January 12, 2009

Jim Cramer wants inflation (or we're f*cked)

Here's the conventional thinking:

Either the price of goods and services goes up, or we're f*cked.

Either home values go up, or we're f*cked.

Either stock prices go up, or we're f*cked.

Who'd have thunk falling prices would have us so f*cked?

Got gold?


Anonymous said...

Cramer can go to hell! Why does it always seem that one group of people has a long history of taking cotrol of the financial sector for their personal gain, screwing it up, and then wanting other people to pay for the clean up?

Jennifer Grandholm is another idiot! Green economics is not going to save us.

Anonymous said...

Deflation will be stopped by the government. They will lie/cheat/steal. They are not going to play by the rules in order to stop deflation. If they have to print their own money and buy it up, INFLATION it will be. "Gold?? What Gold??" Just practicing for when Franklin Delano Obama comes looking for mine.

Anonymous said...

Deflation does not indicate a failure of the system. It is just a correction mechanism.
These crameridiots can gargle my sack.

Anonymous said...

Here's how you can tell when we've reached bottom-
Newspaper headlines:
Cramer FIRED!!
Paulson ARRESTED!!

Anonymous said...

These folks (including Cramer) were born (financially circa 1985) on an elevator going up and it has gone up their whole careers. They think they can fly. Now that theory is being tested. They are scared s*tless that now they may have to actuallu fly and they have figured out that maybe they really can't.

It's okay down here on the ground. Really. True, you may have pissed some of us off down here. You lost your poise. You couldn't take it like a man so you blew a lot of our money bailing out idiots including yourself and YOU HAVEN'T FIXED ANYTHING. YOU HAVEN'T PREVENTED ANYTHING. YOU HAVEN'T SAVED ANYTHING.

I love Jim Cramer but he has been just as wrong as all these other "I Can Flyers". Hey Jim. Want to join my bowling team?

Anonymous said...

F*ck Creamer. Why is this discredited, laughable hack still on the boob tube anyway?

This deleveraging and liquidation phase is not the end of the world. We need to let this happen to flush out all of the over production and malinvestment. Let it happen so the economy can restructure itself and adapt.

These hacks like Creamer need to be taken out to the woodshed. He is simply a loud-mouthed moron that got lucky during the bubble years. Do you think this moron could make money today?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cramer was doing well until he mentioned China. If they are going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars for their own economy, do you think that they won't either (A) sell some of their U.S. Treasuries and/or (B) reduce there purchasing of U.S. Treasuries?

Anonymous said...

Mish has a good article that should scare the living sh*t out of every logically thinking American out there:

Three Ideas that Should Scare the Hell Out of You

jim said...

"Why is this discredited, laughable hack still on the boob tube anyway?"

Cause the tube needs at least one boob on each end.

Anonymous said...

Inlation, deflation...they both suck.

Recently, a woman in my area was killed in a head-on collision coming home from the supermarket. When they interviewed her mother about the accident and loss of her daughter she said it was indeed tragic, but they really needed those groceries because they are hanging on by a thread.

The point is we're screwed either way and one doesn't need to look far to see it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cramer was doing well until he mentioned China. If they are going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars for their own economy, do you think that they won't either (A) sell some of their U.S. Treasuries and/or (B) reduce there purchasing of U.S. Treasuries?

You Sir are the smartest guy in the room. When this this bond bubble bursts these dumb greedy f*cks like Cramer will be screeming for deflation. It will be hyperinflation. We are all doomed. Pray the magic popcicle is invented in time.

Anonymous said...

Question. If the dollar crashes, what affect will this have on real estate?

I own a co-op in Brooklyn (where prices are still holding on quite well- though not for long).


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If China and Japan stop buying our IOUs, who then would step up?

Government just can't consume their own debt. It is illogical. We are sort of trap in this infinite loop with no hope of getting out.


Anonymous said...

Fuck Cramer!

How about this...

Either wages go up, or their fucked.

ApleAnee said...

Anonymous said...

Mish has a good article that should scare the living sh*t out of every logically thinking American out there:
Three Ideas that Should Scare the Hell Out of You
Denninger has a good read today also:

On "Hyperinflation"

Let's put this to rest right here and now.

"Hyperinflation", or even "Serious Inflation" (similar to what we had in the 1970s) is impossible without a means to transmit the rise in prices into wages.

In today's United States that simply cannot happen for two reasons..............


Anonymous said...

