February 9, 2009
It has come to my attention that the banks and bankers own the United States of America, and all its citizens. Oh, and they own the world.
Folks, sit down, take a deep breath. Think about what got us into this mess. Think about who made out like bandits. And think about who's now put your job, your livelihood, your family's personal safety and your future at risk.
The banks.
The bankers.
Citigroup. Bear Stearns. Wells Fargo. Goldman Sachs. JP Morgan. Merrill Lynch. Washington Mutual. Countrywide. Indymac. First Federal. Bank of America.
Mozilo, Perry, Fuld, O'Neal, Lewis, Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson, Thain, Prince...
They own us.
We are their slaves.
We exist to try to earn money to pay taxes that can then get channeled by our corrupted leaders into their accounts.
We are their slaves.
And now, as Geithner will announce, we'll give them hundreds of billions more. Trillions more. We'll mortgage your future, your kids' future, and the future of generation after generation after generation of America, just so the bankers can keep getting paid. We'll destroy our currency, we'll lower our standard of living, so that the bankers can keep getting paid.
This summer will be a summer of rage, all around the world. Banks will burn. Governments will fall.
And at the end of the day, it won't matter.
The banks got us. They are bigger than the governments. They are too big to fail.
The banks, and the bankers, the ones at the top, not the laid-off pee-ons at the bottom, they won.
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1967 the summer of love. 2009 the summer of rage.
Maybe we shoud be doing more LSD.
I agee 100% keith.This is such bullshit.We are totally getting screwed here.Look at who pays all the crooks in congress, all those crooked banks.System is rigged.
Well over 70 years ago, Charles Fort said 'we are property; we are owned."
You are a quick study Keith.
Didn't George Carlin already go over all this with you?
It's like an ephinany when you first realise this . Many have been ranting and raving about this on your blog for some time . You know the one that sound a little crazy and outthere . Welcome keith glad to have you onboard crazy train . check this outhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9050474362583451279
All true , it's what they don't teach you in finance school
What do you guys think of this A-Rod steroid thing? Do you think he's guilty or not?
If so, should he get an asterisk??
It looks like more people everyday are becoming educated about fractional reserve banking and fiat money.
It really is horrible that it took such a dramatic crash for people to start to wake up.
The Ponzi scheme that housing had become was easier for most people to grasp, but now some are beginning to see it extends into the finacial market as well.
I have been telling people the housing meltdown was just a symptom of a much larger disease.
The trouble is what can we do now? People are whipped into such a frenzy that they are blindly following stupid bandaid solutions that will actually make things worse. The Bailout being one.
Jim Cramer owns us too.
Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.
The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face. "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"
Lines from: So I Married an Axe Murder
The more I read about all this, the more I see that the brokers, the bankers, the lobbyists, the rating agencies, the politicians, and the Fed and Treasury are all the same: on-the-take greedy lying selfish bastards.
They move around from position to position, payoff to payoff, favor to favor, to keep that money flowing into their coffers, and they don't give a damn about the country. They install their friends and families in Washington like a Monarchy. We might as well be mules at the turnstyle along with all the other mules in the world now. In probably the last 30 years at least, they have had a field day at our expense.
Not all of them, but many, many.
IMO, the 2 party thing is a good ruse to keep it all going. We'll say this ... but then we'll do that ... and then we'll look good and get re-elected.
I wonder if Obama really understood this - if not he is getting a painful education.
Who owns the banks?
"It has come to my attention that the banks and bankers own the United States of America, and all its citizens. Oh, and they own the world."
awwwwww...our little blogger is all grown up.
Hey, Keith, who's on Idol tonight?
The stockholders used to own the banks. With these takeovers a lot of them are left with nothing.
Look at what has happened in the ABCP market. They dumped toxic debt into pensions, municipalities, income trust funds ect. knowing it was crap and got away with it. It has spread throughout the entire world and these creeps are walking around free. Is Madoff in jail?
It's called sarcasm.
HP'ers came to this realization in 2005.
Now the rest of the world is finally catching on.
i read a congressman's account of a phone call he had with bush.
bush was calling him to get him to vote for one of his spending bills.
the congressman told bush that he came to washington to reduce government spending and to shrink government.
bush's response was "so did i buddy...so did i" and then hung up.
makes me go hmmmmmm.....
