January 6, 2009

10 questions on religion

Silly humans...


Anonymous said...

F*ck Keith!

For the longest time I thought Morgan Freeman and George Burns were going to meet me at the pearly gates and then you posted this!

Anonymous said...

Funny if so many were not enslaved by religious nonsense. Whatever helps you cope w/life, just keep your delusions & imaginary friends to yourself. Call your imaginary friend anything but god, allah, jesus, etc. in public & they put you in a padded room.

Anonymous said...


Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their beliefs of 'religious rights.'

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1%-2%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. (United States).

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris -- car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam -- Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dares-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

'Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life.
It was me against my brother;
me and my brother against our father;
my family against my cousins and the clan;
the clan against the tribe; and the
tribe against the world and
all of us against the infidel.
-- Leon Uris, 'The Haj'

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.

born to lose said...

The Author assumes there is only one God, when of course there are several Gods.

Some Gods are smarter and more powerful than other Gods.

Some Gods are just not focused right now, like a teenager more concerned with partying than with his schoolwork.

Maybe the God in charge of amputees is incompetent, obstinate, or maybe he just doesn't care.

Anyone who says they are a rational, critical thinking person has never been either of those things.

Anonymous said...

Cause the good people dont fight back..

Had Israel responded with a fraction of the cruelty the greedy islamo homicidal maniacs have done to her, she would be in peace today.

Arab vast oil rich lands stretch over thousands of square miles and over 2 continents yet that’s not enough, they want that tiny crappy desert called Israel.

Had Israel had a policy of ‘land for peace’ i.e. each time an Arab murderer shoots a projectile at one of its precious innocent civilians, she permanently captures large swats of land from these greedy bastards. She would be in peace today.

Israel is now paying the price for being ‘nice Jews’.

The day this sheep grows fangs is the day she will be respected by the wolves.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have agreed with you 100% over at HousingPanic for years, but I could not disagree more with this fellow that made this video.
I am very religious and I care for the poor and needy... I have no problem donating a decent portion of my income for a tithe. I have seen the hand of God in so many miracles in my life and the lives of close acquaintances. I have been a witness to many healings that are not explainable by doctors
and the scientific community.
I know that God exists and I have no problem stating that. To believe that this world just "IS", to me is total nonsense. Everything that I see in this world testifies to me that there is a creator.
Now do I believe that MOST ALL religions are a big stinky pile of corruption and dishonest men "telling folks what they want to hear and bilking the gullible"......YES!!!

I have studied and prayed and I am very confident and sure of what I believe and why.

Anonymous said...

Yawwnnnn...Oh Satan, you fox, trying to 'dumb down' the basics of Christianity to fit your propaganda. Get thee behind us. True Christians know your name and your silly attempts to discredit our beliefs.
Of course you can't take many of the teachings of Christ literally. They are parables and lessons for His sheep to decipher. As Jesus said, "He that has ears to hear, let him hear." (Mark 4:9) Believers know Him, His truths, and His powers.

Anonymous said...

Pissed at the economy, not this. But WOW Keith I didn't think you'd post something like this. At least if your gonna have the debate, please get a more sophisticated video.

The arguments made are superfluous and flawed, because it is based on fundamental, obvious, literal interpretations of the Bible. As childish as using the same Bible to prove truth (and what folks like Sarah Palin like to do). I studied a little of this from the Catholic perspective a long time ago, so I'll try to explain a little from that viewpoint and what I remember. Note I'm not defending anything and I'm no theologian.

The Catholic Church teaches the events in the Bible are metaphors, themes, analogies and parables; they are NOT a historical accounting of events. I know it will shock the socks off a lot of folks but the Vatican does NOT claim any kind of truth in the manger story, the fish miracle, even the physical resurrection of JC. Yeah OK: there's a creche in front of the Vatican! It's there as a tradition and something meant to help someone mediate about the faith, it's NOT a reenactment. I know Sr. Bernadette said different in Confraternity, but well, she was trying to get some pretty involved concepts across to a 7 year old in a half hour. The stories are parables written 2000 years ago for the masses to offer more tangible examples of a new set of doctrines to live and treat other people. Many were written for specific groups: Jews, Greeks, Gentiles, who had specific religious beliefs at the time. Various authors slanted these parables and themes to fit local understandings.

