February 10, 2009

California, get ready for a Summer of Hell

What happened in California to get them to this point?

A perfect storm of incompetent and corrupt government, an out of control REIC, an unprotected southern border, and a get-rich-quick easy money mindset.


Item 1:
A special panel of federal judges has tentatively ruled that California must release tens of thousands of inmates to relieve overcrowding.

Item 2:
Calif. facing worst drought in modern history

Item 3:

Mexican drug violence spills over into the US

Item 4:
California's median home price falls 38 percent

Item 5:
California government offices were closed throughout the most-populous U.S. state today as about 200,000 workers were forced to take unpaid days off because the worsening recession is threatening to drain the state of money.


Anonymous said...

Worst drought??

We just got hammered with rains

more comin!

Bukko Boomeranger said...

That's a damned shame, because California used to be a nice place. Starting about the time the Brooklyn Dodgers moved there in the 50s, California set the pace for the United States. For half a century, it was the centre of free thought, scientific discovery and progressive movements.

Unfortunately, the two American Presidents who came from California set the tone for venality and "I, me, mine" greed in the U.S. If not for Nixon and Reagan, and the demon seeds they sowed through the federal bureaucracy, we would not have had Bush. America might have withstood the stupidity of Pelosi, Dodd et. al. if there had been an honest Republican Party led by an Eisenhower. But weak people like the feckless Democrats were no match for the spawn of Trick Dick and Dotty Ronnie. So corruption ran wild. Blame California for that!

Anonymous said...

SoCal has been getting rain almost every day for the last week. Plus, the conservatives in SoCal have the largest recycling water program in the world unlike the supposedly green liberals up north.

Guess the drought is in Northern CA.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but laugh at number 5. Threatening to drain the state of money? What money are we talking about?

Anonymous said...

other state residents, like Texas, who have no state income tax should not have any of their fed taxes go to bailing out arrogant states like California & NY.

Brian Miller said...

other state residents, like Texas, who have no state income tax should not have any of their fed taxes go to bailing out arrogant states like California & NY.

A nice thought... until you realize that most of those states receive far more in federal payments than they pay in taxes (unlike California and NY).

Texas is the sole Southern state exception to that trend. All the other "low tax" Southern states managed a great deal -- massive slabs of federal pork funded largely by states like NY, CA, IL, PA, MA, MI, etc.

The hilarious irony is listening to illiterate red-state yahoos like Ricky Shelby lecture the CEOs of the world's largest industrial corporations on "free markets," when his home state's entire economy is a socialist basket case richly funded by federal tax transfer payments.

Physician, heal thyself!

Anonymous said...

What happened in California to get them to this point?

Bukko happened to cali. Union parasitic socialistic leaches gained control of the government sucked the state and her people bone dry. They then grabed their STOLEN money and headed for the hills. Once they established themselves overseas out of the reach of the people they defrauded they set up their computors so they can laugh and piss on the American people on line. Cowards.

BO will do to the US what the Bukko/Wankers did to cali.

The anti Bukko/Wanker
Captain Conservative

Anonymous said...

Gun dealers experiencing shortages of bullets

Some say it began with the election of President Barack Obama. Others say it's about the economic downturn or fear of crime. Whatever the reasons, ammunition has been selling like plywood and bottled water in the days before a hurricane.


Bukko Boomeranger said...

AH HA HA HA! Glad to rattle your cage, "Captain Conservative." When I see that handle, I get a mental picture of an 8-year-old boy using an American flag as a cape to make himself a super-hero like Captain Marvel.


Why stop at "Captain," mate? It sounds too much like Captain Crunch, one of my favourite cereals. I think you should call yourself "Major Conservative" or "Admiral Conservative." Give yourself a promotion!

One last thought. You style yourself as "The Anti-Bukko"? You realise, of course, that you establish your identity through ME? The thing you use to set yourself apart from the other anonymous posters who are too unimaginative to make up a screen name is MY name! Without me, you are a cipher. (If you don't know what cipher means, use the dictionary, son.)

I think it's precious. Without me, you are nothing. And every time you want to squawk, you have to write my name. You think about me a lot, don't you, anonymous? Admit it -- you love me. It's OK. I understand. I'm not gay, but it's perfectly all right to feel that way.