"Who owns the banks?"
That is the question.
Time to do some homework.
Keith, we have so much further to go though. Look at what we have not even done yet.
1. World currency
2. Central bank commitee
3. Non-restricted trade
So much to do and so little time...
He said only TWO banks are viable, TWO out of several thousand!
$1T to fix it?, LOL
$4T? LOL
It's going to cost taxpayers $20T before this is over. The UD$ will be worthless. Buy gold, buy guns, buy non-perishable foods.
Ungrateful Subjects!!
You could be building pyramids you know.
Or Gothic Cathedrals?
Or perhaps McMansions with $14,000 shower curtains.
kill all the lawyers
extreme libs
and the real housewives of Orange county!
Wait until the same bankers force the entire world to start paying carbon taxes through them. That's the plan, sheep. Don't come crying later.
They're morons! And this doesn't just come from anybody! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOR_3Jw0T2w
You are a quick study Keith.
See Keith, once upon a time there was a dude called Rothschild...
All of us must get our pitchforks and torches and descend on DC and force them to stop this insanity. Congress and the White House are nothing more than Organized Crime Syndicates.
And did you hear what Obama just did? He took the Census out of the Commerce Department and put it under the White House!!! CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT!? This man is pure evil. He is more evil than any other president I've known because he is so sly with his words and his delivery. he comes across as such a reasonable and sincere person and then he pulls a fascist move like ripping the Census out of the Dept. of Commerce so that Rahm Emmanual can manage it!!
The people of this country should explode soon. I hope they do.
Senate vote live right now
Is Idol on?
Fight back.
Don't buy.
Don't rent.
Save every single cent.
I don't believe it because Obamy never said anything about Bankers owing us.
It's the big take over.
If you listen to 80's punk then you will realize it that this was called out years ago.
Bad Brains - Big Take Over
Bad Religion
Circle Jerks
Rudementari Peni -
It hath been fortold years ago..
Hmmmm...if Harry Markopolo blew the whistle on Madoff in 2000, that means the SEC was under Clinton's administration.
well, stupid me, i thought tarp bought preferred to protect the tax payer.
so, now, converting to common is the right thing to do?
I, as a tax payer, am will to convert if all other preferred holders convert to common too.
Oh, regarding my whereabouts during the summer of rage, I'll be drinking several of those $40 per dose Chivas at the Hemingway Bar, inside the Ritz in Paris.
boy Keefer, real brainstorm on that one....duh!!!! No sht the bankers own us all, Obama and the whole DC gang are just tools...NWO is the plan, but must take down USA first
Jim Cra-mer,. is a skin - head!
banks don't own me. I live debt free on 40 acres in California.
I'm armed to the teeth and got some some of the meanest pitbulls you have ever laid eyes on... briefly
Not only do they own us, they bought us for pennies on the dollar using our own money...
Bend over and meet jim cramer.Wasn't he talking about google at 1000 not too long ago.What a bullshitter he is .Is he on goldmans payroll?
Sharpen up your pitchforks.
It's almost time....
tick, tick, tick, tick
You are half right - banks and bankers do try to own us through debt. Debt is a tool used by the powerful to control the less powerful. But, every slave-owning society in history has been defeated either through revolt within or by invasion from without (or both in combination). People were meant to be free; and will rise up against the slaveholders. This just may be the end to racism as we know it, actually, when people of diverse backgrounds actually recognize how they are being owned and divided against one another for the egrandisement of the rich privileged banker bandit elite.
Oh this is only the beginning. The ultimate plan I believe is to allow the world economy to collapse. Thus there will be mass panic in our world. Then there will be a one world currency, a one world central bank and ultimately a one world government. This is coming and coming soon.
"Hmmmm...if Harry Markopolo blew the whistle on Madoff in 2000, that means the SEC was under Clinton's administration.
February 9, 2009 10:51 PM"
Hmmmm and then blew it again and again over the next several years. Who was president then? Hello? dont you get any of this? It matters not what party. Its a shell game and you are the rube. Dumbass.
Meet the new boss - same as the old boss:
Why Is Obama Adopting Bush’s Blustery Stance on Secret Documents about Rendition?
