May 6, 2009

Chris Dodd on investigating Bush/Cheney and torture. Fine. But how about investigating Chris Dodd too? "You gotta go where you gotta go", right?


Anonymous said...

His head needs to be placed on a pike on a bridge leading into DC. His can be on one side of the road and Barney Frank's can be on the other - it would make my commute so much better.

Anonymous said...

How about waterboard this son of a bitch until he squeals about everthing he has done. I say after he tells all then do it it again, and again.

RICO said...

We can put the torture issue on the back burner while we pursue the Wall Street gangsters with every legal recourse available.

Dodd is hiding behind political expediency to cover his ass.

He's implicated in the biggest heist in the history of mankind.

He's dirty.

george said...

what torture?Where is the proof?Do you think they would torture us?

Anonymous said...

Pentagon to hire 20,000 bean counters to root out fraud.

AS. IF. In other Betrayal Headlines...

Newspapers can't figure out why they are dying.Seen many relevant headlines about the massive financial fraud perpetrated by the biggest names in business?

Me neither.

You are reading the future RIGHT HERE.

Anonymous said...

Newspapers have done such a wonderful job protecting our interests that now we will let them out of paying taxes?Fuk. Mi.

Anonymous said...

Rich People believe in Leona Helmsley's mantra: "Rules are for the little people."

les said...

Just In.

Dodd on the Dodd investigation:

After a very thorough investigation, I found that I was innocent. Case closed.

Anonymous said...

Dodd on the investigation:

"I'm too busy with Bush/Cheney to be investigated myself"

Anonymous said...

This fucker needs jail time. Serious jail time.


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