This will end in one of two ways
1) The Revolutionary Guard will realize that to retain power, they need to go against the current regime, and with Revolution 2.0. And a peaceful and bloodless revolution will commence.
2) The Revolutionary Guard will start shooting the Revolution 2.0 protesters. And then they'll start shooting each other. And all hell will break loose.
And isn't it fun to see despots trying to retain power in an age of the internet, mobile phones, blogs, youtube and twitter?
Those will win over bullets any day.
Iran opposition defiant as media grip tightened
The country's powerful Revolutionary Guard -- which enforces strict Islamic codes -- said it will prosecute Web sites it accuses of inciting riots, adding to a ban on foreign media reporting on the protests and a block on Internet site such as Facebook or Twitter.
Even as the Guard made its announcement, thousands of Iranians planned to head to Haft-e-Tir Square in central Tehran on Wednesday evening despite a stepped-up government crackdown that has seen people arrested across the country.
"The country's powerful ____XXXX______ -- which enforces strict __XXXX__ codes -- said it will prosecute Web sites it accuses of inciting riots, adding to a ban on foreign media reporting on the protests and a block on Internet site such as Facebook or Twitter."
Keith, keep this text handy as you will need it for the Obama administration. Just fill in the XXXX blanks with whatever names homeland security assigns to the new enforcement bureaucracies.
Keith you are right, what is going on in Iran where disagreeing with little Hitler can get you killed, is a wonderful example of the human spirit seeking freedom and justice.
I'm cheering for a bloodless overthrow. Maybe we can have one of our own soon?
GT Charlie
I hear we are tearing down all the Firewalls that the Iranian Gov is trying to put up to prevent News from getting out
Viva La revolution 2.0!
It is unstoppable at this point..
This is how the Saudis have bought themselves some extra time.
They invested trillions of dollars in ‘Internet / information management’.
(huge source of twisted propaganda information made available for the likes of Gonzo)
It can only last for so long.
Get ready for Revolution 2.1
Do we owe an apology to Neo-cons?
I predict this will end with bloodshed and the world shocked!
-Silly Monkey
Americans are such trade chumps!!!
but they will not hesitate to make people and their families simply disappear.
"The more control you try to exersize over someone else, the more out-of-control they eventually become" -Yours Truly
BTW I am still amazed by the power of Twitter. I've been trying to tell my people how great of a tool it can be if used properly. It can also be the most narcissistic, foolish waste of time ever, but it is what you make of it.
You forgot way #3:
The Iranian government appeases the population with a bunch of false promises. This causes the crowds to disperse and wait for real change to happen. After several months the people realize they've been duped. But at that point no one dares go out and protest again for fear of arrest or being shot.
I think way #3.
poor Ahmadinawhatever.
if only McCain had won the election... his sabre-rattling advisors (James Woolsey, et al) would've united Iran behind the mullahs more than anything!
"...hundreds of thousands of Iranians marched down Tehran’s main thoroughfare to protest...
...just as opponents of [our man] Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi did before they overthrew him in 1979..."
Tidbit of truth snuck in on paragraph 5
how about u read Diary of an Economic HItman, it is part of the governmental over throw process that massive street demos are induced into existance.
e.g. when Chavez was overthrown the first time - their where massive demos then.
Its interesting that if the wrong person is elected, we try and discredit the election, this coming from the nation that gave us the hanging chards
Go back to Mozilo. here kieth, read this: http://www.counterpunch.org/ames06122009.html
"fat amelican said...
"The country's powerful ____XXXX______ -- which enforces strict __XXXX__ codes -- said it will prosecute Web sites it accuses of inciting riots, adding to a ban on foreign media reporting on the protests and a block on Internet site such as Facebook or Twitter."
Keith, keep this text handy as you will need it for the Obama administration. Just fill in the XXXX blanks with whatever names homeland security assigns to the new enforcement bureaucracies.
June 17, 2009 4:25 PM"
Best POst of the Day and oh so true.
Chairman MaoBama Jangles Savior to the World!
Europe is rotten to the core and will never recover.
-> http://tinyurl.com/mv5ua8
The US will not allow a free and independent Iran because our government and the bankers that control it need to start a war with the evil Iran.
I think people are really underestimating what's about to happen here. The current Iranian regime will never give up power peacefully. Never.
They will fight this tooth and nail all the way because they "believe" that they are annointed with the authority to preserve Islam and protect it (the "way of life") from all evil modernities and enemies.
Another amazing fact seems to get lost by those idiots at CNN, but it might surprise Americans to know that the majority of Iranians (including those marching around and burning motorcycles) really do believe and consider the Ayatollah to be God's representative on earth.
Think about that for a minute and then try to draw similar parallels to other modern day revolutions we have witnessed ( Germany 1989, Soviet Union 1991, or China 1989).
There are none.
This one will not end the same, and no amount of Western "good feelings" or down home American "cheerleading" for is going to make Iran's turmoil into something it's not.
This is about power. And it's about preserving basic pillars of conservative religious faith.
Like not working on Sunday.
Sure, these clerics might lose power. But they will not go quietly. If they must, they will kill as many "Satanist" demonstrators and opposition as they can on their way out.
And if they get pushed out, they will still be around, secretly or public shredding away at the very fabric of any new, modern Iranian society.
>BTW I am still amazed by the power of Twitter. I've been trying to tell my people how great of a tool it can be if used properly.
Tell us Ross. To me it's still just something that most of media, especially tech media are cheering because a big purchase by google, they believe, will bring much needed optimism to the valley. I've assumed it would be a waste of time, unless there are tricks to getting on the right channel. Then again I'm already running on information overload. But if there's something about it we should know please share.
Markus Arelius, You are absolutely spot on.
Most people think as if the results of the ballot box , makes any kind of difference regarding legitimacy.
NOTHING makes a difference.
Their actions are 'divinely sanctioned'.
To question anything is BLASPHEMY !
The basij and riot police, revolutionary guards will NOT hesitate to KILL when the order is given.
You just don't argue with the orders of the Almighty.
For those who think, the street marches make a difference; think again about the UNARMED Basij that walked INTO THE MINEFIELDS to clear landmines during the Iran-Iraq war.
These are men who are TOTALLY COMMITTED to the theology espoused by the Mullahs.
Even FAMILY will NOT stay their finger on the trigger.
Did you guys read the article on the family that killed their own 15 yr old son/nephew in Gaza because they suspected him of being an Israeli collaborator ?
Lots more bloodshed to follow if they continue with the demonstrations.
Not a desirable scenario but nothing we say or do , would have any influence.
What about lack of freedom of speech in Europe? How come you can go to jail for fifteen years like Horst Mahler has been sentenced to serve, for simply saying the Holocaust story is full of lies?
How come America doesn't threaten Europe on a daily basis for that? Why doesn't the media harp on that endlessly?
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Smug Bastard
The Iran Revolutionary Guard seems to be using the playbook that the US used in Iraq; Rumsfeld said: "we don't do body counts;" and only "inbedwith" reporters were allowed to film stuff.
There is suppression of speech right there in America and other western nations. What is HATE SPEECH? So-called hate speech has been criminalized in the west - in the same nations that tell everyone else that they are bastions of freedom.
The only 'hate' in "hate speech" is that the powers-that-be hate this speech and want to silence it.
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