February 25, 2009

Here's a game. Get a beer, and every time they cut away from Obama to show a member of Congress, yell "F*CK YOU" at the screen and take a swig

I hate our Congress.

I hate Chris Dodd.

I hate Nancy Pelosi.

I hate Harry Reid.

I hate John Boehner.

I hate Richard Shelby.

I hate Barney Frank.

I hate Maxine Waters.

I hate Lindsey Graham.

I hate John McCain.

And I hate the ones who are no longer in the room - Phil Graham, Dennis Hastert, Ted Stevens, Elizabeth Dole...

These people, enabled by the MSM and empowered by brain-dead voters, got us into this mess. They are directly to blame for the economic disaster at hand.

The REIC bought them, and they delivered. They let the hedge funds, investment banks and mortgage brokers run wild. They artificially propped up home prices with a stupid tax-free windfall law. They let the ponzi scheme of Social Security grow even more unsustainable. They got us into a $60 trillion hole. They crashed the stock market. They destroyed millions of jobs. They ruined America's reputation around the world. And they screwed your children, and your children's children.

They are enemies of America. Not representatives of America. And they need to go. Every one of them.

So enjoy the speech - it was a great one. The first one by a President that I've ever heard that addressed the economic problems we've talked about here for years head-on, that called a spade a spade, that said 'no more'. I guess that's the kind of speech you have to give when you are broke. When you've woken up in a puddle of your own vomit.

But he gave that speech to a room full of corrupt traitors, who have proven time and time again that they'd gladly f*ck the American people to reward their lobbyists and win the next election.

And pay particular attention to the disturbing antics of freak show Nancy Pelosi.

Oh, there's Debbie Stabenow.

Drink up.


Mitesh Damania said...

IDIOCRACY come true. lol

Anonymous said...

Such a good speaker but that is what makes him so dangerous, in my opinion. This may well be his undoing, although it will take people 3 years to wake up and see this.

Some interesting points from his speech:

1. He talks about individuals, banks and government being irresponsible - all true. But then within 10 seconds says we need to build a strong foundation and start lending again. WTF? Doublespeak?

2. Also the theme is that we the people took the easy way to prosperity that was built on debt and is unsustainable. And yet these same people are supposed to pull us out of this by relying on hard work and innovation... only mention is that we have to try harder and pull together.

Folks, the definition of insanity is expecting different results by doing the same thing.

Obama is such a good speaker that the masses are in awe with his charisma and articulation skillz but the reality is there is no substance behind his plan. There never was and never will be.

Aaahh. Sooooo frusterating.

This is the 4 year endgame for America. The mayans were right, we are all fooked on Dec 21, 2012.


Anonymous said...


If your game is true then you have to drink and yell "F*uck you!" at Obama since the dragon lady Pelosi is over his left shoulder.

Get some sleep and don't plan on coming back to the US until 2013 or later.


Anonymous said...

Looking at Pelosi's smug f*cking smile makes me angry beyond words followed by feeling sick to my stomach.

Obama = A victim of his own success. He can't rock the boat in the Senate and the media loves him. So it's all inspirational happy talk while stealing from the future. No punishment of the guilty at all and no correcting the root cause of this mess.


blogger said...

I tried to stay up for this one but just couldn't do it.

It's not the speech, it's the commentary on Fox News that I really enjoy.

So what was the instapundit reaction?

And scale of 1 to 10, how do you grade it?

I give the speech a 9, and the monkeys sitting in the room a zero.

And why did I have a surreal moment where I thought Angelo Mozilo would be up in the gallery, and that Obama would call him out as an example of corruption, greed and criminal activity that has to stop?

Anonymous said...

Speech gets a 9 for delivery but a 2 for content and a zero for talking about anything that makes people uncomfortable - e.g. delaying retirement.

And you should know Keith that Obama would never single out anybody because it would undermine his positive hope and change message. Even if Mozillo was in front of him, blowing orange scented farts in his face, he wouldn't dare call him out. Obama will never call any individual out, instead he will talk about corruption and bad choices made by the nameless 3rd parties out there.

C'mon, don't tell me you haven't realized this yet???!

Anonymous said...

Hitler also was a great speaker delivering "great" speeches.

blogger said...

