January 30, 2009

Up next: ChinaPANIC

In a country of a billion, tens of millions will now go unemployed.

Two words

Powder. Keg.

And a corrupt and paranoid leadership that will get dangerous as it loses control.


Anonymous said...


I was wondering if you had any thoughts on why us American's don't protest any more. Possibly:

1. It's too much work
2. Obesity and riots don't mix
3. We'll gladly riot "virtually"


4. Unlike Europeans we see the banks as the hands that feed us and we are afraid to bite it.

5. We don't have time to riot, working too hard and too much debt to worry about.

6. Things really aren't that bad here in the US (yet).

Appreciate any thoughts.

blogger said...

I've been giving that a good amount of thought actually. Here's some thoughts:

1) The US is too big and spread out. Things go wrong in Latvia, you head on down to Riga's central square. What are people in the US to do - walk to DC?

2) The unions in the US have been destroyed. It's the unions that are organizing protests in many other countries

3) In the US, the problem is people losing wealth and credit, so they can't go down to Best Buy like they used to. In other countries, the people had no wealth or credit. They're losing their jobs and income, and they cannot eat or support their families. VERY different economic circumstance. Hunger makes people mad. If you had no food or money, wouldn't you be more desperate and pissed?

4) The dollar is rallying. In other countries, their currencies are becoming worthless. They can't buy necessities, and they've lost everything.

5) Americans are lazy. They're fat. They're addicted to mind-numbing media. They can walk away from their debts. They've been pacified.

6) Blogs and the internet have given Americans an outlet for their frustrations. Why protest when you can email or post?

7) There is no resistance leader, rallying people to a cause. Ron Paul on the right was close, but has no fire in his belly, and will not bite the hand of the GOP. Kucinich on the left has the fire, but doesn't organize or lead or do anything crazy.

8) Things are great in America versus other countries. Other countries still have dirt roads and no indoor plumbing. No Best Buy and no 24 hour grocery stores. Most people are poor. Dirt poor.

9) Other governments are even MORE corrupt than the US. WAY more corrupt. Bribes are everywhere. The politicians steal the money. And everyone knows it.

10) Other countries like to riot more than the US. It's in their DNA. The US lost it in the 60's. The kids haven't risen up since then. They've had it too easy. They're soft.

Unknown said...

Go to Peter Schiff's website www.europac.net. There's a great article about China - mostly about deteriorating US/China relations.

We'll be at war in no time. Get your military-aged sons to Canada. Fast.

Anonymous said...

The China bubble is the biggest bubble of all. And when it pops, and it will pop, there will go the world economy.

To survive the coming meltdown, I have purchased stock in a Chinese publishing house that produces cheap, but durable editions of Mao's Little Red Book. When the true Maoists return to power in China (say 2010), and the Chinese masses return to crowding together in their gray tunics to wave their Little Red Books and chant, I'll be sitting pretty with a steady stream of income from my beloved Maoist comrades.

By the way, when China, Russia and Europe turn to communism again, can we still claim that America won the cold war?

Anonymous said...

Here's another reason why Americans don't riot.

In everyone's heart, except for new arrivals, the USA is the homeland. In other words, the land in itself is the hand which feeds; govts (local or fed), social clubs, etc, are constructs built upon it. That's why we had a century of western expansion and people always going out into the woods, as survivalists (see Grizzly Adams or Johnny Appleseed).

Europe and other countries, however, see the govt as their bread winner, a collective sort of parent. So, like any cohort of American teenagers, they rebel when the parent withholds their allowances. But American adults, however, don't transition their parents' job to that of their govt. They, in fact, become adults (or parents), in themselves.

All and all, fast food/sugar addicts aside, America is a more mature society where people become self-reliant and take care of themselves. This is the nation of AT&T/Bell Labs, Xerox, DuPont, DEC, Los Alamos, etc, but then something went wrong when GE Capital (a financial firm) outweighed GE, the Electronics company. That's when the value system became distorted and people thought that housing, as an asset class, become a *right* than a fortuitous event. Europeans, however, having forgotten WWII, jumped on the RE bandwagon (& derivatives) because their govts needed it to shore up their bloated welfare states. Now, they're crying foul play because their govt didn't specifically tell 'em that asset wealth isn't real cash.

There's really only one dept where Europeans have trumped Americans and that's in the boinking industry. Brothels and escorting are legal in many European countries and they should also be so in the States. I suspect that this is another area where Americans can really outperform Europeans, as the USA has a finer eye for theme parks so there could be a Texas Barbecue bang-house, a prim and proper English themed bordello or a Disney-Warner Bros, cartoon-esque park with Jessica Rabbits, Bettie Boops, etc. So, in effect, legalize this industry, and olde Yankee ingenuity will flourish once again.

Anonymous said...

From all over the rust belt in the USA ...schadenfreude. Lots and lots of schadenfreude.

Most in China only experienced the upside of capitalism. Let's see if it sticks around for the long slide down.

Anonymous said...

Go to Peter Schiff's website www.europac.net. There's a great article about China - mostly about deteriorating US/China relations.

We'll be at war in no time. Get your military-aged sons to Canada. Fast.

