February 2, 2009

Barney Frank on TARP: "It's like wearing dark pants and pissing down your leg, It gives you a warm feeling, but no one knows you did it"

Barney, Barney, Barney.

After you're done destroying the country, let us know, OK old sport?

Man, we elect freaks, nuts, fools and idiots to Congress. Plus a bunch of corrupt pigs. And then we expect things to go well?

There might not be an "America After the Crash" at this rate folks. Our monkeys are killing us, and taking the world to a place that might shock you.


Anonymous said...

Barney Frank on Fannie (Mae):

"It gave me a warm feeling, but no one knows I did it."

Yes, we do Frank.

Anonymous said...

A guess Barney Frank would know about p*ssing ... down the "Toy Boy's" leg though ... what degernerates they all are up on capital hill - money whores who never had the people's interest in mind.

The next "bail-out" (or executive bail-in) will be that much more pathetic.

Printing more (devaluating money) or lowering the interest rate does not help - it on makes the problem much worse down the road.

Out at the peak said...

We told you that HousingPANIC wasn't done! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that butt-pirate Barney Frank made a sweet deal with Mexican radical group La Raza to get the Mexican vote. You betcha it'll be raining taxpayer money and citizenships to millions and millions of illiterate breeders.

Now go put your heads back into your arses, like the good NWO little b!tches you're.

Anonymous said...

Some excerpts from letters in today's WSJ:

"The only 'fix' in our economy I am able to identify as having originated with Congress is the pressure brought to bear on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae by Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd to promote home purchases by people who were not able to afford the homes they were helped to purchase by quasi-government agencies."

"Moreover, Congressional Democrats as recently as last summer resisted the Bush administration's attempts to rein in the excessive risks taxpayers faced due to the reckless implementation of unfettered homeownernship promoted by social engineers on the senators' side of the aisle."

What I want to know is not only when did it become congress' mission and duty to put every American into homedebtorship, I want to know why it is now congress' mission to stop an economic downturn? Since when did a recession or depression become illegal?

People need to go to jail!!

How's the snow in London?

Anonymous said...

Racism is sooo 20th century. And La Raza ain't a bit radical, you want radical, find out about Horizantalism. Now that is a great idea. Workers take over the broke and shut down factories and they meet and vote on how to do it and the community supports it. I have long said that nothing will be heard from the couch potatoes til the ITM machines are all scrap and 'mericans realize that the so called "capitalist democracy" is just a sham. Communism failed due to corruption too. There has to be a better, other, third way and that is what we need to be looking for.

Anonymous said...

I've got a theory on this:

Being able to talk well and convincingly doesn't mean you're smart.

In fact most of the actually smart people don't speak that well. But it's the powerfully spoken that get elected to office and into corporate management, because they sound good. And there's a disconnect there.

Anonymous said...

"It's like wearing dark pants and pissing down your leg..."

Temporary trickle-down stimulus?

Anonymous said...

"Barney Frank on TARP: "It's like wearing dark pants and pissing down your leg..."

A knee-jerk reaction??

Anonymous said...


knee jerk reaction




Anonymous said...

You Americans call these disgraceful creatures "Leaders"?

No Wonder you are the laughing stock of the world and headed for 3rd world status.

Enjoy the DIE off and cannibalism to come...


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