Oh my god anon you're right! Anyone who gives a great speech is Hitler! How could I have missed that!

Lou Gehrig - he was Hitler!
JFK - Hitler!
Lincoln - Hitler!
Tom Hanks - Hitler!
MLK - Hitler!
Macarthur - Hitler!

Wow, that's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, the great Charlie Chaplin was once asked who HE, in his opinion, thought was the world's greatest actor.

His reply;

Adolph Hitler

Great speakers and celebrity status do seem to go hand in hand.

(Except for Marlyn, she didn't have to say a word!)

Anonymous said...

i didnt read i hate you obama must have just forgot with all the hatred you were feeling last night glad to see hes saving some money for free college now if he could just give everybody there own school bus to get there

Anonymous said...

I had the same reaction, Keith. Especially bad when the Republicans had the gall to boo at his statement that "we inherited this" [mess]. You are being a little hard on those who may have wanted to dissent or tried to.

Obama is doing his best to point us in the right direction. It's like someone upturned every drawer in the house, and it all has to be put back in order.

The sad truth on energy policy is that all the initiatives he mentioned are not going to be enough to meet upcoming energy demand. We need a massive pure research effort that has been underfunded for decades (wouldn't want to hurt oil profits). Luckily, there is a lot of progress being made, and R&D is getting a boost from the stimulus bill.

We also need a shift in our values, something he gave an inkling of. "More, more, more" isn't gonna cut it.

Anonymous said...

*hOuSE* oF rEPrEsEnTiN'!

I know shit's bad right now.

"...Pelosi's smug f*cking smile makes me angry beyond words followed by feeling sick to my stomach..."

C'mon scro; don't be a pussay.

Anonymous said...

He does give a good speech, however he fails in truthfulness. See below link to AP's factcheck of his speech.


Bukko Boomeranger said...

I got to hear large chunks of the speech on one of the left-wing American talk radio shows we download. Agreed -- good words. Too bad that the bar has been set so low by Bush's last eight years of lying, and Clinton's eight years of spinning, and Reagan's eight years of acting, that someone telling the inconvenient truth is regarded as astounding. It's the Emperor saying "We ALL have no clothes!"

Let's see what actions happen, though. One man, no matter how inspiring, can't overcome all the bank maggots and political mooks from both parties. But I like Maxine Waters. A sassy, kick-arse black woman, like Oprah with balls -- what's not to like?

Anonymous said...

Oh my god anon you're right! Anyone who gives a great speech is Hitler! How could I have missed that!

Lou Gehrig - he was Hitler!
JFK - Hitler!
Lincoln - Hitler!
Tom Hanks - Hitler!
MLK - Hitler!
Macarthur - Hitler!

Wow, that's amazing.

Come on Queeferino, Anon made a valid observation. Hitler gave great speeches and came to power while Germany was suffering through severe economic times. We aren't anywhere near the bottom, so who knows who this clown will blame when it all goes down. He's not saying Hussein is Hitler, but it might be a good idea to keep a close eye on what he plans.

Anonymous said...

"And pay particular attention to the disturbing antics of freak show Nancy Pelosi."

I loved this line. She does look like a cross between the joker, the heaven's gate cult leader, and a porcelin doll.

Has she had botox or something?

What was wrong with her? She acted like a high school freshman at a Moby concert last night.

Anonymous said...

I watched the entire speech, enthralled and delighted with the content and its delivery by our calm, cool, collected President. But, oh God, Nancy Pelosi sitting there smiling like a Mardi Gras marionette and jumping to her feet every ten seconds like a cheerleader on crack made me ILL.
She made Joe Biden look statesman-like in his calm demeanor.
I am proud to see a woman up there behind the President. But not this woman. She's a KOOK.

Anonymous said...

Bukko said:"But I like Maxine Waters. A sassy, kick-arse black woman, like Oprah with balls -- what's not to like?"

Spit my coffee LOL!!

Bukko, a bit of advice - never comment on another country's politicians. Maxine is little more than a weave held together with jerry curl juice. Her IQ wouldn't be a warm temperature on the Centigrade scale.

Anonymous said...

I listened as I tied trout flies in the room near the television set. My impression was that it was a great "how-to" example of learning to talk out of both sides of your mouth within the same breath. Congress has been "out to lunch" for several years now. Jindal's follow up was laughable (unless you were 9 years old).

