November 15, 2008

S&A Quote of the Day

"We have in many ways humiliated ourselves as a nation"

-Hank Paulson, after he and his boss completely destroyed the respect and trust people around the world had for America and America's financial institutions, November 2008


Anonymous said...

f him.

he, his cronies, and a good deal of idiot Americans humiliated themselves... and not to the rest of the world's standards, but to our own standards. i refuse to set the bar so low as to compare ourselves and hold our elected officials to the standards of other nations. if we aspire to that, then we should just give up now. nope, we have to hold these criminals/clowns to our standards... which ultimately means prison for the lot of them, but before prison there has to be financial come-uppance.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! the smelly Eurotards are loosing the facade of
'the international community'

Anonymous said...

What's this WE shit Hank?? I have lived below my means and saved for years. Don't include me in with all the dirtbag Americans. Those dirtbags are the reason I wouldn't buy a home at outrageous prices, and now you want to reward their behaviour and stick me with the bill. FU dude.

consultant said...

I hope one day soon, this is what Paulson will say at his sentencing hearing.

I hope the judge says, "thank you Mr. Paulson", then gives him 3 years in prison and 5 years probation.

I'd like to see more, but that's probably all we can hope for.

But has to be indicted first!

Anonymous said...

"...What's this WE shit Hank??..."

HAH. That was a good one. Thank you for that.

We'll never lay a glove on any of these bastards.

Not as long as they can bribe a lot of us with our grandkids' money.

Most of this cuntry would sell their gramma for a nickel.

Anonymous said...

If I could kick him in the head I would.

Anonymous said...

Never trust a bald man wearing glasses who runs a Wall Steet Buscketshop.


Anonymous said...

We didn't humiliate ourselves. Bush and Paulson did. High time we differentiate between us and them so that criticism can be properly levelled.

Anonymous said...

I wish Paulson would roll over and DIE !!!!!!!!!

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