
Hide the truth.
Until you can't hide it any more.
And now we're f*cked.
What's on Idol?
A politically incorrect pamphlet hitting on all the unspeakable stuff: Politics. Economics. Fiscal Policy. Foreign Policy. Moral Issues. Culture. Investments. Religion. Humor. Life.
Just wait 'til the bodies start dropping in California, due to civil war. Coming soon to a city near you. 10% (unemployment, that is) is in the bag....
Here's all that matters:
---Hurry, Hurry, HURRY---
Vegas casino sells 2-foot, 6-pound burrito at cafe
LAS VEGAS -- A Las Vegas casino cafe is rewarding patrons who can put away a 2-foot, 6-pound burrito with a most logical prize - free unlimited rides on a roller coaster that runs in both forward and reverse.
The offer comes with a caveat, though: Those who accept the challenge but can't finish "The Bomb" burrito have to take a picture with an extra small, pink T-shirt that says "Weenie."
The NASCAR Cafe at the Sahara Hotel & Casino began selling the cheese-and-guacamole slathered burrito on Thursday for $19.95.
Those who can finish the monstrous entree get it for free, along with two unlimited coaster passes and a T-shirt proclaiming they "Conquered the Bomb."
"NASCAR Cafe" Quite a dichotomy, eh?
AMERICA: Turd World Nation of Nothing and Serial Nobodies.
THe Worlds Mosy Discredited Oriental is AT It Again:
Funny Yunny, So Sollee Challie
House prices put mortgages in reach
Payments line up with wages again
Nationwide home prices have fallen far enough, when combined with current low mortgage interest rates, to get payments back in line with wages, the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors said Friday in Bellevue.
"We believe that the home prices have already fallen to what could be justifiable," economist Lawrence Yun said, noting that mortgage payments for a typical household buying a typical house last year were back to 1998 levels, as a percentage of income.
"One may even argue that home prices are underpriced," he said, because that calculation was based on higher interest rates than current rates.
But further price declines, Yun said, could cause "economic collateral damage," restraining consumer spending and, therefore, a recovery.
The economy is in a "great recession or possibly a mild depression" because "consumers have completely given up," Yun said.
There's more to the article, but I was too busy alternating between gales of laughter and throwing up inside my mouth, the vomit backing up into my nasal passage existing my nose like a clogged sewer to get to the end of it.
Lawrence Yun, Scumbag of the Week.
NAR: Enemy of the State.
Fuck You, Yun. Fuck You, NAR and every last member of the NAR.
Bounty on used-house peddlers and all REIC. Use the Bushco standing Army. Turn them loose. Do It Now.
the last 2 elections were as good a vote as people can give in a two party system that they weren't children.
It has nothing to do with hiding the truth and everything about a little dignity. We the American people do not need to see the actual caskets. We need to know how many each day, week, month, but we can do without the indignity of this kind of visual aid.
Have a little respect for those who died for this cause and stop trying to celebrate using this as a political statement.
The executive order was signed by Clinton NOT President Bush...you MORON!
We were conned.
We won't get fooled again.
Swords to plowshares.
The MIC is the parasite that has killed its host.
Pelosi and Barney Franks doing a 'duet' with your taxes.
That is what's on Idol.
Hey, you guys remember that big Beanie Baby hysteria of the late 90s? I was only 10 at the time, but I remember fully grown adults acting like stupid little children over these stuffed rags. People just going nuts over them. I was in a mall with my mom and dad and I remember this one lady about-40 or 45ish-just bitching up a storm because the particular beanie baby she wanted didn't feel like it had enough beans in it. Even I knew people where stupid by the time I was that age...and I was kind of a dumb kid.
Why is it that people get crazy over such stupid shit?!?! PS3 comes out and you got people sleeping in their god damn cars so they can buy it the next day. A store has a big sale, and someone ends up getting mowed down and killed in a stampede full of idiots.
Then when it comes to things we SHOULD get crazy about, then it's like, "What's going on...DUH, which way to the nearest Mcdonalds."
We all should have went crazy long before it got to this!
When I see those 7 flags draping the coffins I immediately think:
Then I remember that inside those boxes are the remains of the True Heroes of America. The Men & Women of the United States Military.
