February 10, 2009

"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquid real estate"

Anyone got deja-vu?

"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system.

"High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up from less competent people."

-US Sec. of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, 1929


Anonymous said...

Wheres this similar quote from?

Ross said...

Oh God please let this be our path.

Anonymous said...

I think were entering the stone age!

Anonymous said...

Pretty much spot-on.


Anonymous said...

very presidential that obama made me feel real confident in our nation but hey like he said he just got here but it's his now he owns it blaming the dog ate my homework won't work to long and have you noticed the class of people attending his stimulus rallies they want cars gas for the cars houses kitchens for the houses benefits so the sitcom is in progress and to the 56 pct. who voted for frankie lymon and the teenagers thank you because it will cause a revolution in this country like none before

Anonymous said...

They very moment we adopt that policy, I become a permabull.

Miss Goldbug said...

I found this listing in Beverly Hills, CA this morning. A spooky premonition....

Property Information for 1299 Monte Cielo Dr Save Listing

Anonymous said...

Learn how to use punctuation, you dolt!

Anonymous said...

WHERE ARE THE PERPS? Where are the clawbacks?
Why are things still going on as usual for the bankers?
For the debt raters? For the politicans and people in power who are still sitting on the boards of directors of companies that make their campaign contributions and pay the lobbyists?

Anonymous said...

Isn't this geithner dude a boring ass fellow.He looks like a total nerd.He should be stocking shelves at sears robuck.

I'm actually thinking of liquidating all my stocks.At this point I feel we cold have a total crash.This is so much more corrupt then I thought.These crooked realtors and lenders have cost me my life savings.

Anonymous said...

It's time to tar and feather these bastards:

Schumer: American People Don’t Care About Pork Projects In Stimulus

Mitesh Damania said...

wtc7 vs chinese hotel fire. china wins: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1140024/Chinese-TV-station-sorry-accidentally-burning-brand-new-luxury-hotel.html

The Thinker said...

Obama will not call for the liquidation of assets, he will raise an army of dead banks and dead investments to do his political bidding.

Welcome to zombie capitalism!

Anonymous said...

yes annon its without what you want for a reason so what else do you have to offer other than critiquing my writing

Anonymous said...

ACORN will get billions in ’Stimulus’ Money?

Nice guy that Obama.


Darth Vader said...

If Obama followed Mellon's advice from the 30's THAT would be Change.

There is not a snowballs chance in hell of Obama allowing free enterprise. It will be government regulation down to the smallest detail [ and all the costs associated with that ].

Don't be surprised if they take over the internet, or at least regulate it like the Chinese do.

Anonymous said...

gwk think he Jay-Z wit his stream of consciousness rappin an such he don't realize he not a player he a sucka like da rest he dont make no sense need to step OFF

Anonymous said...


"This breezy narrative comes from the pen of a veteran journalist and economics reporter. Rather than telling a new story, she tells an old one (scarcely lacking for historians) in a fresh way. Shlaes brings to the tale an emphasis on economic realities and consequences, especially when seen from the perspective of monetarist theory, and a focus on particular individuals and events, both celebrated and forgotten (at least relatively so). Thus the spotlight plays not only on Andrew Mellon, Wendell Wilkie and Rexford Tugwell but also on Father Divine and the Schechter brothers—kosher butcher wholesalers prosecuted by the federal National Recovery Administration for selling "sick chickens." As befits a former writer for the Wall Street Journal, Shlaes is sensitive to the dangers of government intervention in the economy—but also to the danger of the government's not intervening. In her telling, policymakers of the 1920s weren't so incompetent as they're often made out to be—everyone in the 1930s was floundering and all made errors—and WWII, not the New Deal, ended the Depression. This is plausible history, if not authoritative, novel or deeply analytical. It's also a thoughtful, even-tempered corrective to too often unbalanced celebrations of FDR and his administration's pathbreaking policies. 16 pages of b&w photos. (June 12)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "

ApleAnee said...

Darth Vader said...

Don't be surprised if they take over the internet, or at least regulate it like the Chinese do.

