That maybe, because of the magnitude of what they have done, that this time it truly IS different?
Or is this end-of-the-world feeling, the absolute collapse of the housing market, the destruction of the banks, the crash of the stock market, and the trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of losses a good sign we're near bottom?
The housing bubble was inflated to support globalism. Without the housing bubble globalism would not have been possible as there is no real wealth created in the US anymore. The housing bubble was created by Greenspan and his globalist masters to fuel consumption in the US and Europe. We are f*cked beyond repair. Prepare for slavery globalist fools. Greed is stupidity.
PS there will be starvation in the US. (Unless your greedy globalists masters are going to expend their gold feeding unproductive mouths.)
Right now I am just angry because all the people, companies, state governments and the federal governments that have spent beyond their means will now collect from me. I hope that is all I have to worry about.
Recommend reading 11th Hour's articles (Parts 1 & 2) by John Schettler called '11th Hour' -- "Its going to get worse before it gets worse." You can pick up the link at today's list of daily reads, or go to the 11th Hour website. The articles pretty much sum up everything most of us have been writing and reading about these last 3-4 years.
I feel like it's all coming undone, and although I've taken a steps to prepare, I doubt it's enough.
Damn I wish Ron Paul was in charge.
Back to my wine cellar (bunkers are so yesterday).
Is it too late to buy gold?
Thanks for bringing 130,000 of them in during the 80s, Jimmy Carter; what a brilliant idea:
"(Herald) The lineup of South Florida physicians charged with defrauding Medicare got longer over the holiday weekend with the arrest of three Miami-Dade doctors accused of submitting millions of dollars in false claims for obsolete HIV therapy.
Physicians Carmen Lourdes del Cueto, 65; Roberto Rodriguez, 54; and Carlos Garrido, 69, remained in custody Monday at the Federal Detention Center in Miami on conspiracy charges of submitting $10 million in phony bills for HIV drug-infusion services that patients didn't need or receive, according to a grand jury indictment.
The three also were charged with laundering about $5 million in payments made by the federal health insurance program over four years, the indictment said.
They and their assistants are accused of paying kickbacks to patients in exchange for letting the doctors' clinic, Midway Medical in Miami, use their Medicare numbers to bilk the healthcare program for the elderly and disabled.
Also kept behind bars over the weekend: Gonzalo Nodarse, 38, and Alexis Carrazana, 41 -- both accused of falsifying medical records to make it look like the services were needed. Detained with them: Alexis Dagnesses, 44, accused of manipulating HIV-positive blood samples to obtain lab reports indicating the patients had illnesses they didn't have."
Don't you just love ultraliberals? They're sooooo "progressive" that Carter cleaned Castro's prisons and mental intuitions and dumped all that on Americans. Hey, they need the votes while you pick the bill, right? Oh and they're fighting "global warming" for you....bwahahaha
No. Gold to $2,000/oz.
Or more.
Were done. Stocking up on even more canned food, water, ammo, fuel. Don't know how much is enough. Family who doubted what I was saying and learned on HP back 3years ago are now listening.
Things will not be going back to what they were like. It was not sustainable. My failed CA gov and it's agenda has taken over the nation.
Bottom? What bottom? You must be kidding! This is just a sampling of what's coming next!
Here's what I see coming: The collapse of Europe and a further breakup of Eastern Europe and Russia; popular uprising and martial law in China, India, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina; commercial real estate collapse in America, dwarfing the subprime crisis; Wall Street shut down; collapse of world trade; trade wars; gold confiscated by the gov; world currency exchange stopped; widespread debt defaults; famine and beadlines; riots and armed confrontations; chaos and anarchy all over the world! NO SAFE HAVEN for anyone!
AND finally, the criminals behind this debacle will be rounded up and put behind bars--a desperate attempt to restore calm and confidence in the system! But too little, too late!!
Governments are too heavy; they drag their heels too long, before taking any meaningful actions--always behind the curve!! They always look back and say: "We should have done this or that!"
