November 14, 2008

City of Detroit asks US taxpayers for $10 billion bailout. Oh, stop it. No, really, that's too funny! Oh, you mean you're SERIOUS? Get out!

What do we do with Detroit?

So much of what is wrong, really, really wrong with America is represented by Detroit.

This city has been the nation's armpit for decades. They continue to elect incompetent and corrupt leaders. They based what was left of their economy on a dying industry run by corrupt and incompetent monkeys and did nothing to change. And yes, unfortunately, they've fallen into the abyss.

What to do?

I hate to be the one to bring bad news, but this is called evolution. Survival of the fittest. And Detroit could not compete. The people are going to need to move. They're going to have to go where there is work. And schools. And fire departments. You know, civilization.

And maybe future settlers with better ideas will reinvent the city, based on industry that could compete, and workers that were willing to work for a competitive wage. The land will be cheap and plentiful. The geography is favorable. The buildings will be there. And hopefully the corrupt monkeys who ran the city into the ground will be gone.

Resolution to “Bail-Out” Detroit with $10 Billion For: Public Service Employment, Moratorium on Foreclosures & Transit

Whereas the City of Detroit supports the “Bail-Out” proposed for the American Automobile Industry as the backbone of the USA Manufacturing to stabilize the nation’s economy and labor force, and

Whereas the City of Detroit joins other cities in Southeast Michigan who are calling for an urgent infusion of federal resources in order to stabilize our municipalities which are disproportionately impacted by foreclosure rates as high as 20 %, unemployment rates as high as 30% and mass transit plans that are not sufficiently budgeted to facilitate regional rapid transit, which would spur economic growth vital to the region, and

Whereas the City of Detroit as a major city in this nation, as the home of the auto industry, and as city which has been historically dependent on the automobile industry as the main artery for its economic well-being and as a major employer for auto executives, plant workers, auto supplies who directly impact homeownership, public school enrollment, retail business patronage and the corresponding tax base; then therefore be it

Resolved that the City Council request that the Mayor & City Council President of the City Immediately meet with the Governor, Michigan’s Congressional delegation, the Speaker of the House, officials from the Bush Administration and the Transition Team of the President-Elect urgently and immediately in order to facilitate a Bail-Out of $10 Billion Dollars..


Anonymous said...

Let's bail everybody out!!!

Just borrow them dollars from China and never pay em back!!


Where's my million dollar check, biiiyaaatch??

Anonymous said...

maybe slim shady can organize a rap-aid (like farm- aide) to help out his homies in Detroit!

anonymous said...

Don't get it yet?

Whereas, GOP beholden to financial institutions ( wall street, fed banks, mort cos, REIC, etc.),

DEMS beholden to unions ( local & state govts, corps with lots of unions workers; auto cos with UAW)

All want bailouts instead of re- organization under bankruptcy laws... resulting in John Q. Taxpaying Public getting SCREWED!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see how this is gunna work. The Gvmt. is going to buy part of Detroit, then make Detroit a bank so they can borrow money from the Fed.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that was just too embarrassing for words...Ah Detroit City Council..But it won't be pretty when the Big Three go down....These people wouldn't be asking unless asking had worked for them before.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is true liberalism is a serious condition and if left on its own this is the result and this country just elected the most liberal Senator who will now along with his enablers in congress fully destroy the country. Conservatism true Conservatism works every time its tried and is the only answer and after this crew has its way Conservatism will reign again because the public will turn on this New Administration realizing what they did in 2008 was wrong and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

The final four is in Detroit in April, that should be interesting.

Tom Grey said...

The gov't should be preparing a post-bankrupcty plan for Detroit:

Equity holders wiped out, debt holders 95% loss, union health & pension funds wiped/ bailed out as 10% equity gift by the gov't as investment by the union to purchase the factories and a name.

The 5% bond & 10% union amounts to be considered as equity investment in the New GM.

Wages for 5 years experience at US median (~$30k, not avg. ~$45k), with, plus profit sharing bonus.