It doesn't matter. Both of these guys are just puppets. The Bush family have been puppets of the global elite since before WWII. Read a little history and you'll find out about Prescott Bush and his key role in financing Fritz Thiessen and Hitler's war machine.
Read some more history and you'll find out how the British Cliveden set or Roundtable Group which included Chamberlain supported Hitler in a game of geopolitics where they wanted to play Hitler against Stalin and destroy them both in the process. Unfortunately it backfired.
So how do you think a dumbass like Dubya Bush could become president? It wasn't on his own merit, let's put it that way. It's because he is a member of the East Coast establishment. He's a Yalie, Skull and Bones member. Skull and Bones isn't some mysterious conspiracy - it's just one club for the most elite families in the US.
Now Obama comes from the elite foundation world. His mother Ann Dunham worked as an anthropologist for the Ford Foundation and her mentor was none other than Timothy Geithner's father. Look it up.
So Obama didn't come out of the blue folks. He's a foundation funded servant of the financial elite. He's never done anything mildly revolutionary or supportive of the poor or black community in his life. He certainly is no Martin Luther King Jr.
Go read "Barack H Obama: The Unauthorized Biography" if you want to know more.
Jim Cramer is a joke. Why would anyone listen to his investment advice is beyond me. His Modus Operandi is to talk from both sides of his mouth and thus he can say "gee, remember I told you to stay out of the housing market!".
He will make a call to buy a home and then less than two weeks later he will say "oh patience can pay in certain parts of the country". Thus he can say six months later that he was right all along. To see his real record, just google "Jim Cramer's record".
This might be the first time I agree with Jim Cramer. He said to nationalize the banks via the FDIC and to sell off their assets. I actually agree.
This will be an absolute windfall for those banks that remain solvent. And the king of those is Goldman Sachs.
But it is better than keeping these weak, zombie banks alive as was done in Japan. We need to follow the Swedish model and nationalize the insolvent banks (BAC, CITI, etc) to sell them off in pieces.
Since the banks own you, the only thing you can do to win back a bit of your freedom is to own the solvent banks. Hold your nose, pray for forgiveness, and buy GS on the next dip.
Disclosure: I don't own GS but I may soon.
And did you hear what Obama just did? He took the Census out of the Commerce Department and put it under the White House!!! CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT!? This man is pure evil. He is more evil than any other president I've known because he is so sly with his words and his delivery. he comes across as such a reasonable and sincere person and then he pulls a fascist move like ripping the Census out of the Dept. of Commerce so that Rahm Emmanual can manage it!!
This is a real question, "I've had it", not snark. Who's pushing that line about the Census Department? Not that I dispute the assertion, although I haven't researched it. But whose cause du jour is this?
You see, I heard the same line of fear about the Census from my 75-year-old mother in Maryland when I Skyped her yesterday. She's getting a bit senile. In the midst of all the other crises hitting the U.S. -- her investment portfolio is down 50%, and she's been riding her bank stocks down to zero, mainly because I've been telling her to sell them since last September and she's determined to defy me -- and she's worried about the CENSUS BUREAU?!?
You forgot to add why this is pure evil, though. It's because Obama will use Census data to gerrymander Congressional districts so that only Democrats will be elected, and it will make the U.S. a one-party dictatorship for the rest of time! C'mon son, if you're going to bring up a conspiracy theory, you've got to educate the people who aren't as clued in as you are.
OK, that last bit was snark.
Back to serious, though, where is the cry of alarm coming from over this. My mom does not listen to Druggy Limbaugh or other right-wing radio. She doesn't have cable, so she can't get Fux News, although she does watch a Faux TV broadcast station from Washington, D.C. When I was grilling her -- our conversations often turn into a session of "Where do you get this crap, Mom? Here's what the truth is." 'No, that's not the truth, sonny. I don't care what you're reading me from source documents you found on the Internet. That's just your opinion.'
She wasn't sure where she learned this about Census, but she knew it's a bad, bad thing.
Anyway, with all the other bad things that are happening, could you tell me where the Census crisis story originates, "I've had it"? I'm truly curious.
But if the bad debt is turned to common share equity, doesn't that mean
Bad Banks R Us?