It hath been foretold!!!
Some days, I can't believe what we're seeing.
Why, I don't know. Since we saw it coming. But to see the WORST CASE come true, that was unexpected. It took a perfect storm for that to happen. Including a totally incompetent and clueless response from DC.
And still, Mozilo runs free.
And still, the banks haven't been nationalized.
And still, our leaders are in denial.
Down the rabbit hole we go.
Gold's gone berzerk today:
Hi tools!
Some societal collapse we're having!! About the only riots I've seen in the past year were a bunch of kids in Oakland with pea shooters and slingshots!
Keep enjoying this economic plateau and digging holes in the ground doomsdayers!!! I'm buying stocks and getting ready for the boom times. Thanks TARP II!!
oh, yeah. absolutely. In the first place, it's as you say, we all have the feeling we're getting screwed beyond repair. On top of that, we feel like we're all, totally, completely lost. It's like being in a hurricane--you don't know where you are, what's up, what's down or what you can hold on to, if anything. Nothing is as it ever was.
Now, on top of all that--as if it weren't bad enough--we're mortgaging all our collective futures because we're so desperate for something to do.
Oh, yeah, we're screwed.
Big time.
My first post here ever - Interesting reading:
"The Myth of the Rule of Law"
HOUSTON — The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Robert Allen Stanford, the chief of the Stanford Financial Group, on Tuesday of conducting “a massive ongoing fraud” in the sale of about $8 billion of high-yielding certificates of deposit held in the firm’s bank in Antigua. Also named in the suit were two other executives and some affiliates of the financial group.
Another day, another Ponzi.......
Look, Repair is like saying my roof is 50 years old,it's been obused by kids walking and jumping on it so let's fix it with an Obama patch.
Dumb,dumb,dumb you may say? Well in my view it is. (Its like looking in the rearview mirror with FDR and Onobama smoking sigarettes).
Here is my view forward.
We have a fantastic smart and educated new generation.
We have tools so fantastic that we are able to CREATE, new and fantastic products, IDEAS and real MONEY $$ in a very short period of time.
Our new generation will pay off the loans the bureaucrats.
The new generation will take notice and advice because of the stupid money ralated mistakes from the past.
We have or better you have (since I am not an Ameican by birth) the spirit and courage to make this happen.
But remember the O man is nothing but a fake.
You are on your own.
Good Luck!!
Oh, quit your worrying.
It’s now all under control. President Obama has signed the stimulus bill.
Everything is going to be all right.
So, kick back, rip open a bag of cheese doodles, and crack open a Mountain Dew.
It’s back to good times.
Anyone got any good stock tips?
the pawn shop near me has had a run on guns lately. and this is in cherry rich Wash, DC burbs.
My first post here ever
Had to pop that cherry someday.
Some days, I can't believe what we're seeing.
Oh puh-lez Keith, We, old HP'ers and Alex Joneses have been announcing that for years, telling everyone to get out of the market, buy gold, guns, ammo, start a vegetable garden, stockpile food and water, and get a bunker...preferably overseas.
We've been preparing for this for years. IT WILL GET WORSE! Just wait for Dec 21, 2012.
Thank you Christian church for destroying civilization
Lou Dobbs reports on Obama's team that supports outsouring STILL is unreal.
Meet the new boss.
Same as the old boss.
Keith said:
Or is this end-of-the-world feeling, the absolute collapse of the housing market, the destruction of the banks, the crash of the stock market, and the trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of losses a good sign we're near bottom
Hae you considered your gut feeling maybe right. Maybe we are drawing towards the end.
The nation is in a dire situation, and we still have the Repubs playing politics, as if they were going to be gratified if they regained control in Wasington. I can't stand listening to those politicians positioning themselves for the next round of elections. Did you hear McCain? Is he still hoping to run again? Boy! those people have no clue! Don't they know that the future of the entire nation is at stake here? Does it ever occur to them that if things don't change soon, there will be virtually no one willing to even run for office anymore?