The video starts by asking how educated the viewer is: an MD, lawyer? Yeah smart and lots of school. But ask the same person how educated s/he is in religious studies: vast majority had maybe 1 hour a week during school for about 5-6 years, ending at about age 12. They didn't explain nuances of interpreting 2nd century Greek written by someone in Palestine. And right or wrong, the Catholic church doesn't go there much. So we've got PhD's walking around with 3rd grade beliefs like little boy JC wandered away from Mary and was found teaching at the Temple. Screwy and a shame. Santa Claus ends for people, the story should evolve into mature understanding about generosity and good will. So should religious beliefs. And attacking them with adult logic is silly.

There is an excellent commentary on this written by Joseph Fitzmeyer, a leading Catholic biblical scholar in the US, in his book 'A Christological Catechism':

"Can God or does God intervene in human history by such extraordinary means? This is a philosophical problem born of an outlook which stems from the Aufklarung or Enlightenment. To try to solve that problem, using examples drawn from ancient texts or the early Christian heritage, is misguided. The Gospel accounts, of which the miracle stories form part of the warp and woof, were not composed to answer such a problem.".

I would guess to say Old Testament writtings can be thought of similairly.

OK so where is this all going. I'm saying this video is lousy one to start a debate about the existence of God. Tiny, random quotes attacking miracle stories to prove non existence. As fatally flawed as fundamentally interpreting the Bible. Keith if you want a good debate about God get some good stuff, like Thomas Aquinas VS Hume. Don't use this drivel.

Ross said...

All I have to say about this is that I know enough to know that I, as well as mankind, do not/does not know everything.

I also have a link to a diagram of this video prepared by master scientists: http://tinyurl.com/6acs36

Anonymous said...

In regard to question #2: not only are children starving, but global warming alarmists are actually fighting attempts of the West to introduce nitrogen-producing miracle fertilizers into poverty stricken areas of Africa due to nitrogen's potent contribution to the greenhouse effect. Nitrogen is known to be as much as 200 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, so the Anthropogenic Global Warming community would rather have those children starve than allow the Christian Children's Fund to distribute life-saving modern miracle fertilizers to the countries who need it most.

God is trying to perform miracles for those children. Too bad His method is politically incorrect.

Silly anti-Christians

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like religion is the only thing that divides humanity. If it weren't religion people would simply divide themselves over which patch of dirt they were born in, their accent, their skin color, their eye color, their socio-economic standing etc etc..

Humans would still fight over limited resources. Corruption would still exist and corrupt individuals would still use government force to enrich themselves and gain monopolies over everybody else.

It's not religion that is the problem. It is the break down of law that is the problem. The greatest set of laws devised was the US Constitution and it has been torn, shredded and dragged through the mud by fools and brigands who call themselves American patriots but who do not even know what it means to be an American.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand the antipathy toward Christianity. Yes, Christians sometimes do terrible things, but so does everyone (including atheists). True Christian behavior basically boils down to "love your neighbor as yourself." As a teaching and philosophy, I fail to see how that is "bad."

I generally like your blog, Keith, but this anti-religion kick you're on is getting tiresome. I know, I can "change the channel," but I enjoy when you're raging against people's behavior rather than their religious beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Question 11:

Why do atheistic Quantum Physicists waste any time at all discussing the effects of sentient consciousness on wave-particle duality?

Question 12:

Why is the Placebo Effect no longer considered absurd by atheists?

Question 13:

Why is the Anthropic Principle even considered a viable hypothesis for the existence of life in the universe, let alone a continuing major topic of discussion among atheist physicists and astronomers the world over?

Question 14:

Why do anti-Christian Global Warming alarmists refuse to include Mauri Timonen's ultra-complete 7500 year Scots Pine Tree Ring records when calculating the history of climate change on Earth?

Question 15:

Instead of Christians, why don't you pick on Muslims that don't throw shoes and spit at the grave of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?

Question 16:

Why do anti-Christians not admit that an 8 month, 29 day old fetus is a human being? And that "fetus" is just the Latin word for "baby".

And now to answer questions 1-10: ...Without a time-tested moral treatise upon which to anchor one's life, existence is a largely meaningless, amoral, aimless, and unfulfilling venture.

My argument is, however, that anti-Christians, agnostics and atheists find their own absurdities to obsess over and have faith in. Sometimes hate, scorn and derision of someone else's philosophy of life is one's purpose for existence.

Modern Science with Quantum String Theory and the Uncertainty Principle is so bizarre, convoluted, and non-intuitive, that the universe may well have been intelligently designed ... by some atheist who hasn't been born yet.

