
I'd love to live in an $800,000 home.
Yup, that'd be swell.
I'd love to drive a Maserati. I'd love to take an around-the-world cruise. I'd love to shop at high-end designer stores.
And I'd love it if all of you would pay for me to live beyond my means and bail me out when I commit crimes or make bad bets.
And this, like so much else these past ten years, is sick. Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick.
Note to school bus drivers - you may be fine people, but you live in $80,000 homes at best, not $800,000 homes. You f*cking rent. You do NOT LIVE IN $800,000 HOMES. Got it?
No matter what's on MTV Cribs. No matter what's on HGTV. No matter what that nice mortgage broker tells you. No matter what that realtor on commission can swing for you, YOU DO NOT LIVE IN $800,000 HOMES! And oh, side note, mortgage fraud is indeed a crime. Even if George Bush and Eric Holder don't think so.
Here's the video. Sorry, embed on CNN ain't working.
I am so tired of this trash jerking the economic system. I will not show any sympathy if I find them homeless or begging for food. I will just dig up a photo of them from the web during the boom years, and put it on a poster and place that poster beside them on the street. They can then explain themselves.
Can this lady understand that most others in her field live in apartments? Where is all this money coming from to make those payments? Is her husband a drug dealer?
OK, Snapper Turtle and all other tortoise-like creepers out there,
Listen and listen hard:
A house is a place to sleep in, eat your meal, do your homeworks, make kids, get piped-up, get shitface, smoke a doobie, take a doo-doo, etc...
A house is not an investment, a stock purchase certificate, a trading commodity, a bank, an ATM machine, etc...
Not every turtle is entitled to own a house. Owning a house is a privilege, not a right, not an endowment from God or Uncle Bushie.
Most Americano believe that it is their God-given right to own a house. Heck NO !!! That is incorrect. It is also stupid to heed that belief. If you are poor, ignorant, illiterate, dumb, uneducated, buckteeth, harelip, fat, obese, or just plain WACKO then you do not have the right, the mean or the privilege to own a house. No BUT, IF, HOW, WHEN ,WHY, WHAT, etc...
The game of survival is simple. You are strong then you will survive and prosper. Your descendant will grow strong and will not have rotten teeth or marry his/her cousin as spouse. Joe6Pack is like a gazelle in the African Segenreti plain, his destiny is to be hunted down, chased after, pursued relentlessly, devoured by the lions, the leopards, the hyenas, etc... Joe6Pack does not simply possess any right or privilege to own a house in the land of the Americano AKA the land of the Skunk.
Got it, Turtle ???
Goddamnit! This is madness...
People just couldn't think rationally... Is it all Greenspan's fault? Or Bush's fault?
What about the people who bought these homes? What about realtors who sold these homes? What were they thinking?
This story really illustrates the insanity of the situation. For those who claim that those in the anti-bailout crowd are heartless, explain the moral justification of adjusting this woman's mortgage so that her payments are no more than 31% of her income when others in her income bracket are spending 40% or more of theirs on rent!
Time for a July tea party!
This is like celebrities who come down with a rare disease and then, like magic, become huge advocates for devoting research dollars to that disease which they previously did not care about, along with all other diseases.
"Mr. Obama, the one policy I urgently support is...stop all these pesky foreclosures!"
I like "where will we live?", too. Like people can't make do with anything less than an $800,000 house.
And exactly where was this story coming from - is it good or bad for the gummint to try to do something about foreclosures? One case, and notice they use a double minority to whip up the racism (see above), doesn't really mean much.
The existing program was cool, exactly because it was not so sweeping.
I got it Lew!! I got it, I got it!!!
Opps, I lost it.
You were always anti Bushco for good reason.
How long until you start railing against Obama the messiah?
Feeling the outrage? Sure you are. So are you coming to Chicago for Santelli's tea party this July?
Don't take this lying down. London-OHC is only an 8 hour flight!
Turd-World Nation of Nothing and Serial Nobodies.
Questions? Comments? Rebuttal?
Re-read the Bus Driver story.
Still have Questions?
Then you are a True American...
Let these people lose their homes.
Let them live in tents or homeless shelters if necessary. Or move in with family. All anyone needs is a roof over one's head.
It won't hurt them.
It won't hurt them.
It won't hurt them.
