February 12, 2009

Schiff predicts food lines. Tens of millions unemployed. In America. Food lines. Tens of millions. Thank you realtors. Hope it was worth it.


Anonymous said...

It might not be in the form of food lines ,but it might be a food credit card . This will stimulate
the economy when people by food and that will be the only thing in demand .

Anonymous said...

Remember, No One in Power listened to Scgiff before the SHTF and No One is listening (except the Bush Family and our Good Friends, the Saudis).

Why are we condemmed to suffer Fools at the Highest Places in Government?

Truly, stay tuned for American Revolution #2 which will be played out on a street near you very, very soon.

Reality Show? Try broke, hungry, sick and desperate. Not a good mix for the general population on the march, looking for vengeance.

The public will be looking to Bushco-Cheneybuton again, this time with a rope...

blogger said...

More of this to come:


Anonymous said...

"More of this to come:


As usual, the media only tells part of the story and does not ask the needed questions. He bought the house in 2002, but now is in foreclosure due to re-adjusted rate? Did the guy refi and take cash out like so many did?

OnlineBrokerReview said...

There is no real point in predicting something like "food lines." How would that come about anyway? One way is for food prices to spike over the course of many months. Clearly we are not there yet. The other way is a massive devaluation of the dollar and a subsequent shutting down of world trade overnight. In that case, why bother just predicting "food lines?" Just say Armageddon.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know there have already been food lines where people had to be turned away. Wasn't it PBS that did the documentary around Thanksgiving?

Yeah guys that's already happening. People are trying to live on 2 or 4 dollars a day, period. I remember a young man talking about the car plant he worked at and how it shut down... I am thinking Michigan.

They have something like 11% official unemployment now, it was lower around Thanksgiving. Im going to say that the food lines start forming when a state reaches 9% unemployment.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for hyperinflation. Hehehehehe.

Anonymous said...

We refuse refuse refuse to take the nasty tasting medicine. NO NO NO (SHAKE HEAD BACK AND FORTH) NO NO NO NO NO!

Anonymous said...

So, I guess he wants to balance the budget, pay-off the deficit and become a pay-as-you-go nation?

Ain’t gonna happen, why, because the bankers and their lap-dogs, the politicians would rather eat dog crap first.

Time for a new 3rd party? We can always dream forever about that and have been, it would still take a hundred years to pay down all the debt they’ve created! So creative those people! I’ll be retiring in about 15 years, so I hope Julio is gainfully employed by then because I’ll be completely worn-out and gonna need the the Social Security welfare money.

Thank you Julio and all you other hard working Obamaniacs!

Anonymous said...


When you realize that your hard earned money is worthless...

or gone (i.e., bank closure or ponzi, confiscation...)

you can't afford a roof over your head,

You can't afford to feed your family,

'If' you can find food at all!

And you realize it's all because of Government Greed and corruption
and rampant rule breaking

Once this hits

This F**ked up bunch in Washington will have wished they had outlawed gun ownership decades ago!

But, it will be to late for that.

Oh what a day that will be!


Anonymous said...

No transparency, stoneage.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that this mess was the result of FAR more than just some crappy mortgages.

We've been living in a credit bubble the last 20 years. It finally popped. The housing bubble was just the last part of it. Business earnings, and thus the stock market, were driven by this credit bubble as well. That is why the markets are crashing and places that have been in business forever are going out of business.

We're in for a decade long recession - at least.

Anonymous said...

Forget gold-- I'm hoarding vegetable seeds.

Anonymous said...

there won't be food lines like in the old days. we now have foods stamps.

Anonymous said...

There is no real point in predicting something like "food lines." How would that come about anyway? One way is for food prices to spike over the course of many months. Clearly we are not there yet. The other way is a massive devaluation of the dollar and a subsequent shutting down of world trade overnight. In that case, why bother just predicting "food lines?" Just say Armageddon.