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

J.H. Kunstler nails it:


"Among the questions that disturb the sleep of many casual observers is how come Mr. O doesn't get that the conventional process of economic growth -- based, as it was, on industrial expansion via revolving credit in a cheap-energy-resource era -- is over, and why does he keep invoking it at the podium? Dear Mr. President, you are presiding over an epochal contraction, not a pause in the growth epic. Your assignment is to manage that contraction in a way that does not lead to world war, civil disorder or both."

Just like the previous administration, Obama and his posse are in full denial of reality. We face contraction and a need to scale back, yet he encourages more of the activities that led to this impasse.

Anonymous said...

don't forget Eric Cantor. that little neutered neo-con bitch gives Virginia a bad name.

Anonymous said...

is that english beer or american beer

Anonymous said...

Or, you could yell F*ck You at Obama as he vaguely explains how he plans to ruin our economy. "Idiocracy come true" is right on the money.

Anonymous said...

I knew Adolph Hitler, and this half white half black shill IS NO ADOLPH HITLER.

Hitler would have killed the entire Executive Branch and Congress and Fed Executives over a long weekend and began with new improved dunces that could follow along...

It's time for ACTION.


Anonymous said...


This guy seriously doesn't have a clue!

I had hope!


Anonymous said...


So this is the change everyone wanted!

They can keep it!


Anonymous said...

won't be too long til we hear a resurgence of the 'N' word!

Anonymous said...

why bother watching? We know they're broke.

Unknown said...

I am sooooo hungover this morning.

Unknown said...

Now if we could only get Ron Pauls brain in Obama's body...

Anonymous said...

"...who knows who this clown will blame when it all goes down..."

Thank goodness most people realize that only the last 4 weeks are behind this debacle.

Anonymous said...




Paige Turner said...

I watched some of Obama's speech last night. I don't believe anything he said and it appears today that Wall Street is equally unconvinced. It's obvious that having international banking criminals continually looting the US treasury isn't going to solve our problems.

The president reiterated the same lies that he told when he was campaigning. He said that money deposited in US banks must be kept safe and secure, the next round of bank, investment company and insurance company bailouts will be totally transparent and the money will be used to help taxpayers and not enrich gangsters, special interest groups and lobbyists will not have any influence on White House policy, there will be free health care for all, education will get billions in aid, etc.

"We will rebuild, we will recover, we will emerge stronger than before." Whenever Obama told his biggest lies, everyone would follow Pelosi's lead by jumping up and applauding. It was really disgusting.

The state controlled media reported this morning that Obama now has an 80% approval rating after last night's speech. We are totally screwed if only 20% of the people realize that Obama is a New World Order puppet, dedicated to destroying the United States.


Anonymous said...

is it just me or do others feel that whenever obama speaks it sounds like he's still campaigning?

i spent the evening not watching him but watching the last batman movie on my surround sound system...really, really awesome! amazing sound in that movie.

Anonymous said...

How funny!!

I was doing that all night! (drinking and yelling F-you)

Hey what about that guy that O made out to be a hero who gave the $60 million to employees? He sold his MIAMI bank for a billion dollars and then paid himself an extra bonus of $60 million and gave it to employees as hush money.

This is a hero to Obama? Another banker walks away from America's financial system with more money than a small country.

People in Florida must be so proud of this hero banker as all their houses get foreclosed on.

GT Charlie

Anonymous said...

On the one hand it is indeed refreshing to hear a president give a speech of that caliber - Bush was a pathetic orator (and man, and president).

However, it's not Hitler that it reminded me of, it's Blair. I predict that Obama's star will follow much the same path as Blair's - that of a a man brought in on a wave of optimism only to utterly fuck everybody and everyone other than his own cronies and big business.

Arguably Obama has less distance to fall, as Blair came in on an uptick for England, but in this case there is so very much more at stake.

We'll have to see, but like one poster said, i'll wait to see the action rather than get all elated over talk. Blair destroyed my faith in politicians probably for life.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - Great speech except he doesn't believe a word he says. That is if he's even paying attention since he's just reading whatever his 26-year old frat boy head speechwriter wrote.

