November 12, 2008

Is OPEC now completely and totally powerless?

Bonus question - do you realize how f*cked Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Venezuela, Russia and any country which depended on oil revenues now is?

I think we're days away from some serious civil unrest.


Anonymous said...

I know this is not popular, but is there any way that maybe BushCo. is not quite as stupid as we think and that this might well be some "strategery"?

Lost Cause said...

It's called an "oil shock." We have had them before. The oil glut of the 1980s left Texas real estate so cheap that people were buying houses with their credit cards. I think that this one will be the worst, just like real estate will be the worst, simply because prices were the highest ever. The law of gravity is quite reliable, even though people have no idea how it works.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and all them Eurotards who invested in lavish condos on camel shaped islands in Dubai, with the intent to flip for huge profits to ----- low wage Indian migrant workers?
Ummm, did anyone really believe that an economy can be built without a foundation of ‘human transactions’?

Imagine this;
You go shopping for pretty colored leafs and braches.
Then you pick up a moon shaped tree trunk with expensive bark.
Then you hire some laborers to dig a hole in the sand, insert the tree trunk, and glue on the branches and leaves.

Anyone think this tree will survive a storm
compare to a real tree which began with little roots in the ground and adapted over its life to its environment.

Even if oil prices go back up to $300 a barrel or higher, common sense says you can not sustain an economy built by a group of tyrants without an underlying foundation of people doing commerce.

Anonymous said...

Let them eat sand!

Frank R said...

Well, regardless, it's pretty much a given that Israel will make a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, starting a major war in the region. So the middle east is f*cked either way.

brian t said...

About Dubai: the reason they went the way they did, opening themselves up to Western trade and property investors, is because they have long known that they don't have that much oil anyway. The property bubble is still inflating there, and if it goes pop... might make a good set for a post-apocalyptic zombie movie.

blogger said...

Pretty funny video, eh?

I should have gone that day he was here. Is throwing eggs at the Saudi king cause for any kind of trouble?

$20 barrels of oil and you might see the King of Saudi Arabia toppled folks. Along with the rulers in Iran and Venezuela.

We might just be starting.

Or, on the flipside, Iran HAS to have oil over $100. Gee, I know one way they can do that tomorrow.


blogger said...

Brian - the bubble in Dubai is over. I read today of 40% drops in prices of some developments.

It fell off a cliff. Overnight.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I know this is not popular, but is there any way that maybe BushCo. is not quite as stupid as we think"


Anonymous said...

Well, regardless, it's pretty much a given that Israel will make a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, starting a major war in the region. So the middle east is f*cked either way.


i wonder if a preemptive strike by Israel is the test biden said BO would experience once he was in office. Could it be that israel could only be convinced to hold off a preemptive strike until the next president was in office? That both bush, mccain, and BO know this and biden let is slip?

perhaps this is the reason why BO wants to create a domestic security force? he is expecting to have to send large number of troops to fight along side israel and we will need a "civilian" force to fill in for the military back home?

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Israel will not have to do anything in the end and the raging angry anti cartoon crowd will self implode?

Anonymous said...

I still think Europe will experience the biggest pain in all this, mostly because they are fake and are liars.

European culture is ‘chocolate covered evil’
They are a bunch of selfish and self righteous retards.

Now that the chocolate is melting in the heat of the financial meltdown those ‘soccer game rioters’ will likely have some serious civil unrest.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I know this is not popular, but is there any way that maybe BushCo. is not quite as stupid as we think"


bushco is insanely smart and dumb, depending on the conspiracy theory de jour.

remember, these are the guys that planned and executed the 9/11 attacks, all within 9 months of taking office.

Anonymous said...

Randy, someone has to fund and support all that Arab anger, without oil money much of that hate will be redirected to were it belongs = at their oppressive leaders.

And maybe, just maybe.. a middle east with little to no oil money will have to resort to what most of us do, wake up each morning and work for a living.

How bout a bumper sticker that says ‘Busy people aren’t homicidal’

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for OPEC countries to crack. Their wealth is based solely on their countries having won the geographic lottery. At least the old Arab Empire was based on a thriving culture of warriors, scientists, craftsmen and tradesmen. The OPEC nations now are comprised of whiny, self-involved, dependent, unskilled, uneducated, self-important whiners and leechers. Boy, are they a lot like us Americans!

