November 26, 2008

Here's the acting president George W. Bush pardoning a turkey. You know, a few weeks before he pardons Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Miers and more.

George W. Bush, as we've said for years, and now quite obviously, is the Worst President in the History of the United States. He is a sad and tragic figure in the nation's history, and may go down as the most destructive, treasonous and hated American of all time.

So here he is, pardoning the turkey. Ha ha. But it won't be ha ha when he pardons his corrupt cabal. And if he does that dastardly deed, the message that should be sent now to George W. Bush is this:

There will be no pardon for you sir.


Anonymous said...

Bush will resign a day before his term expires, so Cheney can become president and pardon him. You know these guys are good, why would they miss this trick? And what's the downside - do you think he's worried about his legacy (ROFL) or the reputation of his party?

Anonymous said...

Still, Bush has half the number of pardons than Clinton.

Anonymous said...


As much fun as it was to blame Bush for ‘everything’
Our beloved Mr. Obama will likely be the biggest f*ck up this country has ever experienced.
The next 4 years will be hard on many Americans but will also be an incredible opportunity for many.

Anonymous said...


Good opportunity to ask you for something unrelated to the topic:

Please correct the Huffington post blog roll link - currently pointing to their feed

Anonymous said...

"George W. Bush, as we've said for years, and is now quite obvious, is the Worst President in the History of the United States. He is a sad and tragic figure in the nation's history, and may go down as the most destructive, treasonous and hated American of all time."

Censure, Indict, Convict & Imprison

Bush will WISH he was this Thanksgiving turkey and only had the head cut off...

History will be accurate, and BRUTAL to this senile dunce.

"There are never enough seats on the last train out of the station"

Bushco has cashed his check.

Ross said...

"he he he he" -W

Anonymous said...

Bush is just one turkey out of the entire gaggle of turkeys in Washington. He might be one of the biggest turkeys but never mind - Bush and the other turkeys draped in red will be taken out for the slaughter on January 20th only to be replaced by a whole gaggle of fresh and not so fresh turkeys draped in blue.

Gobble.. gobble.. gobble!!

Speaking of turkeys in Washington, here is Jim Rogers latest (lengthy) interview on Bloomberg. The last thing he says in the interview is "those turkeys in Washington".

Freaking classic man!!

Jim Rogers on Bloomberg Pt 1

You can get to the other 4 parts via the links.

Mammoth said...

A Thanksgiving poem dedicated to George Bush:

The turkey is a stupid bird,
and though this fact is true,
the turkey is a genius
when he’s compared to you!

Anonymous said...

Looks like this turkey pardoning is just the first of a whole series of turkey pardoning, based on the title of this entry...

Anonymous said...

Pardons be damned...

Hopefully, the souls of all the innocent men, women and children killed/murdered in the fraudulent 'war on terror' will get to inflict some vengence before these bastards go through the gates of hell.

Lamaria said...

He won't issue any pardons for his staff, or receive one for himself. While he was a bad POTUS, he can't/won't actually be arrested. There isn't enough willpower, it just isn't going to happen.

I would focus my energy more on the people who actively did the torture- and enjoyed it. They got a slap on the wrists.

Anonymous said...

A group of turkeys is called a rafter, although a gang is also an acceptable name. (Wiki Answers).

(Gaggle is geese).

We have to know our fouls.

Anonymous said...

A group of turkeys is called a rafter, although a gang is also an acceptable name. (Wiki Answers).

Thanks for the correction. I think "gang of turkeys" is most applicable in this case.

Anonymous said...

Fowls - not fouls. Although in this case, you're right.

Anonymous said...

How quickly you seem to forget the unbelievable pardons Bill Clinton did right before he left office-Wonder how much payola he got for those?

Anonymous said...

Friendship makes prosperity brighter, while it lightens adversity by sharing its griefs and anxieties. [Lat., Secundas res splendidiores facit amicitia, et adversas partiens communicansque leviores.] CICERO

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Anonymous said...

Bush is coming back as a turkey in his next life.

Watch this and then enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner!

Anonymous said...

Yuppers, this is Welsh here (bitches)! My buddies at Citi told me ya been trashing me, and I'm F'in peeved.

Sure I'm a mic, but the spics the wops and the jews got my back, Capisce? Don't make me come back here or some elbows be flyin towards freakin faces.

Call me a Prick? I be singing Danny Boy in your faces beaaaches!

Anonymous said...


I find it very disturbing that you didn't publish my last comment about how much payola Bill Clinton received from the pardons he did. How do you pick and choose what you publish on your blog?

Anonymous said...

You Cannot Pardon a Crime You Authorized
Posted by davidswanson in General Discussion
Wed Nov 26th 2008, 10:55 PM
Statement from the Steering Committee for the Prosecution for War Crimes of President Bush and His Subordinates

Never before has a president pardoned himself or his subordinates for crimes he authorized. The closest thing to this in U.S. history thus far has been Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence. Bush is widely expected to follow that commutation with a pardon. Not only did Libby work for the White House, but he was convicted of obstruction of justice in an investigation that was headed to the president. Evidence introduced in the trial, including a hand-written note by the vice president, implicated Bush, and former press secretary Scott McClellan has since testified that Bush authorized the exposure of an undercover agent, that being the crime that was under investigation.

There are widespread concerns that Bush might pardon other subordinates for various other crimes that he authorized, potentially including torture, warrantless spying, a variety of war crimes, taking the nation to war on fraudulent evidence, and the abuses of the politicized Justice Department. Voices in the media advising Bush to issue such pardons include: Stuart Taylor Jr. (Newsweek 7/12/08) and Alan Dershowitz (Wall St Journal 9/12/08), while many additional voices have urged Obama to commit to not prosecuting.

The idea that the pardon power constitutionally includes such pardons ignores a thousand year tradition in which no man can sit in judgment of himself, and the fact that James Madison and George Mason argued that the reason we needed the impeachment power was that a president might some day try to pardon someone for a crime that he himself was involved in. The problem is not preemptive pardons of people not yet tried and convicted. The problem is not blanket pardons of unnamed masses of people. Both of those types of pardons have been issued in the past and have their appropriate place. The problem is the complete elimination of any semblance of the rule of law if Bush pardons his subordinates for crimes he instructed or authorized them to commit.

If Bush attempts this, here are possible responses:

1. Immediate impeachment of Bush and Cheney and various pardonees, even if they are out of office. (Here are arguments for the permissibility of such impeachments: )

2. Overturning of the pardons by the new president or by Congress, as Bush's lawyers told him he could do to Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich, which was a far more minor abuse of the pardon power.

3. Legislation banning self-pardons and pardons of crimes authorized by the president.

4. A Constitutional Amendment banning self-pardons and pardons of crimes authorized by the president.

5. Refusal by the courts to honor the supposed pardons.

6. Prosecution of Bush, Cheney, and their subordinates for their crimes.

With thanks to all who have aided over the past millennia in the establishment of the rule of law.

Joe said...

Don't forget Cheney's fall guy, Scooter Libby. When they outed that undercover agent that was treason. Hang em all high.

Joe M.

Anonymous said...

"Hopefully, the souls of all the innocent men, women and children killed/murdered in the fraudulent 'war on terror' will get to inflict some vengence before these bastards go through the gates of hell."

That will NEVER happen.

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