China crisis as economy crumbles
An 8 per cent growth rate sounds impressive, but the Beijing leadership fears social unrest in the countryside as it struggles to create jobs
Chinese authorities have been training police forces to deal with potential labour unrest. President Hu Jintao has called on the army to remain loyal in the face of growing discontent at the first downturn many Chinese people have experienced. Last month, a clash between police and about 1,000 protesting workers from a textile factory in Zigong City, Sichuan province, left six demonstrators injured, according to the rights group Chinese Human Rights Defenders.
Mr Wen warned that the government would continue to prevent what it calls "mass incidents", its euphemism for riots, protests and demonstrations. "We will improve the early warning system for social stability to actively prevent and properly handle all types of mass incidents," he said.
Here's how the Chinese can stimulate their economy. Build more cattle cars and re-education camps where subversive elements of the population will learn to appreciate the ruling party. Same strategy might work here as well. It's all been done before.
"Arbeit macht frei"
Do you think that American Troops will fire on their own citizens?
Who do you think the military will be loyal too - the government thsat pays them, or the people who are ill disiplined, lazy and probably criminal
Do you think that American Troops will fire on their own citizens?
Who do you think the military will be loyal too - the government thsat pays them, or the people who are ill disiplined, lazy and probably criminal
Not to mention - FAT.
I'd fire on them too
Hats off to the Chinese people, and the French for that matter. They still go out on the street to protest.
All we do is yelling & screaming at our screen, from the comfort of our homes.
Internet is wonderful, but is has lulled us into believing we can make a difference with just a keyboard.
8% my %rse, show me the data. If the US government is cooking their books imagine what is going on in Bejing
People in finance, economics, and business ("masters of the universe") scoff at the importance of knowing history (except for past "data"--i.e. the Bill James method of analyzing everything --and everyone--solely by statistics).
Well, the masters of the unievrse are in for a surprise regarding China. Those of us who know our history will not be surprised.
China will implode, its factories will be destroyed by its own population, its borders will be closed, and a new form of primitiveness will surface-- a 'back to the land' movement.
Maybe the Chinese will get really pissed off and start blaming the U.S. for their predicament.
Chinas insignificant issues are a Eurotard decoy.
Here is why:
China is growing.
Europe is declining.
In every area of evolution, not just economical
Remember, the ones that are being accused of a potential uprising, have been poor and oppressed by the Eurotrash for OVER A THOUSAND years, being poor does not equal violence to them.
The barbaric vicious Europeans on the other hand have not had a 50 year stretch of non extreme violence in all its history.
Upset said:
All we do is yelling & screaming at our screen, from the comfort of our homes.
Ummmm. we would be making a much bigger difference if we damage other peoples property?
China is a Ponzi Scheme. The insane prices in Shanghai. The overnight millionaires. It is all coming to an end, unless the Party along with the military can keep the peasants under control. Most people in China are illiterate peasants who have seen others enriched obscenely at their expense. Marx is probably rolling over in his grave somewhere.
Let it go, Europe always looking for an excuse to impose more and more their police state, while the European citizens bend over, take it without Vaseline, and say "I love it":
(Bloomberg) -- A turf war between drug gangs is turning one of Europe’s safest cities into a shooting gallery.
Denmark’s worst-ever bout of violence between criminals intensified last week with three shootings that left two dead in Copenhagen, the capital. That prompted the government on March 4 to propose some of the most sweeping laws in the country’s legal history by lengthening jail terms and giving police more surveillance powers, including wiretaps.
“We’ll give police almost anything they ask for,” Justice Minister Brian Mikkelsen told reporters this week. “We need extraordinary steps. We won’t give the gangs a moment’s rest.”
Violence erupted last year with the emergence of immigrant gangs, police said.
“This conflict has an ethnic side to it,” said Klaus Bondam, a deputy major of the city. “That threatens to polarize Copenhagen and alienate a large group of citizens.”
Let me get this straight, the European global elite brings low life immigrants inside their countries to profit from cheap labor and depressed wages, then when all hell breaks loose they want to wiretap all citizens and give Carte Blanche to the police to do whatever they want?
Buh buh buh what happen to your European globalism? Wasn't the obese idiot Gordon Brown telling us how globalism is soooo great? What happened? If it's so great the way European leaders are selling to us, lets fill European countries with Africans and Mexicans.
The land that gave us Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini keeps on giving. Oh my, you Europeans are sooo sophisticated with your police state and croissants, always serfs for the global elite and fascist dictators.
Next scam, the rest of the world will pay carbon taxes to a World Central Bank in Europe to support their European global elite a$$es. Electric bills, airfares, gas prices, public transportation, UPS shipping fees, price of any product that uses electricity and shipping, iPods, etc, etc, etc, will all go up like crazy to all stupid taxpayers. But the liberals love it. Jon Stewart joked about it, so it must be good!!! If Jon Stewart and Olbermann tell me to eat $hit, I obey like the good brainwashed sheep I am!!! Like Seinfeld said about his murse, "It's European!!!"
They will be pointing their guns at America when they realize America Fucked them Real Good and that China is never getting even a dime of their 'invested' monies in US.
All that so they could sell their lead-based slave-labor produced cheap Wal-Mart shit.
