Report back soldiers.
I want to know what the real world thinks.
I truly don't care what you think.
I care about taxi drivers, strippers, bartenders and shoe-shine guys.
Yes, this is a serious post.
Do this by this weekend and report back.
Have fun. Remember to tip your bartenders. And never, ever order the champagne.
They are scared shitless.I talked to one bartendar who said they are selling out and leaving the country.My stripper friend says business is off 50% but she is now doing escort work to offset the losses.Is the mustang ranch still hiring?
You can bring you penny jars to strip joints now! You don't need to tip dollars anymore! They taken pennies!
Casey - I don't care about your strippers life. I care WHAT DOES SHE THINK ABOUT GOLD
Now get to work.
Strippers are the best gold diggers, remember Anna Nicole (whatever,,)
That's what they do stripping men of $$$ and gold.
Hey it's a business with willing customers.
Go ladies!! and support the economy
On that note:
Celebrity broker Justo files for bankruptcy
High-flying, celebrity mansion broker Carlos Justo has filed for personal bankruptcy, citing more than $20 million in debts.
According to Justo’s Feb. 13 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida, the broker listed nearly $700,000 in assets.
Justo made his name selling million-dollar homes to the likes of Gloria and Emilio Estefan and Rosie O’Donnell, and showing houses by helicopter.
Justo embodied the image of Miami’s high-rolling real estate market, and even garnered national media attention for it.
Among his listed creditors, Justo owes about $6.45 million in back taxes from 2002 to 2005 to the Internal Revenue Service. Other creditors include Gibraltar Private Bank, which is owed $4 million; City National Bank, nearly $2 million; and Great Florida Bank, more than $1 million.
The flamboyant broker owes the Fisher Island Club nearly $130,000, of which $44,684 is for the club membership.
He also owes the Imperial at Brickell condo association nearly $3,800.
Bartender I talked to said that stocks were worthless, real estate was worthless, and that this was a Great Depression that would never end.
(soft echoing voice: "It's different this time... it will never end ...")
About gold: They wish they could afford it. They are saving up to buy it.
Sounds like the next stampede off the bubble cliff to me.
"Go out and ask taxi drivers what they think about Stocks, Gold and Houses."
um...first you need to find a taxi driver who speaks English...
I was telling my hooker about the fed and the financial meltdown. She thought I was cool, but charged me anyway.
Based on the circles I work in (scientists, supposedly smart) and live in (semi rural city fringes) there is just a vague tentative mention of gold every now and then- nowhere near a mania or bubble but the seeds are being sown. Stocks have been about half given up on- those without think they are toast, those who still have them have a feeble hope they will come back.
People are still interested in the idea of buying houses here in Australia thanks to a $21K bonus for first home buyers. People are still convinced that things wont get as bad as they have in Europe and America (and don't even realise how much values have already fallen there, especially how bad the epicenters of the crash are).
The reality of getting financing is already seeping in- lots of people selling houses at mildly "motivated" prices settle on offers only to have the finance fall through for the buyers in a few weeks.
The political back and forth about which party is responsible for the mess is even funnier here than in a big proper country like the USA. It is like two ants arguing about whose fault it is that the leaf they are travelling on down the gutter veers left or right.
Uh, Shane, again you missed the point. The LAST people I want to hear from on this post are scientists. Or priests.
Maybe throw in a few bicycle messenger guys too. And get us a drug dealer. And someone from ASU. And for kicks a used car salesman.
I'll be doing the same. Especially taxi drivers. Everything you want to know in life can be learned from a taxi driver.
I've asked a stripper about all those economic dilemmas, but she stared at me for a few seconds, then squeezed my face cheeks and said in baby-talk, "You so cute!"
She has the same intellect as "Candy" from Two And Half Men.
people are asking if they should put money in there 401k. I believe that is denial or is it despondency?
Hah Keith! We know people from ASU are as far from science as possible; Actually, good piece this week in Nature on the decimation of ASU by the "militia legislature". Scientists leaving in droves. AZ is a smoking hole in the ground. Iceland comes to the valley of the sun ;)
keith, maybe this should be a cooperative effort with the dirty and nick...
How about judges? I wonder what they are thinking? Read On:
Man killed after attacking judge in Stockton court
By TRACIE CONE and GARANCE BURKE, Associated Press Writers
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
(03-04) 17:27 PST Fresno, CA (AP) --
A man on trial for killing his girlfriend was shot to death inside a Stockton courtroom Wednesday after he attacked the judge presiding over his murder trial with a cutting tool.
A Lodi police detective attending the trial fatally shot 28-year-old David Paradiso after he left the stand and began attacking San Joaquin County Superior Court Judge Cinda Fox, said Dave Conecny, a spokesman for the sheriff's department.
Paradiso was being cross examined at about 2 p.m. when his mother left her place in the audience and walked out of the courtroom upset, apparently at something her son said. Fox called a recess, and as jurors filed out, Paradiso left the stand and approached the judge from behind "with an unknown cutting instrument," Conecny said.
Witnesses reported seeing Paradiso lift her and begin punching and possibly stabbing her when shots rang out.
