
I do wish he'd wake the f*ck up. But then again, maybe he's into daytrading the SKF too.
A politically incorrect pamphlet hitting on all the unspeakable stuff: Politics. Economics. Fiscal Policy. Foreign Policy. Moral Issues. Culture. Investments. Religion. Humor. Life.
He's doing the right thing...keeping quiet like he should have before until he has something substantial to say, or as the PIMCO guys would say "shock and awe". Happy not to see him.
Isn't it time for you to admit you were wrong about Obama?
Geithner should have been arrested under the Logan Act a long time ago. He's been an attendee at the secretive Bilderberg Group since 2007 (as has Bernanke).
Bilderberg Attendance List 2007
Bilerberg 2008 Attendee List
So why is it that this government insider, tax cheat and New York Fed chairman is meeting in secret with ardent globalists and European royals? Was he picked by Obama or is it the other way around?
And did you know that Obama's mother worked under Geithner's father at the Ford Foundation in the micro-credits program?
What we're dealing with is the financial oligarchy and Obama is simply a pawn of that oligarchy. He never reached the position of president on his own merits or achievements.
There is a bill to reinstate the uptick rule that has been sitting in the House Committee on Financial Services since Jan 8. What you need to do is voice urgent support for it.
The bill is HR 302:
Write your rep here and tell them to support it and get it through quickly:
Want to do more? Contact the following numbers voicing your support for the immediate passage of HR 302
SEC complaints (202) 551-8989
White House switch board (leave message) (202) 456-1414
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (202) 224-3542
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 202-225-0100
If you're feeling industrious, you can also write to all 71 members of the financial services committee and voice support and ask them to speed passage:
Geithner is making sure all the contract hits on his Wall St. friends are paid off. That's a lot of contracts.
That's why we haven't seen or heard from him.
That's also where the first $350 billion dollars in TARP money went.
GE back to where it was in 1993.
And I listened to those CNBC bastards telling me to buy it at 40 (NOT!!!).
Geithner is a lightweight and will do poorly in this job. He is doomed to be swept aside as too much of a punk to ever have held this job.
I would say he is trading FAZ.
No puppet does anything until told...he is "waiting for orders".
And having his strings "tightened".
He's just a spokesman anyway.
He works for the Shadow Government.
The horses were out of the barn ages ago. You think this can be fixed without the market pricing things properly?
I just hope they stop throwing funny munny into black holes. So yeah, I'm hoping for honest valuations here.
Obama and his kind are socialists and communists of the 'New World Order' type. He proclaimed himself to be a citizen of the world, yet will not PROVE he is a citizen of the USA by showing his real birth certificate. He is just pushing the next phase of total world government on us, which started with daddy Bush. You can't rebuild America brick-by-brick (as he said) without first destroying it. Am I the only one who thinks there may be some sort of global conspiracy here? The filty rich and politically powerful are joined at the hip. You can come to your own conclusions.
How are things across the pond in Eurotard land
Still seeing mass peace protests against America (war on islamo fascist) or was that just part of the anti Bush /anti life BBC
Anyhow, how are them soccer rioters containing the rage? No minorities to beat up this week?
With fewer baaad Americanos buying overpriced crappy Eurotrash products the uber-regulaters must be feelin the squeeze.
Tick tick tick
He is begging for his old job as a towel boy in a gay bath house back.
Don't worry Tim, you'll be back on your knees in no time.
Stay out of sight at least. The market already crashing without additional help from you, Jerkoff.
America is Dead.
"If you're feeling industrious, you can also write to all 71 members of the financial services committee and voice support and ask them to speed passage:
March 2, 2009 7:39 PM"
Wy waste your time? Before the massive, wasteful, ridiculous TARP scandal, I wrote, called, faxed, e-mailed and smoke signaled my so-called representatives, Pelosi, Boxster and Feinstein.
Much later, after the deal went down, I received e-mail replies from Feinstein and Boxer that essentially said even though the contacts they received were overwhelmingly (400 to 1 in Feinsteins case stated publicly) AGAINST the TARP bail out they were going ahead with a yes vote anyway.
In other words, thanks for writing, but go Fuck yourself.
WTF, It's only $ 700 billion that doesn't exist anyway. The Chinese ARE payig attention to these doomed antics, BTW.
Reckoning on the Way.
America is DEAD
keith, he stepped on his dick when he spoke before congress. now they don't want him in the public eye for a while, but he will return when necessary. this is the new way of doing things in washington. keith wanted change. he got change. change is good.
I hope Keith and the other Obamarama sycophantic Kool-Aid drinkers will read this so that we can once and for all lay to rest the notion that Obama is "change" and so we can move on to realize that both parties are hopelessly corrupted and serve the financial oligarchy and are the main threat to the USA.
A Banana Republic By 2012?
Change for the Worse
By Paul Craig Roberts
I'm sick of Gingrich, Oreilly, Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of the Blame America First crowd causing the stock market to sell off.
Tim has been busy giving away 150 Billion to AIG I guess. . .I can't believe there is any debate about giving GM a measly 25B. . .at least they didn't sell subprime loans. . .just big SUV's.
BTW - Question to all: Can we safely say the word DEPRESSION today? is a 55% DOW fall enough, or do we wait till 70 or 80%?? . . .let's call this the GREATEST DEPRESSION!!!
I'm loving this. These dudes (and some of those folks on their customer lists) have not taken a solid sh*t in a number of months now. For a change, I'm rooting for the tax man. Go get 'em Treasury Man. Stick it to 'em Revenue Agent. hahahahaha!
Smug Bastard
Another 30 billion to AIG. What's the big deal about the 80/20 arrangement. Why not go 100% and throw the people responsible out. I guess I'm being too logical and not political.