>...that this time it truly IS different?
I had this same ironic thought today too. After spouting for over 3 years that it's never different this time, that we turn out to be wrong, at the very moment we were being proven right? Yes, Irony.
They want you to THINK we are f*'d beyind repair, to frighten you in to supporting their bailouts.
The Kleptocrats thrive on economic fear, not economic hope.
That is what they ran on, and that's why they won, no matter what rheotoric their friendly frontman chooses to use.
lot a wackos on here.
well you have the panic button right the election of frankie lymon and the teenagers has caused a massive shift to the left so we can all thank the %56 of our fellow citizens for making this possible the markets are speaking the USA as we know it is vaporizing and yes i know its bushs fault but the sitcom is about to start and if mccain had won this we would be looking at dow 10,000 you know i know it and the %56 know it but hey they wanted change so enjoy it and 2010 is just around the bend comrade
2-3 years ago people laughed when I told them of the coming economic disaster. Now it seems that it's going to be a lot worse than even I expected. The PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) are going to collapse like Iceland did. Not far behind are Ireland, Britain, Russia and assorted smaller eastern European countries. Japan's economy contracted 12% on an anual basis in the last quarter, Taiwan and Korea are even worse. Germany is experiencing the sharpest economic contraction post WWII. China's and India's economies are swirling in the crapper. Many other countries are significantly worse off than the US and we're FUBAR (Fucked UP Beyond Any Repair).
You don't have to be a prophet to see that this won't end well. Personally I hope I'll stay employed.
Worlwide many governments will fail. Anarchy, revolution, demagogues, military juntas, war and famine. I hope it won't get that bad but all the right ingredients seem to be in place.
i was angry and bitched about this mess for the longest time, now i don't even want to talk about it, i have found other things to occupy my time, i almost don't even really care any more. the rich have screwed america, gave our jobs away to mexicans and china and i still feel like one big screw job is coming. now i feel like what can you do, i sure wish i could get 30 billion dollars because i screwed up. there will be no spending on things i don't need, i just can't see myself keeping a bunch of chinese who hate me working. until this happened i really didn't care. i have found myself saying i quit and that is sad. i don't owe anybody anything and put enough money into this ecomony so i did my share. now i invest in me only.
Here's a fun fact:
The biggest producer of heroin is Afghanistan. According to a U.N. sponsored survey, as of 2004 Afghanistan accounted for production of 87 percent of the world's heroin. The cultivation of opium in Afghanistan reached its peak in 1999, when 225,000 acres - 350 square miles - of poppies were sown. The following year the Taliban banned poppy cultivation, a move which cut production by 94 percent. By 2001 only 30 square miles of land were in use for growing opium poppies. A year later, after American and British troops had removed the Taliban and installed the interim government, the land under cultivation leapt back to 285 square miles, with Afghanistan supplanting Burma to become the world's largest opium producer once more. Opium production in that country has increased rapidly since, reaching an all-time high in 2006.
I don't know if any of this is germane, but I just thought you should know.
"Anyone got any good stock tips?"
Don't wait to short the REITs, short the REITs, and wait...
An End...??!!
Oh no, Grasshopper-- This is just the very beginning...
I call bottom. DOW will retest 7300 level.
this country's two big, I see regional problems, there will be in a wider gap between rich and poor, seminaries in the country are just more prepared, I think the government will lose its power to keep the states united,
yes, we are.
Obamaramalama is not helping matters. Claiming that you can solve every problem with "change" (without the ability to make good on that), scaring the crap out of the markets, and then passing wasteful silly bills that accomplish little to nothing is not the way to go.
it's going to get a lot worse. the TV commentators are off the kool-aid. Will be interesting to see what happens when the riots start and when there are price controls.
Expect the gov't to disallow purchases of gold by U.S. citizens in 2010/2011.
The stock market is only back to, what? 2003 or 2004? Thats still in the midst of the greatest boom the world has ever seen.