February 12, 2009 12:40 PM

Have you ever seen a farm? I won't waist time explaining it takes intrinsic resources to grow and proccess food. This country is going to learn the hard way why globalism and day trading was a focking joke. There will be food lines. The larger question is will there be any food.

Anonymous said...

There is no real point in predicting something like "food lines." How would that come about anyway?

Well... this is really a matter of research isn't it?

You see, every year (in the fall), we know exactly how much seeds farmers buy which will be kept on the side to be planted in the spring the following year.

But WE KNOW that the amount of seed bought for planting in 2009 is HALF of what the farmers would usually buy.

This means that WE ALREADY KNOW that there will be food shortages in the US... THIS YEAR!

So here's the deal. If there are shortages of food... such as wheat/flour... this means that most bakeries will not get enough flour to bake enough bread to serve their customers.

This means that YOU as and IN-DUH-VIDUAL will need to get to the bakery early to buy your bread. And chances are that there will be others who are just as smart as you.

So guess what, you'll be standing in line with everybody else waiting to buy your bread... hoping it doesn't run out before you get to the front of the line.

What's really going to piss people off is when the bakery doesn't open because it never recieved its shipment of flour. After standing in line for several hours... that's when you will really see the riots start.

Why did the farmers not buy seed? Probably because diesel prices were so high last year that they already calculated that they couldn't make a profit.

Or Monsanto has been getting on their case so much with contaminated crops, that they decided it's not worth planting until some laws are changed.

Whatever the reason, the fact is WE KNOW the amount of food produced by the US this yeare will be much lower than last. But the fact is that there was a food shortage LAST year too!

Time to start stocking up...

And ss for the brainless type who made the original comment - please don't come on to this blog to tell others they can't predict the future. We've been right on the money for the last 4 years!

Try making some logical arguments as to why you think food lines WON'T show up.


Anonymous said...


why would that be Armageddon?

What is it that the US provides the rest of the world, that they would be in trouble without its exports?

Well Taiwan and South Korea will likely experience Armageddon soon after the US can no longer afford to keep its military overseas. Israel too, though they'll give more than they get (and still lose).

Anonymous said...

I still don't see the hyper inflation he predicts. America can shut down the borders, flip the world the bird and feed/shelter ourselves without any help from anyone. Again, we got the resources and we got the biggest guns in the world.

Sure, we don't have the oil and would have to give up our SUV's. But wouldn't that be a good thing? I still believe the world needs us to buy their crap more than we actually need it. And defaulting on all the national debt would get ugly, but wtf they gonna do?

I see more massive deflation no matter how much they try and inflate out of it. This train is not stopping until it wrecks. We are past the point of no return and its actually a good thing. No matter what $$$$ they throw at it, the system will still flush out.

Just have to hold on tight and wait for the bottom. The blood in the streets, riots and social unrest is coming. Help out and protect friends and family, stick together. Then, when the dust clears, buy everything you can.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, keep on voting for Boxer, Feisntein, and Pelosi, since they've been doing a great job for California. It makes a lot of sense to keep the same failures in office.

No sympathy from me. Burn Baby Burn.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the "Loss Psychle":

OnlineBrokerReview said...

The people on this board are way too jumpy. I didn't say food lines were impossible, I said it was pointless to predict them. Why? Because if you truly believe that there will soon be no food then what the hell are you doing arguing on the internet - or in Schiff's case selling a book on TV? That would be the end of the whole economic and political system. If you thought that was going to happen you wouldn't be wasting your time around here that is for sure. What good would Schiff do for his clients managing fricken dollar denominated accounts for them if law and order broke down?

Anonymous said...

Why did the farmers not buy seed? Probably because diesel prices were so high last year that they already calculated that they couldn't make a profit.
Actually for many it was because they could not get loans... remember where commodity prices were just a few months ago? Fertilizers?

It won't be pretty.

Anonymous said...