Lodi Police Det. Eric Bradley, an eight-year veteran on the force, was the lead detective in the case against Paradiso. He has been placed on administrative leave while the shooting is being investigated, said city spokesman Jeff Hood.
Fox was sitting up with a bandage on her left arm while being carried out of the courthouse on a stretcher. She told reporters, "I'm OK," before being taken to a hospital.
The courthouse went on immediate lockdown after the fracas, but people have since been allowed to leave the building, said county spokeswoman Karen McConnell.
Paradiso was on trial for allegedly stabbing his girlfriend in the neck in his mother's car in 2006.
Paradiso's attorney Charles Pacheco did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
Conecny said he did not know how Paradiso obtained a weapon but expected to know more Thursday, after a multi-agency team interviews witnesses. He said at least two bailiffs were on duty in the courtroom at the time of the attack.
"Obviously bailiffs need more training," said Bonnie Russell, spokeswoman for the group USAJudges.com, whose members advocate for courtroom transparency. "It's deplorable that another judge has been attacked."
Hmm. The armed deputies cannot even protect a judge in the totally controlled environment of the courtroomm.
*That must be some retarded cop, soon to be ex-cop.
Just ponder what will happen to your loved ones on a street near you when the S really HTF?
Are YOU Ready? Didn't think so.
The Summer of Blood and Death.
America 2009.
PS *Frankly, I couldn't give a shit WHAT a cab driver or a stripper 'thinks'... BTW.
Have a Nice Day (if you are not murdered).
Talked to a Turkish immigrant rug dealer today, He said the bottom is in the 4-5000 range.
I would ask them, but Skybox (Harvey, IL) is down to 2 girls a night (from a usual 20) and jacked their drink prices from $1.00 to $2.50.
Just got back from talking to the local shoe-shine guy -- here's how it went:
me: "Hey, how's biz?"
him: "What's it to ya...you IRS?"
me: "No, I'm taking a survey for Warren Buffett."
him: "Bullsh*t....he called me yesterday...asked me if I'd take all his Wells Fargo stock off his hands for $5 a share...
me: "LOL...yeah, I bet...what'd you tell him...LOL"
him: "Told him the truth...It ain't worth sh*t...Hell, I got a Heloc from those idiots for $500k three years ago that I maxed out for gold eagles...and besides, I'm still sore about that 1000 shares of AIG stock that Paulson gave me as a tip for telling him how to scare congress into passing TARP...yep, I'm the guy...told him to use fear...riots, baby...mass hysteria...yep, that's the ticket...works every time...fear, baby....tell 'em all hell's gonna break loose..."
My stripper friend said that gold is for suckers.They will get their ass kicked here real soon when the big money dumps their gold to the sheeple.I hear cash4gold is hiring unemployed realtors and strippers.
Anyone been to the ranch lately?
would it be wise for those with good credit to take out a loan for more than 2% interest when that's what house gamblers may get under the bailout?
what an idiot request but then you dont care what i think its all a joke to you so thats it for me and soot
I haven't used a taxi or been to a strip club in years, quit drinking about a year ago so haven't spoken with any bartenders recently, and never had my shoes shined in my life.
I'm hunkered down in my bunker with my guns and gold, not coming out anytime soon.
Keith said:
"Report back soldiers.
I want to know what the real world thinks.
I truly don't care what you think"
Do you sit back and read what you write, and think about it, slosh it around a little, step back, calm down, and investigate your words a little bit before publishing your blurb?
And do I, as a soldier, deserve a response to that question?
I talk to everybody.
They don't know what to think about stocks and are just watching their IRAs go down the tubes.
They know housing is down and will continue to do so.
None of them own any gold.
OK. I get it.
You sold your gold didn't you Keith?
That's OK...You're probably one of the sheeple that think GLD is the same holding physical. So easy to trade in and out of. Just like a stock.
Now, you aren't sure if you should buy some at $900/oz.
Have you read what the "intelligent" posters have said about the gold commercials/advertisements here? They aren't telling you to buy gold. They are telling you to SELL your gold.
Why would you even need to ask a taxi driver? Just walk around the street and ask people if they own physical gold other than the few grams in their 14k bauble.
Do any of your friends hold physical gold?
Do you?
That should answer your question on gold.
And BTW Keith. You're post at 11:34 gave you away. You don't give a shit what people think about houses and stocks.
It's the GOLD you're interested in.
Where are you Frank? Hiding?
Maybe. You got something to say to me bitch?
Not on the list, but... I met with my SoCal accountant last night who seems to have a pretty good sense of whats happening on the "street". Everyone he's seen this year (except me) is underwater with their mortgage.
Things are grim. He projected five year recovery; probably ten.
He's invested in gold and a shotgun!
Today, a sad box salesman wandered in my shop. He was telling of moving companies going out of business; daily. Unemployed movers. Now there is a scary thought.
Apparently about 18 months ago, Bush put the kibosh on moving soldiers around the country. And this has historically been around 60% of the moving business. Combine that with home sales off however umpteen percent and it adds up to bankruptcy.
Good luck people!
6 months ago was talking to a taxi driver about jingle mail, a lot of his friends were screwed. Of the folks i know with houses, 1/2 are fucked. 30 year old crowd.