New execs also at low wages with profit sharing.
(5% into equity

Anonymous said...

Cordon off all of Michigan and make it 'Americas Penal Colony'.
Great tourist destination and a great place to put felons like the entire current Bush administration.

Make Bushco and Cheneyburton inmates #1 & 2.

Bernanke can fly his helicopter over Detroit and throw hundreds out when the homies get low on cash..

America Sucks.

Anonymous said...

Just Google: Urban Decay Detroit, and you will puke. Detroit is gone, done, body on the tray close the drawer throw away the key done. School superintendent gets 250000 a year, limo, and half dozen armed security for when she leaves her bunker and dares visit the schools. Satellite view shows city turning back to green forest due to the ruin and the city plows under whole blocks of abandoned houses. Gov should nuke the craphole and be done with it. City is beyond salvage. It’s just another example of the unstoppable decline of the rust belt. More like the rot belt.

Anonymous said...

Aren't there a lot of muslims living in the Detroit area?

Perhaps they can ask the Arabs for money.

Wait a sec - don't the Arabs get their money from us, so we would effectively bailing them out anyway?

Sucks, don't it?

Anonymous said...

"They based what was left of their economy on a dying industry run by corrupt and incompetent monkeys and did nothing to change."

But I thought we needed a manufacturing base, which we lost (we do, and we did not). This is contradictory to earlier posts that whine about manufacturing jobs going away.

Anonymous said...

But I thought we needed a manufacturing base, which we lost (we do, and we did not). This is contradictory to earlier posts that whine about manufacturing jobs going away.

What we need is a *healthy* and *competetive* industrial base not one that survives on the taxpayer's teat.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor moved here from Pontiac Michigan, works for GM, and told me that the big three moved out of Detroit years ago. Detroit may HAVE been the home of the big three, as in "born there," but the factories left ages ago. He's quite the photography buff, and has albums on Detroit city architecture. It is beyond belief how horrible Detroit has become. Once beautiful homes, neighborhoods, theaters, giant factories, large office buildings, even skyscrapers, reduced to hollowed out, rotting shells. It’s quite sobering.

Anonymous said...

ummm.....the neocon plan for Detroit was clearly spelled out in the film 'Robocop.'

Jim said...

It has followed the vicious cycle to a "T":

1. People move out
2. This causes a decline in tax $ and city services
3. #2 causes more business to leave
4. #3 causes a further decline in tax $
5. Repeat at step 3

People talk about tearing down abandoned buildings but there’s not enough money to keep street lights on.

They keep trying to get businesses to come to the city; but the few they get only come in because they get massive tax breaks. This defeats the purpose of their being there in the first place.

Yet their is an odd charm to the city. Cash is truely king as $100 bill can get you quite a bit on the street in the D...


Anonymous said...

Detroit has drawn the short straw on Globalization. They're soooo mfg based and as such target #1 for the U.S. Globalists. During the last 20 years Globalists have succeeded in sending all U.S. based mfg. to Asia.

Is it fair Manhattan real estate has boomed because so many of those who have profited from the outsourcing of U.S. mfg work in Wall St.?

I'm not for bailouts, but the flip side is gauling as well. Pigs on Wall St. gorging themselves at the trough on the backs of those who work and live in Detriot is morally disgusting. Where's the outrage over that???

And don't forget the hypocracy. NYC is the birthplace of metro bailouts. Remember when NYC went BK in the early 80'S? Expect the same soon. And just wait for the high and mighty NYC pigs declare themselves "too important" to fail. While Detroit once again gets shafted one more time. Just watch.

Ross said...

Has anyone seen their mayor, Suge Knight, lately? That guy really knows how to dress like a gangsta.

Anonymous said...

The Slums of Detroit : Coming to your town soon.

Anonymous said...

Evacuate Detroit and Eastern Michigan, relocate Israel to Detroit.

Voila- Middle Eastern problem solved!

And Detroit will become the new holy land.


Lost Cause said...

Paulson to Detroit: Drop Dead

Lost Cause said...

They can no longer afford the gas to burn it down.

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