December 30, 2008

Historians will have a field day with 2008, and it ain't over yet.


Anonymous said...

the govt bascially gave wall street a blank check will all this bailout bullshit.

I guess when you loan money to people with shitty credit and no job what else do you expect.does it really take a wall street mind to figure that out?why do I see a horses ass when I look at paulson?

Anonymous said...

"...does it really take a wall street mind to figure that out?..."

Of course not.

Their genius lies in saying that they just screwed up, and most people accomodate them by repeating it.

Did they really rise to the pinnacle of wealth and power by being fukkups?

Anonymous said...

the Fed just picked "private investment managers" to help them purchase agency MBSs starting in early January.

i'll bet those private c*cksuckers are PIMCO and GovernmentSachs.

where's vigilante justice when you need it?

Anonymous said...

And about those jobs - Has there been even 1 created with this bullshit billions?

Pure evil...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...does it really take a wall street mind to figure that out?..."

Of course not.

Their genius lies in saying that they just screwed up, and most people accomodate them by repeating it.

Did they really rise to the pinnacle of wealth and power by being fukkups?

December 30, 2008 8:40 PM

Excellent point. Furthermore, they knew what the consequences were and now that their schemes have blown up in their face, they claim that this was all a surprise to them and they need a bailout or the world will end. All of this shit is making me puke.

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