January 30, 2009

Lawrence Yun. I have no comment. You guys take it from here.


Anonymous said...

I just puked in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

What an idiot!

Anonymous said...

Yun. Flipping moron. Yeah, those charts are a hoot. Idaho made some foreclosure sales! The real estate market is in recovery!

Really, 34 minutes on 'realtor TV'. I got through about 2 minutes. Jeez how painful -who the hell is really watching it, some SA'ers getting a cheap laugh at Yun's expense and perhaps a few desperate 6%'ers with too much time on their hands?

Anonymous said...

Where did they find this guy?I thought david l. was horrible but cmon folks.He should be in a cheerleading outfit.Housing is dead for at least 5 years.It will take that long to absorb all the reos and short sales.

Anonymous said...

OMG couldn't stand to listen to that guy for more than a minute.

Is he the best they could find?

They would do better to hire a perform to deliver a scripted presentation.

Anonymous said...

He looks smart. Sounds smart. Everyone else here seems to like what he says.

I better do what he says.

Anonymous said...

Here's a uplifting story with a happy ending. The only thing missing among the body count was the used-house peddler and banker that put this deal together. Frankly, I look forward to hearing more of these stories in the near future. Murder-Suicide a real savings to taxpayers...

Fuck them. Suffer:

Suicide and the Housing Market
It’s hard to find a tale much sadder than this recent news from Los Angeles about a man who killed his wife, himself and their five beautiful children. Real estate woes loom prominently in the story.

According to the Daily Breeze, Ervin Lupoe and his wife bought their suburban Los Angeles home for $290,000 in 2003, borrowing the entire amount. They refinanced it twice during the boom, taking out a total of $630,000. Then, apparently to help pay for child care, Ervin lied about his income and forged documents, a move that cost both he and his wife what would likely have been stable jobs working at a local hospital.

Ervin, a former Marine, blamed the hospital for his actions in a suicide note faxed to a local TV station.

Happy Year of the Ox!

Anonymous said...

I wish he would show a chart of all the layoffs and job losses.

Anonymous said...


The abbreviation for Montana is MT not MO, you fool tool.


Anonymous said...

Glad I didn't have to sit in that audience with the knawing feeling that I was headed for a pshychotic split.

Anonymous said...

I can't even get through the first minute...just too much to take...he's so pathetic

JAWS said...

I just couldn't watch all of it.

He still thinks there is a wave of pent up buyers out there just chomping at the bit. If only the prices would come down, those hungry buyers would rush in and make all that inventory evaporate.

What a dufus.

Was anyone even in the audience? I sure wouldn't show up to sit through him.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't he disclose his condo holdings? And how much he's lost?

Anonymous said...

Look mama, I just discredited myself in front of the whole world.


Paul E. Math said...

Unwatchable. I lasted about a minute and a half and noticed an obvious fallacy.

With stocks, when high transaction volumes coincide with a significant price movement, in one direction or another, this is a strong indicator of a trend.

So now it looks like transaction volume in real estate has risen in idaho, california and nevada. And which way are prices moving: up or down? That's right, prices are moving down.

The trend in real estate prices is down and the rising transaction volume reinforces this thesis.

With a blip here and there, real estate prices will continue to fall for 2009 and 2010. End of story.

Anonymous said...

You left out when this talk was given. Looks to me like it may have been before the autumn collapse so he may have been just stupid and not brain dead. Even if his talk is brain dead it may be appropriate for the realtor audience.

Tyrone said...

I only lasted about a minute and a half. All I can think is that he's thinking to himself... "They pay me well. Suck it up. Pitch the slop. Take the money."

Anonymous said...

"It's about home prices, stupid"

Spin, spin, spin.

I'm surprised he isn't funded by Pelosi and the Obama administration. Hey housing got us into this mess, it should get us out as well. Right? Right?


Anonymous said...

Look at the job growth slide late in the presentation. This cuts off where the net job creation was still at zero (guess this was done in mid-2008). Fill in the numbers through today. It's going to get FUGLY, Yunny boy!

50% price declines in housing from here. Yun should do his ancestral duty and commit seppuku.

-Mike H.

Anonymous said...

The ramen-oids worship this 200 pound pile of animated cancerous pus. They cling to his BS cuz he tells them what they want, no...desparately need to hear: That it'll all be okay. On top of that? he talks funny, kinda "oriental". Get a life raynla

Anonymous said...

I watched the whole thing. That's 34 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Thanks a lot Keefer. You have waaay too much time on your hands there, sir.

Lots of bad math and half truths in his presentation. His biggest case for why housing must go up- there are 12 million (can't remember the exact number but it's around this order of magnitude) more people in America in the last decade and a net 5 million more jobs created. So it just HAS to go up.

What about the millions of homes that have been built during the same period. Seems to have forgot that little tidbit of information. Forget all the lost jobs now. Forget the Price / income ratio of homes. Forget the fact that when people are unemployed they won't be thinking about trading up in a house.

He was talking about Bernanke and mentioned that Ben talked about a 10% drop in real estate prices. Then Yunny said that the NAR wrote to him complaining that he is undermining public confidence as the most high profile economist in the country. After that Ben agreed never to talk about house prices. The crowd cheered like the sheeple they are. I could picture the audience filled with realtors.

I would have liked to be there. Shoes, eggs, and yoghurt would be thrown on sunny yunny.

-Mike H.

blogger said...

Mike - I made it through 2 minutes.

Sorry, you'll never get that half hour of your life back

Blame Yun, not me!

Anonymous said...

Guess I'm the only loser here that watched this. At least I got some dishes done while it was playing.


blogger said...

no racist crap ok folks

attack Yun for his stupidity and corruption only

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

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