If you are going to yell obscenities at everyone on Congress, you should include Obama too. You really do seem to have short-term memory when it comes to him. (Man crushes will do that). But, Obama was part of that Congress until just a few months ago - REMEMBER. I realize he never did any work while he was there because he was too busy running for higher office as soon as he was sworn into the Senate, but you can't just avoid that inconvenient truth.

Anonymous said...

"Folks, the definition of insanity is expecting different results by doing the same thing."

Mike you are correct.

"Obama is such a good speaker that the masses are in awe with his charisma and articulation skillz but the reality is there is no substance behind his plan."

Mike you are correct again.

This guy makes a great motivational speaker, that does not make him a great President. The historical examples he uses he gets wrong. The people he has surrounded himself with constantly gets it wrong. he places new policies for himself and his team in terms of ethics, he gets it wrong. He says no more pork and he is full of pig shit. Then he gets up infornt of his country and talks about how great he is.

This isn't a jr. high pep rally where charisma is the only thing needed. This is our country.

Last, can someone please tell the first lady to act like it and dress accordingly when she is in the Capitol Building. She did look very nice and her outfit was modest and classy. It was not appropriate for the evening.

Anonymous said...

Barry violated the cardinal rule by over-promising as he under-delivers. This is a recipe for failure. Do the opposite, and you are a rock star.

Such a simple concept but so hard for this "intellectual" to understand.


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

You wait until Obama makes you pay for your neighbor's mortgage - the one where he consolidated his Escalade, credit card debt and new furniture in his mortgage. Nice plan.

House price declines cannot be stopped, no matter who is Pres.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I hate Gehrig, with his wee beady eyes!

Anonymous said...

sounds good, so long as you have not put in the" new upgrade" called digital television that government has forced you into and keep losing signal when you can walk out to the street and see all the antennas of the stations on the hillside, and do not wonder who the politicians sold the airwaves to after they worked for at least a quarter of a century without a problem>

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...a speech full of contradictions, socialism, and false promises gets a 9 from Keith and other cultists? Oh yeah, so let me give you some hard evidence:

1. "Overspending got us to here". But then he passes a bill full of pork.

2. "It's all about accountability". Then he passes a bill rescuing school bus drivers who got $800k mortgages.

3. "Promises to slash federal deficit in half in 4 years". Ha! Check the current spending.

4. "We are “in the midst of crisis”; “our economy is badly weakened”; “our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many”; "we suffer from a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable.”
After all this doom & gloom phrases the Messiah comes with this gem: "we have chosen hope over fear.” bwahahaha What, you don't see the pathetic contradiction here?

5. In the span of five sentences, he told us that America is “…the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth.” But then he says, “Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.” How can we be so prosper and having to start over at the same time?

6. We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to the founding documents.” Then immediately after he lists all the planned gov spending. There is nothing in that document or the Declaration of Independence that authorizes the president or congress to legislate, regulate, or fund any of those initiatives. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution gives the president the following powers: to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy and, with the advice and consent of the senate, to make treaties, appoint ambassadors, judges to the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States. Nowhere is he empowered to “transform schools” or “raise health care’s quality.”

7. “The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works.” He then tells us that Americans are the hardest working people imaginable,
“For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across oceans …they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth…they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg; Normandy and Khe Sahn. Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life.”
Yet now our president tells us that these same Americans now accept an ever-growing federal monster and cannot care for themselves. Of government they ask only, “whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.”

8. The Messiah promises the “people of poor nations” that the crisis-ridden, economically weak, fear-plagued America, with its broken schools, defunct health care, and armies of homeless and unemployed citizens, will be able to fork over billions of dollars to, “work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds.”

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

Hey sheeple, keep your hand in the sand. Chris Matthews, Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper, and Olbermann said so, it must be good!

Anonymous said...

looters filling the pockets of other looters in order to get cronyistic kickbacks, bribes, shakedowns and deals

Anonymous said...

Why does he never look out at the people? He never looks straight ahead. It is so annoying. I have heard it's because his teleprompters are to the sides. I can't watch or listen to him.
And I can't possibly drink any more beer than I already do. Damn!

Anonymous said...

Love the way Pelosi gave a standing ovation when Obama said there will be no more CEO's flying around in corporate jets or business as usual.

WOW. What a reality check as to how fake these people really are.