Would you like me to continue slapping you around, or should the senseless anti-Christian rhetoric take a rest?

Anonymous said...

Interesting, but any person who has had a smattering of religious education can answer these questions. Simply - the stories in the bible are allegorical. Most denomimations do not expect their members to take the Bible literally. Most faiths have a ready answer for why God does bad things to good people. I for one don't think all religious people are idiots. I think the people who take whatever book of faith they ascribe to as a literal prescription for life are idiots.

It is true that the greatest amount of charity work in the US is done by religious groups. I'd rather they do it, sooner than have Barney Frank spend my tax dollars deciding what organizations or peoople are worthy.

This video provides a good reason for religion to be taught in schools. ALL religion - as an academic subject, not as a matter of belief. If we do not understand about the history and beliefs of different religions, how can we solve the problems of the world?

I had the benefit of a traditional education which included mandated religion courses throughout my 4 years of HS. This meant I spent a year reading the old testament, a year reading the new testament and 2 years studying various other religions and questions of religion. This made me far more able to understand Literature and History, as well as a host of other subjects, when I got to college. There are benefits to education; knowledge about the role of religion in the history of the world is sadly lacking with most Americans.

"Freedom of religion" does not equate to "freedom from religion." I say bring them all on. America is, after all, a melting pot.

And for those who fear any form of religion in the classroom - it doesn't always turn out like you would suspect. Despite years of daily chapel and religious studies, I am an Agnostic with the deepest respect for the religious beliefs of others (unless they are trying to blow me up!) Elitist knee-jerk condemnation of the Bible Belt is just as loathesome as any other prejudice.

Anonymous said...

So the anguished, unanswered prayers of amputees is proof God is all made up. Got it! Someone tell the Pope!

Thanks for wasting 10 minutes of my life, Keefer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith, loved the video, check out their website. Thought provoking stuff!

Anonymous said...

There's another explanation. Maybe God exists, but he's evil and gets some entertainment value out of children starving, amputees suffering and empires being run into the ground by fools like Bush, Paulson & Dodd while the moronic masses eat Cheese Doodles and watch American Idol.
May God bless America.

Paul E. Math said...

I will speak once and will respond to no taunts from smug, all-knowing atheists.

As a person of faith I find the video both insulting and insipid.

The reasoning expressed in this video can be paraphrased: I don't understand god so therefore he/she/it doesn't exist.

The answer to most of the questions posed in this video is the same as the answer to about a million scientific questions (ie: what is the cure for cancer? what is the cure for the common cold? what was before the 'big bang' and why did the 'big bang' occur? etc).

My answer to most of these questions is "I don't know". And neither does Einstein. That doesn't mean god doesn't exist nor that Einstein's theories are false.

The world is more complex than even our most brilliant scientists will ever understand. There are gaps in Einstein's theories that our brightest scientists cannot adequately explain - I'm not saying that these gaps are unexplainable, only that none of us are smart enough to understand them.

If, and I am only saying if, there is some kind of 'god' that made this incredibly complex universe, how smart must the makers of this video think they are to expect to understand this 'god'? Now who is being delusional?

Maybe god doesn't exist - you know, I really don't know for sure. I only believe.

But one thing I do know for sure - the logic and reasoning expressed in this video neither proves nor disproves anything.

Anonymous said...

"Educated Christians". Isn't that an oxymoron?

Anonymous said...


The truth will set you free.

However the religous can allways muster a massive army.

Anonymous said...

If you are a true christian you would understand why God is almighty and loving,If you are smart you would know that there are so many things that science can never explain.Where is the missing link in our evolutionary process? The devil will always find ways to test your faith because it is always easy to not believe and follow God than to just live life in sin.The good news is God loves us all even if you do not believe in him,God bless you all.

Roccman said...

Bravo Keith!


Anonymous said...

There's so many things to say, and i might later, but for now I'll point out two mistakes that he (and may athiests) always make...

1. Ignore free will - ever consider that bad things happen because of us. God is not a puppet master pulling strings.

2. Assume all Christians are fundamentalists that take the Bible literally. God did not write the bible,but he can be found there.

Also, do you want me to compile a list of ways science/technology has hurt or held us back as a species????
How about you use your "reason" to look out the window at the world. I think you'll see alot more there than just two atoms crashing together.

Anonymous said...

Look up the evidence Bible to get your answers.

Anonymous said...