Keep it up Keith! Another great post. More and more people will find their way to S&A and discover they are not alone. The movement will grow.
Justice will be served when Wall Street scum will have to spend every cent of their stolen 401k booty to pay for armed guards outside their estates.
When everyone comes to realize that Pelosi, Reid and Frank could have paid off 90% of the mortgages in the US with the money they are giving to the "bankers must stay rich" bailout scams; they will be very upset. Instead they chose to make sure we stayed indebted and they stayed rich.
GT Charlie
yeah but are the bankers bulletproof?
'smatter keef? How 'bout yer percious 'Bama and the stimulus/pork/rip-off treasonous payoff to those bankers you deride? Nothin' on yer website 'bout dat 'Bama?
Obama just said, and I quote:
"The party's over"
There's your headline. A president of the United States just admitted what we all knew was true.
Americans lived beyond their means, they over-consumed, they based their economy on consumer spending and not on making things that the world wanted, and then bam.
The party ended.
Deal with it.
Your life will never be the same.
And we haven't even gotten to entitlements yet, and how those aren't gonna get paid.
patrat said...
"Who owns the banks?"
That is the question.
Time to do some homework.
After the homework is finished, then what?
Capitalism and the free interprise system will always give rise to this criminal-ponzi-grifter mentality.
They will ALWAYS find away around the rules (making money illegally is so fucking much easier then legal).
Nimesh said...
Then there will be a one world currency, a one world central bank and ultimately a one world government. This is coming and coming soon.
Well, we won't have to listen to the Republican/Democrat bullshit anymore. Could be a relief.
Obama is trying to get life rafts lowered from the Titanic and the funking republicans are out there sticking pocket knives in them as hard and fast as they can.
CNN, MSNBC, FOX are ALL morons. God, beign a talking head must be easier then selling funking shoes.
I'm so damn sick of all of them.
I'm astounded.
All of the stimulus is going to CREATE JOBS.
Not immidiately solve everything, but over fucking time.
Over the next 4 years, things will start to improve.
Why can a white woman see the strengh in this and you MEN CAN'T!
Is it dick envy?
A black guy is cooler then you?
Summer 2009 will be no picnic indeed, but I don't see the major riots and chaos until 2010. The majority of unenjoyment benefits will still be in place for 2009. I can't see a total meltdown unless there is a total bank collapse or some unforseen event to set it off. Maybe another poorly handled natural disaster or pandemic will set off the powder keg. I can't wait, bring on the Revolution and set up the gillotines on the steps of all the Federal Reserve Banks. I hate violence but I truly believe until these banksters feel personally threatened, they will continue to behave like the world was put here for there own personal enrichment.
Obama just said, and I quote:
"The party's over"
Just a little bit of good news to lessen the worry...
I've perfected a method to cryogenically preserve cheesedoodles.
And in the spirit of The New World Order, when I'm allowed, I'll share it with all you S&A-ers.
Until then -- Smile! :-)
All of us must get our pitchforks and torches and descend on DC and force them to stop this insanity. Congress and the White House are nothing more than Organized Crime Syndicates.
And did you hear what Obama just did? He took the Census out of the Commerce Department and put it under the White House!!! CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT!? This man is pure evil. He is more evil than any other president I've known because he is so sly with his words and his delivery. he comes across as such a reasonable and sincere person and then he pulls a fascist move like ripping the Census out of the Dept. of Commerce so that Rahm Emmanual can manage it!!
The people of this country should explode soon. I hope they do.
Yes, this scared the sh*t out of me more than anything lately-This will be a blatant use of power to manipulate numbers however they see fit. Does noone else see this????
Bingo! This involves nothing more than one big sub-prime loan for the entire country. A loan that we pay interest on forever and never pay off. All future citizens or should I say slaves will work to pay the global bankers.. End of Story.. PS: BushCo and ObamaNation are one of the same
"Obama is trying to get life rafts lowered from the Titanic and the funking republicans are out there sticking pocket knives in them as hard and fast as they can.
CNN, MSNBC, FOX are ALL morons. God, beign a talking head must be easier then selling funking shoes.
I'm so damn sick of all of them.
I'm astounded."
All of the stimulus is going to CREATE JOBS.
Not immidiately solve everything, but over fucking time.
