January 20, 2009


Live feed on MSNBC


Roccman said...


The day the world realized we were living an illusion.

Anonymous said...

We will soon enter the "Error of Change".

blogger said...

What would today have been like if McCain and Palin were getting sworn in?

Much, much, much different, that's all I can say.

Violent protests in the streets. A real sense of impending disaster. A worldwide disgust of America, and Americans.

People all over the world would have simply given up, including the majority of Americans.

And they would have been right to do so.

Obama isn't a miracle worker, but he offers America and the world hope. He has rebranded America.

That's worth something.

Let's see what he can do with it.

Anonymous said...

Had it been McCain - I would have stayed in bed, left the TV off, started drinking early...

Instead - I'm SO Excited! God Bless the USA and Hail to our new chief.

Oh, and adios A-Hole Bush. Thanks for nothin, and GET THE F outta there!!

Anonymous said...

I can't even visualize McCain & Palin. In the old US-of-A TV Nation, there could not have been protests, but you would see nothing like the crowd descending on Washington today. The mood would certainly be somber.

Anonymous said...

Palin Who?

McCain? Doesn't he run a Buick dealer in Phoenix?

What is GOP? Didn't they die when Bushco and Cheneyburton were kicked to the curb?

Arrest Bush & Cheney immediately.


Mammoth said...

“Violent protests in the streets. A real sense of impending disaster.”
Keith, the above is coming no matter WHO is in the White House.

The snowball had already begun rolling downhill and can not be stopped.

Anonymous said...


There goes the neighborhood!


Anonymous said...

shouldn't it be 'da hood'?

Anonymous said...

Never forget that B Husein Obama and Pelosi and Boxer and Clinton(s) are all part of the Al Gore Global Warming Hoax climate change (or whatever they call it this week) Crowd.

Anonymous said...

Honeymoon's over, Mr. President.

We're in Big Fucking Trouble here.

Keep up the snowjobs( the huge egos/hubris make it hard for them to recognize it for what it is), and keep your head down.

But, as under the NWO/banker cabal radar as possible, do the right thing.

The owners will be okay; they don't need any more checks written on our future liabilities.

Anonymous said...

I am a moderate,

I did not like John McCain,

I thought his choice of V.P. was rushed and off-beat,

But, I have listened to so many speeches, the debates or sound bites by Obama and I still haven't heard anything of substance?

Agreed, he is a very eloquent speaker, as Joe Biden said, "he is a clean and articulate black"

But does that qualify someone for the highest office????

I think he is in over his head!


Anonymous said...



His momma was a White Kansas Honky!

Who abandoned her kid to boot!

Anonymous said...

in todays news

Remarks by Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, in an interview with Bloomberg Television, contributed to negative sentiment Tuesday, analysts said.
Rogers said he would urge investors to get rid of sterling assets.
"It's finished. I hate to say it, but I would not put any money in the U.K.," Rogers was quoted as saying.

Anonymous said...

I am bored already.Is nascar on today on espn classic?

Anonymous said...

A worldwide disgust of America, and Americans.

I for one, am relieved that we have appeased the rest of the world. Man, that was really bugging me.

Yes We Can!

Anonymous said...

Keith, I do not share your optimism in "Captain Lightbulb".

I hope you are right, for our childrens sakes. But I just don't see it. He is just more of the same. Again, I see no change in our course until government gets MUCH, MUCH smaller. Until the free market is allowed to work and the money manipulators are stripped of thier influence over Washington, it will just be more of the same.

2 of the remaining big four (Chase, Citi, Wells and B of A) will surely fail. I am sure the Citi failure is priced in but the markets not going to like a 2nd one failing. These were "the chosen ones" by the manipulators to gobble up the rest. And there is a VERY REAL chance that 3 or all 4 go down. If that happens, game over.

Again, I hope you are right. I hate being a doom and gloom guy. But I just don't see anyway this train changes tracks at the speed its going. The momentum is too great. Plus, everyone is in Obama lust. Almost every single person I talk to thinks Obama is going to right the ship quickly and fix things. What happens when he doesn't and the luster wears off? Thats when the DESPERATION you talk about sets in. About another 1-2 yrs, 5 mill+ more jobs lost, numerous bankrupt states, etc, etc away.

And out of curiosity, why all the optimism about Obama? Is it because of hope or do you truly believe he is different?

Anonymous said...

Keith, the above is coming no matter WHO is in the White House.


not sure about that. any protest now will be viewed as being racist.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, he is a very eloquent speaker, as Joe Biden said, "he is a clean and articulate black"

So is tony robbins and tony robbins is more qualified than BO to be president.

Anonymous said...