We're number 1!!! Only a country like the United States of America can destroy the rest of the world with garbage investments, print trillions of dollars and still remain the world's only superpower with the most sought after currency. Wow!!! I guess I should define superpower as the power to destroy the economies and societies of every nation above 3rd world status. Who needs a military when you have REIC and Wall Street? Go team, go!!!
Make me dictator and I'll send Geithner, Mozillo, Bernanke, Greenspan, Blanfein et. al. to my special Gulag above the Artic Circle, where they'll shiver, work, and starve.
"...I'm sick of Gingrich, Oreilly, Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of the Blame America First crowd causing the stock market to sell off..."
They want us to fail.
"...is a 55% DOW fall enough, or do we wait till 70 or 80%??...
Soft landing.
"...thanks for writing, but go Fuck yourself..."
More like the USSR every day. Pretty soon we'll be Brazil.
Moneybaggs in helicopters over the lawless slums.
Kinda weird that you've got so many conspiracy theorists (all believe in the ZOG apparently) on your site.
Doesn't it make you wonder sometimes?
I find it interesting that the whole world is america's bitch! The world deserves everything that's happening to them. Keep taking our worthless paper money bitches, I'm enjoying your food, clothes, oil, women and wine. Stupid third world bitches!
Kinda weird that you've got so many conspiracy theorists (all believe in the ZOG apparently) on your site.
Ooooooh it's a conspiracy that the financial elite control society and government policy via finance, monetary manipulation, mass media, thinktanks and foundations. It's all just a big scary conspiracy theory.
Open your eyes dipsh*t.
Where is Tim "Turbo Tax" Geithner?
probably busy doing his 2008 tax return.
Who cares, the less he tries to do something the better off we will likely be.
I would choose indecisive incompetence over decisive incompetence any day.
I think. maybe not. I don't know, not sure now.
December 2008
dude look like a romulan, minus the black straight hair.
He's busy with his Turbo tax trying to blame his lack of 2008's payment!
We need Volker!
"Pretty soon we'll be Brazil.
Moneybaggs in helicopters over the lawless slums."
Ever taken a trip through one of our cities, bypassing the Chamber-of-Commerce-prescribed route, I mean?
Trust me, the Grand Ol' US of A has more lawless slums than you could stomach. Not a recent phenomenom, either.
Trust me just one more time.
These miserable pricks who pretend to represent The People (if I can see the lawless slums, why can they not?) -- very short is the list of reasons they can sleep at night. Clinically speaking, these miserable pricks have NO chance of changing. Ever.
"Kinda weird that you've got so many conspiracy theorists (all believe in the ZOG apparently) on your site.
Doesn't it make you wonder sometimes?"
Ok, for the one or two idiots out here who have the brainpower to construe that in a couple different ways...
About what is Keith supposed to wondering, exactly?
That his site attracts outer-fringe raving yeah-I-gotta-missile-silo-under-the-back-porch lunatics?
Are you asking Keith his opinion on the viability/reality of the so-called "NWO?"
I'm sick of Gingrich, Oreilly, Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of the Blame America First crowd causing the stock market to sell off.
limbaugh has been on now for over 20 years offering up excuses.....it is obvious that he and these others are nothing less than controlled opposition to control the conversation on the controlled radio stations in this country. what really pissed me off is they had the audacity to compare this fat ****tard to Benjamin Franklin. God help us if any idiot thinks rush limbaugh is anything remotely resembling Benjamin Franklin. That stupid presentation saturday at CPAC made me sick to my stomach. Benjamin Franklin would turn over in his grave , being compared by some coolaid drinker to this fat asshole.
Every time I see him on TV he comes across like a pre-pubescent kid with a deer-in-the-headlights look.
He's just another one of the people who caused this problem who's managed to jump on board with the other perpetrators who now say they are going to fix everything.
Criminals. All of em are criminals.
Another 30 billion to AIG. What's the big deal about the 80/20 arrangement. Why not go 100% and throw the people responsible out. I guess I'm being too logical and not political.
March 2, 2009 9:59 PM<<<
there is something funny about that AIG fiasco. of course no one in congress seems to care, the bastards. almost all of them are traitorous scum, and should be taken out and shot....
Who cares? Has anyone seen Paulson? I think I saw him over at the Chicken Ranch spending some of his spoils.
I find it interesting that the whole world is america's bitch! The world deserves everything that's happening to them.
Oh yeah, "poor world", as victim as the Messiah's housing gamblers:
(Bloomberg) -- Germany’s real estate companies are fighting for survival, with deadlines looming to refinance short-term debt that’s as much as 18 times their market capitalization while the recession erodes asset values.
Loans defined as short-term by the 10 largest publicly traded property companies total 4.2 billion euros ($5.3 billion).
Patrizia, which builds and manages residential property, has 1.3 billion euros in short-term debt, of which 530 million euros are due at the end of March. The debt level could be “a real problem” and banks could possibly force the company to sell shares or into insolvency
Look, it's raining..."it's the US's fault!"
Kinda weird that you've got so many conspiracy theorists (all believe in the ZOG apparently) on your site.
Oh yeah, Madoff is a conspiracy theory, too. He never existed.
We're so crazy to think that well-capitalized powerful elite groups have control over governments and markets.
I'm sooo crazy...ooooh I'm crazy...ooohh where's my tin foil hat. Where's my straight jacket...watch out, I'm craaaazzyyy! Look look building 3 had minor fire damage, never hit by jet, but collapsed like the towers...ooohhh I'm sooo crazy!!! Put me in the nuthouse because I'm crazy!
"...Benjamin Franklin would turn over in his grave , being compared by some coolaid drinker to this..."
...impotent-sex tourist-toasted deaf constipated drug addict-monster hairy butthole zit-draft dodging-windbag.
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