El Stupidos. Use Cramer’s books to burn them guilty on the stake.
Our TAX $$$ have to do what?? Build Infra Structures. Correct me if I am wrong but the unemployed will work on roads bridges ect, in all kinds of weather.

An easy solution is to let the market determent prices. He/she may loose but others will have the opportunity to build real solid healthy businesses from the ground up.

The unemployed and poor win because they have nothing to lose anyhow and will be put back to work fast, real fast and make $$$ to spend again!!

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!

Anonymous said...

Yes , but Phoenix is seeing DEFLATION . Of population that is. The mass exodus has begun. As once stated over on HP... there is not there there.

"Phoenix loses population for the first time in modern history"


Anonymous said...

"Got gold?"

You mean don't got gold if there is deflation.

Anonymous said...

HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, LOL, LOL, LOL. I am laughing my ass off! We have entered a period of deep deflation and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve no matter what they do can't do anything about it! Finally, we, Sashers, HP'ers, etc.... who have worked so hard to save our money will finally be rewarded! Housing will continue to crash. Stocks will continue to crash. Commodities will crash too.

There is nothing, no matter how much money they pump into the system and no matter how easy they make credit available from a deflation from happening. Because in the end, if people feel pessimistic because of falling values, they won't buy and thus because they won't buy, this causes for asset prices, consumer products, etc... to fall in value. Then this cycle just feeds itself.

Congratulations Sashers, we have won!!!

Anonymous said...

JaneZ needs to do some research on German history, or current day Zimbabwe. Inflation has nothing to do with wages, and if you read the history of inflating economies, the wage increases come after inflation is seen in consumer prices.

Inflation is a monetary phenomena. Not a wage phenomena

Anonymous said...

It's all self-interest - especially for the Jim Cramer's of the world - they only want what doesn't f*ck them.

Anonymous said...

Yes - inflation works great.. Just look at Zimbabwe.

Let's see - which is better: Zimbabwe (inflation) or Japan (deflation)?

Cramer is an absolute idiot.

Anonymous said...

Here's my solution.

Let house prices go back to 2000 levels and do it fast. Let's start from scratch.
When prices are at 2000 levels, people will start buying houses again, people will start moving again, investors will get positive cash flow from renting houses out.

F*ing idiots! We don't need an inflation, WE NEED A CORRECTION!

Anonymous said...


We're not F*cked....all we need to do is fake our death!!

Anonymous said...

JaneZ needs to do some research on German history, or current day Zimbabwe. Inflation has nothing to do with wages, and if you read the history of inflating economies, the wage increases come after inflation is seen in consumer prices.

Inflation is a monetary phenomena. Not a wage phenomena

Does anyone have a good reference on how the process of hyperinflation works historically?

I'm not sure the possibility of hyperinflation can be so easily dismissed. It has happened over and over again throughout the history of fiat currencies. Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe are just the best known examples.

Schiff's latest commentary makes a good case for how hyperinflation could result in America when the US can no longer finance itself through debt it will have to resort to the printing press. Given the stupidity of the Keynesian economists in power and dolts like Krugman and Bernanke whose illogical and idiotic opinions hold so much weight I can easily see the government trying to print money to sustain this unsustainable credit bubble economy.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Anon January 12, 2009 8:31 PM:

The problem is, in 2000 we were already at bubble levels and had been for a few years. We really need to correct back to about 1995 or even further back for home prices to make sense.

Anonymous said...

F Jim Cramer.

What I want to know it, why isn't Obama listed on your poll of dumbest politicians? I should be free to pick Obama, and you know some of us here think he's an idiot and a tool. So why not give us the option? Why have you NEVER put Obama on a negative poll?

Answer: Because you are a die-hard Democrat. Don't lie. Anybody with half a brain can see it.

Anonymous said...

Aint seen nothin yet! The economy is just warming up for the mother of all depressions! I mean it. I roam around a lot. Pple are hurting all over. It's just the tip of the iceberg and the first warning wave of a huge Tsunami. It's not going to be pretty. I feel sorry that Obama has to go through this. Thank you Bush, thank you Cheney, thank you Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank, Wall Street, the REIC.... You should all be behind bars, forever!

Anonymous said...

BTW, whatever happened to Downtown Julie Brown?

Anonymous said...

cramer sounded like a nut.

Anonymous said...

>dolts like Krugman.

yeah, Krugman is difficult to figure out. Smart enough to have written about the coming crash in May 07 (I think it was), yet dumb enough to think you can run up the printing presses and voila, you've got more wealth. I think though what he's aiming for is doubling the tax rate rather than hitting the print button.