And we should not let anyone make us feel guilty about this.
Andrew. You were missed. Glad to have you back telling it like it is.
Goddamnit! This is madness...
People just couldn't think rationally... Is it all Greenspan's fault? Or Bush's fault?
What about the people who bought these homes? What about realtors who sold these homes? What were they thinking?
This is 100% the fault of the United States Government. They forced the banks to makes bad loans to poor peole (read: inner city blacks). The banks simply did what they were forced to do, but instead of getting the poor in debt over their heads, they got EVERYONE in debt over their heads. This tard is simply one of the idiots that can't do math.
FYI...There are not many 12 years old potty mouths that read your blog and I would dare say most of the adults gave up the stale art of swearing by age 19 being they learned many more useful words by the time they finished HS.
Whats up with all the F-*ombs lately? Just wondering...
Andrew, Baby, you are preaching to the choir here. The 'trash' society does not know it is trash. It thinks it is 'special' and very much entitled. To big houses, cars, anything Mariah or Diddy have is what they should have also.
This entitlement psychosis played into the perfect storm of loose money and predatory lenders. We are f-ed. No preaching will save the Turtle.
There seems to be alot of 'f*cking' going on in your headlines these days...
Were you REALLY expecting the government to do the RIGHT thing?
>It used to be trendy for specuvestors to purchase property and feel smug about their investments, bragging that they “are only negative about $400 per month.”
>That attitude was born from the myth of “eternally appreciating property values” conjured up by the NAR and all of its franchisee disciples - a cartel that this country will be much better off without.
Cartel. There's the word.
What this country needs is a pr campaign fashioning the NAR as akin to narcotraficantes and other underworld players.
There's an equation here
More F Bombs = More Rage
Have you ever been more outraged than these past few days?
I haven't.
Thus the F*CKING RAGE in the headlines
Hide the children.
It's getting ugly.
Gimme Cheese
This illustrates the allure of the American dream, it seems some people will do just about anything for it. Problem is, that house doesn't really look like $800,000 worth of house, but she signed-on, never-the-less.
I think we'd go have a much better long-term chance if we let the houses go back to a realistic valuation and do or civic duty to help our fellow citizens like her, if she is a citizen, with some form of shelter while she goes into bankrupcy. It would probably be cheaper, anyway.
I often wonder where the appraisers all fit into this crazed scheme? And as big as the problem is, I'm shocked, but not surprised that the government seems to think it's possible to actually spend the kind of money it'll really take to fix all this.
No, it's actually mesmerizing that Obama wants to prop-up these mexican sh*t boxes that'll be falling apart soon anyway. I saw the first-wave of them built back before the S&L crisis here in Texas and, yes they are built too quickly and cheaply to be anything less-than sh*t.
Is there no shame?
The govt should sieze here house and arrest here immediately.Take her kids and throw her in a 10X10 cell.
What might scare people even more than school bus drivers is if you look up the salaries of airline pilots. I try hard not to think about any one of those guys or gals with massive mortgage problems or overextending themselves, wanting a bailout and not getting it...
Other than that, I think your cruel and heartless comment about bus drivers having to rent is incredibly appropriate, because I'd wager that 65%+ of Americans need to be brought down a notch or two in terms of what they think they "deserve". Most do not understand fundamental principles of finance, nor do they have or follow a household budget.
In some ways, our elected government perfectly reflects America's debt-ridden society. Should we be at all surprised that this nation is broke?
I cannot believe that this woman, this idiot, this fool, this fraud expects us to keep her in her home. At best, she made a bad choice and, at worst, she and her husband are felons. They should tell her to pack her bags immediately and go rent an apartment more fitting of her income level. I love how she admists that she bought "too much home" but it's somehow the fault of everyone else who made it too easy for her to do it. No sense of personal responsibility remains in America. You know that the world is upside down when the "free-market" US is redistributing income from the hardworking schmucks to the morons in this mortgage mess WHEN "Communist" China would let them all rot.
"I say F because I cant think of another word said...
FYI...There are not many 12 years old potty mouths that read your blog and I would dare say most of the adults gave up the stale art of swearing by age 19 being they learned many more useful words by the time they finished HS."