Also, I am noticing a LOT more older coins in change. People are clearing out the penny jars.
Don't forget about barbers.
More likely to be visited by more of us than the other choices and they get an earful of it all.
Mine says customers are coming not even 1/2 as often for a cut. Huge reduction in his pay. I didn't ask what he's hearing from the customers but that would be interesting.
Funny you should ask this question. Here is a great thread from Marketwatch. A whole lot of people (shoe shine boys) joining the "get out of the market now" bandwagon.
Warning, it is long, but interesting.
Start of thread
//NoBama08 1 day ago +10 Votes (12 Up / 2 Dn)
Tell ya what folks...I'm getting out. Thought I'd pick up some bargains the other day. Nope. Looking at the continuing decline in fundamentals, both here and globally. Should have been out a long time ago. And...I see no reason to help prop up this Marxet (pun not intended, reality intended).
Also gonna rebalance my 401K -- already had 60% in MM & bonds -- now going 100%. The return from the company match is 100%...why get greedy and look for additional return from stocks? Capital preservation.
//Borka 1 day ago +7 Votes (8 Up / 1 Dn)
Good choices.
//B.Bohan 1 day ago +6 Votes (7 Up / 1 Dn)
Just say NO to the Market!
//Jim213 1 day ago +5 Votes (6 Up / 1 Dn)
Where is Nancy Reagan when you need her !
//VegasBill 1 day ago +8 Votes (9 Up / 1 Dn)
SentBe careful with bonds. Eventually our masters are going to demand higher rates of interest on all the bonds the gubmit is going to have to sell due to the higher preceived risk as our deficits climb.
Unless you have the option to stay in the short maturities, the bond market has alot of risk too. Rolling T-Bills will allow you to earn higher rates when they start climbing. That could start soon, maybe later this year.
That will be the final nail in our coffin as the extra interest costs will start compounding against us.
//WOLF366 1 day ago +8 Votes (10 Up / 2 Dn)
You my friend, are fundementally sound. Very wise.
//mcnamys 1 day ago Even (2 Up / 2 Dn)
Good choice, great time to get out - market being what it is, unless you are Johnny on the Spot you'll get caught with your pants down
//CommonSense56 1 day ago +3 Votes (6 Up / 3 Dn)
Why is anyone still in this market.
There is only one way to end all this madness ...........
(Note: Post is VERY long so I cut it here)
//VegasBill -
very good points, definitely word of the wise
//Area51 23 hours ago
+1 Vote (1 Up / 0 Dn)
This is great. The shoe shine boy bailing out of the market. Lots of people joining the chorus. Don't they write books about this stuff?
This is some great data.
End of thread
There you have it. Shoe shine boy running for fear of his life and boatloads of people cheering and joining the chorus.
Lone dissenter, yours truly.
Hmmm, maybe we are getting close to capitulation?
I spoke to someone yesterday. He was pissed at the Satyam CEO for fraud. He lost some stock money he had in Satyam. LOL. I mentioned that all the corporations operate the same way. He didn't buy it. I told him he should've started being suspicious a long time ago when Enron, Woldcom, Adelphia, etc went bankrupt out of nowhere. He thinks there was some fraud involved with the bankers, but they did nothing illegal. Why are people so naive?
And get us a drug dealer.
You know... when you think about it... the drug dealers are never going away are they. You might as well say that prostitutes will go away too.
Funny... they're both illegal, but they'll still be here after civilization collapses. Or is it just that they only show up at the same time as a civilization does?
Oh well... never mind the philosophical rant.
From what I've heard a couple of years ago - the ilicit pharmacologists (ie drug dealers, cartels, etc.) stopped re-investing their drug money... ahem, I mean business proceeds, back into the US. Drugs are the third biggest/most profitable employer after the aerospace and farming industries in the US - so alot of people are employed in the industry. And just like any industry, they re-invested in the hedge funds, stocks, bonds, etc. to get a decent return on their hard earned cash.
Well - this was severely curtailed a few years back as the return was a pittance... and it was alot easier to move their cash into China and elsewhere. I can only imagine that most dealers today certainly must have an offshore bank account. It just doesn't make sense to sell to Americans anymore.
Another funny thing though... they got out of the market before the collapse... I guess as far as criminals go, you have to be one to know one. They probably smelled the stink from Wall St. a LONG time before the rest of us did.
Sorry... don't have anything more recent, but at this point, the illegal drug industry feeds and employs more people than the car industry in the States. You better hope that it doesn't go down with this crash.
best post in a while keith. i'll get back to with an answer.
I don't know any bartenders or strippers in real life, however in the MMORPG (mmorpg.com worldofwarcraft.com forums et al) community (including one who is allegedly a nude dancer)the sentiment is that we are heading into another depression.
They believe that stocks are going to continue to decline, and that some companies (BofA) are being shorted unfairly, but many don't want to mess with them- many never did.
They are not really into gold, but do believe you should stock up and have means to defend yourself.
Mind you this is the same general community that wanted Ron Paul or an independent, so I am not sure that mmorpg communities=any other community.
PS- I do play W.o.W, if you were curious.