Be as cynical and HATE the leaders that got us there, but Respect those who gave up everything.
and Weep.
Godspeed Fallen American Heroes your sacrifice will Not be for Nothing.
Who did they die for?
How about an honest census and honest reportage of the number of Iraqis killed and maimed in this so called "war"? What is the body count? Greater than 1 million? The fake conservative Zionist-fascist Repugnant Party would have you believe the civilian casualties were minimal and that now Iraqis praise America for delivering "freedom and democracy".
Why is it that we only ever hear about the number of US casualties? And how honest are those numbers?
It has nothing to do with hiding the truth and everything about a little dignity. We the American people do not need to see the actual caskets. We need to know how many each day, week, month, but we can do without the indignity of this kind of visual aid.
Are you f*cking kidding you delusional twit??!!
To understand the true cost of the so called "Global War on Terror" - to have any kind of intelligent debate or understanding of what is going on we need TRANSPARENCY regardless of how horrific that transparency may be.
It's easy for fake conservatives and other deluded fools to continue to promote this fraudulent war as long as the true costs are covered up and hidden from public view.
The warmongers can forever scare us into more wars of conquest as long as they can promote the propaganda of the bogeyman Osama Bin Laden, the propaganda of "Mission Accomplished" and the propaganda of "the Surge is Working".
Do you even know that your own tax dollars are going towards paying off Iraqi opposition to the war?
Where the hell is Osama Bin Laden and why the hell is an army needed to find Bin Laden and the elusive AL CAYDAS??!!
When do you stop being a f*cking moron and start realising that this whole shebang is about US imperialism and global domination as described in the publications of leading thinktanks like the Neoconservative Project for the New American Century and geostragists like Kissinger and Brzezinski??
Until you people take the time to do the research and read the writings of PNAC, Kissinger and Brzezinski you have no clue as to what this "Global War on Terror" is really all about.
"...nothing to do with hiding the truth and everything about a little dignity...stop...using this as a political statement..."
Dignity for whom, Sir; those who died, or those who sent them to do so?
Perhaps you're right; maybe it is better to keep it private.
Unrecognized, even.
Shrewd move on Obama's part; so this is what Holder has been up to:
"Newly installed U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder declared he would stop the practice established by the Bush administration of raiding legally licensed medical marijuana dispensaries.
The Drug Enforcement Agency will now cease the raids that have continued, according to reports, even after Bush left office.
Holder said Obama's campaign promise to stop the raids is "now American policy."
With all this shitzu going down, you will find it easier to toke up and tune out. I think that is what our new leaders want. They can spend, wage war and we won't pay attention. We can smoke and watch Idol!
On another note Obama is not exactly ending the war. 50,000,000 troops left in Iraq and ramping up operations in Afghanistan is still 2 wars. He just doesn't want you to notice the status quo. Hence, going easy on weed.
"Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.." We've just witnessed the historic transfer of power from one Harvard graduate to another Harvard graduate. Change you can believe it...
Let the truth set you free!
Mitesh, It is "Whom" did they die for. Use the objective form of the personal pronoun. Now you know.
They died for Cheney. And oil. Yesterday I heard a conservative say that the green energy windmills in his state are just a terrible idea. They disturb the birds and are just ruining the landscape. What a bunch of asshole idiots in this country. No wonder we have dead children in the hangars.
Correction on troop numbers in Iraq. I hate to think I might have had a Pelosi moment. It was a late night so I added a few zeros; 50,000 troops in Iraq is the correct number. We will still be there for a long time. Hell, we're sitll in Japan and Germany.
That # is bigger than the population of most of the towns these kids come from. I know we have to get out slowly, but to me, this is no different than what Bush would have done.
Obama is changing other things, not the wars. The move not to go after cannibis is a big change, spending and taxes are big changes. But it's still just another Harvard guy with a plan. Believe me Harvard does not make you that smart...it simply confers a pedigree. We don't really have a track record of Obama's accomplishments in policy. This is all a BIG experiment!
"Mitesh, It is "Whom" did they die for. Use the objective form of the personal pronoun. Now you know."
Actually, to be precise under the rules of grammar 101, it is
"for whom did they die?".
One must never end a sentence in a preposition.
Just sayin...