What planet does this creep live on? Come to California and watch the travesty unfold. You too will have plenty to swear about. PS: If you dont or are to seeensiblle to take the heat, Go back into hiding in your little cubicle and Get out of the Fucking kitchen, Bitch.
Forewarned IS forearmed...
Instead of a housing handout to Joe Six-Pack, how about a cash bounty on him? Jane Zinfandel too.
Just bring in the ears, throw the rest into a dumpster for disposal.
Just trying to Help.
I missed the geography of this house. Is it California?
Yes, $800K is about right for a cookie cutter shitbox by the freeway. Suckas, all of them, and us.
The MAN, the Myth, the Legend!
Snap Snap Snap.
Got Turtle?
Well, ol Pal, we got another dipshit and ugly crew on our hands. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Bushco, but our new mixed-race miracle is certainly trying. His administration and tactics, his personal bullshit empty-suit personality not withstanding, resembles the Hindenburg aproaching Lakehurst in '37 so far. It looks like a long 4 years for the Sheep.
What is YOUR take on the New Improved Racist Attorney General and cabinet of tax-cheat deadbeats?
Their is a rumor that at the request of Holder a new door is being fitted on AF1 that all 'coward' whites must board through at the back of the plane.
Just a little Reminder...
Snap, Crackle, Ka POW!
Welcome Back!
Another Sign of the Times:
Surprised not a member of the REIC....
A metaphor for America?
Man accused of sinking his own yacht
Felony insurance fraud charges have been filed against a Seattle man accused of sinking his own yacht in a fit of rage brought on by the boat's mechanical problems.
According to court documents, Brian A. Lewis was piloting the Jubilee from Bainbridge Island to Seattle on March 22 when he scuttled the motor yacht halfway through his journey.
As the boat sank, Lewis, 50, rowed a borrowed dingy back to Bainbridge Island.
He left the state later that day, flying to Kodiak, Alaska, to work aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ship Miller Freeman.
Days later Lewis reported the vessel's sinking to his insurance provider, claiming, according to police, that the Jubilee sank following an accident. Alarmed by the possible environmental impact of the sinking, the state Department of Natural Resources salvaged the vessel. That effort ultimately cost the state $2,866.
Insurance investigators examining the boat found that a 2-inch hole had been cut into the boat's hull and that the bilge system had been damaged.
Informed of the suspicious circumstances, federal agents and Seattle detectives confronted Lewis. According to court documents, Lewis ultimately admitted to sinking the boat because the "financial pressure and frustration" of maintaining the boat "caused him extreme anxiety."
"The engine trouble he experienced caused him to lose his temper," Detective Chris Hansen said in court documents. "In his rage, he ... drilled the hole to sink the vessel."
Before the sinking, Lewis had attempted to sell the boat at an asking price of $28,500.
Earlier this month, King County prosecutors charged Lewis with making a fraudulent insurance claim. He has not been jailed, in part because he has no known criminal history.
That P O S is worth $800K?
Gag me with a chainsaw!
Around here $800,000 would put you in a place the size of the White House.
Excuse me; I can't hold my breakfast down for one more second! Be back in a little bit.
"Into the mud, scum queen"
Thanks to James Howard Kunstler blog:
My Fellow Americano: To Wit
The Housing Bailout
Explained beautifully by Chris Martenson:
I Politically, this is a great plan. Good sound bites and it looks like action. Also, roughly 9 million votes are secured for the next election. Two thumbs up in this regard.
Economically, it stinks. This is throwing good money after bad, and, worse, by seeking to “shore up sinking house prices,” it betrays a complete ignorance of the actual root of the problem. Blaming sinking housing prices for the fix we are in is equivalent to blaming the car for the drunk driving wreck. If Obama were to craft a similar program for drunk drivers, it would include new cars for any that happened to wreck their own. The problem is not that house prices are sinking, it’s that they got too high to sustain. It was a bubble for goodness sake! That’s the very definition of a bubble. Any and all attempts to “shore up” bubble prices is a doomed effort that will assuredly squander both additional capital and valuable time.
Morally, it is a complete disaster. The clear implication here for every sentient person is that it pays to be reckless. Moral hazard is written all over this one. I can easily envision millions of people arriving at the same conclusion: “I need to stop paying my mortgage right away so that I qualify for a handout!” It’s entirely sensible, and I would seriously consider this option if I had a mortgage and little or no equity in the house.