Don't you get it? They are saying everything people want to hear.

BTW. Obama said he already found 2 Trillion in wasteful spending that he will cut, so the problem has already been solved, right?
Now we can go back to business as usual.


Lost Cause said...

I like Barak, but this bailout package is not going to accomplish much. I hope that he has better plans for the long term. I was also surprised to see him signing autographs for senators and congress people. This guy is certainly living history, and he knows it. Let's hope he takes his moment seriously.

Anonymous said...

What the hell was Pelosi smiling about?

Anonymous said...

"Meet the new boss...same as the old boss"....The Who

W and O both look like chimps.

You have to admit that real chimps running the country couldn't do any worse....

Happy talk
No accountability for those who orchestrated/profited
Throw money & hope problem goes away

I am on a ship of fools and cannot get off.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the pictures to get a grasp on the mayhem and how fast this country is going down with all the welfare parasites:

Thousands wait overnight for subsidized housing applications; hundreds turned away.

Hundreds hoping to apply for subsidized housing were turned away from the Robert P. Kelley building in Fort Lauderdale Saturday morning after five to six thousand stood in a raucous line overnight, authorities said.

''A larger crowd than anticipated showed up,'' Sousa said. ``If it would have continued it would have provided for an unsafe environment due to the amount of elderly and children present.''

English said the vouchers are part of a federal subsidy program in which applicants with low incomes are allowed to spend only 30 percent of their monthly wages on housing. The housing authority pays the remaining fee, he said.

Many who listened to directions stormed away empty-handed, or stayed at the center and vented to English and police officers.

''What kind of mess is this?'' said Betty Outlaw, who is unemployed and living with her sister.

Outlaw and her two nieces arrived just before 7 a.m. only to hear that there was no chance they would receive a voucher.

''Every one of us is struggling,'' she said. ``Cheap rent would help a lot. I feel like they tricked us. Don't put our hopes up and then step on us.''

''It was crazy,'' said Jacobs, who said he, his wife and their two-month-old baby are basically homeless. ``People were pushing. I thought it was unorganized.''

After the crowd left, Northwest Fifth Avenue was littered with McDonald's bags, Gatorade bottles, plastic lawn chairs, coolers and comforters. Some even left baby shoes and baby strollers behind.


Obaaaaammmmmy gonna git me free housing and food!

Spin that hamster wheel faster to pay up, taxpayer suckers! while you work hard, they breed harder. And now comes Obamy's amnesty for 20 million illegals for you to pay their free housing, too.

Anonymous said...

Blogger keith said...
"I tried to stay up for this one but just couldn't do it."

I listened to about half the speech, but it sounded like a rework of all the stuff other Conservative Presidents have said over the last 40 years. No change of any consequence here. Just more of the same old same old. I turned it off and went to bed after about 30 minutes.

Anonymous said...

"''What kind of mess is this?'' said Betty Outlaw, who is unemployed and living with her sister."

Perfect Name, Perfect Symbol for America.

Think about it.


Anonymous said...

"Phillip McDoodle said...
What the hell was Pelosi smiling about?

February 25, 2009 7:25 PM"

Like the self-serving hack she is, she is getting away with screwing the taxpayers for her advantage with her self-serving samoan tax legislation.

Look Up Pelosi and American Samoa and see what you find...

Mr. Barry BoJangles: Why isn't Pelosi being investigated and prosecuted?

Are you ALL Crooks?

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the speech. I can't stomach any more speeches. That's all they are....speeches.

Everyone drools over how Obama gives speeches and how charismatic he is. So what? What the hell does that have to do with anything? An actor could do the same.

Have we all become just a bunch of entertainment freaks, rating politicians for their showmanship?

Looks like it.

Anonymous said...

These pimps are not worth the energy it takes to yell anything.

Anonymous said...

I liked it when he said that he inherited the deficit and then they all applauded - wasn't he a Senator prior to becoming President? Weren't most of those those applauding all members of Congress?

Anonymous said...

"...I predict that Obama's star will follow much the same path as Blair's - that of a a man brought in on a wave of optimism only to utterly fuck everybody and everyone other than his own cronies and big business.

Arguably Obama has less distance to fall, as Blair came in on an uptick for England, but in this case there is so very much more at stake."