Anonymous said...

most of those states receive far more in federal payments than they pay in taxes (unlike California and NY)

does this account for the trillions recently "loaned" without disclosure as to where it's going and what's backing it?

Anonymous said...

Unemployed people + big pay for firefighter jobs = lots of fires.

Anonymous said...

I teach in a school district in N. CA.

We were just called into a meeting and told that the district budget was to be cut 15% this school year (in the midle of the school year!). Then by an additional 20% for school year '09-'10 and then ANOTHER 20% budget cut in school year '10-'11.

If you think kids can't read, write or count at a profficient level now, just watch what's coming down in the next 5 years - absolutely terrifying.

If CA thinks education is expensive just wait until they see how expensive ignorance is! Well, the housing crash has shown us that hasn't it?!

Keith - thanks to you I sold my house at the top. Got into gold in the $600's and am getting the hell out of here for a couple of years.

Off to Argentina with my wife and 5 year old for an extended vacation.

I miss HP!

Keith - Thanks for your contribution to the blogosphere - it's a very very important and valuable one.

Anonymous said...

Here's all you need to know why California is DEAD: Read it and Weep:


and small timers dilletants like:

and failed actors posing as leaders:

and the millions of 'retired' double dipping fireman, police and public officials with obscene pensions, each and every illegal alien of all nationalities, welfare cheats of all stripes, diversity specialists and each and ever so-called liberal. oh I almost forgot, Thank you Gay Mafia for bringing us Prop 8. Give Lover boy a wet smooch and a little tongue out-the-door for me today. You folks are what I live for. You're sooo compassionate...

Michael Savage IS Right: Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I hope they know how to forage or food an medicine as the state is currently handing out IOU instead of hard cash to meet its ever bloated 'obligations'.

DIE You Scum Sucking PIGS

Truly a disgusting rogues gallery

California, just another broke mismanaged piece-of-shit in America, coruupt and sick Nation of Nothing.

Anonymous said...

brian miller,

you got a link that breaks it all down by state.

sounds interesting...

Anonymous said...

Only thing worse than flushing tax dollars down the toilet on banks is flushing dollars down the toilet on prisons.

This is a step in the right direction along with balancing government worker pay with private sector pay.

Anonymous said...

How much will ca spend putting out fires this summer.there always seems to be an endless supply of money to have tractors on call at 150.oo / hr.

Formosan said...

HAha, yeah of course the first time I plan to visit California in 4 years and this happens.

Unknown said...

"Guess the drought is in Northern CA."

Take a guess at where your water comes from. Most rain you're getting in Southern Cal goes straight to the ocean.

From Los Angeles Department of Water and Power:

48% of the water comes from the Sierra Nevada mountains via the Los Angeles Aqueduct

41% comes from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which transports water from the California Aqueduct and Colorado River Aqueduct

11% was from local groundwater, a resource that is actively managed and allocated, but is continually being threatened by chemical pollutants, such as MTBE and perchlorates;

1% came from recycled water, and was used for irrigation, recreation, and industrial purposes.

From Orange County:

Orange County depends on imported water from Northern California through the State Water Project and the Colorado River for approximately 50 percent of our total supply. The other half comes from several sources: a large groundwater basin underlying the northern half of the County, recycled wastewater produced by several local water agencies, and several small groundwater basins.

Unknown said...

"other state residents, like Texas, who have no state income tax"

You pay for government with some form of taxes. It may not be income taxes but I'd be willing to bet it doesn't fall out of the sky.

From the taxfoundation.org website

California per capita income $48K
California tax burden 10.5%

Texas per capita income $41K
Texas tax burden 8.4%

Anonymous said...

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi:


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco .

Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco , Pelosi's home district.

Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.

Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan work force.

Paul Pelosi, Nancy 's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.

In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition's.

Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an 'economic development credit in American Samoa '.

Pelosi has called the Bush Administration "CORRUPT"? ?

How do you spell "HYPOCRISY" ?



Anonymous said...

