January 19, 2009
We interrrupt this blog for an important message. The Arizona Cardinals have won the NFC. And America has elected a black president.
Prepare for Armageddon.
We now return you to your regular programming.
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Here is a great article from the black community on how Obama is nothing but a front man for the global elite. It rejects all of the superficial comparisons of Barack Obama to Martin Luther King Jr that the fawning corporate media likes to promote and exposes Obama for who he really is:
Who is Black America’s Moral Emissary to the World?
I suggest you read this one, Keith. You've almost overdosed on the Obama Kool-Aid and perhaps this will be the antidote.
Sports are a distraction from politics. I can guarantee, if people paid as much attention to their nation as they do to this shit, we would not be in this trouble today.
I don't know if I said this here or somewhere else before, but here goes: The sports stadiums in use today are no different than the Roman coliseums that kept the population preoccupied while their empire burned.
Sports...fucking waste of time...
""Here is a great article from the black community on how Obama is nothing but a front man for the global elite. It rejects all of the superficial comparisons of Barack Obama to Martin Luther King Jr that the fawning corporate media likes to promote and exposes Obama for who he really is:
Who is Black America’s Moral Emissary to the World?""
It is nice to know that some of them 'get it'. I've followed the last five elections and the level of media manipulation during this one sent my b.s. meter off the charts.
If you want to understand how the 'liberal' media walks in lock step just like the neocon media does watch Outfoxed.
Obama is another shill just like Bush. Nothing more nothing less.
When Obama and Rahm hint at a 'Domestic Security Force' I know we're heading for the endgame. Think about having a military sized security force in our own country. Just think about it ... what are they going to do all day? Domestic police work is already handled just fine by police in my town. No extra security is necessary, thank you.
Personally I think they're preparing for a complete financial collapse when the SS timebomb hits in the next 15 to 20 years. Forget all the bailouts - THAT will be the complete disaster and will BK this country and it's going to start just as this country might be coming out of it's recession/depression in the next 10 years or so.
Here's a great video that gives an angle that even the alternative media doesn't about 911 and will open your eyes to how heavily manipulated our country is:
It's 127 mins but very well researched and worth the watch.
Big deal,
The NFL is about 90% black
Baseball is about 80% black
NBA is about 97% black
So why shouldn't da White House have a black as well???
This is true insanity.
Wow, talk about improbables, huh Keith? I remember a few weeks back on one of your blogs you wrote "and no matter what, the AZ Cardinals will still suck", which everyone universally agreed with. Amazing things can happen, eh?
Cutting through the crap, zeroing in on the core, using the essentials I must say, it's getting downright comical.
I read here the other day that someone knew it was armagedon when not one, but two Home Depot employees came up to ask him if he needed help. Well, I had the same experience at Macy's, and my girlfriend is actually asking me for finacial advise. We are definitely in bizzarro world now.
While I almost agree that sports are a distraction similar to the Roman Collisiums, I appreciate it: there's some actual truth to it; and unexpected consequences too, sometimes.
The amount of information that leads one to to ultimately conclude we are doomed has peaked. It's only a matter of time now before we all actually are that which we dare not believe.
We can't blame the other team for our mistakes anymore. It paralyzes us.
Boycott the inaugeration, boycott the superbowl, boycott the tax season. Hug your kids. Make this historical leap all about progress.
Sports are a waste of time?
Are you kidding?
Don't you realize that the two things that will determine global competitiveness in the 21st century are American football and marching band?
Based on our public school budgets, that's what we're all banking on.
It is only a matter of time now before the riots start here in the US. California announced that they are suspending tax refunds, welfare checks and college grants effective Feb 1. But you probably already read about this in the MSM, right? Tick tock...
Panem et circenses.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I expect the Steelers to be declared the Soot and Ashes Superbowl team. It couldn't be more clear
Pittsburgh- City with hard working people. City that rose from the ashes of being dependent on their main industry to diversify to health care, technology, nuclear power: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/08/business/economy/08collapse.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=pittsburgh&st=cse
Arizona/Phoenix- Land of housing bubble greed, Endless sprawl, get rich quick schemes.
For all you who say sports are a waste of time, get a life. Every one has their ways they enjoy spending leisure time, if you don't like sports, fine but if you have another hobby, than don't complain about ours.
Go Steelers!
Gotta root for AZ - even though it's the land of the unemployed mortgage broker and failed flipper.
I just like underdogs. And Pittsburgh doesn't have cheerleaders.
That said, 7 points? Are they crazy? Way too many.
I'm taking AZ and the points.
Az rules.They remind me of the dallas cowboys winning their first superbowl in the 90's.They came from nowhere and rallied around each other.Steelers are going down.Kurt warner is the man.He was supposedly washed up about 2 years ago.Hell of a man.
"Sports are a distraction from politics."
Yeah! Lets all watch C-span all day everyday, or we may get distracted from watching old farts sleeping on the job.
Best thing I did was forget all this "Political BS" and drive to the Cardinals game.
Now I can listen to the Inaguration Crap all week without completely losing my mind.
Steelers have never lost a super bowl when they were favorites. I also believe they are 6-0 or 5-1 against the spread in the big one.
AZ = Dallas of the 90s. Please... Maybe more like New England of '85 (the other 9-7 team to make the big game)
It wont matter when they suspend welfare in Ca this feb. It will take a week then the cops will call in the NG. Calpanik on the way!
Barrack Obama is mixed race. His mother was a white women so this does not make him a black man. Celebrate the fact that he is the first mixed race president, that's fine. But cut the political correct nonsense about the fact that he's the first black president. This will diminish the victory down the road when someone who had two black parents and is 100% black becomes president (especially if they have a slave background).
I see, the sports bubble is still fully inflated.
the only thing missing is for Andy Kaufman to be discovered living in a condo in Phoenix.
Smug Bastard
everyone in St. Louis (almost everyone0 will root for the Cardinals because of K. Warner (he was a stand up guy here on and off the field and St. Louis will probably claim him as one of their own for quite a while to come). He's too much of a class act to do this but I suggested that he get drunk, call up the Rams management in the middle of the night and ask them in an obscenity laced rant "how do you like me now, bitch???!!!!????" - but, again, Warner is a bigger man than me.
Smug Bastard
"Barrack Obama is mixed race. His mother was a white women so this does not make him a black man. Celebrate the fact that he is the first mixed race president, that's fine." This is the same argument I've been making to my friends. To be acurate, we should say that we have our first Mulatto President.
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