I second that. So far it seems nobody in this administration has a clue how to fix the situation. They're all trying to get "their's" while there's still something to be had. I think we're screwed. Ron Paul might have been the only viable alternative this past election. We blew it.

Anonymous said...

Obama's approval rating has gone from 85%+

to 59%


Anonymous said...

And you should know Keith that Obama would never single out anybody because it would undermine his positive hope and change message. Even if Mozillo was in front of him, blowing orange scented farts in his face, he wouldn't dare call him out. Obama will never call any individual out, instead he will talk about corruption and bad choices made by the nameless 3rd parties out ther

Obammmmyyy and his commie henchmean will call out anyone who speaks out against him or his ongoing program of enslaving the American people and destroying the republic.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god anon you're right! Anyone who gives a great speech is Hitler! How could I have missed that!


Anyone who stands in front of millions of people and lies through his f*cking teeth with so perfectly is Hitler. Hitler, like Obamma, "never let a good crisis go to waste" (A quote from Hitlers, I mean Obamma's cheif of staff} . Wake up before it's to late, That includes you comrade Bukko/Wanker.

Anonymous said...

President Obama will propose further tax increases on the affluent to help pay for his promise to make health care more accessible and affordable, calling for stricter limits on the benefits of itemized deductions taken by the wealthiest households, administration officials said Wednesday.

Hey affluent America, give the finger to BO and spend 30% less in our economy. The more these crooks in Washington hike taxes, the less you spend.

Funny, I didn't see these crooked liberals too concerned about health care costs when they were pumping millions and millions of illegal-breeders into the system. Oh and thousands of these illegals are committing health care fraud, which is 45% of all health care high costs, according to reliable research. From Cuban criminals doing Medicare fraud (i.e., diluting AIDS medication or charging phony bills to the state) to Mexicans faking car accidents and injuries to collect insurance. Hey but criminals like criminals.

Oh and by affluent the Messiah means the eBay vendor who sells $250k worth of trinkets and pays everything out of pocket through a S-Corp. Or the doctor who owes $300k in student loans, has 3 kids to feed and educate, lives in NYC, and pays $80k per year for malpractice insurance to ambulance-chasers like party-boy John Edwards.

Everyone boycott this government and its crooked politicians in Washington. Stop spending money, let them starve with us. I have cut my spending by at least 35%...and I'm willing to cut more. I was going to trade my 8-year old car, but after seeing all the bailouts to crooks, the hell with it!

Anonymous said...

Obama talks about cutting programs that will save 2 Trillion over the next decade. Looks to me like that cutting 100 Billion this year. Folks, that's fu*king chump change. Theses as*holes are throwing away Trillions each year.

Call this MoFo out!


Anonymous said...



CREW "Most Corrupt" list
Waters was included by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington ("CREW") among its 2005 list of the thirteen "Most Corrupt Members of Congress" list[18] and on the 2006 list[19] for "her exercise of this power to financially benefit her daughter, husband and son." She was not included on subsequent lists.

After the Los Angeles Times published allegations of nepotism against Waters, Waters filed a request with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to deny a renewal of the broadcast license for KTLA-TV, a station owned by the newspaper. Claiming that "The Los Angeles Times has had an inordinate effect on public opinion and has used it to harm the local community in specific instances," Waters requested that the FCC force the paper to either sell its station or risk losing that station's broadcast rights.[23] Such challenges, according to Broadcasting & Cable Magazine, "raise the specter of costly legal battles to defend station holdings. ... At a minimum, defending against one would cost tens of thousands of dollars in lawyers' fees and probably delay license renewal about three months."[24] Waters' petition was ultimately unsuccessful.

[edit] Los Angeles riots of 1992
During the Los Angeles riots of 1992, Waters appeared on television as a commentator. In defense of the people that looted stores and damaged property, Waters said "If you call it a riot it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a rebellion."[

Anonymous said...

"After the crowd left, Northwest Fifth Avenue was littered with McDonald's bags, Gatorade bottles, plastic lawn chairs, coolers and comforters. Some even left baby shoes and baby strollers behind."

But Obama would have us believe these pigs are "good people". They can't even take care of themselves!

Anonymous said...

it's OK u didnt want to post my msg. i understand.

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