February 27, 2009

OK, now we know that Eric Holder (and his boss) are just more of the same. Cowards. So let's all give them a call, and let them know what you think.

Here's Eric Holder's number: 202-353-1555

I'd suggest something like "Yes, message for Eric Holder. ARREST ANGELO MOZILO YOU F*CKING COWARD. Thank you."

Or something like that.

Report back.

And be careful. Unregistered phones, or Skype. They'll tap your phone and waterboard you otherwise. Just more of the same.


Anonymous said...

I had a conversation about race with a black co-worker yesterday. It didn't go well. Now am I still a coward or just an idiot?

Paul E. Math said...

You are a man of your word, Keith.

Even while you were campaigning for Obama you stated, quite clearly, that you would be there to point out his mis-steps.

You said you would hold Obama and his administration accountable when they went astray or failed to live up to campaign promises.

This is what democracy needs, someone active and supportive but not partisan or blind to the human failings of those he supports.

And yes, how in the f&ck is Angelo Mozilo still walking around free on the poop-deck of his yacht?

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this site, can someone tell me why there's a picture of a corpse with the text 538 hours below it?


Anonymous said...

Keith - did I hear you correctly, did you just criticize the messiah (Obamaramalama)?

Anonymous said...

Holder's a neutered little bitch.

Anonymous said...

I called and left the following message:

Investigate who funds our collages and universities!
You coward!

Investigate how many Islamic extremist are professors in our education system and implant our destruction - softly.
You coward!

Anonymous said...

more neo-con cons:


Anonymous said...


Way more intersting:


Tick tick tick

it hath been fortold.

Anonymous said...

Even though they were ahead of the times.

They where right all along.

Anonymous said...

i feel so terrible for you and all youre hopes and dreams that you put into this man they call obama and how you thought that america was back how difficult it must be to be so disappointed and on the brink of giving up all hope just kidding im loving every minute loving every day in this administration and the angelo tirade is getting boring you need to focus on something else like 2010

Anonymous said...

Arresting Mozilo means arresting several folks up there on capital hill, perhaps even Mr. Holder.

So, once again, nothing will be done to the crooks who made the most of scamming other people.

Meanwhile, Congress makes things much, much worse by introducing "TARP-2".

Anonymous said...

Holder needs to hold the Justice Dept. accountible for its relative inaction during the most corrupt administration in recorded history.

At this time, the most efficient means to accomplish such accountability would be to immediately put ALL Justice Dept. staff on unpaid leave/probation pending a thorough independent review of past indiscretions/malfeasance.

Until the Justice Dept. ITSELF is cleaned up, there will be no progress in rooting out and prosecuting the perpetrators of our thoroughly corrupted financial system.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused.

Am I not a quitter or am I coward?

Anonymous said...

Keith YOU voted for him!

HE is YOUR guy

Anonymous said...

They are not cowards. It is just that the mega-rich are above the law.

Anonymous said...

I called the number...they refer you to local law enforcement OR to the FBI OR they give you the Dept of Justice address so you can write OR you can leave a message but they won't call you back.

That's worse than AT&T customer service..at least I can (eventually) talk to someone in India when I call them.

Anonymous said...

You're up for a big disillusion by calling, since that cat is too busy trying to confiscate guns from Americans, while whipping his black arse with our 2nd Amendment, all to save ooohhh-the poor Mexicans (the latest excuse).

You see, now your hero Messiah's adm. is trying to blame us for Mexicans shooting each other, as if the Mexican drug cartels couldn't buy guns from China, Brazil, Russia, Africa, Germany, etc, with ALL that drug money. How many weapons did Chavez just buy from China?

Let me enlighten some of you, domesticated sheep. The reason a few Americans still care about the 2nd Ammend. is because without guns, any fascist regime, (like BO's) can walk all over you easily. I know domesticated sheep like Bill Maher try to sell the illusion that gun owners are barbarian or ignorant, but it's not the case. These Beverly Hills idiots are always whining, between limo and private jet rides, about how we should all become French and British (again). They're supposed to be sooo smart, but they aren't able to notice how the new fascism from the NWO is making moves, from engineered financial collapses to Nafta. They gave the bad boy GWB and now comes the Messiah to save you all. And you bought it.

If you haven't paid attention, the New World Order is fast and furious trying to change the US into a police state like the UK and Australia, introducing bills to censor our Internet (you know, "to protect the children") and with anti-gun articles all over the place now by New World Order operatives disguised as journalists. Hellooo, New York Times!

The Swiss citizen gotta have an assault weapon in his house, according to their legislation, to protect the country. Every single one of them has an assault weapon at home. The same thing with the Israelis, but you don't see Rahm E. trying to disarm his masters back home, do you? Why the Israelis can have assault weapons at home to "supposedly protect themselves" and the Americans can't? Can you answer that to us, Rahm Emanuel?

Anonymous said...

This piece of shit calls every white person in America a coward. One week later he anounces he will begin siezing weapens. Good luck chump. Yaaa the god king Obbbammmyyy rolls with this guy.

Mitesh Damania said...

The STD errrrr FTD is spreading.

Anonymous said...

>These Beverly Hills idiots are always whining, between limo and private jet rides...

Plus these cats have fire power at home too. It's the hypocracy thing like Planet Gore hopping on the private jet and making a bee line to the 20k sqft crib to do the nasty with Tipper.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to get it (all of you)?????

It is all a big lie, Republicans, Democrats, Media. They have fooled you all along....

Anonymous said...


Modern day Step n Fetchit!


Anonymous said...

Say that to my face Coward!

Anonymous said...

The same thing with the Israelis, but you don't see Rahm E. trying to disarm his masters back home, do you? Why the Israelis can have assault weapons at home to "supposedly protect themselves" and the Americans can't? Can you answer that to us, Rahm Emanuel?

February 27, 2009 7:17 PM



Anonymous said...


I tried to call and unload my speech of criticism and wrath. But I got a message saying the voicemail box is full!


Anonymous said...



F**K you Holder!


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