Now it's condos and plush toys. It was oil, and then it wasn't. And maybe now it's gold.
Silly monkeys.
Just a few thousand years removed from hunting and gathering to stay alive. Unwilling to admit their monkeyness.
But more than willing to stand in line for investment condos in Miami.

If the old system is broken, why don't you use your blog to start a dialog about what should replace it?
I think this is an important question - will mass delusion always be with us? How do we protect against it? Education is the best weapon we have against this. Of course, a lot of people are learning the hard way right about now.
What a surprise. Another Atheist Commie
McMansion living, SUV driving Wal-Mart shopping, NASCAR watching fat, lazy, greedy semi-retarded Americans and their illiterate progeny as well as their corrupt governments are whats broken.
Pass the coke and cheese doodles Idols on next and then a story on how to get something for nothing. It only costs 3 payments of $29.99...
America IS DEAD. Good Riddance.
Pssst: Have I got a deal for you, but you have to act fast. No more competing at auctions in tents, this is the Real Deal...
Houses in N. California at 60%+ off.
Come to: Brentwood, Antoch, Tracy, Mountain Home (lol), Modesto, Ceres, Atwater, Stockton, Merced, Los Banos, Fresno.
Hurry. Get them while interest rates are low or be priced out forever. No more land being made and only One Way for them to go in value once the Multi-Race Miracles', Barack the Magic Negro President Stimulus plan 'kicks in'. If you doubt me ask Erin Burnett, she is an authority. You cannot ask anyone in the new administration as they are too busy cheating on their taxes.
Suzanne will be your agent. You'll love her, she is Real Customer Service foucused....
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry. Step Right Up.
It's not gold yet. The great unwashed still has no clue about gold, other than it's a way to exchange some old, unused jewelry for real money (real money, that's rich).
Monkey See Monkey Do!
Is that why Obama realy won the election?
Just asking.
Before mass production, that was true. There was always a limited supply of whatever really good stuff was discovered out there, like waterfront property and precious gems. But now with unlimited production of merchandise, whatever sells well can just keep being produced to feed the desire of the masses until they get tired of it and move on to the next "must have" item. Our landfills are testament to our past hysterias. Maybe we can learn from this.
this may be off topic but have you read this? it makes my blood boil.
Guns and ammo come to mind right now...
What about WEBKINZ?
I hear the Cheeky Dog goes for around $500 --- for a freakin stuffed animal made in China.
Education is the best weapon we have against this
This is America, we hate education 'round these parts. Better come up with another idea.
Please try to incorporate talk radio, the NFL, and beer in your solution next time.
Keith, have you tried or vetted your google ad?
Free Obama Stimulus Check
I got in at $12,000. Offer Expires Today!
Anxiously waiting for your reply.
"It's not gold yet."
But we are getting there fast. Once we have the commercials on radio and TV, we are just about there.
And they are talking like it is the next sure thing. I am taking my cash and running as fast as I can!
around 2001/2002 i bought one of the last remaining sock pockets from a store that keith shows us in this thread. i did it for posterity, so i could look back on the dotcom era and have a physical reminder of the insanity of those years. it's stuffed somewhere in my closet in a box.
looks like i need to get a brick from the building of a failed bank here in manhattan to remember this one...
keith, how about a thread on the one physical momento people would like to have to remind them of this financial calamity!?
My son's baseball coach had a meeting at his house 4,000 square foot home he's trying to unload for a ridiculous price (1.4 million). His coach is a "financial advisor". He advertises and occasionally appears on CNBC as an "expert" in investing and gives some pretty lame "Suze Orman" advice (buy and hold, dollar cost average, etc.)
He is currently underwater on his home and a spec home he bought down the street (3 million total for both) by about 800K.
Yet, he feels he is qualified to handle the finances and investment decisions for his clients.
One of so many clowns in this business that have helped destroy their client's wealth.
So sad.
American Idol Vs. American Politics and the Bubble
Seeks out hidden natural gifts capable of lifting human spirit.
Removes ethnic barriers through beauty and education.
Creates sustainable jobs.
Seeks out vulnerable human instinct for exploitation.
Creates ethnic barriers through fear mongering and protectionism.
Creates non-sustainable jobs through irresponsible manipulation of interest rates.
Monkey brain lol. It's so true. We're monkeys without hair.
>Maybe we can learn from this.
I wouldn't count on it.
I think it was on HP - and I can't remember who to give credit for but someone said something like "if you overhear your taxi driver talking about the next best thing that it's time to get out." Once an idea reaches the masses, you should disregard it entirely. It's amazing what people will do in order to avoid actually working for their money.
Look, I had absolute confirmation of my long held suspicion that real estate was totally f**ked the summer of 07 when my 13 year old nephew, visiting from London, was getting email updates on property prices in his neighborhood of London. They live in what was a 1.6 million dollar dump, which cost about $160 G in 1989 when they bought it. Sort of like Joe Kennedy and the shoeshine boys with stock tips. I tried to talk a little sense into my nephew; asked him if thought living at home until he was 40 seemed like a good idea to him, because he would never be able to afford to rent or buy. I told him I thought his parents should sell their house and rent. They plan to retire to Florida. We'll see what happens to London real estate; for what they paid they won't lose money, but they could have gotten out at the peak and had cash.
I feel the same way about gold now. First of all there are all those stupid ads about mailing off your gold jewelry. In other parts of the country, do these ads come replete with a Long Island accent or do you get a drawl down South or a twang out West? I sure hope so, because these ladies with their "jew-ell-ree" drive me nuts.
Secondly my 95 year old dad sold his gold stocks, and he has always been a gold bug. I don't think he ever got over the confiscation of gold in the 30s. He even traded in all his silver certificates for actual silver and bought physical gold the minute the laws changed in 1971. He still hates Nixon for wage and price controls, as well as taking us off the gold standard. My dad even bought a home gas tank for the garage in the early 70s. He was always a prescient man. You have to wonder what is being cooked up by the crowd in the White House now. I wouldn't put it past them to reinstate gold laws or start to make our coinage out of tin. Since most of them seem to have a hard time following the tax laws of this country, if they were to institute any laws regarding gold or silver ownership, I don't see any reason to abide by those laws.
I'm no stock genius, but when everyone thinks something is a good thing, I usually run the other way. Only early adopters make out.
I never lined up to spend $80 on a Cabbage Patch doll for my kids; they got the $7 no name doll from K-Mart, never bought them a Beanie Baby or a Teddie Ruxpin, never signed them up for "drown-proofing" as infants; since then all these products and concepts have been proved to be worthless. Unlike Madonna and Rosie, I let my kids watch TV. My kids had fewer toys than nearly anyone we knew, but one graduated Valedictorian and the other is a Chemical Engineer and neither is in therapy, which as a parent is the most you can hope for. I feel validated that my choices were the right ones. I have always trusted my own judgement more than the zeitgeist.
"First of all there are all those stupid ads about mailing off your gold jewelry."
These ads are for selling gold not buying. Big difference, don't you think?
"My 95 year old dad sold his gold stocks, and he has always been a gold bug.
A gold bug doesn't own gold stocks. I'd sell them too. It's no substitute for the real thing.
Say what you will about Ivana Hump and her failed Las Vegas real estate deals.
That old broad has a lot of style and dignity and she knows how to party.
Here are some revealing pictures of her on the beach, LOOKING TOTALLY HOT!, with her gigolo boyfriend.
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