They kill their corrupt CEOs.
We let ours enrich themselves at taxpayers' and shareholders' expense. And we refuse to prosecute even the most blatant and obvious fraud.
Zhong guo shi ge mei hao de guo jia!
A politically incorrect pamphlet hitting on all the unspeakable stuff: Politics. Economics. Fiscal Policy. Foreign Policy. Moral Issues. Culture. Investments. Religion. Humor. Life.
The Chinese solution to the problem of corrupt CEO's has a lot of appeal to me.
I'm still against the death penalty, even for crooked banksters. Put economic criminals in prison for the rest of their lives, so they know they'll die in a cell. It prolongs their misery for YEARS!
Make 'em work, even if it's just in the prison laundry. When prisoners don't work, they get put into "confinement cells" and fed crap food like pureed bean loaf shit. Wouldn't anyone who wants revenge like to think of Mozillo eating that for years instead of giving him a quick, only momentarily terrifying exit?
Plus -- libertarians take note -- when the government starts killing people for activities it defines as economic crime, it can always change the definition of "crime." You want that?
And lastly -- Christians take note -- death eliminates the possibility of repentance. Kill Mozillo and there's no chance he'll realise "I was an evil swindling motherfucker." Chances are that most of these bank maggots won't come to that insight anyway because they're amoral greedheads. But I'd rather have a handful of them sitting there for every remaining day of their lives saying "I was a rotten bastard and I'm suffering for it" than a bunch of corpses whose only regret was that they got caught.
I have been told it is quite common in China to pay someone to do jail time for them.
Who knows if they actually hung the real perps? It could all be a show trial to placate the public.
We should follow China's model.
Post haste.
178 hours and counting....
Ange, get some sun. You need to look your Orange Best for your date with destiny.
Your money WILL NOT matter to the guy you made homeless and destitute. You stole the Nations' Hope and it is No Laughing Matter.
tick, tick, tick...
See ya in Hell, Ange.
Take their money and stuff away. All of it.
I'm still against the death penalty, even for crooked banksters. Put economic criminals in prison for the rest of their lives, so they know they'll die in a cell. It prolongs their misery for YEARS!
Would they also put parisitic socialist union government leeches who destroyed cali in cells unto death Bukko?????
Who did they kill?
Those sick bastards that put melamine into milk which killed scores of children? Then they deserve it.
I'm still against the death penalty, even for crooked banksters. Put economic criminals in prison for the rest of their lives, so they know they'll die in a cell. It prolongs their misery for YEARS!
So we STILL support them for the rest of their lives....(sigh)
I get your point and understand it's not meant to be taken literally...
Still we have to recognize that it's unlikely the Chinese political system does a good job of sorting out the guilty from the innocent. Probably has to do with how many enemies one has made and where one happens to be standing when a sacrifice needs to be made. Such executions in my mind have as much to do with getting caught, causing unrest, and embarrassing those above you to the point where they have to do something about it in order to save face as it does about having caused harm.
I understand it's getting better, but it will take some time for their reputation for window dressing to go away.
Anyone seen that movie "The girl from Monday" where criminal convicts serve out their sentences teaching high-school in what appears to be south-central LA; only more violent? Just think - we save on teachers' salaries and on prison construction! Win-win.
That seems a reasonable compromise solution to me :-)
I want payback more than incarceration. I want those ill-gotten bonuses back in Obama's "spending plan". Let these gamblers sell their yachts, houses in the Hamptons, houses in Aspen, Park Avenue apartments, their jewelry and cars. It was only funny money, anyway. They didn't produce or make a damn thing.
No banker performed surgery, got patents for a new medical device, built an energy producing device, found a cure for a disease, conceived a work of art or designed a beautiful public building.
Banker Billions should be paying for TARP. Instead of privitization of gains and socailization of losses; I say lets privatize the "spending plan."
hey.. i remember the days when jail looked good with its realy fine meals at the county farm and a free pack of bull duram cigaretes every day.. it was a different time and we were different people.....
Would they also put parisitic socialist union government leeches who destroyed cali in cells unto death Bukko?????
Bukko found out it was easier to mooch off the taxpayer in the land of the beergut welfare bum. Don't worry, it won't be long before the Chinese go down under and throw the lot of them into forced labor camps.
You mean like those union leeches who are prison guards in California, Anonymouswhocan'tthinkofaname @ 5:08 a.m.? Because it would be so ironic if parasitic socialist union government prison guard leeches wound up in their own prisons!
But seriously, California "corrections officers" have such a sweet deal with their union contract. They're more immune from pay cuts than teachers. If I decide to move back to California (Mrs. Bukko wants to) that's the union I'm going to join. I've worked as a prison nurse before in Florida. I know I have a sweet, sweet union job waiting for me behind bars in California.