I see more massive deflation no matter how much they try and inflate out of it. This train is not stopping until it wrecks. We are past the point of no return and its actually a good thing. No matter what $$$$ they throw at it, the system will still flush out.
You deflationists don't get it do you?

With no debt, why should I care about deflation? The value of my money just goes up even if I keep it all in cash.

And I don't worry about things that make me richer. Hyperinflation on the other hand, is another beast totaslly... there is nowhere to hide unless you are worth many millions of dollars if not hundreds of millions.

Anonymous said...

"...please don't come on to this blog to tell others they can't predict the future. We've been right on the money for the last 4 years!"

LOL. OK, sure.

Anonymous said...

I visited the web site laying on top of the video.

"Preserve And Protect Your Savings Now!!
Position Yourself To Grow Your Wealth Exponentially During Southern Californias'
Next Cyclical Inflationary Real Estate Bull Market By Securing Rising Non-Dollar
Assets Today To Buy Into Property At Fire Sale Prices Tomorrow!!"

Wow, Phil DeCarolis does it all! Yesterday, a realtor. Today, a gold bug. What does that tell you?

It's almost over is what it tells me.

Anonymous said...

The average fat ass American is more than a few meals ahead and a few shits behind .They should make exercising in the food lines mandatory.

Anonymous said...

that's what you get for letting in a whole country to come in to do what american's won't do. now you are stuck with them (all of em not just mexican's)and you are going to pay for them with your tax dollars and they are laughing at you because they drop those babies and get all the free benefits and know they are home free. they could never get what they get here in their own country that is why they come here. if you really mean business quit going to mcdonalds as a anti immigrant protest, anyway you may need that job.

Anonymous said...

Screw Schiff. He's like the Realtors in some ways: lots of fancy explanations for what he wants you to believe to support his "investment" scam, which is based on nonsense in the long run.

Betting against the U.S. economy is not an "investment strategy", it's a bet. And it's a bet which has always been a bad idea in the long run historically. Gold? You can't eat gold, and it's not very industrially useful--and we're clearly still in a bubble due to the idiotic goldbuggery which is still running rampant. If things stabilize, the bubble will collapse, devastating the goldbugs and their followers, and if things really go Mad Max, gold will be nowhere near as useful as, say, skills, land, guns, connections, and functioning machinery.

Betting on Euorope and East Asia against America? Really? Take a look at the size of the credit bubbles and crises in Euorope and the effect of lagging US demand on China.

If the world goes Mad Max, he's just another liar selling fancy paper assets worth nothing, and if the world becomes more peaceful and prosperous, his doomsday prophesies will obviously lose money for anyone who listens to his drivel. Yes, he says specific things which are true, and he sounds smart, but he's still just another cheap flim flam man making the world a worse place for people who really work for a living, just like the rest of the scum on Wall Street.

Paul E. Math said...

I like Jim Rogers' expression: 'inflationary holocaust'.

I'd say that just about sums it up.

I have money invested in a double agriculture etf (DAG) and it is now down 12% since I bought it a couple months ago. At this rate, I'll owe money on it by the end of the year.

Sometimes I think about selling it and taking my lumps. But Schiff is right.

All countries throughout the world are printing money and producing precious little.

There is a certain minimum amount of foodstuffs that a planet needs to survive. And the planet's population grows by 80M every year.

You can also notice that fertilizer companies are cutting back and laying off as sales are way down - I wonder how lower fertilizer usage is going to impact crop yields?

Food will become increasingly valuable.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keef we almost had riots here in Cleveland when a national pizza chain offered $0.23 pizzas for one day in some bread and circus type event.

The zombie hordes (albeit very obese zombies) were out in FORCE that day and the MSM reported their plaintive wails of waiting in line all day only to be told they had run out of pizzas...

Anonymous said...

"I used to like to go to work but they shut it all down,

I got a right to go to work, but there's no work here to be found,

and they say were going to have to pay what's owed,

we're going to have to reap some seed that's been sowed..."

Telegraph Road, Dire Straits, 1982.