Over the next 4 years, things will start to improve.
Why can a white woman see the strengh in this and you MEN CAN'T!
Is it dick envy?
A black guy is cooler then you?
I am guessing these anon post are from the same anaon.
I don't have a problem. The only problem is people like you won't look at the negative consequences. I have, and I won't be happy if my money goes torwards this bullshit.
Obama is leading us with lies. His speech he just gave was a joke. He usd the recession in Japan as an example why we need to do this. Congrats Obama, I an sad a guy with your education just got the history Japan completey wrong on national TV.
He said, "The credit crisis is real." No shit Obama, but you want to fix it with debt.
He keeps going back to this mess was left to him as he came in office. We have already looked at his involments in this mess and he is proving to be a larger liar. As I have said before he is Bush failed policy on steroids.
By the way! Got Ammo?
All of the stimulus is going to CREATE JOBS.
My cat was walking across the f-ing keyboard. So everything mis-spelled.
Cussing up a storm and my cat messed it all up.
OK, that's kind of funny.
I'm funking mad and I'm not going to take it any more!
I have a feeling I may have to descend into my shelter soon.
The sheep are a pretty stupid bunch...but once they wake up and go into a rage, you can pretty much count on martial law.
Watch them run out of food, then we'll see how "civilized" everybody is.
Then we'll see how "fair and honest" the conservatives are.
Then we'll see how "intelligent and compassionate" the liberals are.
Then we'll see how "helpful and protective" the government really is.
Yeah, we'll see lots of things.
Capitalism and the free interprise system will always give rise to this criminal-ponzi-grifter mentality.
They will ALWAYS find away around the rules (making money illegally is so fucking much easier then legal).
So what's your remedy, moron? Should we just go pure socialism or communism or how about a monarchy? The problem is that the criminals in government then have even more power to screw over the population just as history has shown over and over again. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Kim Jong Il etc etc..
I'm so sick of the stupid Marxist, Leninist socialist idiots that pop up and blame it all on capitalism. Every luxury you have is due to capitalism you idiot. The problem we have is criminality and a breakdown of law.
Read some frickin history and understand that the founders of this country established a rule of law that has been subverted by criminals seizing control of the government, the media and the military industrial complex.
What we need is a revolution that re-establishes the Constitution and a system that the people can use to punish or oust those that disobey the Constitution. The Constitution is the contract between the government and the people and boy has it been broken over and over again!!
anonymous @9:52,
Thanks for posting the "Money is Debt" video. I thought I knew something about banking, finance and the economy... then... amazing.
Here is the YoutTube posting of same: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVkFb26u9g8
I've sent the link to many people... and I never do that.
I'm astounded.
February 10, 2009 1:50
Read what the CBO had to say you socialist dumb fuck. When the shit hits the fan retards like you are going to suffer. Pitch forks bitch.
Is this why Jesus warned against the moneylenders?
Jersey Girl
And I think Bingo is right: this is all a giant subprime loan that we're all being forced to take. That should be the counterargument against it.
keith was the guy that said he wanted obama. obama said to keith...
how do you like me now?
"BushCo and ObamaNation are one of the same"
and if keef ever pulls his head out of ((((the sand))) it will be...KEITHPANIC!!!
Did you read the health care provision they slipped in? The govt will monitor your health care electronically and order your doctor to deny you treatment according to their rules.
We are all doomed.
They have already assembled the concentration camps in anticipation of the ensuing riots as starving hysterical masses of rabble loot burn pillage mayhem in the streets.
Prepare to meet thy doom.
"awwwwww...our little blogger is all grown up."
To use the proper vernacular it should read:
awwwwww...our little blogger is all GROWED up.
Did you think how the dynamic of the banks owning us is going to play out? Here's my suspicion.
The U.S. owes a shitload of money to other countries. They're not going to want to see that get hyperinflated away. There's only so much food and real goods the U.S. can export to them as repayment. So America's creditors will have to buy property.
Has anyone mentioned lately that there has never been a better time to buy property?
But seriously, I would expect the Chinese and Japanese et. al. to be purchasing houses, apartments, offices buildings, farmland, mines, water resources, etc. That way, they'd be getting something worthwhile in exchange for the T-bills they won't want once they start getting monetised for zero % interest.