Interesting video-- actually the conclusions are the exact opposite of what this guy came up with. If there is no God, No commandments, no judgement, no moral compass, if this life is all there is then -you want to live your life for the most pleasure, wealth, power, sexual indulgeance, narcisism, self centered ness. It's the only thing that makes sense doesn't it?Love is meaningless. There is no reason for sacrifice for family or country. Everyone and everything should be exploited to the max.

in fact the housing bubble and the total finacial mess are the result of this attitude.

At the same time the hard work and god fearing attitude of previous generations explains the wealth of America.

Ironic isn't it?

Anonymous said...

That video was the biggest waste of time of my entire life. To be so cynical is a sad, sad way to live...

believing that God is imaginary = downfall of society.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That video has very clever questions based on a narrow view of faith and belief systems. However is author willing to truly seek out the answers? From what I can see in this video the author is at the very early stages of this journey.

Everything Starts and Stops with personal Responsibility and no organization / community / religion / or government has this obligation.

Man vs. Man, Man vs. Self, and my personal favorite man vs. nature a real spiritual experience.

The real question to try to answer would be this statement.
Are "humans" fit to even direct their own steps?

Anonymous said...

Your damnable YouTube leaves out one other simple "Unified Question-Answering Field" solution: Sin! Those amputees, those starving children, those divorcing Christians -- they're sinful! I don't know how they've sinned, but I'm not God. I'm sure He does. And boy are you going to be embarrassed when you get to the other side and He tells you. Right before he casts you into the pit!

Do I sound like a real Christian? Because I've got relatives who are. And I'm channeling them. Actually, I'm answering the question a lot more clearly than any of them would, because they always start waffling and changing the subject when you call them on their bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Silly, bad things happen to everyone, each and everyone of us. Good things as well.

But it is likely if a lot of bad things happen to you when you are young, you may not turn out as nice as you yourself would like to be.

And if you are considered by most to be a good person, maybe a lot of good in sense of deep and meaningful good, things have already happened to you.

The rest is 'just our path', a lottery, wrong place at wrong time, call it what you will.

Confucius said there were two things which set the course of a person's life: human will and destiny. And destiny was stronger.

When I read that(late 50's)all of a sudden my life made sense.

Grandma pkk

Anonymous said...

i am no religious but a lot of his arguments are complete BS. Like the one where he says it is nonsense that god created adam from dust.

WTF? if he is truely god, then he can do anything. Heck, a 70 years a lot of scientists and engineers thought it was impossible to travel faster than the speed of sound.

I remember professors in EE classes in 1988 proclaiming the printed circuit board technology would max out at 40-50MHz for digital signals.

point is that science cannot really prove that it won't be possible way in the future to create a man out of dust. technically, it is possible, it is just that we do not have the technological capability to do it.

it is also funny (not ha ha funny) that he ask you to apply your college educated critical thinking mind on religion but never mentions questioning his video.

my personal belief is that the may or may not be a god. neither side can prove, beyond a doubt, that there is or isn't. I am not going to waste my precious little time on the face of this earth worrying about it.

satan said...

Mankind has free will.

The use of the will is confused by the instinct for survival, procreation, consumption, and material possession.

Religious people are correct in that spiritual principles can help make a productive and comfortable life.

How much do we enjoy the seven deadly sins?

Your friend at The Vatican...

Anonymous said...

How about kiss Hank's Ass

Anonymous said...

The first lesson of the Bible (the story of Adam and Eve) is "you will not think for yourself, just believe what I say and everything will be fine."

- Mike.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all this 100%. But I do have 1 question of my own. How did the 50 trillion cells in my body--each more complicated than modern science can understand-- come about? If things tend to break down in nature, how were we built?

Anonymous said...

Silly Keefer,

Actually Hinduism answers all 10 questions asked without needing an irrational complicated justification.


Anonymous said...

More anti-Christian bigotry. Yawn.......

Anonymous said...

Why do bad things happen to good people?

It boils down to perspective. If there is an ultimate being, don't you think he/she/it exists outside of time? If the amputee was to be "healed", then the deity would have tinkered with things so that the amputation never happened. Presto! Healed, but no one knows, since it never happened.

Second point, take killing Hitler as a baby. If you can go back and do it, from your perspective, Great! stopped a monster. From the perspective of the people at the time of his birth, its a terrible crime. And perhaps killing him derailed WWII, stunted the growth of the US, which languished in depression, leaving communism unopposed.

You don't have the perspective to judge whether something is good or bad. You can only judge from your most immediate observations.

Anonymous said...