They will have to shut off the Internet when the public gets rowdy. As long as people can communicate you cannot exercise absolute control.

S&A will be at the top of the list I think, along with Denninger. LOL

ApleAnee said...

gwk said...

yes annon its without what you want for a reason so what else do you have to offer other than critiquing my writing

FYI gwk. I luv your posts. The dog ate his homework. BWHAHAHAHAHA


Anonymous said...

deja-vu all over again.

Anonymous said...

you noticed the class of people attending his stimulus rallies they want cars gas for the cars houses kitchens for the houses benefits


don't forget the granite counter tops!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this geithner dude a boring ass fellow.He looks like a total nerd.He should be stocking shelves at sears robuck.

he looks like the type you cream in dodge ball.

Anonymous said...

these ass clowns (geithner, BO, pelosi, etc) have got me so worked up i can't even concentrate. they are taking stupidity to new highs, or is that new lows. F*k, up is down down is up.

Anonymous said...

"...got me so worked up i can't even concentrate..."

Easy there fella; plenty more entertainment available.

Anonymous said...

GWK, you might have something interesting to say, but if you don't punctuate, it's difficult to comprehend. I read these comments quickly, and I don't want to have to decipher where the sentence breaks are. So I ignore what you write. I'd imagine most people do, aside from the charitable JaneZ.

There's a reason punctuation was invented. Same reason there are rules for how to spell words correctly. SO PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND SHIT! If you don't follow common-sense rules, you come across as stupid. Perhaps you think it's all "real" and "anti-elitist" to write the way you do. And a 5-year-old thinks it's all cool to call people "poopy-heads." Grown-ups just think it's dumb.


Anonymous said...

why are so many of you worked up about how I write if you see gwk move on read someone else I can't be bothered with commas and periods so thanks and the sitcom is about to start and to all my %56 brothers and sisters thank you for giving me a reason to have faith once again that true conservatism will rise from this debacle only a few weeks in

Anonymous said...

Weren't YOU advocating liquidation also Keith?

Anonymous said...

All cash baby!

Captain Anarchy said...

Casey - better decide soon. If the S&P500 substantially breaks support at 820 things could get hairy.

I'm disappointed with Geitner too. He's a total "politician's pick". Not someone to break from the herd. Well respected and safe-seeming even if he's not actually safe.

Captain Anarchy said...

Or better yet, print money like there's no tomorrow and you can liquidate cash too!

There's more than one way to skin a cat...

Captain Anarchy said...

Shlaes uses bogus data and sloppy methods. Which is unsurprising, given that she's a journalist and not an economist.

Her claim that unemployment increased during the new deal is based on figures which count people working for the WPA as unemployed. In addition, the main time period on which she focuses is during a time in which certain parts of the New Deal were struck down or retreated from.

She's about on par with David Lerah. About the only thing she's gotten right lately was Freddie/Fannie, and even that was more of a "stopped clock" kind of event.

Nothing to see here.... Move along...

Captain Anarchy said...

I've paraphrased Mellon myself here. I've since rethought that position. It sounds nice. But at the time it didn't work. He was dead wrong.

For us I think it's too late for that tactic. This continual pounding through various range-bound slumps has destroyed enough confidence that many potential buyers would want to wait for further declines.

Outside of the few who prepared for this, a few uber-rich individuals and funds, and the government, who is left standing in a position to pick up the pieces and buy once the liquidation completes?

Do we want what's left of the nations' assets concentrated in those hands? That sounds closer to Chinese-style plutosocialism than anything I've heard from the American left.

At this point the main two contenders seem to be Lost decade or rampant (not hyper- in my estimation) inflation. Which is worse?

Saul said...

The World Economy...

Will it blend?

(get it? Liquidate.. oh, never mind).

Anonymous said...

"GWK, you might have something interesting to say, but if you don't punctuate, it's difficult to comprehend. I read these comments quickly..."

As do I, so cut it short, OK? I didn't have time to finish your post.

FWIW, I don't have a problem reading gwk's posts. I guess I can adapt.

Anonymous said...

That sounds positively conservative.

How non-pelosian of you!

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