Cal keeps getting screwed like when Enron forced us into power outages and then we have schools full of kids from illegal aliens.
Theres rich people and then po- people and intitled people. The middle class has been wiped out. Then to make things even more awsome we have shows like OC housewives and Super Agents showing how fake it is here.
Lots of good land with wells in the mid/upper state though. I predict total chaos from SD to LA when the money really dries up.
There already tent cities and pretty soon the fema camps will open up. California Uber Allis

Anonymous said...


Ammo sales

especially here in Calif

are Huge!

If you can find the caliber you need so is the price!

Bullets may be like gold

If you can't get it that gun is worthless

so what would you pay to get some?


Anonymous said...

In cali you eiher rich or one broke mofo.

Anonymous said...

On topic, live in NorCal, we are definitely in a drought. Yes we have rain, but it may not be enough. Some rationing being threatend but so far no public service announcement on the news. Thanks again Gavin. Worst mayor ever. Please do not vote for this asshat for governor.

As far as the state furloughs, pretty surprised that the state workers don't see that it's a good bargain as compared to being completely laid off.

I am more convinced as time drags on that State Assembly/Gov are going to completely bankrupt the state to get out of pension and union obligations. It may end up being a good idea. So much in fighting shows that no one knows what they are doing. No leadership...wasn't an early fan of Arnold, but he won me over for awhile. And now, he is just not getting the job done at all. A complete fail.

The scariest thing is the prospect of letting out 30-50,000 prisoners early. There is absolutely no police control in SF nor Oakland...the crimes especially in SF go largely unreported unless you check out the crime blogs.

I feel hopeless in CA...Keith it is actually worse than your post. Been here 20 years....

Anonymous said...

California spent the last 20 years lurching around drunk from one budget crisis to the next. Adding to that the state got suckered into the phony "housing boom" more than any other. They're idiots, morons, who deserve to suffer the consequences.

Anonymous said...

California is the next Chernobyl. That reactor is red hot, I'm glad I'm nowhere near it.

Anonymous said...

As goes California, so goes the nation.

Anonymous said...

Item 1: When you pump millions of poverty from 3rd World countries into a state, that's what you get. Jimmy Carter cleaned Fidel Castro's prisons and mental institutions during the Mariel fiasco, which destroyed a state. Hey, but liberals need those votes, can't you see it?

Item 2: Again, when you pump millions and million of immigrants in a short period of time, the state runs out of natural resources. But ultrliberals never see that connection. Mass immigration is drying the Colorado river.

Item 3: Another reason to build the second Great Wall of China along the border. But liberals need those millions of votes, no matter at what cost.

Item 4: Don't you worry because mass immigration will create much more free housing Section 8 there. That's the plan to get their votes and dumb America down, dissolving its sovereignty.


Oh, and by all means, vote ALL those ultraliberal failures back into office next election. It makes a lot of sense. My bad, I forgot that gay marriage is priority.

ApleAnee said...

Anonymous said...

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi:

The day that Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker she brought in a whole classroom of little kids.

That told me everything I needed to know about her. She is a patronizing, condescending ass.

Cafferty doesn't care much for her either:


Mitesh Damania said...

burn baby burn

Anonymous said...

After visiting Illinois a few weeks back, I don't see how California could get worse than that.

I take care to earn just enough to survive on, and enjoy the weather the rest of the time. Keeps the taxes very low.

Retirement will be a fifth of whiskey and a bullet, and knowledge of a life well lived, rather than a life spent slaving to accumulate wealth for retirement, only to see it stolen when you try to spend it.

They can't steal what you ain't got.

Anonymous said...





Brian Miller said...

brian miller,

you got a link that breaks it all down by state.

Yep. It's all right here:


The report is a few years old. There's a newer version, but I don't believe the numbers have changed that much.

California, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois and Minnesota all are among the top ten most overtaxed states.

For every dollar California pays in federal taxes, it receives just 79 cents back in federal spending. Minnesota wins the "f'ed without lube" contest, receiving just 69 cents for every dollar paid.

Big "conservative Republican" states like Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, the Carolinas, and Arizona all receive well over $1 for every $1 they pay in. Arizona gets $1.30 in federal spending for every dollar they pay in taxes. Alabammy and Mississippi each get $1.77 in federal spending for every buck they pay in taxes.