The worst part is the privileged nonprofit status churches enjoy.

Nonprofit -> not taxed -> government sanctioned

Privileged -> permitted to endorse political candidates

Want to close a tax loophole? Remove tax exempt status from churches who have broken the law.

rick said...

Wow. That was amazing! It reveals to me that the persons responsible for such shallow questions has not taken much time to really investigate the Bible and study it. But unfortunately, that probably sums up most people. I was raised as a Catholic and had the same type of silly questions asked on this audio segment. As a result, I questioned my faith. However, I did something the person on this tape did NOT do - and that was to earnestly study the bible in order to refute it. What I learned is that the Bible is much, much more intricate than the ridiculous and shallow questions put forth by the creator of this audio message.

Now don't get wrong, I still have questions about some things that do not make sense to me, but they are much deeper questions than the shallow attempts I just listened to. I really don't have time right now to explaining the difference between the old and new testaments and how to tell the difference between translations that should be taken literally and figuratively. I promise I will try to make some time if enough people show interest, but not today.

To be curt, I consider myself someone who is well read and educated (I have a Masters) and I have some very tough and legitimate questions in regard to the Bible and for all forms of organized religion.

What I have come to believe an suspect is that it seems apparent that man (the church) put his finger prints on the the final outcome of the Bible as we know it, and that has caused some inconsistencies within it. However, if you believe in the New Testament and you understand the central messages of Jesus it's hard NOT to be impressed (and it should be especially easy for the person responsible for the rudimentary garbage I just listened too). Jesus essentially says the following:
1) Love God with all your heart
2) Try to pick your fellow man up when he is down
3) Try to Love your enemies
4) and understand that by choosing my path you will pick up your own cross. in other words, this will not be an easy path and I promise you nothing in this life - However, you will be rewarded in heaven.

One additional note - to anyone who ever takes the time to read and understand the scriptures you may find that it has a way of slowly opening your heart, much in the way a rose is opened by the Spring.

and finally I end with this - After all of my doubts and studies I have come to believe Two things. There is a God and he can reveal himself to people in different ways. most of the predominant religions all share the central themes of Christ - trouble occurs when man attempts to stick his hand in the mix and add man-made rules.

My advice to the person who wrote this garbage is to really study the things you want to refute so that you can determine why you really feel the way you do. These tactics may work on the typical "educated" christian, catholic but you would be embarrassed and absolutely shredded if you debated a seasoned scholar with such questions.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a degree in anything, but I know the answers to all ten questions. The answer is: There is no god. We have to save ourselves.

You don't need to be "educated" to know religion is dangerous and stupid. I'm just an average Joe and I work in a lumber yard.

Anonymous said...

Bad things happen to good people because everyone is not playing by the same rules . In fact ,the bad people rely on some people being good so they can use them . People make a mistake in projecting their morals on other people because not everyone has the same moral codes .

It goes back to childhood and how you were raised.

blogger said...

The point of this thread is to make you challenge your childhood beliefs - whether you're a christian, muslim, jew, morman, hindu, athiest or whatever.

It saddens me that people become the religion of their parents, and never challenge their beliefs. If you were born in New York to jews, you're a jew. If you were born in Kansas to christians, you're a christian. If you were born in India to hindus, you're a hindu.

And you never question it.

Well, if this blog can do one thing, it's to make you think.

So dammit, think.

Anonymous said...

"Educated Christians". Isn't that an oxymoron?


kind of like "tolerant liberal"

Anonymous said...

"Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind."

-Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 1822.

Anonymous said...

Re; only the good die young said...

Cause the good people dont fight back..

Had Israel responded with a fraction of the cruelty the greedy islamo homicidal maniacs have done to her, she would be in peace today.

Arab vast oil rich lands stretch over thousands of square miles and over 2 continents yet that’s not enough, they want that tiny crappy desert called Israel.

Had Israel had a policy of ‘land for peace’ i.e. each time an Arab murderer shoots a projectile at one of its precious innocent civilians, she permanently captures large swats of land from these greedy bastards. She would be in peace today.

Israel is now paying the price for being ‘nice Jews’.

The day this sheep grows fangs is the day she will be respected by the wolves.

You are one ignorant mofo american fool; Why not research in wikipedia "Life in Gaza" before you make some dumb opinion like yours.Nice jews ? huh just as we are nice american to the indians here we stole this land

greedy islamo homicidal maniacs? damn you fucking dumbass you have no idea what your talking about! Even most people of Israel do not support the isreali military action against the Palestinians who have been robbed of all quality of life. you idiot!