January 30, 2009 1:27 PM

I have always bitchslapped the globalists hear because they are so damned greedy and stupid. The end game in this globalist new world order religion was always going to be world war.

I read Schiffs article as well, remember this. People will tell you what they are going to do and the Chinese and Putin already have. You can choose to believe them or not. This is not a time for denial. Russia and China will nuke the doller. The damage to this country would be obvious.

The baltic dry index is down 93 percent (tracks global shipping). Our little yellow friends are not stupid they can read between the lines. No shipping means no mos or jobs in China or no more US dollers coming their way. The globalists/bankers have squeezed this country dry.

Obama has no jobs left to sell them, they do not want any more worthless treasuries or dollers. Game set and match. The largest ponzi scheme in the history of the world is coming to an end. Now my globalist friends worry about the true dangers.

PS The Chinese in Schiffs article did a great job desribing the ponzi scheme. The dirty bastard is as guilty as the whores in Washington. He is blaming it on the American people. The whores in Washingto will blame it on the Chinese people. People all over this planet will pay.

Anonymous said...

I have always bitchslapped the globalists hear because they are so damned greedy and stupid.

Note to self: Keep from accusing other people of being stupid, when you can't even spell HERE correctly.

Mammoth said...

Anono first poster on this thread:

Item (6) it is.

Wait 'til people go hungry, then you'll see the riots.

Anonymous said...

Note to self: Keep from accusing other people of being stupid, when you can't even spell HERE correctly.

January 30, 2009 4:10 PM

A word processor does not make you intellegent globalist tool. The ultimate stupiity of your movement will be spelled out in blood. Greed is bind stupidity. The people I know who kneel at the alter of globalism are now sweating. They all say same thing. I made my 30 gold pieces I will survive this. TOOLS AND FOOLS. Did I spell that right. I have to go file an instrument flight plan to go look at a job. I better go get my word processor to do it for me.

Anonymous said...

2) The unions in the US have been destroyed. It's the unions that are organizing protests in many other countries.
Do you mean the unions in the private sector Keith? Don't worry. They are doing just fine. They have all gone over into the public sector. You know, state workers union, county workers union, municipal workers union, the God Almighty state teachers union, etc., where there is no competition, and no product produced OR EXPECTED, unless you count arrogant bureaucracy, crappy roads, and dumb kids.

And the sooooooo deserved salaries/pay raises, cradle-to-grave benefit plans, and golden pensions never end.
Oh No, it's great to be in a union today.

Unfortunately, not so good for the rest of us that live and work in the real world and are forced to support these parasites.

By the way, the PA Governor is asking for either 4-day/32 hr workweeks for the salaried government employees (approx 72000, all union), or rolling furloughs, shut down this dept for a week/month, that dept for a week/month. Governor is also asking to forego all pay raises for the coming year. Supreme head of the union said "No way in hell!”

Out state budget deficit, at last count, is 6.8 Billion

Apparently, asking their union majesties to tighten their belts like everyone else is one blasphemy that will not be tolerated,

Put the last nail in your own coffin union turds!

A lot of people I know are working two-three jobs just to ALMOST break even. They are two tired to protest.
Plus, they have that vision of impending doom, and feel utterly powerless to forestall the inevitable that they know is coming.

Anonymous said...


Well, BO is doing his part, even his watch is made in China:


Anonymous said...

....you want fried rice with that?

Anonymous said...

I have always bitchslapped the globalists hear because they are so damned greedy and stupid.

Note to self: Keep from accusing other people of being stupid, when you can't even spell HERE correctly

HAHA, good for you. Isn't that the way it always goes. Make some genius statement, but mis-spell half the words. But hey. There's no spell check in here!

Lost Cause said...

Shouldn't the single-child non-aborted males be looking for a mate about now?

Anonymous said...

Abe Lincoln "Its a mighty ignorant man who can't spell a word more than one way.) TOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!

Anonymous said...

Just an opinion (never seem to have a shortage of those - ha) but, had the Chinese invested the profits of their industrial expansion into thier own infrastructure and social support mechanisms INSTEAD of buying up U.S. Treasuries at retarded low yields, they would be better prepared for this slump. Who knows, maybe they would have better cultivated their own home markets for the products they produce.

Smug Bastard

Anonymous said...

"Texas Barbecue bang-house"

That is priceless. I laughed until I had tears. I can just picture the sauce, the bibs, the ZZ Top music playing in the background, the 10 gallon hats, ....

I think you're on to something. Brother in Houston says that sh*t would be a hit there. BBQ ribs and Lone Star beer followed by guilt free no questions asked bang fest followed by more BBQ and Lone Star...

Formosan said...

Having grown up in Taiwan and visiting China for the past 11 years, I am truly worried about the situation. There are too many poor uneducated people in China. Most factory workers cannot read and even the "educated" still have almost no grasp of their own history. Money is god in Shanghai and other major cities. But most of that money is fueled by selling stuff to other countries. Who only knows what terrors lay ahead when all the other countries stop buying.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul.

What a joke. He is like Nancy Pelosi. Just another tool in the arsenal of the American Oligarchy and their Libertarian New World Order.

Ditto for Obama.

Ross said...

Americans can riot again. We aren`t thaaaat soft. Have we already decided that there is no chance of a food crisis here in the states?

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