US Lending Centre
"Your Trusted National Lending Source"
Yes and like going to a movie, we can't wait to get there. This week everyone from Ben Bernanke to all option futures agree on market decline for the next 18 months with a slow rebound beginning in late 2010.
Bank of America, Citi Group, Wells Fargo and most financial institutions are all near the floor and will probably continue to be so for the next 18 months.
Now for the positive side of all the doom and gloom news. When they say a continuing decline for 18 months and a slow rebound thereafter, that doesn’t mean that it all goes to "you know where" until then. On the contrary, this is what we want to hear after enduring all this turmoil, light at the end of the tunnel!
As I mentioned on my last newsletter, we have noticed that investors are beginning to ease up a bit on their tight guidelines. We are able to place a few deals that only 4-6 weeks ago were impossible to get done.
Our nation's economy may never come back to the level of the immediate past, but as far as commercial lending is concerned, we are already seeing signs of better things to come.
If you would like to find out if we can place your loan, contact one of our highly qualified loan specialists to receive the necessary forms and to discuss the your scenario.
WrongPlanet - you missed the point 100%.
To understand if we're hitting despondency and depression on the curve, what you or I think is worthless. Meaningless.
If you care enough to be here on this blog you are amongst the informed, not the clueless masses.
So it matters zero what I think. It matters zero what you think.
Strippers. Bartenders. Shoe Shine Guys. Taxi Drivers. There's our best source of information. They talk to the public all day, non-stop. And then they put everything they've heard in a blender, and presto, your own survey.
I remember a taxi driver in Florida who told me he was buying up anything he could with no-down no docs in 2005 and there was no way prices would ever come down because of demographics.
I remember a shoe shine guy in the Phoenix airport a few months back who said there was zero business and he's never seen anything like it.
I remember a bartender in Vegas around 2004 who was studying for her realtor license and said pretty much everyone in the bar and everyone in the industry was doing the same.
And now, people who've never asked me for advice before are asking me about gold.
So lets hit the streets, see what real people think, and report back.
Hell, bring the chart and ask people where they are.
I bet they'll circle fear. And those that had anything to lose will circle despondency or depression.
Whether or not people are "talking" about gold means nothing.
When people talked about houses, they bought them. It was easier to buy a house than an ounce of gold in 2006.
Think what would happen if they stopped talking and started buying.
Very few people own gold. Even the very few I've known in my life only have a few coins.
I am a GOD!
At least to the receptionist in my doctor's office.
Back in 2006, she and her husband sold their inherited farm for big bucks, intending to move onto an even bigger farm immediately, having bought into all the housing hype.
They took my advice, down sized, and rented. He pushes a plow for the county, has seniority, so his job is secure. They are now looking at places with prices noticeably down from former asking, have ready cash to buy outright, and she asked my advice when I was in the office yesterday.
I told her to lowball like hell, and then bite your tongue, AND DON'T BACK DOWN!
Even non-bubble areas, which have no run-ups in price, are seeing significant reductions in asking prices.
She and her husband are not STRIPPERS, BARTENDERS, SHOE SHINE GUYS AND TAXI DRIVERS, but they meet and talk to a lot of people.
Don't know about gold and stock, but thanks to me they found out about houses.
And they are REAL AMERICA.
Love it!
Are you serious? People in these 'career' fields are the pawns of the business world, existing on the crumbs from the big table. They react to the trends, not act. They are the followers, not the leaders. I would bet that few, if any, of these types know what the DOW is, except that their customers are grumbling about it as they toss them a reduced tip. They have a clue as to the real estate trends, but higher finance is a mystery, shrouded in the clouds of Mt. Olympus. They are too worried about rent, groceries, alimony and community college tuition to even consider the vagaries of the market. To a stripper, gold is what gleams in the teeth of her john, not in her portfolio. HAAAAAAAAAAAA
Keith, interesting question…
Bartenders – These are a few comments from a few bartenders I know personally from my local watering holes.
1. I am doing my part. I just bought a GPS at Circuit City for 60% off. Got it for $40.00!!
2. Walk in business is down big time, but the regulars are still coming in so I am holding my own so far.
3. They are talking about closing 2 days a week (Monday and Tuesday) which hurts me, but business is really off those two days the most, so not so bad really.
4. I don’t know what I will be doing this time next year. I am off about 30% and things just don’t look to be getting better around here.
5. (Owner) – The last ones alive that stay in business will reap the rewards. I hope we are one of the ones still standing when all is said and done.
6. I drive around at night and see the restaurants empty after 8:00. Where I used to pop into a Fridays or Chili’s, and have a few beers at night the parking lots are empty pretty much after dinner. Dinner business is still good however.
7. They cut our restaurants raises for 2009 and we must now share paper products between stores (A Chain).
8. Walk in business is all but gone and regulars are now starting to cut back. Maybe they have 1 or 2 instead of 3 or 4.
Shoe Shine Guys – I was at a casino last week and they had removed all of the shoe shine post and placed artwork in the little cubbies where they once stood (not long ago either). So no feedback available from the missing…
Taxi Driver – Business is down, and tips are off is all I could get out of him. These guys are not always the most social in nature.
