November 25, 2008

Nothing pisses me off more than this. Nothing. Arrest Angelo Mozilo now. And end one of the most sordid chapters in American financial history.


Anonymous said...

i wonder if he left all his option and stock cash out profit in dollars....

blogger said...

Remember when the FHLB, Fannie and Freddie were out buying up hundreds of billions of toxic crap from Countrywide and Indymac, and we were wondering how soon until they blew up?

Well, the Fed bought up their crap today. For what, nobody knows. We don't know what they bought, or what discount they (we) got.

This is insane.

We just dropped $800 billion, $800 F*CKING BILLION, of our money on totally laughable crap paper from Fannie, Freddie and FHLB, and there was no vote, no oversight, no regulator, no debate.

Does anyone realize what we as a country could have done with $800 billion?


How soon until the truth finally comes out?

At this point, the financial destruction of the United States cannot be ruled out.

If you weren't afraid before, you should be now.

Thank you Angelo Mozilo.

Anonymous said...

President-elect Obama said Tuesday that he is open to rescuing infrastructure projects by state and local governments that are running out of money, which conservatives are already calling “bailouts for states.”

should have seen that one coming. big wet kiss to public employee unions.

Anonymous said...

We still need Mozillo to "stimulate" the tanning industry.

Anonymous said...

i'm starting to get a little concerned. my (the tax payer) portfolio is getting a little over concentrated in financial stocks and real estate backed debt.

I would like to see it diversified into state debt and auto manufacturing, followed by investments into home construction companies.

Anonymous said...

What I do not understand is why the US govt has not tapped the country’s largest and greatest resource: its trial attorneys. Yes. Its time to unleash them. Let the govt change the procedural rules on class action suits to make these lawsuits easier to bring, with fast track discovery, and quick trials. Allow courts the authority to award high contingency fees for successful class action lawsuits brought for mortgage fraud, misrepresentation, over-reaching, and breach of fiduciary duties. Expand the definition of recoverable costs so that every dime spent bringing these class action lawsuits must be reimbursed by the losing side. To give greater incentive: make any recovery non-taxable, including any portion paid as attorneys’ fees. Oh boy. The feeding frenzy that would result!

Best thing: Procedural changes are retroactive, so these changes could affect lawsuits brought for past wrongdoing.

Release the trial lawyers!

blogger said...

Every day Mozilo roams free is a day closer to me just giving up and throwing in the towel on the United States.

Seriously, that day might not be far away.

We'll see if Obama makes mortgage fraud and securities fraud a crime again in America. Because under Bush's FBI, SEC and Justice Department, the criminals roam free.

And when a nation of laws goes lawless, you see what we get. Financial anarchy.

Anonymous said...

"$800 F*CKING BILLION, of our money on totally laughable crap paper from Fannie, Freddie and FHLB"

No one cares.

Anonymous said...

"You so ugly, yo Mama don't know what end to whip."

And turning yourself orange has been as helpful as Jackson transforming himself to whitey.

Now go away.

Anonymous said...

The yellow man has to many connections in Washington. If they take him down, then many insiders in Government go down with him

Ross said...

As a former Countrywide Employee from '05-'06. I will gladly get the ball rolling. I'd start by ratting out all the scum in Chandler, AZ at their bottom feeding Retail Call Center. The dominos would quickly fall after that. It would be fun. Someone point me in the right direction, please!

Anonymous said...

Yep, no one cares. People want to hear about how many are on food stamps, but they don't want to understand the reason why.

On the cover of my useless Fortune magazine this week, it was a splashy spread about Steve Jobs and Apple. Is this 2002 or 2008? If I had followed the advice from Fortune, I would have lost a fortune.

What a disaster. We all conned ourselves.

Mike Zima said...

I think a witch hunt is the only solution. That is bound to happen sooner or later. The Panic room was installed by shifty-eye illegals and it wont preserve his life any longer. If he goes quietly, I am sure he will enjoy a nice stay at some white collar jail. Which do you prefer?

Anonymous said...

Here is a funny article excerpt from here:

In a recent presentation before investors, American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault said the company is 'implementing targeted line reductions for specific segments of our portfolio representing the greatest risk,' including card members 'holding subprime mortgages and small businesses operating in specific industries, such as mortgage companies, home builders and construction-related businesses.'

ApleAnee said...

vanilla ice said...

"$800 F*CKING BILLION, of our money on totally laughable crap paper from Fannie, Freddie and FHLB"

No one cares.

No one even knows. Life hasn't changed a bit for the people in my vicinity, except for gun sales. They are soaring. They are afraid the gang bangers are coming to get their HDTV's. They don't have a clue that the real thieves are the government.

