Here's the report.
And here's the book
Boy, I'd sure miss diet cokes. Pizza. The internet. And hot showers. And would've wished I had a sick amount of guns, ammo and canned goods (instead of none).
How 'bout you?
(and isn't it too bad you don't read about stuff like this in the MSM?)
EMP is a lot like Y2K, both are overblown and over-hyped sources of disaster. The chances of a terror attack using EMP are zero unless you know of a group in Canada with a big-ass, two-stage missile and a sophisticated (100+ kT) nuclear warhead to put on top of it. EMP attacks by another major power are certainly possible, but if we ever get to that stage of conflict, the last thing you'll need to concern yourself with is a functioning iPod or Dish Network.
How exciting!
If the Dem's don't kill us first
tax us to death
or abort you
We have another thing to worry about!
Have a nice day!
Cant our sophisticated and smart president resolve this with dialogue?
Its not like we have a Tea-Bagger (woooooo)running this country..
All this shows how brittle is the infrastructure that supports the everyday activities most people take for granted. This isn't about iPods and Dish Network: it is about the money you think you have in the bank, about the water and electricity conveniently delivered to your house, about the packaged food delivered to your local supermarket.
A couple years back I predicted that the ATMs would no longer worked. That was avoided as the gov't dropped a $10 trillion money bomb to keep 'em on.
But.. what would really happen if the ATMs no longer worked? If nobody had any access to money?
That's what's so interesting about this topic, and that book.
Wouldn't it be interesting if Warren Buffett and the homeless guy all of a sudden had the same buying power?
Keith, you ask "What would happen?" That was answered in a million doomer books and articles written when Y2K was going to take us back to the stone age. Humans are survivors, and no matter what some of us will scratch out a living. Look at what happened in Soviet Russia when the wheels came off and the "ATMs stopped working". Was it Mad Max? Heck no, the Russians pulled together and survived even though central authority literally disappeared in the financial chaos.
You can get the book (One Second After) or the book on CD from your local library. Get it and you'll have a clue if this (EMP) does happen what will go down and it aint' pretty.
getting nervous Kieth...
btw - 911 was not pulled off by 19 guys and boxcutters, but you keep thinking all of this is just bad accounting.
enjoy the dieoff kieth!!
And your point is?
The chances of our own government doing this is far greater than the Russians. We are certainly a nation in turmoil but it's highly improbable that anyone has even considered this. Even in the TV program "Jerico" EMP was not used to control the masses until weeks after the nuclear terrorist attacks.
The Iraq war is a hoax.
Anon said:
"Cant our sophisticated and smart president resolve this with dialogue?"
This sounds like sarcasm. What is so funny about the Reagan lving tea bagger is they forget that Reagan was excellent at having open talks with our enemies. There is nothing wrong with dialogue so get over it.
Further, EMP' are about as likely as 12/12. Why aren't we talking about that.
Life After Armageddon on the History Channel was a fair portrayal of what things could be like after a large-scale disaster. If you haven't seen it you should watch for a re-run.
My wife doesn't think it's realistic. She asked me if I thought things would actually be that bad.
MUCH WORSE I told her.
I see that keith has been quiet as a church mouse on the global warming scam "flailing forward."
Now the IPCC has withdrawn its claim of rising sea levels.
Oh, and Keith, how come Mozillo is STILL a free man? Or Bernanke, Paulson, and Lewis?
Is Gitmo closed yet? Has Obummer stopped the stupid wars yet? Has the "Constitutional Scholar" ended the unconstitutional Patriot Act yet? Why is this "Constitutional Scholar" implementing naked body scanners at airports?
The report is greatly exaggerated. No EMP can be that devastating. Not even close.
Who wrote this misinformation?
Pretty scary stuff, too bad the powers that be are way too worried about keeping their financial sand castles together rather than addressing potential threats. Of course, that never has dire consequences...
You won't miss anything when you're dead--neither will I.
To the idiot who thinks the Dems will tax us to death:
1. Obama hasn't raised taxes at all.
2. McCain promised to raise SocSec taxes (and reduce benefits and raise retirement ages for the elderly) so he could give the money to the richest americans. Talk about taxed to death.
3. The Laffer curve has proven that you can't be "taxed to death" or even close to it.
4. But no one has proven, and countless failed countries have disproven, that you can continue the spend-and-debt idiocy of Reagan, Bush, McCain, etc, and the wars-for-profit, forever in order to make their rich friends richer, with no consequences. Got gold?
Is it safe to take all my prozac pills at one time?
I always suspected that full scale nuclear war would have some unpleasant side effects.
Keith said...
A couple years back I predicted that the ATMs would no longer worked. That was avoided as the gov't dropped a $10 trillion money bomb to keep 'em on.
But.. what would really happen if the ATMs no longer worked? If nobody had any access to money?
That's what's so interesting about this topic, and that book.