I bet the warheads land in Crawford, TX and Idaho with any grace of God.
Fuck America. America Sucks.
Burn globalist beeeeeoooooooooochhhssssss. You will not enslave the working man. All you 3 foot tall needledick ankle biting day traders will be competeing with big brauny bikers guys for food and women. Bwaaaabwaaaa. Dumbasses.
Bukko their comming for you.
The other issue I hope you touch upon soon, Keith, is food and water.
The HPers and S&Aers have talked incessantly about the perfect storm in the real estate and financial markets and loss of wealth, but let's not forget that we're sort of dependent on this nice little old lady with the flowered hat, called Mother Nature.
We only need 1 bad year of a longer winter, a shorter summer or an otherwise crap harvest of grain in Canada, US and Russia to set off regional wars involving countries like China, Russia and India.
There are literally millions of acres of farmland in the US lying fallow the last 5 years as farmers have been subsidized by the US government NOT TO GROW sh*t.
There will no doubt be some opportunities in the coming years for the US to revisit it's agriculture infrastructure and food industries. I'm wondering too whether there might be a future again for reinventing the long lost "family farm" business that started to die around 1981?
I can't believe how lucky my adviser was. He told me to get out of Chinese stocks last year, and that a lot of the growth was artificial, stemming from the ramp-up to hosting the Olympics.
Meanwhile I kept reading here about how China was going to take over the world.
People don't seem to see the connection, that America continues to make machinery and industrial equipment, and has mostly outsourced the manufacturing of toys and other crap. Which country's manufacturing do you think will survive - the one with Caterpillar, or Hasbro?
Same reason America refuses to drill for oil like crazy - it will be worth more later.
Chinese government 1 vs. democracy 0
The US freakonomy has been fueled by credit, and the China freakonomy has been fueled by Americans using credit to buy their crap.
Things are gonna get a lot worse in China over the next couple of years as they deteriorate over here.
Cops and soliders have mortgages and 401ks too....
Their government will shut them down in a minute. The government brags about how they always have more people to replace the ones that get killed. They don't care about people over there.
Everything is bugged. They have people-buggs everywhere. Even as a westerner, you can't even speak Mandarin without someone coming up to you and wanting to know why you're there and why you're speaking their language. Even crappy Mandarin and you get questionned.
It's a creepy place. The further their people are allowed to expand on westernization, the creepier it gets.
They dolled it up for the Olympics but I don't trust it at all.
Americans need to start protesting in the streets. I did so recently at one of Rick Santelli's Tea Parties that were held across America.
Had a decent crowd of 200 folks braving the cold; and all very decent folks. Normal people, not 60's burnouts who go to protests full time. These were ordinary professional types, 95% of whom were libertarians and conservatives. Some good looking chicks and well-dressed. And few 60's liberal burnouts too who were cool.
This is what Americans have to do in order to stop the bailout insanity and power grab of the socialists.
You've got to get out on the streets and yell!!! Preferably with pitchforks and torches.
Never know when one will turn on you.
Lots of Iraq vets well-trained in weapons and tactics available for hire.
I'd keep making those vet payments, Mr. Secretary.
i think they did at Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. i think a lot more people got killed there than we will ever know. i am not sure what would happen with our army? be careful of blackwater security and the 82nd airborne brigade delta force types. they are the enemy for sure. they must be dealt with and eliminated by any means necessary, without question.
Bukko their comming for you.
Mate, I get lulz from your mad spelling skillz!
Mate, I get lulz from your mad spelling skillz!
March 7, 2009 4:18 AM
Hey Bukko lets see if spell check saves you from a Chinese bullit. Go wipe an ass you ass. Who wipes asses for aliving and claims he's smart, only Bukko the dumb ass commie.
i think they did at Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. i think a lot more people got killed there than we will ever know. i am not sure what would happen with our army? be careful of blackwater security and the 82nd airborne brigade delta force types. they are the enemy for sure. they must be dealt with and eliminated by any means necessary, without question.
March 7, 2009 3:15 AM
You have to believe me. The army will not be at play inside the US no matter what happens. The thugs in Washington will run when this thing goes south. There are simply to maney armed people here.
Bukko baby, Your commie friends the Chinese will be coming to take raw materials from you boys. Better find a man to hide behind.
The Chinese will do to Australia what they have done to Rhodesia [ Zimbabwe ].
AH HA HA HA! I've got union job security wiping arses in a nice air-conditioned hospital, where I get to work with female nurses who are younger, slimmer and better-looking (on the whole) than the nurses in the U.S. Especially the ones from New Zealand. What is it about Kiwiland that produces so many cute chicks? (Even if they do talk funny.)
Worry on in your paranoid little world, anonymous, where the big bad booger-man Chinese/Muslim/European savage is going to come and get ya. Oooh, it's scary when you're a frightened little bunny. Meanwhile, I stride boldly through the world.
Next fortnight, snorkeling in the Indian Ocean. Oh my god! There might be sharks, or deadly jellyfish! Good thing I'm not a timid anonymous troll. I'd be pissing myself instead of swimming in the tropical waters of Ningaloo Reef.
Keep writing your wack comments, anonymous. You crack me up more than anything else on S&A, mate.
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