Of course his money (what's left of it after what happend at the nytimes (I'm laughing my ass off)) is probably stored away safely in Fiji, across the hall from the Kennedy money. Lefties are hypocrits BIG-TIME (as Dick Cheney would say).

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry that Obama has to go through this.

Because of sheeple like this that I feel very discouraged about this country ever getting better.

Anonymous said...

It's time the people of this nation take the words of one of the architects of the disaster soon to destroy the US entirely and apply them to everyone from Wall Street to politicians to bankers to the Federal Reserve to the Treasury to the SEC and on and on and on. Words more apropos than ever before:

"We will make no distinction between those who committed these acts and those who harbor them."

"If you harbor terrorists, you are a terrorist."

That's exactly what ALL of these people are.





Anonymous said...

I rather listen to Suze Orman than to this snake-oil salesman.

ApleAnee said...

Anonymous said...

JaneZ needs to do some research on German history, or current day Zimbabwe. Inflation has nothing to do with wages, and if you read the history of inflating economies, the wage increases come after inflation is seen in consumer prices.

Aw, you little inflationista you!!

Anonymous said...

Hot news! for all the gold huggers. Gold is a hedge against inflation holding it during deflation will be hazardous to you wealth. Job losses, falling demand and prices = deflation. I think the hole is too big for the government to quickly generate inflation. I also think we are seeing a paradygm shift as the boomers go from more stuff and a bigger house will make me happy to HELP I want to retire!

JAWS said...

No, we can't go back to the Industrial Age and it's beginning to look like we're already leaving the Information Age and about to enter the Next Age, whatever that is. Probably a combination of both. What a struggle we're in for.

Lee said...

An economic system based on growth cannot work on a finite planet ad infinitum.

That's what we're up against. It's crunch time.

Anonymous said...

Oh lord- the 'messiah' is proclaiming that 'only government can break the cycle.'

Are they going to follow the Roosevelt gameplan play by play for the next four years?

I'm glad I saved hard for ten years if that's the case- I'll have plenty of wallpaper.

Anonymous said...

Green power as the next bull market? Government solar panals on every house?

What do you think- take a stake in green stock now?

Anonymous said...

From The American Heritage Dictionary.....
........Definition - Inflation: (econ.) An abnormal increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods, resulting in a sharp and continuing rise in price levels.

Do we have available goods, like houses, cars, etc.?

If you answered "no" to the above question, you may want to review basic economics and you are probably hysterical about inflation.

The problem is and always has been, too much debt. and no income wages to service the debt., ergo, deflation.......

Thats why the federal reserve system is flawed and thats why Obama can't spend his way out of this problem with more debt., hey, it may cause inflation!

Ponzi would absolutely love this moment in history.

Anonymous said...

Cramer is correct in that deflation will cause more disruption than inflation. Our system tolerates inflation well and deflation poorly. Me? I could care less. I've decided that there is no space between deflation and hyper inflation where this turns out all right. Given that the current spending package is only a trillion, I'm currently looking at continued deflation.

Anonymous said...

If the dollar crashes, what affect will this have on real estate?

Probably not much. I don't say that because I'm some sort of permabear, but instead because it will primarily drive up the cost of imports. Houses obviously are not imported. In fact, if anything, I'd expect it to drive the prices further down just because people would spend so much more on day to day things (much of what we consume is imported) that they'd have less money left over for housing.

Anonymous said...

"An economic system based on growth cannot work on a finite planet ad infinitum.

That's what we're up against. It's crunch time."

I disagree for a couple of reasons. First of all, the only natural resource that might possibly be limited is oil.

Second, as mismanaged as our resources are, the earth can definitely sustain a whole lot more people comfortably. I reiterate: as mismanaged as it is now. We are hardly Min/maxing resources. Not even oil yet.

Third, thinking long-term 100-200 years this would not be an issue anyway. We already have the technology and capability to inhabit at least 2 other worlds. The reason it isn't happening right now is because there is no need, refer to #1 and #2.

-Lamaria, I forgot my pass and am too lazy to get it.

Anonymous said...

What? He wants prices to go up? This guy has no idea what real life is like! Does it look like we can afford it!?!?

I think he needs to spend some time with real world people. And by "real world people" I don't mean people who eat thousand dollar meals and drink five hundred dollar bottles of wine. He needs to know what the average Joe is like.

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