
Watch this video.
Funny stuff.
So, with all this cool stuff we have now, are people any happier than they were back then?
Do you even remember life before the internet?
And why are stocks the same price as before we invented all this cool new productive stuff?
New-Home Sales Fall Again To Record Low; Prices Off
I know this is off topic but has anybody heard for Larry Yun lately?
What's the Big Deal?
Apple started 'business' selling the original illegal 'blue telephone boxes' (I still have one...) to fool the phone company and cheat them out of their long distance fares. Then Apple stole PARC/Englebarts mouse, then Microsoft stole the GUI from Appl and they both learned how to manipulate digital files and a Geek/dropout named Gates went from having his lunch money stolen to King of the World.....
BFD. Talk about a Black Swan event.
Did they cure Cancer? Have they saved any children? Has YOUR life become any more pleasurable or less complicated because of all the digital bullshit?
I didn't think so.
Draw your own conclusions...
Have a Bankrupt Flat Screen Day.
Enjoy the Die Off
You need to consider volume of shares outstanding. Don't be retarded Keith
Tech doesnt make you "happy" but it does give me 100% control over my finances and access to information, cant beat that
Disagree with the crux of this... we're still not there.
The cell phone is today's Walkie Talkie. Two decades ago, there would be a command ctr room to track a person's movements; now, it's GPS and hence, people (and their shipments) are expected to be tracked, etc. What's happened is that current expectations are being matched by new technologies, not vice versa. Before, no one would fly because one, it wasn't safe, or two, it took too long to be in a prop plane for 50 hours. So they'd automatically give up on a meeting with friends/colleagues in other continents. Today, one's expected to board a red eye plane, for a morning meeting, between NYC and Sao Paulo.
When it'll change is when we have robots which in effect, make socializing with others, completely obsolete. And from then on, everyone's living life in a console. You want a sports companion, the android uploads it and you watch NFL w/ it and it comes out with squirky comments and insights, into player stats, games, etc. The purpose of taking the time to hook up then looses its attraction. Same for sex companions, the bots take care of it.
Personally, I do not trust the stock market whatsoever. My belief is that at the current time it is essentially gambling. The stock market right now is based on fear and speculation. The United States doesn't MAKE anything anymore. We're a nation of people who push money around and use cheap credit to buy things that intrinsically have little value. As long as this continues, and as long as bankers, real estate agents (the ones who helped people commit fraud) and corporate big-wigs are not held to account for what they've done (going to prison at LEAST) I will never invest in any stock market. There needs to be threat of, and actual application of, serious consequences to corporate individuals and people running the government when they flaunt the law. Mortgage fraud is a crime. People need to go to jail. It's just that simple. Without consequences, there will be no change. So many people are inherently evil (greedy, fraudulent, etc.) that the only way to have a successful society is if the people who aren't evil can institute repercussions for breaking the law.
The rule of law long ago stopped applying to everyone and now applies only to us common serfs. Treasury Secretary Geithner (along with numerous other Obama appointees) lied on his taxes. If you or I did that to the tune he did that, we would be in prison. He lies on his taxes and he gets to be one of the most powerful people in the world. He is 4th in line after the President in the line of succession.
Individually, we really do have no voice, and I completely understand why so many folks are apathetic about voting. We're presented with a false dichotomy (Democrat and Republican) so why does it matter if I, an informed citizen, vote for the Libertarian candidate? I *know* that most people in this country are uneducated fools who are only concerned by what's on American Idol tonight. Those fools don't recognize the false dichotomy and so their voices drown out the few of us who understand. They don't understand that the fabric of society is very easy to rip. All it takes is a little hardship, a little coercive force from the government, a little hunger or a little poverty and people will start going nuts everywhere. The best I can try to do is protect myself by learning how to shoot and owning firearms. That way if society does break down I can be as prepared as an individual can be. Of course I wish this kind of thing was unnecessary but with so many stupid people out there, so many followers, who just do what they're told, I have to rely on myself.
The best people can do, in my opinion, is adjust their standard of living. Focus on working less. Working until you die is not something to strive for. People should get to enjoy SOME of their lives, at least. Maybe keeping up with the Jones' is simply not worth the amount we are paying to do it. Maybe there are other activities we can do that would make you happier and are a lot cheaper. Keep an open mind.
Get involved in government. One thing I really want to do is go to Washington DC for one of these upcoming "tea party" protests. Here's one that's forming right now: http://www.resistnet.com/group/wethepeoplemarchonwashington. All of us should get involved. Government and big corporations must fear that there will be serious PERSONAL consequences for their evil actions if things are to ever change. Get involved in tax revolt planning. Organize and stage a tea party in your town.