Wake me up when it gets back to 1990 levels
Some days, I can't believe what we're seeing.
Why, I don't know. Since we saw it coming. But to see the WORST CASE come true, that was unexpected. It took a perfect storm for that to happen. Including a totally incompetent and clueless response from DC.
And still, Mozilo runs free.
And still, the banks haven't been nationalized.
And still, our leaders are in denial.
Down the rabbit hole we go.
Ah Keith,
You are seeing the light, what you predicted is far worst than what is really is. When you cried bottom I told you we weren't even close. You are seeing the light!
Just sold the last of my 1oz Gold Eagles today for $992 per coin.
Investing all proceeds into shorting what is left of the banking industry.
Will cover shorts when banks trade at near 0 due to nationalization.
Will then take all profits and purchase rural land and supplies in South America. I'm out of here!
gwk said...
well you have the panic button right the election of frankie lymon and the teenagers....
Who is frankie lymon and the teenagers?
You called bottom a few months ago. And a few months before that. Here you go again.
No, we are not near bottom.
When was it you had that picture of sheep coming out of the barn?
When was it you were intimating that since people were in fear now was the time to buy?
Was that like a year ago you were calling bottom?
Just sold the last of my 1oz Gold Eagles today for $992 per coin.
Investing all proceeds into shorting what is left of the banking industry.
Will cover shorts when banks trade at near 0 due to nationalization.
Will then take all profits and purchase rural land and supplies in South America. I'm out of here!
February 18, 2009 9:50 AM
Those aborigonies south of the border will barbacue and eat your dumb white yankee ass. But hey good luck anyway. ( If you want a little taste of what your future will be go hang out on the reservations in the Dakotas. (Hint you best be heavily armed after dark.)
America's act of desperation was electing a mulatto messiah promising change. Why do people believe in Elmer Gantry? The real problem is America lives off of borrowed money. When the borrowing stopped, big problems. Now we have a new borrowing bill called stimulus. Dear America pay your bills, stop borrowing money.
"...My first post here ever - Interesting reading:
"The Myth of the Rule of Law""
The housing bubble has reached it’s logical conclusion.
Now read Black Money.
There is no "reset" button to press - we've ran out of scams, schemes, tricks ... and useless money.
Get ready for "Planet of the Apes".
Unfortunately, Anonymous is completely correct - there is
no real wealth generated in this country any longer, and we are now moving towards 3rd-world status in the coming years ahead - but very painfully.
This could have all been avoided, but their are still the few people in this world who believe their comfort is more important than the wealthfare of the country as a whole - regardless of massive poverty, starvation and death.
This is turning into the greatest and darkest of all depressions, it's all been planned, and will suck much of the world down the drain.
What's leftover will not even be livable for the few tycoons who created this mess - not enough worker ants around them to make them feel like kings and queens.
That's were they really f**d up.
Anonymous said...
The housing bubble was inflated to support globalism. Without the housing bubble globalism would not have been possible as there is no real wealth created in the US anymore. The housing bubble was created by Greenspan and his globalist masters to fuel consumption in the US and Europe. We are f*cked beyond repair. Prepare for slavery globalist fools. Greed is stupidity.
PS there will be starvation in the US. (Unless your greedy globalists masters are going to expend their gold feeding unproductive mouths.)
If borrowing + printing money = prosperity...
then Zimbabwe = Shangri-La.
NOW Obama wants me to pay for other peoples mortgage. I am completely disgusted with a America and this out of control drunken politricksters running this country into the ground. My wife and myself lived within our means and now they are stealing our wealth to support millions of idiots that lived way above there means. Let me tell you what OBAMA means to me, One Big Ass Mistake America. You see there are two kinds of people in America those that produce and consume less then they produce. Then there are those that produce little and consumer more than they produce. These disgusting politricksters believe those of us that produce more should pay a MIGHTY price for those that produce little and consume more.
Economies based on fiat currency have always collapsed. And just what makes this time any different?
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