Strippers – I have not been in a position of speaking with a stripper of late so I can’t help you out with that one.
Keith, this is why I say approaching FEAR is where we are at. Reality is setting in and FEAR is fast approaching. I am from the Northeast where we are quite a bit behind in this mess. We didn’t have the big subprime hit that the bubble states had and our RE has held up until very recently very well (CA down 40%-50% MA down 15%-20%). Their have been some layoffs but not a lot as of yet around New England from what I see and hear. Things are starting to get worse however… I sense FEAR is setting in and as you can see from comments we are basically bleeding out for an analogy.
I know two taxi drivers pretty well. One guy is still in denial about how bad it's going to get. He'll always be behind the curve. The other guy is smarter and is in the acceptance phase. The smarter guy is a survivor.
I remember when I was a kid (7-10)
in the mid sixties.
I found a stash of old gold coins in a sack in a tin box in my grandfathers basement behind this enormous oil burning furnace (i was a kid, i was nosey and bored)
They were as big as my palm.
I use to play with them, hold them, walk around with them in my pockets.
These coins where really old then, like 1880's.
He use to turn part of his pay into a couple of coins when he could.
Not sure what year he started, and no way would he let them be confiscated...he did not trust the government!
In my estimation there were around 500 to 600 coins all 1oz. (12 rows of about 25) Unless he had others stashed away.
And No one knows where they went, grandma never knew either.
He was frugal not cheap and slightly paranoid as to his finances.
Farmed during the depression, and odd jobs for factories.
Born in 1894
Grandpa died in 1990
I wonder where they went and what the value would be just in collectors coins?
I would love to find out.
You are spending way too much time in Eurotard land.
“The land of commoners, (soldiers/followers) and uber-regulators.”
You may have forgotten how free people think.
Although I appreciate your interest in the opinion of entrepreneurs such as cab drivers and hookers.
Your Eurotrash arrogants is not appreciated, and I will not provide any insight.
Talked to the shoeshine guy at Horton Plaza yesterday (downtown SD), he said that business was WAY down, just a few convention types and bailbondsmen (they NEVER have a slowdown). . .he did mention that a few out of town types wanted to know about buying foreclosed downtown condos, but no talk of gold. More this weekend.
BTW - a number of years ago, I took a cab from Las Vegas airport to the Stratosphere, and the cab driver was telling me about Sirius Radio stock - (I had bought 6000 shares at .80 cents). . .he was wild about Howard Stern moving to Sirius. . .when I got to Stratosphere, I opened my laptop and sold all 6000 shares at about $7.50). . .needless to say, that was the best investment move of my life!!. . .when cab drivers and shoeshine guys are buying stocks or gold, it is time to bailout!!!
I love this blog!
GT Charlie
Are you serious? People in these 'career' fields are the pawns of the business world, existing on the crumbs from the big table. They react to the trends, not act. They are the followers, not the leaders. I would bet that few, if any, of these types know what the DOW is, except that their customers are grumbling about it as they toss them a reduced tip. They have a clue as to the real estate trends, but higher finance is a mystery, shrouded in the clouds of Mt. Olympus. They are too worried about rent, groceries, alimony and community college tuition to even consider the vagaries of the market. To a stripper, gold is what gleams in the teeth of her john, not in her portfolio. HAAAAAAAAAAAA
March 5, 2009 1:38 PM
Dumbass, you just described 90 percent of America including yourself. Dow at 1000 the house you live in 70 percent off peak. Globalists eating rock soup along with the bartenders. Educated fucked along with the working class they were tripping all over themselves to sell into slavery. Oh ya, I do have a degree along with some usefull skillsets and a work ethic. Their is a difference between smart and clever, your to dum to see it.
Well, I'll be in Vegas this weekend so I should be able to get a good number of opinions from the Taxi drivers, strippers and bartenders. Shoe-shine guys - not so much...
Silly people, can't you see that Keith is trying to make a point that; if cabbies, strippers, etc, are interested in gold, it means that it's time to sell gold.
However, Keith fails to understand that not many people in this country has $1,000 to buy ANYTHING. What, Keith, do you think that cabbies and bartenders are going around buying Eagles + 3% premium every week? GLD paper is worthless sh!t.
I just read an article about how scarce and premium wines from Napa, are now being sold cheaply by the case, because Vegas and other fancy restaurants throughout the country are canceling all orders. Dealers are begging Sommeliers to buy them for 1/5 of the price, while before you would be lucky to find 2 cases for a ton of money. That means no money for cabbies, no money for strippers, no money for bartenders, too.
Also, it doesn't matter if gold briefly sinks because, in the long run, it keeps going up. Check the charts. Have you noticed that the world economy just gets worse? And who knows what these New World Order freaks are planning to do next, as that Illuminatti-a$$hole Gordon Brown was already here to spill his evil "Global this" Global that" "Global New Deal" every second. Perhaps the stupid Gen Y crowd is too young to remember, but things keep getting worse, not better. Don't believe it? Ask anyone who has been living away from California for the last 10 years to go back there. They're giving oceanfront condos to homeless junkies in Santa Monica, for god's sake, so they can shoot up with an ocean view, next to $1 mil condos. Look at all the bailouts and current heists.