Only the buys will not be in the name of Tu Wong Fu, or some Shanghai investment corporation. That would be too easy to nationalise when there's a wave of populist anger against the poverty that will fall on America. It's what banana republics in Central America did to the banana plantation owners. (Then came the Marine invasions...)
But what about if the Chinese and other creditors buy into BANKS? And multi-national corporations? And the banks and multi-national corpos are the ones who are buying the houses and renting them to Americans. Meet the new boss, only the boss is behind an international corporate shell.
How do you have populist pressure to snatch stuff back from those dirty foreign owners when the apparent owners are banks from your own country, or from no single country? Plus, those banks will be pulling the strings of the politicians who would be writing the laws about nationalisation. Which won't happen, of course.
America is SO f@cked! The only hope is for a system collapse, and a total reboot. The trouble is, lots of people die when shit like that goes down. Would you like some explosions with your fire-popped corn?
we need genetically altered mass mass reproducing cows
Banking is a racket.
Four things need to be done:
1) Use aggressive forensic accounting to shed light on their money laundering schemes.
2) Follow the 'money trail' to root-out and prosecute the insidious fat cats who have gamed the system.
3) Clawback ill-gotten gains and imprison convicted offenders.
4) Re-establish aggressive regulatory oversight to restore transparency with strictly-enforced accounting standards and auditing techniques.
Figures that Taco is foaming at the mouth about the stimulus creating jobs. It is creating jobs for ILLEGAL ALIENS. Follow the news they tried to block it but our grinning pigs traitor representatives killed that off.
Jobs for illegal slaves, American citizens, death to American workers.
That's why Taco is fuming so rabidly about the stimulus creating jobs.
"I've been telling her to sell them since last September and she's determined to defy me -- and she's worried about the CENSUS BUREAU?!?"
That's because your mother is bright enough to pay attention to multiple things at once. Not worrying about the Census Bureau means that you're owned.
It's like dealing with kids. Mine come up to me freaking out about a crayon that another kid took from them. I distract them with something else and while they aren't looking, put the crayons away so they don't think about it.
This requires abstract thinking here, Bukko. I hope you are up to it. The financial crisis is the distraction, and you are the child. What are the crayons?
Shadow Profiteering,
Those are good constructive ideas. I'm afraid it's not that easy
Kennedy and Lincoln both tried
And died trying
These are vicious bloodthirsty monster vampires
Cross them and an example will be made
I'm afraid that it will take more than talk to foil their present moves but your ideas are constructive.
It is instructive to read the quotations of American from the revolutionary war such as Thomas Paine:
""If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute." - Rights of Man, 1791"
John Hancock:
"". . .In defence of the freedom that is our birthright. . .we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the agressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before."
John Hancock,
In his pamphlet, Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms", July 6, 1775. From Revolution to Reconstruction
Shadow Profiteering,
As I said good constructive ideas. Here is a link to a lawsuit by Bloomberg against the Feds trying to accomplish just that to no avail:
Others have tried suing Bush for RICO racketeering human trafficking to no avail.
They will continue to rub it in our faces regardless of the bawling and sniveling of the hapless citizen, the cries for mercy will go unheeded, the man is cruel heartless wicked. We are all doomed.
JaneZ asked:
After the homework is finished, then what?
Answer: You can't form a lynch mob if you don't know who your target is.
Kill the head of the snake. Abolish the Fed, demand transparency in political contributions, demand accountability and full disclosure.
For example, there is a lawsuit pending against the Fed by Bloomberg. The Fed simply refuses to disclose where trillions of bail-out dollars are going.
Similarly, banks are refusing to disclose where the stimulus money is going.
We need laws with teeth to force full disclosure. Then the creature will scurry from underneath their rocks, fleeing the light that is shining on them. They like dark cold places where they can hide and slither out at night to hunt.
Apparently, over the weekend, all the bankers met at the Venetian in Las Vegas at a cost of millions and got their stories coordinated as to how they spent the billions. Basically they are not saying. Cross their bloody little hearts.
And just think, we thought all of this was just about being Democrats or Republicans.
Time to kill the two-party system. It's merely a carrot to dangle in front of us, giving us the illusion we have some say in something.
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