How do you Fucked Savers feel now? I told you once and I will tell you again, the government will end up nationalizing all of the insolvent banks and then they will have to write down people's mortgage loans, credit card loans, student loans, etc....
America is insolvent. The banks are insolvent. And the American people are insolvent. Thus all of this massive debt has to be written down!
Who are the fools? The idiots? The stupid asses now Fucked Savers? (I like that term so much I should trademark it!). LOL, LOL, LOL.
I can understand the frustration and mere mention that losers like this want bailouts. But, really, there is no chance that this woman or many, many others will get any type of help. This plan is destined to fail just like the prior two plans. It will have very little, if any, effect because there is NOTHING anyone can do to prevent prices from going back to 1988 (yes, 1988) levels. Any efforts to do so will be utterly futile.
My wife and I (49 and 44)
No kids,
No Debt,
No Mortgage.
Both make good money,
When she works full time...
BIG $$$
We live in So Cal,
for how much longer....?
We've looked at homes for about 3yrs,
Saw this S**t coming
But today we still can't really afford anything reasonable (nice safe area, with some yard)
New furnishings, decorator colors and stuff on top of this 800k house. Probably refi'ed to the max.
I dont feel sorry for these people because they dont even own 1/10th of this debt.
HHHMMMMMM!! Last name Garcia! Where about 95% of the population have a last name of Garcia, Mendoza, Carlos, etc. They love MR. Obama around here. See where I live everyone bought houses they could not afford. Well the 5% that could afford them have the last name Smith, Peterson, etc. I knoe someone is going to call me a racist. I don't care. See, 95% of the poplulation where I live have the sme story as the f*cking idiot in the video. They all seem that the American dream is working in a gubermint job and they can afford a BMW, huge house, designer clothes, have 10 childeren, and sustain a life as such on 13.50 an
I am going to make another generalization and you can all call me racist again. Though i challenge you to come to where I live so you can understand. Once again nthe majority of the population is identical in situation as the women in the video. And remeber we have millions of illegal hispanics in this country and a lot of them are in my area.
Now to my point. See they don't understand how our gubermint is supposed to work. In Mexico the gov is the largest entity with the most money and power. Our gov was never meant to be like that. Though it is now. The hipanic population feels that why does the gov not just lower the payments, make things easier for the poeple. If the gov in Mexico would do this then we would not have the immigration problem we have. But they associate that gov is supposed to have a level of power that our gov should not have because the gov below the border does have that power. Contact law means nothing in Mexico so why should it here. What I am trying to say is they don't get how it works here. The problem with the liberal agenda is that it further fosters thier misconceptions.
As far as I am concerned this women never should have been funded for this house. We need to get back on course that your living situation needs to reflect your income. This woman should have been in an apartment all along. But the cultural differences and the poor gubermint we have that leads people to believe that they deserve more is ruling our land now. How do we reverse this ideology? I will tell you right now it is not going to happen with the attittude we have in Washington. in fact we have almost four more years to make this even worse.
Got Ammo? Got Tea? Got balls to do something about this?
We are screwed, and thank all of you for your votes for Obama. we are truley moving in the right direction now. Sarcasm!
Andrew...you're getting soft. Where's the tough love? haha
Anywho...this brings back memories. My mother was a schoolbus driver (30 years). I had to actually go with her on her route before I entered kindergarden. We lived in a 700 sq ' home with 2 tiny bedrooms...1 for the breeders, 1 for us 5 offspring. It was great. When they came home from dates, I had a checklist which had to be completed before I'd stop pestering them...after all, I was the youngest, and I had an inquiring mind.
Anton Chiguhr
This situation is a lost cause.
The housing rescue plan will only refi loans up to 5% under water. If my toes and fingers are working properly, $125,000/$800,000is much greater than 5%. Yes, I am assuming they still owe the purchase amount.
Anton Chiguhr
Anonymous Taco Chowder said...