The New World Order wants the financial system to collapse so they can impose a World Central Bank that will collect the cap-and-trade scam into their European coffers. They'll charge corporations for every single carbon emission, which will pass to your bills, so the elite can keep collecting into a central bank in Europe, hidden from you. But you idiots are all for it. Can't you see this is another financial scam to enrich the global elite? You see those fat cats pushing this $hit like crazy and you don't even get skeptical about it? These are the same thieves who created this current economic meltdown, but you trust them on cap-and-trade?
Then you have a major contradiction slapping all the liberals in the face: They defend that higher taxes on carbon emissions decrease consumption, but higher taxes on personal income doesn't. Folks, you can't have both ways and you can't just ignore this stupidity forever. IT'S ALL RIGGED, IT'S ALL A SCAM
Business at my hair dresser is WAY down. Well, I too get my hair done only once every 2-3 months instead of monthly, these days. She doesn't have stocks, bonds or gold, but is "investing" in a food stockpile. So am I, of course. My college kid's 20 y.o., illegal immigrant, high school dropout boyfriend is sufficiently scared about possibly losing his job as a dishwasher at a Chinese restaurant (he downsized from construction a year and a half ago), that he has finally accepted our standing offer to have him tutored up to the point at which he can take the GED, preparatory to entry into a skilled trade, to be subsidized by us. He's at fifth grade level at best, poor lad, but he is a hard worker, and I think we can get him to GED level in 2 years. I'm kind of surprised we have reached this point, because just last year I was calling the cops on him on a regular basis - his only criminal activities are illegal rentry into the country; sneaking my then 17 year old out of the house not being considered a crime. They both have settled down a lot, and maybe we've softened some. It is amazing what hard times does to bring people together, even if they have nothing in common, and no good reason to like each other. This depression could be a good thing for the country.
C'mon Kieth. You told us about the bartender, shoe shine guy and the taxi driver. What about the stripper you know?
Hi Keith- Spoke to a Taxi Driver in Vegas- White Male, 41 YO, Divorced. Very down, wanted to beleive that things were going to get better very soon in Real Estate. Did not want to hear my ramblings on demographics and, "more sellers than buyers for the foreseeable future." He didnt appear to follow stocks too closely. Said the Wife left him when she discovered Meth. He has custody of their child- wants to leave Vegas and go back to Vermont ASAP. Didnt cover Gold with him.
Their is a difference between smart and clever, your to dum to see it.
As per your grammar, obviously you've chosen the latter.
Anono NWO nut said:
‘Then you have a major contradiction slapping all the liberals in the face: They defend that higher taxes on carbon emissions decrease consumption, but higher taxes on personal income doesn't. Folks, you can't have both ways and you can't just ignore this stupidity forever. IT'S ALL RIGGED, IT'S ALL A SCAM’
I heard this from Kudlow 2 days ago.
Atleast give credit to those you steal your brain-dead info from.
No one cares about your great conspiracy theories if you keep using words like NWO.
You will have to begin providing names and proving things not just repeating stupidity from Furor Jones.
Double dope!
Fantastic question. Unfortunately very few usable responses. When you learn something, can you let us know?
Also - why are so many of your posters conspiracy theorists/"NWO"ists (assuming that that is some kind of anti-semitic thing). If they hate the Jews so much, why do they post to a site where the author hates anti-semites?
Anon 4:22 said...
"I wonder where they went and what the value would be just in collectors coins?
I would love to find out."
Looks like sometimes you CAN take it with you, and your grandfather did indeed depart this world with all of his gold.
So just suck it in and go find a job in order to make a living, buddy, because there is NO FREE (golden) LUNCH for you!
My college kid's 20 y.o., illegal immigrant, high school dropout boyfriend is sufficiently scared about possibly losing his job as a dishwasher at a Chinese restaurant (he downsized from construction a year and a half ago), that he has finally accepted our standing offer to have him tutored up to the point
Send thet scumbag back to the third world shithole he crawled out of. Your trailer trash daughter can go with him. He is a criminal, you are a criminal, a felon, for harboring him. Please identify yourself so I can have you prosecuted and jailed. You have no idea what is coming. The 40 million illegals here are desroying this country will be hunted down. Those who enable them will be held accountible. This country is collasping under the strain of massive corruption. The fact that 40 million criminals were allowed to walk in steal the resources of all legal citizens as well as drive their wages down with government knollege and yes financial aid makes my point. 80 percent of this country has had enough of this shit. They will fight back.
PS I don't care if this criminal is a white from Ireland or a brown from Mexico!!!!!!!! Don't hand me any rascist shit
Since it was for a good purpose I did the stripper segment.
Only problem was the LARGE BIKER TYPE boyfriend with the swazi tats.
Once they realized this was for scholarly purposes I felt safe, well fairly so, the fake boobs could kill a guy if swung too quickly.
They don't think about it they said bad things about Mexicans taking over.
So gold, stocks, houses, they could not care any less about it except they feel Mexicans make housing more expensive, I took it to mean that immigration was driving up costs, not just our new UnDocumented Americans.
I have never dated a stripper.
Why are the drinks always watered?