Wouldn't it be interesting if Warren Buffett and the homeless guy all of a sudden had the same buying power?
If no one had access to money, the home debters of america would become instant millionaires... IN GRANITE!!!
What you haven't armed yourself yet?
Must be the libtard in you.
OK OK I get it! Keith wants to keep blogging but wants some of the population here to go away. SOOOOOO he is purposely writing crappy post hoping to drive some people to leave.
The Leprechaun says you are not going to be so lucky.
What about the spend-and-debt idiocy of Barry Zero?
He pretty much doubled all of Dubya's 8 years of spending in his first year of office.
But sure, none of the meltdown will have been Barry Zero's fault...typical libtard.
It doesn't even have to be an EMP to scramble the banking system. Think of a currency crisis, where there's essentially a worldwide run on the bank, only "the bank" is the value of the world reserve currency, the U.S. dollar.
If, for whatever reason, there's an attack on the dollar -- Chinese angry, bond market dislocation, even massive hacker electronic malfeasance -- it would be easy for the U.S. PTB to declare a bank holiday. "Sorry, American citizens and people all over the world, but we must temporarily suspend operations of the banking system until the present crisis is resolved."
It's not something they would do lightly, because the economic side effects would be like a shovelful of shit thrown right into the fan blades. But big crises bring out desperate measures. Read your recent history of Argentina in 2001. Happened there.
And it can happen on a smaller scale for other reasons. We're trying to use credit cards less, so we use our "cheque cards" for most purchases. (Especially since Canada doesn't charge a 50-cent fee for doing so on each transaction about 10 per month, like banks in Australia do.) But a couple weeks ago, my wife's card started getting rejected, even though we had plenty of money in checking. (Mine continued to work.)
She stopped at the credit union we use, and they told her that hackers had gotten into the system, so many cards were deactivated as a precaution. There were masses of people at the branch with the same problem. We didn't lose any money, and soon had a new card, but it was an inconvenience.
So what would you SASHers do if you couldn't make money come out of a hole in the bank wall, or the credit card swipey technology was frozen? How would you buy food or gasoline (assuming they were available, and even in times of crisis, most things can be found for enough cash money.) You got banknotes in your house?
I'm sure that everyone who reads Keith is financially savvy and hella-wealthy from following the advice found herein. You should always have at least four figures' worth of currency in your home; or enough to get you through two months if you can swing it. Put it in an innocuous place like a record album with a money title like "Heart of Gold" by Neil Young, or a couple bills between multiple pages of a boring economics textbook. Easier to remember where you hid it that way. Low chance of someone finding it randomly and ripping it off if the money's hidden in something stodgy.
Stay cashed up at home. It's like buying an insurance policy from yourself. And with banks paying 0.10% interest on savings accounts, keeping money "in the mattress" isn't losing you anything.
If no one had access to money, the home debters of america would become instant millionaires... IN GRANITE!!!
In the post-apocalyptic world of the future, people will be using granite for money!
Actually, I think it's more likely they'll be using carpentry nails, or bolts and screws, as a medium of exchange. If you think about it, straight, strong fasteners that could be used to build a shelter would be mega-useful in a SHTF society. I'd rather accept a handful of 10-penny nails for a bushel of apples than a bunch of base-metal coin-money, or even bullets. Who knows if the powder in them is shit, or what if I don't have that caliber weapon?
Obammmy -- Gimme screws, instead of just screwing me!
Humble Trader said...
What about the spend-and-debt idiocy of Barry Zero?
He pretty much doubled all of Dubya's 8 years of spending in his first year of office.
But sure, none of the meltdown will have been Barry Zero's fault...typical libtard.
Accurate enough, but ask yourself a Realpolitik question: had he reigned in spending, those who wanted that(like you and me) would've proudly stood up and owned the near-term result?
This topic is a real close relative of the "everything was great when he took office" canard.
Not that it will matter much, but
some protection is available
from a Faraday cage enclosure.
A garage or shed can be totally enclosed with conductive mesh that is continuous and well-grounded during the pulse events.
This includes the floor and all gaps.
It could save car systems and vital electronics.
It might be copper, aluminum, or multistrand brass.
With detail work and grounding, it might
run 5-10,000 Euros.
It must either be solid sheet, or mesh fine enough
the defeat the smallest wavelengths.
Any nation that can orbit a 200lb satellite
can burst an EMP anywhere.
Iran can orbit a 200lb satellite. It already has.
Accurate enough, but ask yourself a Realpolitik question: had he reigned in spending, those who wanted that(like you and me) would've proudly stood up and owned the near-term result?
Absolutely, I would have been proud to "own" it. The pain can only be delayed, not avoided indefinitely. The sooner the charade is dashed and the consequences felt, the better.
Paul Volcker was reviled for his policies, yet they were exactly what the doctor ordered. I admire him and those like him.
I don't give a fig about what the masses want, nor what placates them for the moment.
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