The government of the United States is broken.The corrupted US Congress, and the disgusting political-hack-stacked Supreme Court can't, and won't, fix it.So it's time for the people to take it into their own hands, and get it done.Seriously.It's time to get it done.It's time to amend the Constitution. (a little help with the language from any lawyer-types appreciated)28th AmendmentLegislation passed by 50% plus one vote of the seated members of each chamber by the House of Representatives and the Senate and then signed by the President shall become law.
29th AmendmentSenators shall serve a maximum term of two six year terms without the ability to be re-elected to the Senate in their lifetimes. Representatives shall serve a maximum of five two year terms without the ability to be re-elected to the House of Representatives in their lifetimes. Supreme Court Justices shall serve a maximum of 10 years without the ability to be re-appointed to the Supreme Court in their lifetimes.
30th AmendmentOnly Natural Born Citizens (Individuals) of the United States shall be able to contribute financially to United States political campaigns or political parties or political interest groups or political advertising, or directly to any candidate for any political office in the United States, on any level or by any method, with financial contribution limits and penalties for disregard to be determined regularly by Congress for national political offices and by State legislatures for State political offices.