Hey Keith, I told my wife that I had to go to the strip club because you asked. She asked me if she could go with me. Thanks man. Oh I was to excited seeing my wife get lap dances so I forgot about the conversation about gold. Oh well.
Since it was for a good purpose I did the stripper segment.
Only problem was the LARGE BIKER TYPE boyfriend with the swazi tats.
That large biker guy is called a man. Most men do not like illegals from Mexihole or pussys. You probably better stay out of strip clubs. Hey maybe you should go on down to the border and get a closeup look at a real Mexican maybe an ms 13 type. You might want to bring that biker with so you've got protection. Those Mexicans like boys.
"why are so many of your posters conspiracy theorists/"NWO"ists (assuming that that is some kind of anti-semitic thing). If they hate the Jews so much, why do they post to a site where the author hates anti-semites?"
No no no, you got it all wrong. We aren't "anti-dentite" at all; we are just anti-a$$hole-thief-global elite scum. If you are one of them, I would watch over your shoulder. We welcome all the Jews who are willing to take the visors off and fight the NWO tyranny.
BTW, what's up with all those Jewish-themed movies that, no matter how sucky, always win the Oscars? Note to filmmakers all over the world: If there's a Jewish-themed movie competing for Oscars, don't even send yours. It's rigged to the core.
I heard this from Kudlow 2 days ago.
Atleast give credit to those you steal your brain-dead info from.
Sorry, I don't watch Kublow, and don't know what in the hell you're talking about.
Hmmm...two posts in a row going after NWO and whining about Jews when no such group was mentioned whatsoever on this thread. Lots of disinformation agents from Israel hanging around here, eh? Mossad?
We will defeat you.
Here. Let me give you a real answer. Most people, still think that housing will "Come back" and maybe soon. They are all talking about wanting to "Jump In" and buy right now, or very soon because the prices are low and surly it will "Go back up soon" only none of them have the money to actully do it. When I talk about finding something at a good price, based on what you can rent a room or two out at, most people don't quite get that, some do but again, they don't have the money to buy something or even the knowledge of how to do go about buying it.
These are all down to earth people. Not to smart, or dumb. They have good jobs, or had good jobs I should say, but they were not rich by any means.
in response to Rhymes with Shunt;
Message received and understood,
I'm 50 now,
Done pretty well without gramps gold, even better with his advice, "don't buy what you don't need or can't afford"!
No free lunch indeed!
"Hmmm...two posts in a row going after NWO and whining about Jews when no such group was mentioned whatsoever on this thread. Lots of disinformation agents from Israel hanging around here, eh? Mossad?
We will defeat you."
You are going to defeat the Mossad? Good thinking!
When NWO, Rothschild, etc, is mentioned, it's code for "Jews". It's an inferiority complex, a really nasty one.
I just don't get why you post your anti-semitism here, where the author has demonstrated over and over that he hates anti-semites. It's just a weird place to present your internal problems and your hatreds.
There are many, many hate forums where you can post that stuff, wouldn't it make more sense to do so there? You can find an audience that is like you - uneducated, conspiracy-oriented, and racist.
I just don't get why you post your anti-semitism here, where the author has demonstrated over and over that he hates anti-semites.
You're the one who came up with the antisemitism crap, even though no one here mentioned the word "Jew". You're the one bringing it up for no reason whatsoever. From a simple NWO post, you jumped immediately to antisemitism. What gives? You're the one trying to stir antisemitism here. Just look all the posts above and see who mentioned "antisemitism or Jew" first. You did. You know what to do with your disinformation propaganda, right?
There are many, many hate forums where you can post that stuff, wouldn't it make more sense to do so there?
Hey Madoff, STFU. Stop whining, nobody here was talking about Jews until you paranoid f*ck brought it up. If you don't like to read the word NWO, too bad for you. And who are you to tell me where to go? I've been on this blog since its inception at HP. Who do you think you are to come around here trying to censor 1st Ammend. and order us around? Get lost loser.
My daughter thinks I am a nut and doesn't want to hear about it. The good news is she has a degree in criminal justice and NO DEBT so short of an utter break down in the world as we know it she should survive. My mom, who lived through the depression, listens a little, but is too scared to buy gold and listend to her excrament of a financial advisor and converted into an annuity because it was "safe". UGH! I'm trying to get through to her to buy food and firewood and sink a little cash into finishing the conversion of her too big house into a duplex.
My spouse and I are fortunate to have a "cushion" but I lean towards less cash and more usefull stuff, like raised garden beds and more chickens.
I asked my hairdresser. She says that everyone she knows is either 1) not buying gold 2) selling their gold at "gold parties". She wanted to know if I wanted to have a "gold party".
She said that people were buying gold last year, but that it went down and that they aren't doing that anymore. She also said that people don't have any money.
I hope this helps. If you get more info, please post it, you also might post why people always say to buy coins and not GLD, etc. I bought coins, but I'd like to know the logic behind not buying GLD or gold stocks.
Thanks and have a good day. Awesome blog, big time.
