowns for displaced workers (hence less money to keep rudimentary food stuffs going, since housing is free) and an enormous expansion of our coal (& other mineral) exporting industries to bring money back into the country, outside of the financial services sectors.

Anonymous said...

Not perfect ... but definitely not irrelevant.

I think you would have half as many viewers on your blog if not for Ron Paul. Dr. Paul started a lot of dialogues that never would have happnened. These dialogues caused people to question their media, their banker and their realtor. It caused people to search deeper for real economic news, leading them to sites like this one.

It's up to us to decide whether or not he is relevant going forward.

Unknown said...

He sure is a squeeky little bastard, ain't he? I gave this knucklehead 200 bucks early in his campaign, then the little creep drops out.

Disappointed. Talk is cheap, but I wan't my $200 back.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

The future breakdown of American politics will be Libertarians vs. Greens. Ron Paul ideology vs. Ralph Nader thought. As the system crashes, people will say "F@ck the 'Republicans' and 'Democrats'" They'll realise they're just opposite sides of the corporate coin, and that coin is a wooden nickel. I'm more on the Greenie side than the Libbie side, but I look forward to an honest ideological contest instead of the kleptocracy kabuki theatre the U.S. has now.

And it's not much different here, with "Labor" being not much different to "Liberal" when it comes down to actual policies. All pretense in service of the corporate masters.

Anonymous said...

Folks, I agree with Ron Paul except that free markets didn't create the 20th century; it was technology which did. All and all, at this point in time, R&D will move to Asia and the USA will be stuck washing each others' undergarments.

Hey dumbass. What do you think the Industrial Revolution was? A government program?

Man this blog is full of f*ckin knuckleheads.

Anonymous said...

"The future breakdown of American politics will be Libertarians vs. Greens."

Nope, it's be exactly the way it is today but with some more musical chairs between factions within the parties.


Even during tumultuous times, before the Civil War, the party system was always two majority clubhouses, with a few stragglers limping along. The Federalists -> Whigs -> Lincoln Republicans were essentially the same squad but shaped shifted through the decades.

What'll happen is that the current parties will start to flip flop around and will blame a vector cross product of video games/porn vis-a-vis churching going/govt aid type of maneuvers so that people are left guessing as to the cause & effect of all the malaise around them.

Anonymous said...

He's not irrelevant - irrelevant people don't appear on national television.

Sooo I'm not wasting my time when I watch The Biggest Loser??

Anonymous said...

Boomers will borrow and spend till the end. The real issue becomes what is the credit limit of the USA, when is its debt maxed out.

Am sick of this boomer bashing.
The guy who just killed himself and his whole family was no boomer.


If he had been, he may have had the wisdom to know that this too shall pass.
Article says he was deep in debt.
So heartbreaking to me, and so symptomatic of this ENTIRE culture.
Plenty of boomers have driven the same car for 25 years to save and do the best they can for THEIR KIDS.

Anonymous said...

"The guy who just killed himself and his whole family was no boomer."

Exactly. Boomers are stereotyped as stupid, materialistic and greedy. Gen X-ers are stereotyped as nihlistic and self-destructive. This poor guy was an X-er.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is Awesome... as always... :)

Austrian economics is the real rational economics. We need to cut spending and start saving capital. And for that, we have to endure a severe recession. This recession will force innovation and lead to the structural changes that are absolutely needed to survive in this new age...

Mitesh Damania said...

I still have not been able to figure out why we cannot allow the big banks to fail. The mid size banks that did not get involved in the big games can buy up the leftovers.

That's cause the big banks are the tool of empire. They control and impoverish the 3rd world with debt and assassinations.

Anonymous said...

"Gen X-ers are stereotyped as nihlistic and self-destructive. This poor guy was an X-er."

I can almost hear Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box" as I read that.

And we all know what happened to Cobain.

Anonymous said...

Boomers run the government. Growing up in an era of post WWII prosperity, Boomers grew up conditioned for such an environment. Now that they are old, they have mortgaged everything to keep that environment. They cannot face the reality of downsizing, getting old, or that the bill is due. The bankrupt boomer is reflected by a bankrupt government. They mirror each other in borowing like there is no tommorrow. Now that the people are maxed out, the government will max itself out. Then there will be drastic change.

Anonymous said...

I donated $500 to Dr. Paul's campaign and I want my money back! Not only did he not spend it campaigning, but he sat on the money.

I've seen advertising in the desert between LA & Vegas and I got a Ron Paul Xmas card. What a lame-o.

Dr. Paul, you failed us all!

I want my money back you a-hole!


Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is just another Republican.

He favors federalizing a woman's uterus, building a wall on the border, ending all immigration and emigration, culture wars, using government to force religious beliefs on others, etc.

Why would he abandon his party full of right wing fascists over a simple economic disagreement?

He served his purpose, which was to keep his followers as slaves to the GOP, hoping against hope that one day he'd turn on his masters.

SUCKERS! You're no smarter than the people who thought they'd get rich buying a Vegas studio apartment for $400K and "getting equity."

Anonymous said...

"He favors federalizing a woman's uterus, building a wall on the border, ending all immigration and emigration, culture wars, using government to force religious beliefs on others, etc."


It would be nice if you had a clue about what Ron Paul stood for.


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