His momma was a White Kansas Honky!


and his daddy is 3/4 arab.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, he is a very eloquent speaker, as Joe Biden said, "he is a clean and articulate black"

But does that qualify someone for the highest office????

but that does not matter, the rest of the world LOVES him!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Keefer said:

‘What would today have been like if McCain and Palin were getting sworn in?
Much, much, much different, that's all I can say.’

What would Soot and Ashes look like today if Al-keefer had sources of information other then MSNBC?

Much, much, much different, that's all I can say.’

There would not be such an angry sentiment and so much talk about jailing people and violent riots.

Here is a truth:

I have been participating here on and off since the early days of HP, and began noticing a level of hostility towards the US from the very early days of Soot and Ashes, my initial response was to point out that we are no worse then other countries, but I did not understand were Keefer is being influenced from.
I thought perhaps Al-Jazeera may be popular in Europe or the infamous BBC.

I was also bothered by the notion of (in Keefers words) “A worldwide disgust of America, and Americans.”
To me I was brought up and teach my children the same – to never care what others think and always do what is right, in other words America should never ever make desisions based on whether others will accept us.

Last night I had an epifhany:
When I got home the TV was broadcasting MSMBC
It was like hearing Al-keeferoonie verbatim.

At first I was kinda shocked that Keefer is nothing more then a repeat of the MSM and not much originality here on the blog.

Then I began feeling hurt that much of that hate towards our country comes from the inside, our very own spoiled rich white boys on MSNBC.

So, Keefer.
It is with joy that majority of Americans are experiencing a black American in a position of power and influence, as can be seen everywhere today.

The Issue half this country is having, has to do with the fear that Barak Obama may also be influenced by the same source you are – MSNBC type philosophy.

So aside from celebrating what we hope is the end of atleast one kind of racism we are running into a major risk of ‘changing’ our policies closer to those who dislike us (the hypocritical UN / international terror supporting community).

Anonymous said...

Do you guys find michelle obama attractive?I am in the no on this.Any thoughts?

blogger said...

Why does Bush look like Saddam as he approached the gallows?

blogger said...

Boos and "na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye!"

Gotta love it.

Anonymous said...

Americano said:
'Then I began feeling hurt that much of that hate towards our country comes from the inside, our very own spoiled rich white boys on MSNBC.'

Ah, the power of Saudi funded colleges and universities.

Anonymous said...

After Dianne Feinstein bankrupted California, she gets to speak first. Now, let's apply the same failed California model to the rest of the country. Free housing, food stamps and citizenships to any illiterate or criminal that crosses the border! Feinstein, Boxer, and Pelosi, the geniuses from California!

Oh my god, now they're praying! I thought that was illegal for ultraliberals.

Anonymous said...

What would today have been like if McCain and Palin were getting sworn in?

Much, much, much different, that's all I can say.

Violent protests in the streets. A real sense of impending disaster. A worldwide disgust of America, and Americans.

See, that's why it's easier to be fooling the sheeple with fake Messiahs. Keep all the sheeple happy while the shady group in power, behind the scenes, pull the strings.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what shit things Bush said to Obama, but ever since the 'coffee' with him, he has looked miserable, not smiled once.

Anonymous said...

What would today have been like if McCain and Palin were getting sworn in?

On that note, what would be with Ron Paul getting sworn in? Now that would be REALLY something. You sold out fast, Keith. You belong among the sheeple.

Anonymous said...

Whatever it was, I know Bush had to have the last word and make sure Obama deflated. Make sure he couldn't enjoy one minute of this day. That little creep.

Anonymous said...

Now blues music to make the sheep feel touchy, teared-eye. It's all engineered, don't be a fool, be skeptical, don't take the bluepill.


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

hi tools.Doesn't barbara bush look life she is on life support.Why did they wheel her out.Is biden trying to play to the diabled with his new found wheelchair.Are they giving out foodstamps at the gates?

Anonymous said...

Dang where the rap music?

Anonymous said...

Guess he's a leetle beet nervous...

Anonymous said...

By the way. Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul. But when the shit hits the fan Keith I can't wait to throw your stupid ass under the bus.

Keith wait why are you laying in front of that bus already, your supposed to wait until we throw you. Can't you get anything right.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, none of those millions of people have to work? Oh, got it:


Anonymous said...

"our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year"

Uh, some are BHO!

Anonymous said...

Never forget that B Husein Obama and Pelosi and Boxer and Clinton(s) are all part of the Al Gore Global Warming Hoax climate change (or whatever they call it this week) Crowd.

So is Queeferino

Anonymous said...

Loved how evil chaney was positioned appropriately right behind the bullet-proof glass.

