You're seeing that day.
Things are changing.
A 73-year-old shopkeeper said he walked more than six miles to the demonstration. "I have only ever voted twice, once at the beginning of the revolution...and once for Mousavi," he said. "Today was wonderful. Tomorrow will be even better."
Won't be long before the hardliners rush in to crush them.....
On your green shoots hypothesis...
I just started looking for a new place to live. Here's a real (and typical) example of the market in my midwestern town.
3 bed 2.5 bath for sale in nice neighborhood. Asking price $450,000
SAME place listed on Craigslist for rent at $1600 per month.
Assume 450k selling price
20% down
5.5 interest rate
Principal & interest ONLY = $2044
Green shoots my backside... We've got a ways down to go before this sucker is finished.
why don't the women cover their faces?! i can see the hair on their heads!
funny they make their signs using english and not in iranian.
i wonder if BO and Osama consider iranians real muslims.
here, here!
Real "green shoots".
Truly wonderful to see Iranians stand up
I have always believed that the troubles in the Middle East are caused more by extreme Arab nationalist then Islam.
Nothing is more threatening to Islamo fascism and ignorant 911 thruthers then this courages revolution.
It’s a start!
Viva la revolution!
Bless you Keith for suporting life.
Iran must really be in deep kimshee financially. One would think the "President" himself of such a large country could afford a nice barbershop shave, or at least a razor of his own. I think if he could get a nice tie, and a good close shave, and some lotion, he could be much more acceptable to the Iranian public.
OK well that would be a start anyway----.
I am with you on issues of religion and social conservatism, neither are the concerns of the government and both are private matters that should be left up to the individual, it is where the GOP is wrong.
That said, they are right on foreign policy.
Like it or not; what we’re seeing here are sprouts of the seeds planted by G.W. Bush and Cheney.
The Neo-cons were right all along, they where just ahead of their times.
the ruling religious leaders will not simply give up power. ultimately they decide who is president and the people will need to take up arms against the hard liners.
They put Americans to shame.
This should have been us in 2000.
Every fat, lazy, house flipping, Bush votin', war lovin', go along to get along Democrat votin' American who sits on their ass and complains but doesn't want to actually DO ANYTHING,..you get what you deserve.
How'd that change work out for us, folks?
2 things we know for sure: new boss is the old boss/different crime family...
and that gay hooker that spent the night 20 times was sure as shit sucking somebody's cock.
Abundant respect and reverence for democracy when we like the result.
Heartwarming to see such a principled citizenry.
One would think the "President" himself of such a large country could afford a nice barbershop shave, or at least a razor of his own. I think if he could get a nice tie, and a good close shave, and some lotion, he could be much more acceptable to the Iranian public.
Um, it considored VERY Islamic to be unshaved & not wear a tie (that is viewed by Hardliners as the "leash of America")
He appears as he should as an Islamic Hardliner - BTW, all of this comes from Arab Countries & is not "pure" Iranian culture !!!
"...they set fire to the building..."
Heh. Hang on to that rooftop all you like fellas. ;^D
I thought our fellow conservatives here would adore a good crackdown on popular dissent by their brethren.
Must be a Christian issue.
"Like it or not; what we’re seeing here are sprouts of the seeds planted by G.W. Bush and Cheney.
The Neo-cons were right all along, they where just ahead of their times."
Yes, ahead of their time. Soon we will have torture, secret prisons, internet surveilance and show trials coming to a re-education camp near you.
Of course without some demagogue like Cheyney (or Reagan) the people in other countries would have never figured out that they are being oppressed. Well praise the Lord for having such spirited leaders to lead the oppressed masses around the world towards the light. Amen.
While I understand their desire for social freedom, possible religious freedom and the like, I do not understand why they are in a rush to be enslaved by the international banking system.
And, I always kind of admired their thumbing their nose at the so-called international community (US, Britain and Israel) and the fact that they are developing nukes - they are a sovereign nation, who are we, other than hypocrites, to say that they cannot have them as well?
So, while I like their push for more freedoms, I do not want to see them turn into another bootlicking nation.
Seedlings said... "The Neo-cons were right all along, they where just ahead of their times."
Yeah it's all about us... They r standing up for their freedom with GW and Dick in mind... NOT!
This is about them and there struggle a young people standing up to history to be counted. Amazing to see. And the Neocon/NeoLib facists in both our parties are dismayed, though probably resting easy as the youth here is to complacent to emulate their brothers in Iran.
Anon said: (for the gazillion’t time)
‘2 things we know for sure: new boss is the old boss/different crime family...’
Ok so what’s your point?
Is that you Gonzo?
Puleeze, stop pointing to other peoples writings
Anon said:
‘I do not understand why they are in a rush to be enslaved by the international banking system.’
Well, Spoken like a poor man.
Spiritually poor, emotionally poor, physically poor, intelligently poor and financially poor.
So, What is holding you back from liberating yourself from the international banking system and creating your own banking system?
Apparently the Iranian people understand better.