Who have soldiers been dying for all these years? It's not just a left/right thing.
How many sorry Democratic AND Republican presidents has this country suffered?
Keep thinking in terms of D and R. That's what they want you to do. Divide and conquer.
Attention! Your attention, please! A newsflash has this moment arrived from the front. Our Oceania forces in Eastasia have won a glorious victory.
Bring the war criminals to justice! No justice, no peace!
"...nothing to do with hiding the truth and everything about a little dignity...stop...using this as a political statement..."
Dignity for whom, Sir; those who died, or those who sent them to do so?
Perhaps you're right; maybe it is better to keep it private.
I would say keeping it private for the families mainly, but for the country as well. I still argue that it has little value to count the coffins being wheeled out of a C-130 as anything but negative propaganda. You already know the body count, why add to the misery, because the pathetic press in this country need a visual aid. Pleaseeeee, this is nothing more than emotional hype. Grow up, this is just more banter for the left.
It has nothing to do with hiding the truth and everything about a little dignity. We the American people do not need to see the actual caskets. We need to know how many each day, week, month, but we can do without the indignity of this kind of visual aid.
Are you f*cking kidding you delusional twit??!!
To understand the true cost of the so called "Global War on Terror" - to have any kind of intelligent debate or understanding of what is going on we need TRANSPARENCY regardless of how horrific that transparency may be.
It's easy for fake conservatives and other deluded fools to continue to promote this fraudulent war as long as the true costs are covered up and hidden from public view.
The warmongers can forever scare us into more wars of conquest as long as they can promote the propaganda of the bogeyman Osama Bin Laden, the propaganda of "Mission Accomplished" and the propaganda of "the Surge is Working".
Do you even know that your own tax dollars are going towards paying off Iraqi opposition to the war?
Where the hell is Osama Bin Laden and why the hell is an army needed to find Bin Laden and the elusive AL CAYDAS??!!
When do you stop being a f*cking moron and start realising that this whole shebang is about US imperialism and global domination as described in the publications of leading thinktanks like the Neoconservative Project for the New American Century and geostragists like Kissinger and Brzezinski??
Until you people take the time to do the research and read the writings of PNAC, Kissinger and Brzezinski you have no clue as to what this "Global War on Terror" is really all about.
No I am not delusional Gonzo, I am decent. Only an emotional fool like yourself needs a visual to go along with the body count, because you can't do the math without the 1st grade level pictures. Get real. You are against the war, FINE, but to use that as a propaganda tool is just pathetic. No justification whatsoever, no respect for the dead. Get over yourself.
If you can't use other methods in your arsenal to prove your point, then you have no point. Your ridiculous emotional arguments hold no water. You may very well be right about American imperialism, but you don't need flagged drapped coffins to prove your point. That is disrespectful, pathetic and just downright unacceptable in my opinion. And besides, you can't just walk away from a war without consequences. None of us may like the fact that we are there, but we need to exit in a proper fashion or all those lives will have been wasted in vain.
President Obama's announcement of troop withdrawals in August 2010 may turn the tide in Iraq. The bad guys are very patient, let's hope the Iraqi forces can keep them at bay from that point forward or this will be more regretful than it is.
I watch Idol yet have been able to keep track of the gummint's stupid games and the housing mania that would clearly end in a bust.
Just because you enjoy a particular vapid TV show doesn't mean you are an economic moron.
No I am not delusional Gonzo, I am decent. Only an emotional fool like yourself needs a visual to go along with the body count, because you can't do the math without the 1st grade level pictures. Get real. You are against the war, FINE, but to use that as a propaganda tool is just pathetic. No justification whatsoever, no respect for the dead. Get over yourself.
It's not propaganda - it's REALITY dickhead.
I can tell you right now, the "wars" would have been over long ago if the US public had been privy to the images of dead and disfigured Iraqi and Afghani civilians and children and if there would have been real outrage toward Israel if the war crimes in Gaza had been made public knowledge.
It's very easy to support a war when all you hear are the propaganda numbers and you never have to deal with the GRITTY HORRIFYING REALITY of the situation on the ground.
BTW - Who are the bad guys in Iraq? Do you even know? What are their motivations? What do they want? Are they just inherently evil or do they have legitimate gripes?
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