We can't go back there - the ecological footprint was not sustainable even then.
Stocks are the same price because the wealth generated has been transferred to Billions of people in former 3rd world countries.
Wealth distribution Greenspan style
Keith, I was just thinking that about prices of things. In 1989 in bought a used stock 1983 toyota pickup for $4000, today I see a couple year old Chevy SUV on a lawn for sale for $4500. I would think they paid a lot more then that Toyota PU, but are selling (trying) it for about the same price. Weird, I should stop thinking
Whatever is around when you are 3 is and always will be just the normal thing.
In 1980 my wife and I moved into a new home in the Minneapolis area. There was no internet, no cell phones and while some rural towns/areas had cable out of necessity, we got our TV stations over the air with an antenna. By not having those three things we were probably saving about $180 a month.
When the F*ck is Obama going to appoligize for his Attorney Generals outrageous comments. Oh, I forgot they're all dems. Nevermind.
So, with all this cool stuff we have now, are people any happier than they were back then?
No, probably more miserable.
Do you even remember life before the internet?
Yeah, no good music has been written since then.
And why are stocks the same price as before we invented all this cool new productive stuff?
Because they offshored all of the jobs and people's wages and salaries have not kept up with inflation.
Hhhmmmm, Bots.
The Pharos
The Caesars
The Church
The Nazis
The Eurotard UNists
The Islamists
Kings, Czars, and brutal dictators
Were all able to enroll foot soldiers to their selfish causes by controlling information.
Each one of them murdered people with opposing ideas. Burned/ destroyed any written word with ideas that was not beneficial to them.
So, so long that the internet is not controlled and information can freely be exchanged, we “Mankind” can achieve anything and move forward faster then any other time in history.
The rotary phone will return as a status symbol item for the wealthy after we all go broke first, victims of to many ponzi schemes.
Talking about conveniences:
Bloomberg - Las Vegas Running Out of Water Means Dimming Los Angeles Lights
I've gotten an idea. Why don't you liberals bring in another 20 million Mexican illegals to spend your water, so that they can wire transfer 80% of their under-the-table-cash earnings back to Mexico, instead of helping us pay for what they consume?
Pay up suckers, and enjoy the die-off!
By not having those three things we were probably saving about $180 a month.
You sir are considered a threat to the New World Order.
First of all, Tea Party metaphors are worthless...
In 1773, the "Sons of Liberty" destroyed $1.87 million dollars (in today's valuation) of the East India Tea Co's property and in effect, got the British Empire to more or less, shutdown the port of Boston and station a garrison there for safekeeping.
It's never happened again in Boston's history, after independence, aside from a few ethnic/racial clashes in school busings and the Irish v/v Italian gangs of yesteryear. BFD, that's in every city.
Today, a Chicago "Tea Party" is really that, a party for do-nothings to hang out and chow on some Chicago Deep Dish Pizza with a glass of Lipton on ice. Wow! What a sea change!
With the rise of the industrial revolution which bankrupted skilled craftsmen, low level peons got access to previously unimaginable stuff like cheap shoes, cheap clothing, tap water and so forth. The downside was the skilled craftsmen became lever pullers at the factory. With the rise of the Information Age, knowledge workers have lost their shirts as low level peons get access to all of our vital know-how. (And you realize it is only a matter of time before copyright also goes away.) Either way, however, most people on Earth benefited. This time, "most people" isn't us or our ancestors within oral memory. And that's okay.
It's almost 2010! Where's my flying car? THAT would make me happy...
Hey Bukko, I have a person to introduce you; his name is Bitterenter. You're going to love each other.
Did anyone see the topic?
Happiness is basically having more stuff and better health than your neighbor, and being confident it won't be taken away.
Now with technology, we are having some neighbor somewhere with more stuff rubbing our face in it (MTV Cribs and HGTV) while at the same much less job security.
No wonder people are less happy. Does this technology mean I spend more time with my kids? Do I have more free time now?
Does Bitterenter live Down Under, Anon? And do you mean "love" in the physical sense? Because I don't think Mrs. Bukko would approve. However, if Bitterenter is a hot chick living somewhere in Victoria, what the Mrs. doesn't know won't hurt her. (As long as I use protection...)
We didn't have Obama either!
However, if Bitterenter is a hot chick living somewhere in Victoria, what the Mrs. doesn't know won't hurt her.
