December 23, 2008

All comin' together now for ya?


Anonymous said...

Nothing new here. The real interesting part is how eager people are to support the police state they live in.

Anonymous said...

I disagree.

I don't think that governments will continue to allow commodities trading if it gets really bad. You can count on that coming to a stop real quick.

They used to confiscate gold. You don't think they can confiscate your bets on commodities?

Bukko Boomeranger said...

Watching the Eisenhower clip, I tried to imagine his words coming out of the mouths of any of this year's Democrat presidential candidates. (No chance that anyone from Ike's party would utter them.) Aside from Kucinich, none of 'em would say that. They'd be laughed out of the party for being part of the "loony left." Criticise military spending? Why, that's like saying the Sun doesn't revolve around the Earth!

The key was when ol' Dwight said it would take an "alert and knowledgeable citizenry" to stop the MIC. The militarists won because freedumb has triumphed. You take 100 Americans at random now and show 'em a picture of the "American Idol" winner three years back, and a picture of Eisenhower. I reckon 50% could name the Idol, but not 2% could name the president. And forget about having them spell it. So many people can't even spell Cheney...

Anonymous said...

Play the speeches over the Iraq attack noises. Nice contrast.


Paige Turner said...

I like Ike.

But it is obvious that his dream of security and liberty prospering together has not become a reality in the USA.


Anonymous said...

Superb post,

Merry Christmas,Keith

Anonymous said...

Capitalism and democracy are incompatible. Capitalism needs constant feeding like a ravenous reptile. Its needs will always bulldoze over democracy.

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