HHHMMMMMM!! Last name Garcia! Where about 95% of the population have a last name of Garcia, Mendoza, Carlos, etc. They love MR. Obama around here. See where I live everyone bought houses they could not afford. Well the 5% that could afford them have the last name Smith, Peterson, etc. I knoe someone is going to call me a racist. I don't care. See, 95% of the poplulation where I live have the sme story as the f*cking idiot in the video. They all seem that the American dream is working in a gubermint job and they can afford a BMW, huge house, designer clothes, have 10 childeren, and sustain a life as such on 13.50 an
I am going to make another generalization and you can all call me racist again. Though i challenge you to come to where I live so you can understand. Once again nthe majority of the population is identical in situation as the women in the video. And remeber we have millions of illegal hispanics in this country and a lot of them are in my area.
Now to my point. See they don't understand how our gubermint is supposed to work. In Mexico the gov is the largest entity with the most money and power. Our gov was never meant to be like that. Though it is now. The hipanic population feels that why does the gov not just lower the payments, make things easier for the poeple. If the gov in Mexico would do this then we would not have the immigration problem we have. But they associate that gov is supposed to have a level of power that our gov should not have because the gov below the border does have that power. Contact law means nothing in Mexico so why should it here. What I am trying to say is they don't get how it works here. The problem with the liberal agenda is that it further fosters thier misconceptions.
As far as I am concerned this women never should have been funded for this house. We need to get back on course that your living situation needs to reflect your income. This woman should have been in an apartment all along. But the cultural differences and the poor gubermint we have that leads people to believe that they deserve more is ruling our land now. How do we reverse this ideology? I will tell you right now it is not going to happen with the attittude we have in Washington. in fact we have almost four more years to make this even worse.
Got Ammo? Got Tea? Got balls to do something about this?
We are screwed, and thank all of you for your votes for Obama. we are truley moving in the right direction now. Sarcasm!
February 23, 2009 5:26 PM
Hey Taco Chowder:
No, I don't think you are a racist but you certainly are not a realist. I am a truck driver and yes I am white. You paint a pretty broad brush when you state that people whose last name is Smith, Peterson, etc... are responsible and pay their bills while people whose last name is Garcia, Sanchez, etc... are lazy and expect the government to bail them out.
What a bunch of illogical nonsense. I have traveled to many parts of our nation. I have seen with my own two eyes white people who are uneducated, buck teeth, drug users, prostitutes, totally ignorant, etc... But I guess in the world where you live, all of the white folks are the Leave It To Beaver types who work hard and are responsible and anyone else without white skin is a deadbeat, a cheat, a welfare queen, etc... Keep being an angry white man and keep believing in your myth.
A responsible white man who sees reality as it truly is
Anonymous said....
What planet does this creep live on? Come to California and watch the travesty unfold. You too will have plenty to swear about. PS: If you dont or are to seeensiblle to take the heat, Go back into hiding in your little cubicle and Get out of the Fucking kitchen, Bitch.
If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention...
She'll have to keep driving that bus for a long time, because any bail-out will be too little and too late for her, and the many other folks who are now deep underwater with their mortgages.
The ones who can still afford their mortgages will be stuck where they are as the value of their place tanks further and further - and there will be no buyers as more and more people are eliminated from the work force.
Thank you anan for saying I am not a racist, and then ranting about what a racist I am.
Let me put a little more spin on this. Is every white person perfect no. Is every hispanic person a welfare charity case, no. Is the hispanic population sucking Southern California dry. Yes! Am I surrounded by Hispanic goverment workers that do not speak English, yes. You want to be realistic. A large percentage of government jobs, sink that phrase is your head, gubermint jobs, you cannot get if you do not speak spanish. Not even a requirement for you to know that much English. Is Gov to big in CA? Yes. Are the gumbermnit workers going to keep voting in favor of larger gov. Hell yeah, they want thier jobs. Secure jobs that they will likely never lose. While the private sector of this state is in shambles. Business owners losing there asses while a large amount of people who barely speak English drive to work in the BMW that they just pulled out of their garage that has been foreclosed on all while being catered to by the gov that is handing these people the American dream at my fucking expense.
>Are the gumbermnit workers going to keep voting in favor of larger gov. Hell yeah...
Taco, every sane person needs to vacate California IMMEDIATELY. It's going down.
