May 30, 2009

One more time. Perhaps the best speech delivered by a US Congressman on the floor of the House in the past 100 years. Ron Paul's "What If"


i've had it said...

Ron Paul is wrong on foreign policy, period. He always has been. According to him, there is no reason America should be involved in any foreign issues; none. This simply is not credible and it hurts him terribly. Whether he likes it or not, America will be involved in foreign issues and problems, and if he can't get his arms around that he will have limited appeal as a major political figure.

He has great ideas on domestic policy, economics, the Constitution, and the Fed but his foreign policy views are simply rank amateurish. It's almost like he's from a planned, sheltered, wealthy suburb in Texas; oops...he is!

Also Keith, the use of music in this clip to manipulate the viewer's emotions is absolutely shameless. Talk about biased and manipulative media...this piece is a classic example of it.

Anonymous said...

Keith, You can't tell me this guy doesn't have a fire in his belly. He gets up everyday and walks into the lion's den to stand alone in the cause of Liberty. If he raised his voice he would be immediately discredited.

Lady Di said...

A beacon of truth and light.

Completely agree - brilliant.

Fanny Alger said...

What if:

the old execs at CountryWide decided that they wanted to help with the mortgage problem....

Round two of the theft coming to your neighborhood via Calabasas, CA.

Jeff said...

Good speech. Bad music.

Dolphin for breakfast said...

What if the Sabbath is on the Seventh day

What if Christianity destroyed all ancient knowledge and brought upon 2000 years human destruction (AKA dark ages and Mid Evil times).

What if the past 100 years have been the best for mankind by far.

What if RP is a white racist male?

penny ante said...

Ron Paul, old, ignored, and irrelevant. Like Don Quixote, he's a heroic character trapped in a farce. Is there a moral, something to be learned? Sure, but ask any of the Obamabots if they give a shit.

Angry Leprechaun said...

"According to him, there is no reason America should be involved in any foreign issues; none."

This is comletely overstated and wrong. You may wnat to look at his record. He schooled O'Reilly on this once already.

Angry Leprechuan said...

"What if RP is a white racist male?"

He is not, get over it.

Singular said...

Ron Paul might come from Texas but he worked as a medic looking after the injured vets of the Vietnam war. So just because he's lived in "sheltered" Texas now doesn't mean he is cut off from reality. Bush came from Texas and his attitude is 180 degrees from Paul's so place of residence and views on foreign policy do not compute.

I'm not a big fan of Paul but I thought I would point this out anyway.

peter pan said...

To "i've had it said". I respectfully disagree with regards to your comment about US foreign policy. "Whether he likes it or not, America will be involved in foreign issues and problems" is not an argument that proves RP is wrong on US foreign policy. You are right (without any doubt) that "America will be involved in foreign issues and problems" but that does not mean that such US foreign policy is a proper US foreign policy.
By the way I am a huge RP's admirer. I am 44 years old and in my humble opinion HE is the first honest politician that I have seen in my lifetime.
Unfortunately, as someone else said it here, he's a heroic character trapped in a farce, like Don Quixote.

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