It is like living in the Twilight Zone.

Anonymous said...

Justice renders to every one his due. [Lat., Justitia suum cuique distribuit.]

Anonymous said...

Many arrest should be made.

Anonymous said...

Ice is right. No one cares. It's time for turkey and football and whatever else is on tv tonight. And Black Friday when we all get up at 3 am and run amok in Target to fist fight over $200 tvs.
Mozilo? Who's that?
Billions and Trillions? Huh, wha?
Cheezdoodles? Oh yeah, Hon, pick me up a couple bags of them for the game, ok?

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Maz Keiser - go to

Anonymous said...

I do think that a day will come (soon)when the general public will be forcefully awakened ,they will stretch, yawn ,burp and fart .Then take a look around and realize just how badly they have been screwed. Only the damage will already have been done and the consequences irreversible. The only chance we have is if people get really pissed off in the masses and demand justice NOW, TODAY

Anonymous said...

Mozilo's message to the stupid dumbed down Americans....

Thanks SUCKERS !

Have a nice day !

Anonymous said...

"Every day Mozilo roams free is a day closer to me just giving up and throwing in the towel on the United States."

Deal with it!

NOTHING is going to happen to Mozilo.

He won, YOU lost.

Anonymous said...

"We'll see if Obama makes mortgage fraud and securities fraud a crime again in America. Because under Bush's FBI, SEC and Justice Department, the criminals roam free."

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH You are DREAMING if you actually think that negro Ombama is gonna do ANYTHING about it.

Anonymous said...

"And when a nation of laws goes lawless, you see what we get. Financial anarchy."

It's all perfectly legal now.

Legalied theft.

You see, they've 'modified' the laws to 'justify' their ill-gotten gains.

They also OWN the so-called Justice Dept.

They are the Kleptocrats.

Anonymous said...

America is a Pizza. The Fed is the shef. They are cooking it up and putting on all the toppings. Pretty soon they will pop it out of the oven an slice it up.
Invited for diner are China, Russia, Frane, UK, Lybia and a few others.
The best part is it's 50% off night. Bon Appitet!

Anonymous said...


Admit it, the DUMBING DOWN of America has been a GREAT SUCCESS.

Anonymous said...

" The only chance we have is if people get really pissed off in the masses and demand justice NOW, TODAY"



Deal with it CHUMP,
and get ready to BEND OVER !

satan said...

Orange is Red and Yellow.

Your friend in lending...
Satan. (All Red, no Yellow)

Anonymous said...

All I know is the golden rule, kharma, whatever you want to call it, is still in effect and is a force of nature.

It does seem like the biggest bank heist in the history of this country has taken place right before our eyes. Millions have lost so much, due to the criminal activities of the guys who know how to con the system.

It's been my experience that anyone I have ever known who has tried to win by deception OR AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS ALWAYS, AND I REPEAT ALWAYS PAYS.


Usually by some kind of horrific personal pain.

I can list so many examples would take columns to write them all.

This is just beginning to play out.

Just don't follow their lead. And do unto others as you would have them do unto you and you will be alright.

Seems so hard when you are full of anger and pain, but that's the time to help someone else.

Anonymous said...

The government's job is to make sure all citizens get a fair share of whatever is commonly sharable--good or bad. What our government is making us share with the most powerful among us is the losses. The felons of Wall Street are making us pay for their outrageous mistakes and the government is letting them get away with murdering the country’s economy, while helping them keep their filthy lifestyle.
If this is not a banana republic, I wonder what is…
Keep losing folks! It's good for Mozilo&Co.

Anonymous said...

He knows that he will not get into trouble. That's why he is smiling.

Anonymous said...

Luv that picture.

Angelo 'The Godfather' Mozilo would be a fitting president for the USA. A Mafia don.

Anonymous said...

The government's job is to make sure all citizens get a fair share of whatever is commonly sharable--good or bad.

Huh?? Where did you get that idea? From your Obamamama Marxist doctrine??

The government's job is not to make sure all citizens get a fair share of anything. In America, the government's job is to obey the Constitution which basically amounts to national defense, providing basic infrastructure and protecting individual liberty.

That's the government's job. It's not "spreading the wealth" as you seem to think. Sheeesh!!

We're in so much trouble when people don't understand the basics.

The dumbing down of America really is complete!

Anonymous said...

"Nothing pisses me off more than this. Nothing. Arrest Angelo Mozilo now. And end one of the most sordid chapters in American financial history."
The law doesn't mess with rich people here in the USA.

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