Too much laggard teabagging pessimism and ignorance around here.
Good luck America.
Enjoy the boom.
A politically incorrect pamphlet hitting on all the unspeakable stuff: Politics. Economics. Fiscal Policy. Foreign Policy. Moral Issues. Culture. Investments. Religion. Humor. Life.
Hope all is good!
where are you?!
Come back Keith!! Ron Paul is winning.
Obama is obviously just another GS pawn. Let's get this discussion started again.
where are you
I hope you are looking back at what you wrote and feeling profoundly sheepish. How's that boom working out for you?
I hope your doing well. I miss your wit and insight. Your first housing blog saved me $100,000.s
I hope you come back, I enjoyed your subjects and comments. Take Care, Jim
Aw....need a hanky? Obama didn't make it all better? You probably didn't believe in the Messiah hard enough.
Come to campidiot.com and we'll kiss your boo-boo.
What, has Greg Swan won?!? Housing Panic is no more. Soot and Ashes is no more.
The bailout of Wall St. has yet to help Main St. Rather, Main St is blighted by for sale homes and condos, for rent signs, vacant retail and commercial space, $4+ a gallon gas, unemployment, wage freezes, tax increases, benefit cuts, etc.
I am just loving this recovery. Low unemployment, housing market all cleared, values stabilized at a level low enough that working folks can afford them again, but high enough that home debtors aren't underwater. The deficit's finally under control, and gas is less than $2.50/gallon.
And to think, a year ago, all those Tea Party assholes were being so pessimistic.
Boy, did you ever blow it.
Where are we on your little sine wave? You thought it was "Hope" (and that was over a year ago!), but we are still stuck in "Denial."
I don't blame you for slinking away like you did. If you ever come back, your "followers" will roast you on a spit.
Keep your head down, buddy. Maybe you'll find your "boom" down there in the gutter.
Keith. I think you owe it to us to come back, y'know.
How's that Hope and Change working out for you?
We are now moving from Denial into Fear. Things are going to get far worse. What you have failed to understand is that things tend to move much more slowly than people expect. Did you really think we went from Denial to Optimism in just a few months?
Miss you Keith. I used to love HousingPanic back in the heady days of the crash. When you moved to Soot and Ashes, I stopped reading after a while. Nothing you did, I am not normally a blog reader.
For some reason, the blog was on my mind lately. Maybe the upcoming elections & the recent 'big reveals' about things that were going on behind the scenes at the Fed & Treasury during the crash. It is sad to come looking to find you gone. I am a liberal libertarian, there are few to identify with & I always enjoyed your point of view. I hope the days are treating you well.
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