Mate, it's good to be union and governmental! Wouldn't you just love that sort of security?
the land of the beergut welfare bum.
Allow me to give you a lesson in English language slang, Anonymous-who-posts-responses-to-his-own-comments. In this sunburnt, beer-gutted land, the appropriate term is "dole bludger."
If you're going to be writing on a blog that's owned by a bloke who expatriated to the land of the whingeing Poms, you should learn to use the word "dole" instead of "welfare." And Down Here, "bum" means the part of your body that's in contact with the chair when you sit down.
And don't get me started on "fanny." Or "mappa Tassie" either. It's fascinating, how we can be THREE cultures separated by a common language...
The Chinese people are corrupt and evil. They do not believe in freedom like we Americans do. America needs to do a better job of spreading freedom, liberty and the respect of private property.
You mean like those union leeches who are prison guards in California, Anonymouswhocan'tthinkofaname @ 5:08 a.m.? Because it would be so ironic if parasitic socialist union government prison guard leeches wound up in their own prisons!
It's me Bukko>
The Anti Bukko/Wanker
Captain Conservative
Allow me to give you a lesson in English language slang, Anonymous-who-posts-responses-to-his-own-comments. In this sunburnt, beer-gutted land, the appropriate term is "dole bludger."
I'm well aware of that, Bukko, you self-satisfied yankee wanker dole bludger. I was translating for the American audience.
The Chinese people are corrupt and evil. They do not believe in freedom like we Americans do. America needs to do a better job of spreading freedom, liberty and the respect of private property.
That's quite an indictment of Chinese people. Do you mean Chinese people in general or just their parasitic communist leaders?
If it's the former then that's a dangerous generalization to make. It's the same generalization that the Eurofags that Keith associates with make about Americans in general for the military actions of the unrestrained US federal government.
I'm assuming you meant the latter though and I think it's worth noting that while America has been the land of the free and beacon of liberty in the world all of that is rapidly being revoked by a parasitic class of criminals in government, Wall Street, the media monopoly and the military industrial complex. With a docile, uninformed public we will soon be in very much the same boat as those evil Chinese.
I make an exception to my previous statement for this rat bastard from the peanut processor.
His sentence can be to personally test future shipments for contamination.
His testing kit should consist of a very large spoon.
Thanks, Bukko and his antagonists.
Every day I get to learn new Aussie or Kiwi slang is a good day....
Gonzo - right on.
It's not because they're Chinese. It's not because they're government is communist.
It's because a small group who are largely unaccountable to common people have perpetuated their control and enrichment. No matter where you are or what nominal forms of government you observe, when such a political environment develops this happens.
Just ask the Athenians.
Well said Pamela!!!!
Keith you found your true calling for S@A!
God I will be sooo, so happy and proud of this country if we as a people can band together and demand justice.
These pigmen need to be the ones living out of cars.
GT Charlie
Normally I am against the death penalty....but the pure order of magnitude of the crimes involved, the arrogance, and the millions who are now doomed because of their greed....have changed my mind.
Burn them...slowly.
I want them to suffer terribly.
China is the current regime's wet dream Tell me what direction are we all headed in?
Peter Hollin, if you'd like a compendium of Aussie slang, check this out. I particularly like the link you can click on the "Drop Bear"...
SeattleMoose said,
Normally I am against the death penalty...
But now you've changed your mind?
Welcome to the club!
Your eye's are now open!
Next thing you know you'll become a Conservative!!!!!!
yea, the salmonella peanut guy wouldn't live to see the summer in china.
dec 2008
His sentence can be to personally test future shipments for contamination.
he ought to have to eat the contaminated peanut products for the next couple of years.
From fortune mag's recent article on Thain and the thieves in suits at Merill:
"But Thain showed little inclination to reduce Merrill's bloated pay and lifestyle. He famously spent $1.2 million decorating his office on the 32nd floor of the World Financial Center. Fortune has learned that Thain's expenditures made Merrill's procurement officers so nervous that they insisted that Thain sign off personally on the budget. Thain also handed out lavish packages to new hires. Peter Kraus, whom Thain lured from Goldman to head strategic planning, got a guarantee of around $25 million, which he received even though he left the company after three months. (At least Kraus used his own spectacular artwork and furniture to redecorate his office.) Thain was even more generous to Thomas Montag, installing him as head of sales and trading with a $39.4 million package."
ah your just jealous that you never got to pal around with a crony capitalist with an endless supply of other peoples money...duh...me neither
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