Bang on target 27 years ago.

Mitesh Damania said...

People are even less prepared this time around.

Anonymous said...

First anonymous made an astute point. We have to raise our voices to ensure that the cash out refi, high off the hog while times were good but now comes crying for some help on the mortgage-that fu*k does not get a penny of our money. Is the homeowner handout plan going to filter those fu*ks out. I don't mind the Salinas cabbage pickers who didn't speak English and were deluded by some coke sniffing broker to sign a loan getting a little help.

Second, the Republicans who railed against Dems rooting for Iraq war to go badly are now openly hoping that whatever Obama does fails, yet they don't see the hypocrisy.

Unfortunately, it looks like there is nothing that BO can do. The problem is to big and uncontrollable, so politically Repugnicans stand to gain short term. Not that they would do any better or have anything to offer except their bullshit tax cut mantra.

Meanwhile, GLD and GDX.

Anonymous said...

"there won't be food lines like in the old days. we now have foods stamps."

You've never been on food stamps or had a family member who was. Food stamps alone are not going to cut it, the purpose of food stamps is to assist you so that you don't starve to death and it is extremely difficult or impossible for most people to qualify for them.

I refer back to the PBS documentary last November. Some of those people were on food stamps, and the commentators were talking about how it was absolutely necessary for these people to go to food banks and seek other programs in order to eat.

The 2-4$ assumed food stamps, guys!

And since it is goverment-run, be prepared to deal with the inability to get hold of them, and other assorted problems, when or if you qualify and get inside the program.

Again I say that a lot of people are going to be in for one hell of a shock when they discover the truth about the welfare/public assistance programs.

Anonymous said...

Is the food lines before or after all major retailers sell their goods at or below cost.

U.S. retail sales increased 1% in January from the prior month, a marginal uptick attributed to deep price discounts and seasonal factors after weak holiday sales.

Anonymous said...

got some of the seeds found in store bought tomatoes into the warming desert ground already and wonder if the plants will survive the summer heat this year.....aLMOST PLANTING TIME IN THE NORTH AND EAST.... IF YOU DO NOT GET SEEDS THAT HAVE BE NULIFIED BY EXTREME VULTURE CAPITALISTS

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...hello??? Can't you just stockpile food at home for the next 5 years? I sure can. I buy those huge bags of rice and other dry goods at Costco, soup cans, Ramen (yeah, I know), grow a vegetable garden, and I have bought this machine that produces free water:


Gas and energy I hedge with ETFs.

I don't know what's the big whoop. I'm ready, bring it on.

Anonymous said...

I've thought about it over the months and it's not really the realtor's fault.
Many had been in the business for 20+ years, just doing a regular job.
Suddenly it all changed and they were just there on the front line still selling houses.
It's the ad-MEN who make the suck-ass Suzanne ads. She's not real.
I don't blame realtors, I blame Greenpan and the others who pushed de-regulation. Like you've stated in your other post.

Anonymous said...

ahhh come on guys...
Government cheese is great. Just think you can be like the rest of us. Working for minumum wage. deciding wether you want to pay the electric bill, or getting food.
My boss told me that I should feel lucky that I have the job I do. because I am a woman. Plus it was explained to me that the men make more money because they have families to provide for.
Me and my co-workers have not recieved a raise in three years. but I heard minumum wage is going up to $7.55 an hour soon.. Me and the kids are going to celebrate at McDonalds!! So I can imagine some of you are Business owners. Paying us lucky single mothers wages we deserve. So sorry to hear that the REALTORS have ruined your lives. Maybe one of your employess can give you a lesson on how to make a meal out government cheese. And remember, Theres nothing wrong with shopping at GoodWill.... WELCOME TO THE FOLD... and you thought that this was something new... Being screwed and forced to live in poverty conditions.... lol. lol...lol..
Im going to go to school to become a REALTOR... I want to catch the next Housing Bubble. MY TURN....lol

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