Bitter renter is a bitter lesbian who wears cargo pants, showers weekly and wears a crew cut.
The post above is the perfect example of the completely degenerate morality of the average Obama worshipping socialist parasite.
What amazes me is our founding fathers, without benefit of the internet, obtained a classical education that included ancient history, latin, gredk, etc. The point is, they were able to obtain a first-rate education with pens made from feathers while working at night with a candle.
I'm not sure we're getting anywhere, despite our fancy schmancy tools. They also organized a revolution before they invented the pony express. We're pathetic. Perhaps we are cowards.
This guy isn't very funny, and he doesn't know what he is talking about. People get angry if their service is disconnected, if a promise is not kept, a contract broken- whether or not it involves an Iphone or a rotary is irrelevant.
Life is still hard, goals still have to be met, even if the means and environment are different.
Yes I remember life before the internet. Lots of things sucked more than they do now.
I fought my parents tooth and nail when they wanted to spend 5k in 1991 for a fully loaded IBM 386. I told them it would just be an expensive word processor and I could just use what I had.
Technology should have made our lives easier but rather it just mad us more "productive" and had our bosses demanding increased productivity and added value that far exceeded the cost of the technology employed.
It would have been nice if we could have worked fewer hours and had more of a life but it really enabled the bosses to lay people off and pocket the differences themselves.
i just bought a house in selma, al, for 33k. great house in historical district. realtor wouldn't leave me alone. 4 mental hospitals there, so I'll be ok.
Hey Keith,
thanks for introducing me to Louis C.K. the guy is effin hilarious. after watching the video you linked to I watched all his other videos on YouTube. Genius!!!
"Bukko_in_Australia said...
It's almost 2010! Where's my flying car? THAT would make me happy...
February 26, 2009 10:21 PM"
It's right over here by this oven. Don't mind the smell. I'd like to give you a demo but you need to take a shower first. Come right this way, I have a towel for you. Go Right In there, I'll see you in a few minutes...
I liked those phones. They came in neat colors.
Technology should have made our lives easier but rather it just mad us more "productive" and had our bosses demanding increased productivity and added value that far exceeded the cost of the technology employed.
Rememebr when it took 1 hour to get to work by foot or horse? Thank god for the car! It reduced my commute.. errr nevermind.
I've seen companies treat planes like taxi cabs. Everyday some employee is flying out in the morning and coming home in the evening.
I've seen massive amount of waste as a GE mortgage subsidiary flys Indians in for a few days to install or config something. Multiply this by 5 people and 1-3 trips per month!
Just because a resource is cheap it will be exploited by those only looking for the bottom line.
Hey imagine the day when you can get email on your phone! Then you won't ever have to come to the office. What will you do all day at the beach?
Hahahaha right. The company owns your ass 24/7 thanks to the blackberry.
Hahahaha right. The company owns your ass 24/7 thanks to the blackberry.
Take your brown ass back to the paddy fields,I bet you can telecommute.Thanks to Blackberry
Take your brown ass back to the paddy fields,I bet you can telecommute.Thanks to Blackberry
The guy in the paddy field does something constructive for society rather than have a superiority complex because some kind technology exists which he had no part in making. It's much like those showoffs in the modified cars who think they are all that even though they didn't engineer any of it.
The post above is the perfect example of the completely degenerate morality of the average Obama worshipping socialist parasite.
The anonymous post is the perfect example of how right-wingers have no sense of humour. Seriously, you people just don't know funny. Ya see son, on teh Internets tubez, some people jest be jivin'. You made a silly comment addressed to me, anonymous, so I gave a silly answer. But oh no! you take it as the literal truth.
I work with lots of people who have diagnosed mental defects. The more I see of hard-core conservatives, the more I realise that conservatism is a mental illness.
You people must not be any fun to be around. What makes you laugh, aside from YouTube clips of how dying dogs spasm after they've been run over by armoured vehicles in Baghdad?
The anonymous post is the perfect example of how right-wingers have no sense of humour.
Hey, I posted about Bitterrenter, initially. The other Anon you're referring to isn't me.
Hey Mitesh, don't get upset with the other Anon. It's the format of the blog; we just punch each other in the mouth for fun around here. However, if you want pussy-talk, head on to Ben's Boring Blog.
Are you a fan of Bobby Jindal?
Just curious, from one Indian American to another.
Are you a fan of Bobby Jindal
That scumbag politician? I don't endorse 99% of the politicians from either party.
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