That's why watching them lecture the Detroit automakers on "free markets" was so funny. Michigan, largely powered by Detroit manufacturing, got 85 cents for every dollar it paid in taxes. That extra 15 cents was transferred to places like Alabama, where Rich Shelby gassed on and on about "free markets."

Try and take away his state's 71% federal subsidy, though, and suddenly he's the biggest collectivist commie on the planet.

Read the report. It's mind-blowing how much money the feds take and "redistribute." And the states that receive the most federal largesse tend to be Republican, while the states that pay for that largesse tend not to be.

Anonymous said...

People are planning on leaving California. Newspaper headlines state that welfare payments and unemployment checks won't go out. Unemployment in Feb will exceed 10%, some counties it will be 15%+.

I hear people talking about moving to Texas all the time.

Unlike the Great Depression, when people headed to California, people will be heading out of California probably to the Midwest.

Everybody's talking about the NAU Superhighway being built from Texas all the way to Canada. Plenty of possible future construction.

Anonymous said...

If we were all libertarians, this shit wouldn't happen.

Anonymous said...

other state residents, like Texas, "other state residents, like Texas, who have no state income tax should not have any of their fed taxes go to bailing out arrogant states like California & NY."

I agree 100% and i live in the Not so golden state...we give all of our tax dolars to social programs... Arnold SUCKS...

Last one out Turn out the lights....

Anonymous said...

For every dollar California pays in federal taxes, it receives just 79 cents back in federal spending. Minnesota wins the "f'ed without lube" contest, receiving just 69 cents for every dollar paid.

Buh buh buh I thought that you Californians loved to pay taxes and subsidize bums. What happened? Aren't you the safe heaven capital of the world by pumping millions and millions of illiterates and gang-bangers from 3rd World countries in?

A recent report from the DoD shows that there are 1 million gang members in the US, most in CA, and the largest growth are Hispanic. What, do you want other states to be supporting your gang-bangers and those junkie bums who sleep all day at the parks in San Fran and Santa Monica?

Plus you have all your CA and NY union parasites sucking up to 70% of cities budgets, after putting only 15 years of work. You usually call them, "heroes".

I guess your ultraliberal crappy model should be followed all over the country, eh? We should all bend over to Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein, while they live in their mansions and you keep electing those failures over and over and over again. Hey, but Bill Maher and Hunfington said it's good, so it must be good!

Now I let you go back to subsiding your Hollywood-high school dropout celebs with your hard-earned money. After all, they need to rent a Caribbean Island for $50k per night and buy lots of $10k LEATHER handbags, while winning about the oh-so-horrible capitalism.

And no, I have never voted Republican in my life, so STFU.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

LA Times -- Santa Monica homeless might get ocean view

Santa Monica is known for its generous treatment of the homeless. But does that include an ocean view? According to the Daily Press, the city is talking about converting a building with prime ocean views into a house and support services for the homeless. Details from Melody Hanatani:

The views of the ocean for the homeless are about to get more comfortable. More than 35 years after purchasing a mixed-use building on scenic Ocean Avenue, City Hall is preparing to lease the property for affordable housing.

The City Council is expected tonight to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a lease with OPCC and allocate $100,000 to the nonprofit homeless service provider for architectural, legal and consulting purposes.


Brian Miller said...

Buh buh buh I thought that you Californians loved to pay taxes and subsidize bums. What happened?

They DO pay to subsidize bums. Red state bums.

All the Republicans lecturing them on "low taxes" and "free markets" operate in states that COULD NOT FUNCTION without federal pork paid for by California, New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Michigan.

I know Republicans don't believe in reading and math, but Jesus, read the friggin' report. It's all right there. Republicans are just as high-tax as Democrats, and they love their gummint pork just as much.

If California, NY and other big blue states cut off Virginia, Arizona, Alabama, Alaska and other solid red GOP states, they'd have enough cash to balance their budgets. Of course, the red states would all go bust without pork and their tune would change from "free markets" to "gimme a handout now, we're too big to fail!"

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