UPS Man who delivers to my condo (a large building with 250 units). . . said "very little change in my residential deliveries, but about 20% drop in commercial customers.". . .why no change in residential. . .I personally can tell you that. . .10% new CA sales tax vs. No tax, no shipping on Amazon.com. . .needless to say, I will (and have) be buying EVERYTING on Amazon. . .underwear, sox, shoes, etc. (I just bought a nice new monitor on Amazon - $189, no tax no shipping! People are not going to stand for this new 10% tax in CA, and will got to Mexico, or order online to avoid it.
One of my good friends is a chainsmoking, Americanborn, medical assistant. She has five years left on her mortgage; $10,000 medical debt from an auto accident caused by an American born uninsured driver; a hs dropout daughter not living in the house who has a baby with her methhead boyfriend and is hooked on meth herself; a hs dropout son who is working on his GED and has a baby on the way. He doesn't plan to marry the girl until she is no longer eligible for support, but he is providing child support; (I have agreed to stand him a welding certificate at the local community college once he gets it, btw.) Finally, she has a middle schooler who is going to Washington as one of a feted group of high achieving kids from each of the 50 states, a distinction which, I might add, my younger kiddo, who is her best friend, didn't achieve. They are good people, though they obviously have collectively both made more mistakes, and had less luck than I and my family, or you and your family, I might add. My friend is putting her money into canned goods and a vegetable garden, and is paying off all debt. She's also trying for disability. (Helluva time to try for that, but what can I say?) She doesn't own any gold or stocks. This is what America looks like, Anonymous who doesn't like illegals. Deal with it!
Proud parent of trailer trash college kid.
To me, gold is still in the 'collectibles' catagory.
It has to have a certain emblem on it, not have 'nick' on it, be shiny, etc. etc. etc.
If just a raw nugget was as valuable, then it would mean something. It's still in the same catagory as jewelry the way they are selling it now.
I don't think it will ever hold the value it has in past civilizations. There is too much other stuff now that people would rather have. Does this make any sense?
Proud parent of trailer trash college kid.
March 7, 2009 6:57 AM
Your kid is trailer trash because you are trailer trash. You get what you deserve. The Obamma gov will not be paying for any of these criminals or leeches. You will be supporting the third generation of criminal trailer trash that is being created by your trailer trash daughter. Fools like you cannot see what is coming. The government of this country will fail. It is not if but when. As for the illegals, no one in Washington is talking shamnisty because they are terrified of the American people. You will see true unemployement of 30 percent by spring. You better hide that criminal your harboring because people will start dealing with this. You are a complete fool. You cannot see a country with no capitol to support the trash your defending. As much as I dislike what is coming I will enjoy seeing fools like you forced into supporting the trash their creating because they will no longer have access to other peoples money. Paying a few grand for a welding cert. What a joke. Feed clothe and house the children of a woman who is so stupid she takes up woth an illegal. Thats what you desreve and thats what you will get.
It's a simple comment, really, and the question was directed to Keith - but since you feel compelled to reply, here it is again for you: Why do you feel compelled to post your antisemitic NWO/Rothschild/Kissenger/"Illuminati" drivel here? Why not post this garbage on a hate forum? Isn't that really the right place for it?
I'm confused as to why you would post this on a forum where the blog owner is an AVOWED hater of anti-semites.
It's a simple question. And is there really a difference posting this question in this thread, about finding out if gold is overpriced (with the intention of helping find a hedge against the coming depression), or the original thread entitled "Folks, I've held out as long as I could, but now it's time to call it: The New Great Depression is here."?
Your fabulously impressive posts follow:
"Hey Madoff, STFU. Stop whining, nobody here was talking about Jews until you paranoid f*ck brought it up. If you don't like to read the word NWO, too bad for you. And who are you to tell me where to go? I've been on this blog since its inception at HP. Who do you think you are to come around here trying to censor 1st Ammend. and order us around? Get lost loser."
"Your ready to call the Great Depression---and are you also ready to finally acknowledge the New World Order and the secret societies that run our United States Government?
The ones who brought you your "New Great Depression"?
KEY WORDS (if you dont know what I mean, but I am sure you do):
Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission
World Bank
Illuminati (13 families)
and all the others too many and too complex to mention.
Well, are you?
(I wanted real bad to use the Clint Eastwood cliche', but I dont consider you a punk) You have lots of savy--so fess up to this question!!!"
Phillip McDoodle said...
It's a simple comment, really, and the question was directed to Keith - but since you feel compelled to reply, here it is again for you: Why do you feel compelled to post your antisemitic NWO/Rothschild/Kissenger/"Illuminati" drivel here? Why not post this garbage on a hate forum? Isn't that really the right place for it?
Hey smart guy look out the window. If you don't see the NWO at work you are veryyyyyyyyyy stupidddddddd. Orrrrr maybe your just another dumbass sheeple.
What happened to this thread?
It seemed like sucha a good idea but quickly got taken over by Off Topic nutters.
I bet it was the word strippers in the thread title; it popped up on a lot of searches.
GT Charlie
Oh, whatever, Anonymous who's all bent out of shape about illegals. I'm probably a great deal richer than you; neither I nor any member of my family have any debt; and I'd much rather have people at my back who know how to work even if they've made a bunch of mistakes, than folks like you.
Crawdad doc
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