Boy did they distance themselves! Didn't see them look at each other, and where was Condi? Glad to be rid of the entire band of thieves.

Bush looks like a brat that doesn't want to go to home and take a nap.

Here comes the best part - Bush leaving for good! Oh, what a beautiful thing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i need to go check out the 9/11 wingnut websites now that bush didn't create "another" national emergency event and seize control of the government.

I wonder what the are talking about now.

Anonymous said...

Do you see that fancy lunch they're having? We are paying for that: seafood, shrimp, lobster, duck, apple cake, wine...

When I said, we're paying, that means only the people who work and pay taxes. So you parasites from California don't apply.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

"Plus, everyone is in Obama lust."

Especially the so-called independent press who fellates Obama at every turn.

Anonymous said...

"Boos and "na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye!"

Once again the Rothchild Formula works to perfection. The strawman leaves office and takes all the heat while the new clown is praised. Meanwhile the powers pulling the strings stay in the shadows and remain a mystery.

And the sheeple buy it once again.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith, your communist hero can't handle booze anymore:

CNN -- Sen. Edward Kennedy has collapsed at a luncheon honoring President Obama. Paramedics have responded to the scene.

Anonymous said...

Keith! Now I can say we have a PRESIDENT. This dude is charged and ready! But boy he's going to be so lonely in the Awful Office tomorrow!

The corrupt system put in place by the Bush Dynasty is already working overtime to figure out how to stall Obama's revolution! Special interest groups, lobbyists and their puppets in Congress, corporate media, racists and warmongers like the religious nuts, and the thugs who enriched themselves under Bush, will all coalesce to fight Obama's vision for a better America.

Obama is hell-bent on bringing about the promised change, but can he? Can anybody stand up to those powerful, evil forces? I am not so sure.

Anonymous said...

Wow. The right-wingers are out and out losing their minds. On the blogs, on Rush's pathetic radio show, and on this blog. They can't stop spewing their anger & hate today, as it is finally driven home, a railroad spike right into their souls, sledgehammered down right through their anti-reality shields:

America hates you. Hates your whole philosophy. You lost your principles and became playthings for the corrupt & self-serving, all for a momentary blip in your housing equity. You failed and you are now a target for mockery.

You are discredited and your heroes are being choppered out, hunched over in pain and defeat. The crowd cheers and taunts them - and you.

"Twist a pig's ear, listen to him squeal."

CryingBulldog said...

Oh God! This is too funny!

Great speech, but from where I sat, I heard precious little applause. And the faces in the crowd look perplexed that the message was serious and challenging - they thought this was going to be a celebration! Heh.

Given his experience and the stoolies he's picked to advise him, what will he do? (more of the same). Given the situation in the economy, what CAN he do? (more of the same?). Assuming he meant what he said, he'll try to step on the gas, ask people to change, and they'll continue with the blank stares. J6P still doesn't get that its over, everything is different, and the poop is running downhill. They have an idea with the layoffs, but no real idea how deep, long and painful this is going to be.

And the money bomb? $825 billion to create 4 million jobs = $206K to create a $50k (maybe) per year job? Just give me half the $206k, and I'll do whatever you want. The trillions spent so far and the trillions they'll spend in the next year is rapidly convincing the "producers" I've spoken with to cut back so the tax man gets as little as possible.

You watch. By this time next year, he'll be vilified and disparaged by the very groups that supported him. He may have inherited this from Bush, but I'll bet he's just as clueless.

Anonymous said...

Hooooweee, that "Global Warming" is really picking up now. It's 40 degrees down there in Miami tonight.

Al Gore loves you, now go pay your carbon taxes to Goldman Sachs, like the obedient sheep you are.

Anonymous said...

Special interest groups, lobbyists and their puppets in Congress, corporate media, racists and warmongers like the religious nuts, and the thugs who enriched themselves under Bush, will all coalesce to fight Obama's vision for a better America.

Hey ultraliberal-pot smoker retards, don't even come with cheap excuses now. You sheep were saying all along that your Messiah was the almighty, the fix all, the big d!ck, how he was going to make everything tip-top, bring the troops back in 12 months, FIX EVERYTHING IN NO TIME.

Don't even try to bring excuses now, because we aren't buying it, do you hear us, ultraliberal retard?

And that goes to you too, Keith Olbermann and your always-pissed-lesbo sidekick, and corner-of-the-mouth-foaming Chris Mattews. DON'T COME WITH EXCUSES!

Anonymous said...

Stock market crashed today because all eyes weren't on them for once.
Crashed due to lack of attention.
What a bunch of pansies.

Anonymous said...


170 million for that?

Just run a couple of episodes of Soul Train and you'd have a much cheaper inaugural with the same result!



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