The Iranian people understand that it is people like you who are the real threat to their freedom and not your paranoid made up conspiracies.
Also, just to clarify; the ‘International community’ refers to the UN buddies of Ahmadinejad.
The youth in Iran are standing up to tyrants because they saw the youth in America standing up to its tyrants in November, and they want part of that action
It's the Obama Effect - Iran Version.
Message to the People of Saudi Arabia..
U too can rise up from the darkness
U too will have global support
Speak out and tell your oppressive rulers that the Oil underneath your feet belongs to all Saudis and you have a right to decide how and where that money is spent
True. True.
Now if we just get rid of some of these worthless Democrats in Congress, Obama might be able to get something done.
Oh, and we need to continue to squeeze out the facists Republicans in office.
Seedlings said:
"The Neo-cons were right all along, they where just ahead of their times."
I agree, we are seeing the results of the Bush and Cheney strategy to empower the youth of Iran, Hang the outspoken strong arm Sadam Hussein in Public Square and interrupt Islamo fascist operations from every angle.
Red herring story ... hardliners will crush any opposition.
Here's what REALLY matters!
USA dollar = S-C-R-E-W-E-D!!!
ahhh Chavez and Kim-Mentally-Ill already told Ahmadenejad how to crush them.
Don't be so hopeful..it will be over very soon.
"One would think the "President" himself of such a large country could afford a nice barbershop shave, or at least a razor of his own."
I believe shaving with a razor is prohibited under both Judaism and Islam.
Like it or not; what we’re seeing here are sprouts of the seeds planted by G.W. Bush and Cheney.
The Neo-cons were right all along, they where just ahead of their times.
Actually, this is happening because the neocons and their idiotic philosophy have been swept into the dustheap of history.
Iran's hardliners needed an external enemy like Bush to keep everyone in line. Without Bush & Cheney as a threat to invade & kill everyone, the moderates are able to garner support amongst the otherwise frightened & apathetic.
Kinda like in the old USSR. Where Reagan's 2nd term overtures to the Soviet leaders allowed Glastnost to take hold, and for the pent-up frustrations of the pragmatic centrists to start to slowwwwly - but inexorably - move society towards a more democratic model.
The phony tough-guy stuff? All that does is antagonize the masses, and allow hardliners to maintain control. Read your George Kennan.
India totally protects it's own legal industry, but expects all other nations to open up theirs!!
And people wonder why we have a trade deficit in software and IT now. That's USA 'free trade'.
"Well, Spoken like a poor man.
Spiritually poor, emotionally poor, physically poor, intelligently poor and financially poor."
Exactly, my friend. What has happened to the US? What country is currently the greatest debtor nation? Why is the US so spiritually, physically, financially and intelligently poor?
Oh, it must be because I included Israel in my listing. Yeah, I forgot, Israel is above criticism because they do no wrong.
To put things into perspective:
How Different are the US and Iran.
"It's the Obama Effect - Iran Version."
Too bad the Messiah just shit on their parade. Seems he doesn't want to "meddle" in their election. What is it about guys like Obama? Why can't they support human freedom unconditionally? Could it be that deep down inside they don't believe it's necessary or useful?
It's great to see the Iranians rising up to throw out their corrupt power hungry tyrants.
Now when will Americans do the same?
Anon said:
It's great to see the Iranians rising up to throw out their corrupt power hungry tyrants.
Now when will Americans do the same?
The day a majority realizes that the Queen of Saudi Arabia has been funding most US media, colleges and universities for the past 10 years and illogical thinking has penetrated all corners of America.
They wanted him as well.
Who was dad rooting for then?
"Like it or not; what we’re seeing here are sprouts of the seeds planted by G.W. Bush and Cheney."
Keith, What have you been smokin ?
Nothing that changes in Iran will make any real difference in their attitude towards the US.
The same Moussaui supporters also support Iran's stance on the development of 'nuclear energy'.
We are all heading for fast and loose nuclear proliferation, whether it starts with North Korea, continues in Iran and ends up in some other 2 bit banana republic which no one has heard of.
All of the US's Muslim 'allies' continually need to be 'bought and paid for'.
I recall the scenes of deliriously happy people dancing and celebrating in the streets when 911 happened.
Thats right, how soon most Americans forget.
And for those who like to quote Bush created the animousity, reflect again.
What has 'changed' since the new Administration came into office ?
And you think these people are your 'friends' just because the US has a new Administration ?
Muslims live by a strict religious code. And it is further exacerbated by the Wahhabi strain, courtesy of Saudi Arabia.
President Obama has asked for friends to support the US effort in Afghanistan.
How many muslim nations have offered or provided support, apart from the UAE and Turkey, as far as I can recall ?
All of the Presidential candidates during Iran's Presidential election, were VETTED AND APPROVED by the Mullahs (Council of Guardians).
Anyone who didn't adhere to the narrow Islamist interpretation, could NOT even be a candidate.
So, why do you think whether an Ahmadinejoker or Moussaui makes any difference ?
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