Welcome to the world wind, boys!

Anonymous said...


I meant whirlwind, not world wind. Where's my copy editor?

Anonymous said...

Ok wait...wasn't oil just the other day like real real expensive? And gas was like real real high? And people were unloading their big SUV's in a panic to get smaller cars? And fifteen minutes later gas is cheap again and oil is tanking (no pun intended)....I'm so confused. What happened????

gsanford said...

What happened is the speculator cashed out and the financial industry crashed, which means global GDP drops, so energy demand drops. Wait six months to a year and the middle east will be rolling in oil revenue once again.

blogger said...

Want higher oil prices?

1) Israel attacks Iran
2) Saudi King overthrown
3) Iran attacks US warship
4) Russia or Venezuela cuts off supply

Oil when it wants to be is the most manipulatable commodity on the planet. The price is now too low, the supply too high.

This won't last much longer. Come hell or high water.

Anonymous said...

That is until alternative forms of energy start to take hold.

It's coming now. Nobody can stop it. Too much competition to come up with the replacement(s) for oil.

Soon you'll be printing out solar cells from your home office printer and pasting them on the sides of your house and all your own shit will be turned into burnable fuel to cook your food.

America is already building the technology to convert normal bacteria into diesel fuel at a far cheaper cost than drilling for the stuff. What will the Saudis do when they can no longer control price by restricting production?

Technology marches on and replaces people. It also replaces certain resource requirements of which oil is one of them.

It's coming sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

"European culture is ‘chocolate covered evil’
They are a bunch of selfish and self righteous retards."

Go on you've got my interest. Please explain more!

Anonymous said...

Blogger keith said...

Want higher oil prices?

1) Israel attacks Iran
2) Saudi King overthrown
3) Iran attacks US warship
4) Russia or Venezuela cuts off supply

Oil when it wants to be is the most manipulatable commodity on the planet. The price is now too low, the supply too high.

This won't last much longer. Come hell or high water
I was reading an article where the journalist said virtually the same thing. A lot of the oil exporting governments NEED oil to be over $100 a barrel. The ruling families desperately depend on it.

And, they don't particularly like us!

Expect the sh*t to hit the fan over there much sooner.......than later!

Anonymous said...






The cries of the summer from you bubble watchers who couldnt see this one right in front of your face!



Anonymous said...

"European culture is ‘chocolate covered evil’ "

By legalizing s@x clubs, Australia has taken away anything that continental Europe had over America (i.e. US and its true friends {which includes Canada, Australia, and New Zealand}).

In essence, what Europe was an extension of some 60s gone wrong protest culture but w/o the responsibility of authentic work, innovation, and assimilation. Realize, Tesla, Marconi, and VonNeuman had emigrated to the US to achieve their American dream. These men will be remembered as American heroes.

Today, in Germany, there are third generation Turkish-Germans, who have both fair skin and speak perfect German (some are even Christian) but are treated as outsiders in the corporate world. In contrast, between 1920 and 1960, most Slavic, Greek, and so-called "other" near eastern Americans were fully assimilated, once the children had accepted the English language and culture of the land. In fact, half the so-called *whites* in America are part eastern European today. This is in remarkable contrast with Europeans who're not only racist (if you think Indians, east Asians, & Africans have it bad in the USA) but also divisive (see the expression Balkanized) among 'white' subnationalities. No wonder why they couldn't even deal with the Bosnia crisis w/o US intervention in Kosovo. The European Union is a farce.

Now, with legalized s@x clubs in Australia and New Zealand, all that Europe had is in the hands of the Anglo-philes. So true, the American cultural Puritans will force such activities out to the Nevada sands but in the freer regions, those sensuous freedoms will persist. Montreal, I believe, still believes in body freedom.

Anonymous said...

Replacements for oil are on the way.
I know for a fact there is an alternative, much less expensive fuel that can be used in one industry in particular. That alone will replace millions of gallons of petroleum based fuel per day.

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