February 3, 2010

And this was too good to pass up too...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Q & O
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis


American Creampuff said...


Anonymous said...

Seeing these yahoos talking about our money and scoring political points We the people are carrying on as usually,

Lost Cause said...

I am not a republican yet, but I am saving up.

Stuck in So Pa said...


Also a sad commentary on political reporting when one of the best commentaries comes each week, FROM A COMEDY SHOW!

Anonymous said...

The guy who gave Obama the figure for tort reform savings of only 1 or 2% must have been the same guy who says we are in recovery now.

Anonymous said...

If democrats don't denounc Obama. Democarts will all go away.

Unknown said...

Ken Lewis charged with fraud!!!!!


One down, so many to go....

Ron Paul is right! said...

Quit trying to defend your boy.

Quit trying to justify your choice in your mind and ours. Only makes you look less plausible.

The FACTS are:

He hired Geitner.

He wants to keep Bernanke.

There has been no litigation or investigation into the Wall St fraudsters.

He is not cutting military spending, not bringing troops home. He is in fact increasing spending.

I could go on and on but you get the point and you know the deal...

He is bought and paid for by the banks and the MIC just like all his predecessors were.

Just because he "appears" to be better than the Repubs. Just because he "puts on a show" that he is a tough guy and he is going to purge the corruption from DC MEANS NOTHING unless he does something besides talk.

I stick by my prediction, he will be a one term president, he may not even make it the whole four years. He will go down as the worst one ever and hopefully people will be ready to hear and accept the truth at that point.

You should have done the right thing and wrote Ron Pauls name in the ballot. Then you would have credibility. Then you could sleep better at night.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was great.
I loved it.

So, like why is the stock market crashing today?

I'm on massive vitamin doses and have become really happy and stupid as a result.

Advocatus Diaboli said...

Hey HousingPanic Guy,

What do you think about a minimum consumption entitlement.


There are more parts in that series of posts.

PS. I used to post at HP as Lucifer

Anonymous said...

Palin takes America by storm.

Mike Hunt said...

It's a pity the republicans are blowing the upset in Massachusetts. Instead of stopping the backdoor dealings, the fraud (mark to model), Bernanke reappointment, unlimited backstops to Freddie & Fannie and the other things people are outraged about, it's just business as usual for them.

What a wasted opportunity.

Repubs suck, Democrats suck.

And Obama is one lame ass shill who pimps Geithner & Bernanke and follows the policy of doubling down on our debts when we are just a few steps behind what's playing out in Greece and soon to be Spain & Japan.

For someone who seems as intelligent (on the surface) as Obama is it's just ridiculous that we can't learn from the countries failing a few steps ahead of us.


Anonymous said...

I have noted a string of stories about towns implementing or examining total elimination of their local police and fire services and contracting those functions to other appropriate groups (sherif department replaces town police, e.g.).

This is in a desperate attempt to save money as the housing-induced economic crises trickles down hill.

Any thoughts on that emerging trend?

Stuck in So Pa said...

Anonymous said...
I have noted a string of stories about towns implementing or examining total elimination of their local police and fire services and contracting those functions to other appropriate groups (sherif department replaces town police, e.g.).

This is in a desperate attempt to save money as the housing-induced economic crises trickles down hill.

Any thoughts on that emerging trend?
Had to go up to York city today, and came back through several surrounding small towns as I made my stops. Its hard to NOT notice the "For Sale" signs, the vacant storefronts on every main street. And we're talking small to medium to sometimes very large and old mom-and-pop concerns held by those families for generations, that have folded and went away.

And this is NOT a bubble area, like I have repeatedly mentioned. Pretty sad.

Every 3-6 months there is an article in the local paper about this borough, or that town, somewhere in the state, that has folded, un-incorporated, and been absorbed into the larger taxing authority. There is no incentive anywhere to attract business to PA, and the local powers-that-be have only one response to reduced revenue, RAISE PROPERTY TAXES on every one else left standing. They don't even think about cutting that budget (until its too late), and GOD help any elected official who in any way suggests laying off any state/municipal/teachers union member.

Several municipalities have already consolidated/sub-contracted out their police forces like you stated. Even volunteer fire departments go by the wayside because the municipalities they serve have traditionally paid for the volunteer fire departments insurance coverage. That stops immediately upon the hiring of the new( but nowhere near as good) combined professional fire protection.

I am pretty much resigned to total economic collapse. The only satisfaction that we will have is that when the dollar is totally destroyed, that $10 dollars in your and my pockets, and the $100 million dollar bonuses in the Rethugs and Demcraps banker masters pockets, will be equally worthless.

What do you do in the Brave New World when your only skill is moving money around to make more money, AND THERE ISN'T ANY MONEY?

dogcrap said...

I'm giving the over under on days untill Kieth snaps as he comes to terms with Progressive politics is evil at 67

Dogcrap said...

"This is in a desperate attempt to save money as the housing-induced economic crises trickles down hill.

Any thoughts on that emerging trend?"

The real issue is 33% of your taxes goes towards the pensions of civil servants. The world has lost its retirement saving yet the government is still taxing broke people so that society's leaches can golf every day of their golden years.

If something isn't done. There will be war.

Anonymous said...

The first liberal RETARDED, indoctrinated by six-figure-pompous-commie-tax-payer parasite college teachers, who comes to me with Messiah buyer's remorse, will be punched in the mouth.

I told you he was an empty suit commie, I told you he was a puppet for banksters and military industrial complex, I told you he was a liar. But nooooo, you disgusting little weasels indoctrinated by types like Olbermann, Barney Frank, Pelosi, Bill Maher, and Garofalo knew better.

Lemme refresh your memory, Keith, since you refuse to take your head out of the quicksand to state a mea culpa:

1. Gitmo still open. Check
2. Not only still running two wars but increased troops by 30,000. The commie-Messiah has more troops in wars than GWB did. Check
3. Administration full of lobbyists. From former lobbyist for Raytheon, William Lynn, running the Pentagon to Goldman Sachs Alumni running the Treasure and every other lobbyist in between. Check.
4. Increased military budget by 4% in 2009, on top of what GWB was spending. Check
5. No transparency in ANYTHING. C-span, hellooooo???? Check

And the list goes on and on and on...ad infinitum. And you retards pretend that those sweet speeches promising unicorns and rainbows never took place, including you Keith, NY Times, Times, and Newsweek. Now the wars are justifiable even by Huffington! Someone take me out of this bizarre twilight zone in which the liberals pretend that their Messiah never promised anything on record, on tape, on youtube, for anyone to go back and see.

See, I was an old-timer from the original blog, years ago, but when Keith started to show who he really was, trolling for this empty suit and MSNBC, the majority of us left, and that blog died to form this Rahm Emmnauel's mouthpiece known by the pretentious name of "Soot and Ashes". It fits well with the progressive retards still left here.

So you've been warned, don't you come near me with buyer's remorse re: your Messiah, because I'll punch you in the mouth. Are we clear, REAL retards?

Anonymous said...

"...I'll punch you in the mouth. Are we clear, REAL retards?"

Is this one of those false flags to discredit criticism of Obama?

If so you're doing a mighty fine job.

But it is both moot and redundant at the same time. Obama's first year a disaster?

Nothing gets by this poster. ;^D

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