Anonymous said...


if you want religious people to challenge their beliefs then you should also have atheists/secularists challenge theirs. that would be fair.

As I've noted to you in a number of threads, the theory of evolution is just that: a theory. And it's one that looks like Swiss cheese.

I've never seen an explanation from scientists for things like:

a) how did all the physical matter in the universe get here. and what is the universe? what is space? it's not enough for atheists to stop at their big bang theory...something came before it! the BB theory only says that there was a lot of matter that, by viture of gravity, all came together in a tiny space and then exploded, resulting in all the matter in space expanding at a rapid rate. It doesn't explain how matter got here in the first place. Or what space is.

b) how did genetic encoding happen? that is, how is it that all of our physical features got condensed into a microscopic blueprint that we call DNA? According to the theory of evolution this all happened simply by organisms bumping into each other or reacting somehow to their physical environment. That just seems preposterous.

c) how did the concept of variability (mutation) arise? what was the physical interactive process between an organism and its external environment that resulted in the concept of mutation being integrated into the DNA blueprint? According to the theory of evolution, this happened through organisms bumping into each other and reacting to their physical environment. This is just preposterous...isn't it?

d) why would evolution give rise to an organism (human beings) that can think abstractly and do things like fly to the moon? this has nothing to do with our survival, as evolution dictates all our human features and attributes must relate to. and i will add to that most everything we do: art, music, building, sports, acting, etc., etc., etc. None of this is necessary for our physical survival, as the theory dictates all our features (hands, arms, nose, heart, eyes, blood, etc.) are designed to do. In short, doesn't civilization argue against the theory of evolution?

I could go on with other issues that evolution does not answer but I hope you get the point now. And no, those Wiki articles you referred to in another thread on this topic don't answer any of these questions.

Having said the above, I'll admit I'm an agnostic...I simply don't know the answer. But I can tell you this, if you think religion is solely responsible for misery in the world you are mistaken. Just take a look at the carnage the atheists have brought to the world in the last one hundred years: Lenin, Stalin, the National Socialists (NAZIs), Red China, North Korea, Cuba, etc. I would have to say that if you wanted to keep score, the atheists are beating the religious folks by a long, long shot when it comes to producing misery in these modern times.

Anonymous said...


At the end of the movie EXPELLED, Dawkins states that "intelligent, extra-terrestrials seeded life here on earth!" Is that the best guess that you can come up with??? That's easier to believe than the Bible???

Chris said...

"It saddens me that people become the religion of their parents, and never challenge their beliefs. If you were born in New York to jews, you're a jew. If you were born in Kansas to christians, you're a christian. If you were born in India to hindus, you're a hindu.

And you never question it."

Of course people often become the religion of their parents. It's what they are familiar with and comfortable with.

I think you're right that most people don't question their religion. I think that happens because most people focus on what they believe are good qualities about their religion (love thy neighbor, don't steal, don't kill, help those less fortunate than yourself, etc.). It's hard to see anything wrong with these beliefs. At the same time, most people tend to ignore those elements of their religion that might be uncomfortable (for example, beliefs regarding homosexuality) rather than adopt a new religion.

In my first job out of college, I worked for 8 years under the same boss. He was a Southern Methodist, very Christian man. Before I showed up, he talked religion to the other co-workers all the time until he was told to tone it down a bit. He was a very good man and certainly "walked the walk". However, he totally believed that the world was created in 6 days and was formed only 6,000 years ago, even though he was a chemical engineer by education and certainly had a rigorous scientific education overall.

I once asked him why he thought the world was only 6,000 years old, yet carbon dating has proved that various objects (rocks, sediment, fossils, etc.) are much older. His response: "Carbon dating is a farce. The whole thing is a sham." Guess that's one way to deal with it.

Martin Hristoforov said...

I only saw the first few questions of this garbage but I can guess the rest.
Answer of course is free will... there is enough food for those kids in Africa. Someone somewhere is withholding it because they have free will.
Wars happen and innocent people die because someone had free will to start the war.
As far as amputees... it might be harder but I know of countless amputees that went on and lived a better life because of it and achieved great successes. I am a recovering alcoholic and I am thankful because because of it I found God and he saved me.
By the way something else I learned - I take care of my side of the street. Someone losing a leg doesn't give me the right to go and live immorally hurting the people around me and disregarding thousands of years of human experience.

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