Yes, CA is going down. For me right now it is were my family, family business and my opportunity is at. I want out of this shithole and have been telling my wife that all the money and opportunity will soon not be enough to keep me here. I am getting to the point that a paycheck a fraction of the size I get now, a small one bedroom apartment instead of a large house, all in exchange for a little serenity that I will not get here in CA may be worth it.
the Angry Leprechaun formerly known as Taco Chowder
"Here's the story of a F*CKING SCHOOL BUS DRIVER who is about to lose her $800,000 home, and wants me and you and Obama to bail her out."
I think we should castrate and then hang the brokers and the bankers who set her up with the loan. Then, and only then, she can have her home repo'd.
Common Keith! You support Obama. Suck it up and support this ludicrous scam!
I will not show any sympathy if I find them homeless or begging for food.
Are you kidding me? They'll never be homeless as long as the productive and responsible taxpayer is there to pick up the tab for section 8 housing, food stamps, healthcare, 16 doctors to deliver octuplets who live in welfare, rims, H-1B visas. This is America, have you forgotten? We now have to work to support all these welfare queens plus the union parasites plus politicians.
You boycott all of them. Don't spend a dime anymore, start your vegetable garden, let this place implode. And the kicker is that the illegals come here by the millions, inflate everything (from infrastructure to housing rent), earn cash under the table, depress wages, don't pay any taxes, and then wire transfer 80% of their earnings back to Mexico or Guatemala. And we pick up the tab for their existence in the US, and all their out-of-control breeding.
Don't spend a dime anymore, do you hear me? You let these safe heavens for illegals to go bankrupt; bring all the companies that issue H-1B visas down by boycotting their products; let them starve with us. Your worthless votes don't count any longer to those crooked politicians in Washington, so you vote with your wallet. If you lose your jobs, stop paying everything, from mortgage to credit cards. Don't be a serf to the global elite.
Enough is enough!
Anon said..I often wonder where the appraisers all fit into this crazed scheme? ..
I always think that too. However, whether it was legitimately comp'd out or not, the appraiser has no idea as to the financial status of the buyer, as it should be. The final decision to fund this loan was made entirely by an underwriter (that should now be exposed and hung in public square).
"The MAN, the Myth, the Legend!
Snap Snap Snap."
I'm hoping for some skewering and sizzling soon.
A-2-M, baby; don't make us beg, Andrew!
Ok white guys- the bailout is a bad idea. Obama is not the messiah, but I saw him walk on water once before. He does not like to do this in public!!!
I just want to be able to order a burger, fries and a coke from someone whose primary language is English.
I am really tired of having to repeat myself and/or have my order F'ed up. Whatever happened to educated high school kids working such jobs?
800K I love it. These people are stupid.
HER $800k home IS WORTH ONLY 80K
I saw the video and this bus driver is a financally inept immigrant illegal or green carder who got into an $800,000 house thru sheer stupidity. Now she expects the gov't to simply halt the foreclosure.
Bullcrap! That house is not worth $675,000- she is either ignorant or a deceiving liar. If it is in CA where housing values have fallen an average 40% statewide, it is probaby worth around $400-500,000 depending on location.
Lots of immigrant latinos purchased homes way over their ability to pay the mort. Many simply took out big fat helocs and then simply walked out and fled to mexico with the loot and are now living high on the hog on their rancheras.
Millions of immigrants and other lower income minorities who are underwater expect Obama to alter their Mortgage and rescue them from foreclosure. Ecomomic stupidity and financial ignorance is rewarded with a bailout at expense of the taxpayer.
NO! Fuck that! Let her live in that bus.
I don't understand why she and her husband aren't finding a rental and moving. They've got to be able to find a rental for a third of their mortgage payment. The longer they wait the more F'ed up their situation will be. This is why we're still in the denial period. Everyone still thinks that there is a fix.
"My wife and I (49 and 44)
...Both make good money...We've looked at homes for about 3yrs...But today we still can't really afford anything reasonable (nice safe area, with some yard)"
Hmmm...let me put this together.
* You are a 49-year-old lifelong renter.
* At the peak of the bubble you started looking for a house to buy.
Those two fit perfectly together! They help to explain each other.
I work as a school bus driver and gross $20,000.00 per year. After insurance and deductions, including money set aside to pay me during the non-school months, I net only $12,000.00. I do good to put clothes on my children, how any bus driver could possibly pay for an $800,000.00 home is just crazy.
Anytime anyone wants something, I tell them.. "Ya! And I want a Mercedes!"
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