January 18, 2009


Anonymous said...

Nice find... haven't seen that one before.

This might echo your thoughts.


Anonymous said...


NYT -- A Florida money manager is missing and the police have opened an investigation into the possible disappearance of “hundreds of millions” of dollars, according to the authorities.

The police are searching for Arthur Nadel, 75, a prominent Sarasota philanthropist and fund manager who was reported missing by his family Wednesday. He left a note, described as a suicide note by The Sarasota Herald- Tribune, that reported that investors could be out as much as $350 million.

The Sarasota police are investigating complaints from at least five investors in Mr. Nadel’s funds, run from a management office in Sarasota, that their money has disappeared.


Anonymous said...

$200,000 of debt per citizen.

Most realize it can't continue; nobody will contemplate how it ends.

Unable to control itself, our system marches us to the precipice.

Anonymous said...

Except that nobody really cares about gubmint debt. It's not real money and it never has to be paid back. The boomers don't care, the x-ers don't know and the younger folks are not paying attention. I can only pray for a monetary disaster that will shake the foundation of this out of control country.
Talk is cheap, and apparently for our representatives dollars are cheaper.

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